
Golden - 3

A tight hold over her waist, tensed arms that spiraled in paranoia, just as the winding stairs did. Brought closer and closer to the entrance. Tens of people loitering, whether waiting for another, or deliberating the composition of their party.

Standing, wary of the next, and the next wary of the person to their side. A mutual hostility that held the balance upon a thin wire. Where any misstep would create some sort of brawl. The hate packed within those bulging muscles and taught hands, aching for action against the one next to them.

No where among them could I find the same comradery that I held with the girl beside me. With Ais. 

No, they held this innate hostility that seemed to only grow with each passing second. Was this truly what a life as an adventurer held? Endless waiting, for the day that your very comrade would dismember you. All for a stray valis.

There was a sort of malice among the stairs, among the entrance to the depths. One that felt both directed and dismissive, as if our very being was hated. Yet that dismissive tone, that anger that felt so pointed, yet so distant.

It showered me with conflicting feelings. An itch upon my shoulder as I gripped the invisible pelt. Holding tight to the sanity that it represented.

Glowing blue light that spread throughout the dark cave. Illuminating it with some sort of powerful glow. As if to foreshadow some manic tragedy. Yet as moments passed, when Ais took the head of the first goblin. 

Blood spurt from the corpse, creating a river of green flesh and organs. A symphony of screams, in both life and death.

Flesh falling to the ground, fading to some black powder. Into the wind. Leaving only the core of his being. Pocketed into my side. Upon a pouch that rested against my leg. 

For now it weighed nothing. But as we went. Death after death following in sporadic bursts.

It grew heavier and heavier. Until neither of us bothered to even pick the cores from the ground.

Happy with the bounty we had made. But not with the progress that had been gained. For we had stayed upon the third flour, straying no further. Waiting for the dungeon to spawn out its hate filled offspring.

"Too easy…" Ais spoke. Breaking the silence between us.

"Agreed." I responded.

I pat my side. A quiver tied taught to my waist. Holding with it dozens of arrows, crafted from some swift touch. For I could tell their quality was rough. Made with cheap wood and even cheaper metal.

But that was fine. For it was what was needed. There was no desire for some fancy arrow. One that split into hundreds, or exploded on impact.

No, what was needed was a simple arrow. Cheap and in large quantities. Just as they should be. For a newbie like me.

And as the winding stairs repeated once again. Echoing the discovery of some new floor. The fifth. As in the rush of adrenaline, in the dissatisfaction and boredom.

We had made it so far below the ground.

That even the fourth floor, the barrier between rookies and experienced adventurers. Ones that had lived a life of death. Forever staying upon the ranks of the lowest.

The level ones, who never so much as advanced a single rank.

And so, we walked through those stairs, leading to some new environment. A sense of deja vu as I touched my hand to that hate filled wall. Bursting with spite. Glowing a warm green. In contrast to the blue that stood constant among the upper floors.

Once more we walked, yet against the experience and advice of our seniors. Who had come and gone from this floor hundreds… maybe even thousands of times. There was nothing.

No grotesque ant that crawled through the cavernous depths in droves of hundreds. No shadow upon my back, aiming its tri-clawed hand over my face.

Merely a gray background filled with that same warm green light. Illuminating the mere feet before me and Ais.

That small distance.

"It's strange." I spoke once more, "There should be more."

"Yes." Ais responded, turning her head around. Like on some swivel. Yet when it reached another corridor. This one minded by some stray goblin. Wandered from the floor above. No, spawned in this place.

I found myself tense. Hands upon my bow, already drawn, an arrow ready and waiting.

Sent flying with the wind.

But as it went, piercing the core of that same goblin. Of the next kobold, and the next goblin. My mind still felt hazy, wary of those new creatures. Who had yet to shine light upon their existences.

Drip… drip…

Liquid dripped over my shoulder. Some sort of water, quickly absorbing among the cloths that I wore. Yet as I touched my hand to my shoulder, feeling that damp sensation.

I found myself among some deadly silence. Even a glance at my partner, who had not yet broken the silence between us, even her brilliant gold hair. An existence that calmed my nerves.

That strong back of hers, telling of some determination.

Even her presence, assuring me that I was not alone. Even that did not calm my beating heart. As some sort of instinct pushed my feet to the side.

Blood bursting from my shoulder. Golden eyes widening in panic. Yet it was in some kind of slow motion. As each passing moment coalesced together into one fluid time.

Where I fell to my knees, clutching the wound. Screaming in absolute pain as my shoulder sent signal after signal. Telling me that I was dying, that the wound hurt.

A claw clung to me, pulling my kneeling body closer and closer. Only to be decapitated, a sword sending the monsters head flying. Yet was that the end?

Was that sneak attack all it was. 

As my nose twitched, my ears who rung with such violence, my tail balancing in the wind. It all told me that it was not done. As blood ran through that back, falling onto my side.

Splattering me in blood not my own. Blank eyes screaming out defiance.

A sort of weight upon my shoulder, tempting… telling me to take it off.

'But my sanity…'

My mind complained.

Yet it was overruled, for emotions won true. That same weight, who had begged so, was taken off. Sending me into a fury.

A roar, not that far from a monster wiping through the chamber we stood in. Blood dripping from my hair. An animalistic rage that could not. Would not be stopped. Not until I.. and… and… Ais… were out of here.

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