
Themyscira: Temple of the Gods

"Boom!" Two figures blasted through the sky at rapid speeds, as they parted the clouds.

"Hey kid. Do you have any idea where we're going?" Mazikeen asked, as she tried her very best to keep up with Lemuel. Lemuel didn't respond. He only kept heading east, as she followed behind him relentlessly.

After a few minutes of flying at supersonic speed, they finally landed near a massive winding river and stopped at the bank.

Lemuel sighed. As he landed with his Orithia who was now unconscious in his arms. He knew so much about Themyscira from his mom and had always dreamed of coming here, however, the Amazons weren't friendly towards males and would probably attack on sight, not that he feared, but he didn't want to put his mom in danger.

"Hey kid. Why are we out here in the middle of nowhere?" Mazikeen asked, as she heaved a small sigh. "I've got to get my mom to Themyscira. She injured her soul to cast a messenger spell to her master, the Goddess Hecate, though I really have no idea why."

Lemuel said, as he levitated unto the surface of the water.

"~anoixte tin pyli." Lemuel whispered, before the huge space in front of him basically parted into two. Before, Themyscira, although hidden was not sealed by any spell, however after the Princess Diana escaped with a man, the queen Hippolyta begged the Goddess Hecate for a guarding magic spell, to completely isolate Themyscira from man's world.

Lemuel instantly folded his wings behind his back, as he walked in with Mazikeen.

Instantly, they were transported into a beautiful utopia of a world, with exotic plants and even wildlife not available in the outside.

"I can live here for a few centuries." Mazikeen chuckled as she nodded in appreciation. Just as they took a few steps forward, several arrows pierced towards them, along with several spears.

"I'll handle this." Mazikeen said, as she stretched her hand forward. Instantly, a huge barrier materialized from shadows was instantly formed around them, protecting them from the onslaught.

"Identify yourself scum!!!" Suddenly he heard a loud cry, as several beautiful women with athletic but voluptuous figures appeared before him. They were dressed in leather armors and held unto long swords and shields.

"Let me deal with them." Mazikeen chuckled and walked forward with a smile. She instantly pulled out a small dagger as a murderous smile crept up to her face.

"Let's see this like ladies, shall we. He's here to meet your queen. Apparently, his mother is-" However, before she could complete her statement, her body was hurled into the sky by a massive kick from the lady in front, as she maneuvered and landed, using her wings as support.

"That's how you want to play huh." Mazikeen chuckled, before she blasted towards them.

"Enough!!" Suddenly, Lemuel raised his voice, as a massive shockwave exploded, sending everyone flying. "Kneel before me!" Instantly, his golden eyes turned red, as all the Amazons forcefully went on their knees with a single glance.

"No one commands the Amazons to kneel!!" Suddenly, voice sounded out, as a figure appeared, levitating in the sky fully dressed in armor, holding unto a sword and shield.

"State your business intruder, or die by my blade." The newcomer was a beautiful lady in a sleek golden armor. "My name is Lemuel Morningstar. And my mother, Orithia of Themyscira is gradually losing her life. She directed me to come here, and request to meet the queen." Lemuel spoke, as he moved forward fearlessly with his mother still in his arms.

"Orithia???" Suddenly, the woman in the golden armor dropped her sword and shield, as she run to Lemuel. "Her soul is losing its essence. We have to take her to the queen fast!" After seeing the face of the person in Lemuel's arms, she placed her hands on her forehead, before speaking with urgency.

"I am already here." Suddenly, another woman descended from the skies, dressed in regal robes, a crown of gold on her head.

"I never thought Orithia would return to us in this state." She said as she picked her up from Lemuel's hands.

"I'll take her to the temple of the Gods. Goddess Hecate is already aware of your presence and requests your presence." Hippolyta, the queen of the amazons said, as she turned around and gestured for Lemuel to follow.

She instantly took off into the sky, as Lemuel unfurled his wings and followed, alongside Mazikeen, paying no heed to the weird stares he and Mazikeen were receiving.



After a few minutes of flying, Hippolyta brought them to a massive temple, where they descended.

"Wow, these 'gods' never change do they?" Mazikeen examined the massive statues of the Olympian Gods as she mockingly spoke.

"Mind your words demon." The amazon who had hit Mazikeen with the kick spoke with disgust as she glared at her.

"Or what your highness. Are you going to hit me again? Because I can promise you if your try it again, no one here is going to be able to save you from my wrath." Mazikeen snarled, as she faced off against the red haired tall Amazon. "Stand down Artemis." Hippolyta ordered, as the golden armored Amazon, who was actually a photocopy of Hippolyta patted the red haired's shoulder and shook her head.

"That's right, you better back off." Mazikeen chuckled as she hurried to Lemuel who was busy examining the statues, not bothering himself with the disputes of the women.

"Alright, I'm goin to summon the Goddess Hecate. Please stand back a little." Hippolyta smiled, before bringing her palms together in front of her, as if she was offering a prayer.

"~akouse tin prosefchi mou,o, megali thea, kai vgeite~ " Hippolyta whispered in an ancient Greek tongue, as instantly, the whole place began to turn dark in an instant.

"Boommm!" A massive earthquake erupted, before a blinding light suddenly flashed through the temple.

Raising his head, Lemuel saw an extremely beautiful figure, dressed in aqua blue robes walking towards them. She was the closest thing to the definition of divine, and he could feel a multitude of creation reaching out to her to partake in her divinity.

Behind him, all the amazons kneeled in respect, however Lemuel stood ramrod straight as he placed his hands in his pockets.

Behind him, Mazikeen grinned, as she saw the figure of the goddess walking towards them.

"I never knew I would meet my favorite student under such circumstances." The Goddess walked to Lemuel and examined him, before walking to Orithia who was placed on an altar.

"Can you heal her?" Lemuel asked, as he followed behind. His words neither respectful nor disrespectful, as he walked to his mother's side. "I can, but that'll require I take her to Olympus, which is forbidden." The Goddess smiled, at Lemuel who only looked at her with a straight apathetic gaze.

"Do whatever it takes to heal her, and I'll owe you a favor." Lemuel said, as Mazikeen frowned behind him. "What an interesting little fellow. Although you're the spitting image of your father, the Morningstar, it seems you did not inherit his personality." She smiled and added, as all the Amazons looked on in shock.

"You'll owe me a favor." The Goddess smiled, as she waved her hand over Orithia, causing her to vanish. "Your mother will be fine in a few hours, however, I'm even more interested in you, Lemuel Morningstar." The Goddess said and took a seat, as Lemuel kept his eyes on her.

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