
Arcenyx : Dreaded dawn

An unknown time ago, mana was introduced into the world it mutated some living things and created vile monsters that destroy everything in their wake. Years later, now the world is overrun by mana and divided by magic. The Monsters of pure mana called the Arcenyx run wild and with the nations placed under the iron fist of the council, a war is brewing. will the nations rip themselves apart or will the arcenyx destroy them first.

Zitari · Fantasy
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12 Chs


A couple of weeks have passed since the bonding ceremony occurred. Illira and Damien have become friends and the Orphanage kids have been adjusting to their new siblings.

Illira and Damien walked down a quiet hallway when Illira looked around and then said, "Where are we going this isn't the way to the dining room, we are going to have breakfast with ur family, aren't we?"

"No, we are going to the training grounds. Brother Vesper is making me train all day today since the council academy is starting tomorrow."

"Good I really don't like sitting on that cold floor while you and your weird family have an awkward breakfast," said Illira to receive a giggle from Damien.

"Oh yeah.. um... master Damien.." mumbled Illira.

"What do you want you only call me 'master Damien' when you want something," said Damien after he interrupted her.

"That's not true, I also call you that when we are in the presence of other people," said Illira after he took a deep breath she continued "I want to join the academy, I talked to Bernadette about it but she said I need your permission first."

"It's ok, you can do whatever you want but might I ask, can you even do magic?"

"All races can do magic except humans," said Illira confused.

"Yes, but very few have any strong magical talent worthy of training," said Damien.

"You know what? how about I teach you your first spell," said Damien.

"That would be awesome but won't Stephan have a problem with it?" said Illira.

"Nah, I think he'll be happy to see you train especially since he is also of elven heritage,"

said Damien.

after a long work to the castle training grounds, which was essentially just a marked out spot in the forest that surrounds the castle. Illira and Damien saw Stephan sitting on a branch of a tall tree reading a book while pulling strands of his mahogany colored hair from his face as the wind scattered it.

Damien Noticing that Stephen didn't even notice their presence walked over to the tree and punched it causing Stephen and some leaves and branches to fall off the tree.

"Ahhh," screamed Stephan as he fell onto the grassy ground.

"Oh good day master Damien," said Stephen still a little disheveled.

"How do fight as a mage if your always carried away with your books," said Damien while Illira picked up the book he was reading and gave it back to him.

"Illira your gonna have to conjure up an element," said Damien.

"How do I do that," said Illira.

"Feel your mana, focus your thoughts and emotions and it'll just happen," said Stephan who was listening in.

"See, I told you he secretly loves teaching people," said Damien.

After a couple of minutes Damien and Stephan had begin combat training while Illira pondered on what to even do.

She remembered a vague memory that she had knew what mana felt like when Amethyst helped her but she couldn't remember when or why.

she shook it off as deja-vu then closed her eyes to look for that feeling.

She felt nothing after a while she got bored but when she was about to open her eyes she saw the image of a woman she had never seen before and immediately she felt that feeling rush into her then she remembered Stephan's instruction she concentrated and felt the energy pull into her arm but then she wondered what emotion to use. she decided to focus on the strongest emotion she felt which was anger at Elissa and immediately she did that her hand lit up with a bright orange fireball.

She alerted Damien and Stephan by screaming "I did it."

As she ran up to them to show them, she accidentally threw the fireball. Luckily Stephan caught it in his hand and extinguished it in a puff of smoke.

"Good job but try not to set things on fire next time," said Stephan.

Illira nodded and as she was about to ask them to teach her more a maid came up and told her mistress Bernadette had summoned her.

Illira reluctantly left and spent the rest of the whole day doing chores.