
Arcenyx : Dreaded dawn

An unknown time ago, mana was introduced into the world it mutated some living things and created vile monsters that destroy everything in their wake. Years later, now the world is overrun by mana and divided by magic. The Monsters of pure mana called the Arcenyx run wild and with the nations placed under the iron fist of the council, a war is brewing. will the nations rip themselves apart or will the arcenyx destroy them first.

Zitari · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


It was the morning of the first day of the council mage training Academy.

All the children were made to stand in two rows. They organized them by making them hold a small orb, if it turned blue then they were made to stand in the first line then if it didn't change color they were made to stand in the second line.

Illira was standing in the first line, she was secretly hoping to see her former siblings but unfortunately, she arrived early as she had Damien's permission to go so, Lady Bernadette made her go early in order to be courteous.

She was wearing her formal black uniform as the blood bond of a vampire elite. Her uniform was a long black dress which was designed with a red bow.

She was accompanied by a guard and even brought there in a carriage.

Once the officials that was supervising the event saw her, they brought her to the front of the line which drew even more attention to her.

When she walked in, she saw the woman who was performing in the village square during the blood festival.

"Good day, young lady what is your name," said Aditi.

"I am Illira of Acelin estate, blood bond to Damien Acelin," said Illira as she curtsied exactly as lady Bernadette taught her.

Unknown to Illira, Bernadette secretly liked her. In all her years of being a governess, she had never met a peasant that could exude the royal courtesies with such effortless grace. It was almost like she had lived as a royal her entire life.

"I figured, from the red bow on your outfit," said Aditi with a smile.

when Illira didn't say anything further and quietly sat on a stool that was far too tall for her eight-year-old self Aditi said, "I really am the woman you saw, perform. My name is Aditi."

Illira's eyes went wide and then she said, "You can read my mind?"

"No, members of the fae group can communicate with thoughts and emotion alone," said Aditi.

"like this," said Aditi without moving her lips.

"Woah," said lllira.

"What do you mean by fae group,"

"Oh, mermaids, elves, and Dryads," said Aditi again without moving her lips.

"Don't worry you'll learn all this when you study the origin of Species," said Aditi without loud this time.

"Ok, let's get to the test, shall we?" said Aditi.

She brought out a couple of knives from a drawer and placed them in a line.

"Which one of these is unique," said Aditi.

After staring at the ornate and uniquely designed knives for a while, Illira was confused at her question because to her, each knife was unique and different from the others in design.

"I don't know," said Illira.

"Are you sure?" said Aditi confused as she should have gotten the answer easily.

Noticing Aditi's expression, Illira got confused and closed her eyes in order to think, and then she felt something.

Aditi saw her little freckles glow and looked at her in surprise.

She then instinctively raised her hand and the drawer flew open, one more knife flew into her hand.

She then opened her eyes and said, "This one."

Still in shock, Aditi looked at her and said "Are you pure-blooded?"

Illira nodded as people have been telling her she is a pure-blood elf her whole life.

Before Aditi could say anything more the councilman that was organizing the children came in and said, "Aren't you done yet? we have a lot of children to examine."

Once he saw Illira holding the magic blade he nodded his head and said, "You passed, you can leave now."

Illira then dropped the knife and left. She felt so happy that she would be learning to use magic.

Once she left, the councilman said to Aditi, "You can take her as your apprentice if she passes the exams for now we have a couple dozen children waiting outside."

Illira proceeded to follow the guard who then escorted her to the carriage and they left.

About an hour later, the orphanage kids had arrived after finishing their chores.

"Let's go join a line," said Trevor.

"Wait, before we go, Rember your new name?" asked Amethyst referring to Qing.

"Yep, Jade," said Jade.

Elissa named her Jade in order not to draw attention to her as she obviously looked foreign to Grimborne. Having Jade as her name will get fewer people asking her where she is from.

They then proceeded to do the orb test. Amethyst, Naomi, Jade, and Derick were placed in the first line while Trevor and Gerald were placed in the second line.

After a long wait, It was Amethyst's turn.

She walked into the tent to see the councilman from earlier. Aditi had left because she had other things to attend to.

He brought out the same set of knives and did the same test but unlike Illira, Amethyst calmly pointed to the drawer and said "It's in there."

Next was Naomi who gave a similar answer to Amethyst.

Then Jade and Derick answered that the knife wasn't among the ones they were shown but they weren't able to pinpoint exactly where it was.

They all passed and we're absolutely elated.

Meanwhile, in the order tent, the humans who weren't able to light the orbs were given a potion to drink. They were then selected by how the position affected them.

In reality, it was a magical potion that simulates the transformation into vampires.

The humans who were able to handle the potion had a higher chance of surviving Vampirification or at least the physical aspect of it anyway.

Trevor went in first and was greeted by a man who had a large scar on his face.

"Drink child," said the man in a cool baritone voicee.

He nodded and took a sip.He felt nice and energized at first, but then he started feeling pain from his heart and on his jaw, it was a strong pain but it was somewhat bearable.

The man asked him " How do you feel?"

He replied, "It stings a little but the pain is relieving." The man watched his body language for a while and then said

"You passed, give me your name and come here tomorrow to be assigned roles along with the other students."

When Gerald took his on the other hand he felt the pain all over his body but he refused to yield to it. Noticing his strong willpower the man passed him.

After the tests, the kids immediately ran home to tell Elissa that they had all passed and Elissa had a somewhat displeased reaction but the kids were too excited to notice.

Later that Afternoon in Damien's room, Illira was telling Damien what happened to her while she was folding his clothes and he was writing something.

She then remembered something and asked him "Why didn't Penelope take the test with me?"

"who?" said Damien.

"Master Vespers blood bond," said Illira.

"Oh, you mean her? she didn't have to be, he probably just wrote to the council and requested her admission," said Damien as he continued writing.

"Wait, you can just do that?" said Illira.

"Yes, I would have written about you but you were so excited about it, so I let you go," said Damien.

"Oh, thank you," said Illira and he nodded.

After a while, she finished with the clothes and got bored so she asked, "What are you writing?"

"A letter to my Father," said Damien.

"Illira the looked over his shoulder and said, "Isn't it a little formal to be for your dad?"

"You can read?" said Damien ignoring her question as he did not want to explain the relationship between him and his father further.

"Yes, Lady Elissa taught me and the rest of us at the orphanage," said Illira.

"You should probably go prepare it's gonna be a big day for you tomorrow," said Damien.

"Ok," Said Illira excited for tomorrow.