
Arcane: The Beginning

The Arcane. I will not disclose how many volumes it will be or what will be the plot. It's a pandora's box, so open it to know about it. Arcane: The Beginning will state the adventure of David James Morningstar aka Lucifer. It's a tale of his rise and destruction and reconstruction. But it's not only his tale. It's a story of them who stood beside him, them who stood against him, those who influenced him, be it mortals, immortals, or the universe itself. There will be a lot of characters and each has its own duty to fulfill in this epic saga. It's a fantasy genre-based story but there will be romance, action(a lot of it), Kingdom building, Solo adventure, Evil personality MC, Mature, Harem, System, and Strong Female Lead as sub-genres. I hope you guys like it.

LuciferMStar · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: Powerful Twins 

After Gerard and Patric are gone, Richard quickly activated the sound cancelation barrier and makes a call to his wife Lilith who is currently running the Morningstar household.

As soon as the call connected, Richard speaks with conspicuous excitement, "Hello Lilith I have some very big news for you. Where are you?"

Lilith, "What happened? I am in backyard."

Richard, "Quickly find some place safe. It's very important news for our family and it's about the kids."

Lilith, "Okay give me a sec."

On the opposite side of the call Lilith was visibly anxious. She quickly finds a safe place.

"Now tell me what happened. Did something happened while awakening? Are they hurt?"

"No no. Nothing like that. They both awaken their element and talent. Its pretty shocking. I am sending the encrypted data. Just check it out. Call me when you are done."


After sending the data of Ruby and Jimmy, Richard rises his head and ask Jonathan, "Johnny, what should we do now? Should we inform your grandfather about it?"

John, "I think you should wait for aunt, uncle. She is the head of the family. I think she should make the decisions. And after all we have a lot in our plates already."

Richard, "Yeah. The guilds and academies are making a big ruckus about the whole expedition thing. I don't know who the hell leaked such information. It's pretty troublesome to handle all of this. Father is not and he is not here also. If he is here now no one has the courage to raise their voice."

John, "We don't know where is he now. It's been 2 years. Even grandfather does not know where he is now. Previous year grandpa came back so I asked him if he had any news about him but he also said he didn't."

Richard, " Don't worry, I think no one can harm him in this galaxy with that old man and his wired puppets. He also turns 16 this year. I think he will be back for awakening. That fellow....."

Richard's band start to vibrate, It's a call from his wife.

"Hello, Lilith did you see that?"

"For god sake Richard did you make the data confidential or not?"

"Of course I did. As soon as I saw the data I made it confidential. I am a senate after all and also their father."

"Okay. Who else knows beside you?"

"Beside me, Johnny, Patric, Gerard and Patric's daughter Ashley."

"Okay. I will contact Father about it. He will deal it. Specially for Ruby. Her talent is too vital. I will call all the core elders and held a meeting for further action. You call Daniel and l will inform Jenny and Rosalia. And oh yeah tell John to inform Alice. Almost forgot, did you inform Lily?"

"Oh I forget."

"You dumb head. She the mother of them. You should inform her first. I would have told her but she is not in the house. Just call her and tell the news. I have to prepare a lot. All the good news is coming with some enormous future problem. Don't know it's a good sign or bad. Okay Do your work bye."

After ending the call Richard let out a sigh of relief. Every time he talks with his 1st wife he got scolded. He loves his wife but there also fear and respect for her.

Richard then makes another call to his second wife Lily. Lily is the mother of the twins. She is a researcher of Federation. Her expertise lies in Modern Energy Conversion Technology. She is researching on the D-mine isotopes, how to make D-mine particle more energy efficient and some other technical shit he could not understand.

As soon as call connected Richard hears his wife voice, "I was waiting for your call. How is it going with the kids? Are they safe?"

Richard, "They are safe and I have some great news about them. They awakened peak level rare elemental affinity and some freakish talent. And its confidential. So come home as soon as possible. I cannot tell you about it over the call. There will be core elder meeting. So just reach home as soon as possible and inform Daniel that Lilith and tell them to come home for the meeting."

On the other side Lily was over the moon when she gets to know that her kids are some super genius. She barely hides her excitement, "Okay I will be home with Daniel. He is beside me. We are having lunch. Do you want to talk with him.?"

"Connect him to the call."

"Okay wait." Lilly add Daniel to the call. Then she disconnects from their call. A few seconds later.

"Hello brother I hear all about the twins. We have two more geniuses in our family. Congratulations. He he."

"Oh shut up. They are okay compare to your kids. Anyway on serious note there is something serious about Ruby's talent. Come home as soon as possible. There will be a core elder meeting tonight."

"Is it so serious? Okay I will take Lily and come back as soon as possible."

"Okay. And how is it going on your end?"

"It's not good. I don't know how the guilds and academies get the news. But now they are creating some problems for us. They are asking to share the mining rights with them. We are negotiating but I think once the mine size evaluated it will be more chaotic."

"Hm. Don't worry MS Commerce will not compromise without any benefits. And they should know that it is not good to mess with Morningstar's."

"Yes, I think they are creating trouble because father is not here and they think the Morningstar's not a lethal threat as we don't participate with otherworld's activity much."

"Humph. Let them think that. They forget the bloodbath and pile of course on which our family build. They forget about the little devil and his means. Okay keep that aside we will discuss about it in the family meeting. Call you wife and take Lily and come home as soon as possible."

After disconnecting the call Richard looks towards Jonny and says, "John fetch the twins and other kids as soon as they all complete the ceremony and got straight to house. I have some work to do. Once finished I will meet see you in the meeting."

John, "Roger uncle. Then see ya. Bye."

He is Comming. Let's build up some more as I also needs more chapters to introduce the current characters and plots. It's not a one man stroy. It's a saga. Everyone is important more or less.

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