
Arcane: the beast of the Undercity

In this fanfic, a boy with no memories suddenly found himself outside of the city of Piltover, but also discovers that he is not a normal human.

Daoistti9SNq · TV
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1 Chs

chapter 1

Somewhere outside the city of Piltover, in a huge canyon, a figure of a boy who looked to be about 16 years old, is seen lying on the ground motionless. The boy was covered in dirt and mud from head to toe. It looked like he was completely integrated with the earth. Close to his body, a rustle was heard. A rat-like creature was scavenging for food. It noticed the body lying there lifeless and out of curiosity, it moved closer and closer.

It was carefully inspecting it and circling the boy's body a few times to see if it was alive. It decided to rear its teeth and bit the boy's arm. The moment the rat-like creature took a bit, the boy who had lain there motionless on the ground suddenly gasped and revealed deep black-colored eyes. In a blink of an eye, he grabbed the creature by the head and threw it towards a nearby tree. The creature flew through the air with great speed and hit the trunk of the tree with tremendous force!


The creature let out a tiny screech after it hit the tree. Blood splattered over the area where the creature landed and died.

The boy instantly got up and was franticly observing the area where he found himself in. He couldn't remember how he got there. first, he noticed that his entire body was covered in dirt and mud and desperately tried to remove it, but it was too thick. He spotted a creek a few meters from where he was standing and quickly ran towards it. Without a second thought, he rushed in and hurriedly washed. it took a while to rid himself of the mud as it was thick. While he was washing, the boy didn't notice a pair of eyes breaking the surface of the water. The pair of eyes drew closer and closer to the boy and slowly retreated underneath.

After almost cleansing himself from all the dirt and the mud. The boy then stopped as his instincts were suddenly telling him that he was being watched. He didn't understand this feeling, but with a wary look, he scanned the surrounding area. He didn't detect anything, but the feeling became more and more intense.

He was getting more nervous and he slowly retreated to land. As soon as he made it out of the creek, he suddenly felt something grabbing his leg, and before he could react, was swiftly dragged back into the creek. He was struggling to fight back, grabbing anything that he could use as a weapon. He then spotted a rock that was sticking out of the ground and quickly grabbed and pulled it out. And without hesitation, he was hammering away at whatever was dragging him. Seeing as he was dealing no damage to it, he reached out to a root of a nearby tree and grabbed it, but he barely held on to it.

The thing was too strong! After a few seconds of tug of war, it successfully pulled the boy into the water. He let out a small yelp before he was completely submerged.

The water was troubled as he was still struggling to break free when suddenly...


The boy was nowhere to be seen.

The bubbles that were forming stopped and silence surrounded the creek.




But soon the silence was broken by tiny bubbles popping and the water began rumbling and then...


A frog-like creature instantly burst out of the creek! And the boy that was dragged by the creature now suddenly appeared on the back of the creature. And now the tables have turned. The face of the boy was distorted with rage, purple veins were forming on his face and muscles, and claws pointed from his fingertips. The eyes of the boy which were pitch black at first turned into a dark purple. The boy jumped off the back of the creature and landed in front of it and then like a ferocious predator, he brutally, viciously started to attack the frog-like creature.


The frog-like creature roared out of pain from slashes and stabs that it was receiving from the boy. The creature was frantic and desperately trying to get rid of the boy who was inflicting terrible pain all over its body. Blood was oozing all over. Every time the creature tried to attack, the boy would easily dodge and swiftly deliver powerful blows.

The fight went on for a few more minutes when the creature then finally collapsed. The boy delivered a final slash with his claws to the creature's throat. The body of the boy was, at first, covered with thick mud, but then was replaced with thick red blood.

The boy stared intensively for a few moments with his blood-red eyes at the corps of the creature. His face filled with anger. His claws were still on full display. His heart was beating at a rapid pace and was still breathing heavily from the rush of adrenaline. He calmed down and his face was now relaxed. His eyes slowly turned back to his original black color. A question now popped up in his head.

(Did I just do this?)

He couldn't remember much. All he could remember was being drowned and seeing the face of the creature that dragged him underneath. He was filled with fear, but then the fear turned into rage. and that's where he suddenly blacked out. He saw flashes of him fighting and killing the monster, but he felt like he wasn't the one doing it. He felt like a passenger in his own body while something else was taking the wheel. He tried hard to remember more but gave up.

He looked at his hands and his body which was a complete mess. He made his way to the same creek, but this time checked to see if there weren't any hidden surprises.

After washing he walked over to the corps of the creature and see if he could any parts of its body to use as a weapon. He then made his way to its face. He opened its mouth and saw the teeth which were big and looked sharp. He pulled one of them and looked around to see if could find something that he could attach the tooth to. He couldn't find anything, but dead trees, some rock formations. He then wanted a way out of the canyon. he wandered around some more, and after a while, came to a dead end. He turned back and searched for other exits, but always came to dead ends. after a while of searching, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a huge crevice in the ground. He stopped and moved closer. He looked into the crevice but saw nothing.

He picked up a rock and threw it into the crevice. A couple of seconds have passed when suddenly his ears twitched...


A faint metallic sound echoed from the crevice. The sound caught the boy's attention. He crouched and looked closer into it, but still couldn't see anything. He was still a bit hesitant, so he looked around and picked up another rock and threw it into the crevice again, and counted. After 23 seconds...


Another faint metallic sound echoed from the crevice. He moved away from the crevice a bit. He closed his eyes and sighed. He knew it was a dangerous risk- no, he knew it was stupid, but he just had to do it. This could be his only way out of this canyon. He stood back up and took another glance at his surroundings. He took a deep breath and clutched the creature's tooth close to his chest. He took one step forward and down he went.

The boy was now freefalling. He looked up and saw how the light from where he fell became smaller and smaller and the deeper he fell, the darker it became. 15 seconds have passed. He then saw little flickers of light quickly going past him. First, it was just little by little, but then the darkness that surrounded him was now filled with beautiful flickers of light. He had never seen anything like this before. It looked like he was falling through space.

While he was admiring the lights, his instincts suddenly went into overdrive. He started to see the bottom. He then came up with an idea to use the tooth of the creature to help him slow down his descent. He didn't know if the tooth was going to be strong enough, but he had to try.

He motioned himself to get closer to the wall. He saw that he was getting closer to the bottom so, he then quickly grabbed the tooth, and with both of his hands, then drove the tooth into the wall.


He kept thrusting the tooth into the wall with all his strength. It left a long trail on the wall while he was falling. He began to feel that he was slowing down, but after a while, he started to see that the tooth was beginning to crumble.

As he was getting closer to the bottom, he began to hear a river. He thought his ears were deceiving him but he narrowed his eyes and he was right. He saw a river coming into view, as he was getting closer. The tooth began to crumble even more. He waited a little bit more to get closer and when he was satisfied with the distance, he let go of the tooth and dove into the river like a missile.


He immediately swam back up and burst out of the river. He now found himself in a huge underground cave. It was astonishing. He looked up at the ceiling of the cave and saw the crevice where he fell from and was kinda shocked. He couldn't believe that he made that jump and survived.

He swam to the riverside where he then saw a pile of metal and other materials. When he finally made it, he crawled to the ground and for a few seconds, he was laying there to catch his breath. He closed his eyes and put his arm over his face. He was reminiscing about his little journey and was thinking about what to do next, but he put it aside for now. He just needed time to rest first, but then...


Startled by the sudden rumbling, he instantly sat straight up. His eyes quickly turned into the same crimson color, but now with a hint of his original eye color. He looked back at the pile of metal and rushed straight toward it. He then climbed up and hid on a metal platform that was stuck between two boulders.


The noise became louder and louder. He subconsciously revealed his claws and was patiently waiting for the cause of the rumbling.
