
Arcane Immortal

Robert Frost, CEO of a multinational company, transmigrates to the world of Immortals and Arcanists. He must confront the consequences and make difficult choices that test his will to survive in this mystic world. Follow Yuan's journey as he learns about his immortal bloodline and sets out on a quest to find out his true potential. With each challenge he faces, he gains a deeper understanding of the world around him and the true nature of his destiny. In a world where strength and power reign supreme, Yuan must find his own path and rise to greatness as an arcanist with an immortal bloodline.

Daoist_Drumstick · Fantasy
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168 Chs

To Become an Arcanorian

"Rest well for next week. Don't go hunting, and don't practice knives. After one week, you will begin your journey as an Arcanorian," Spoke Wen Shan.

This was the first time he had heard the word Arcanorian. Was it the word used by arcanists? It piqued his interest even more, so was his mother an arcanist? But he did not ask, as things would reveal themself as time passes. It had indeed looked mystique when his mother disappeared.

His uncle said his mother died peacefully after giving birth to him. Yuan did not plan to tell him that he had watched his mother disappear. But Yuan was sure that was not a normal death, even in this world. Yuan had seen many villagers dying peacefully or horridly while fighting beasts but they all were normal deaths so far, and none of their bodies had disappeared.

Yuan nodded and headed back to his room.

But judging from his look of excitement, Wen Shan thought Yuan probably wouldn't be getting any sleep that night. Wen Shan shook his head endearingly and headed up to the attic.

In reality, Yuan was pretending. He slept peacefully. With this world that had magic and immortals, he'd rather not push it. And take things as they come and make the most out of them. Just like a smart businessman would do. Besides, he had a tiring day practicing knives and hunting, and he wanted to get proper rest.

While Yuan went to bed.

Wen Shan reached the attic, he started moving boxes. The attic was storage for their junk, but it was well-maintained with not a speck of dust in sight. Wen Shan shifted some books to reveal a jade box, a meticulous formation carved at its base.

Wen Shan carefully took out the jade box. He also pulled out a red medallion from behind the box.

A week passed.

Yuan's uncle brought him to the courtyard. Yuan sat in front of him, and his uncle spoke.

"You have questions for me about your heritage?"

Yuan shook his head.

Wen Shan spoke, "It's okay. I know you were always curious about your parents. Your father is from the immortal fire clan. They cultivate the element of fire."

Yuan was wide-eyed. "His father was from an immortal clan. He was alive?"

Even if Wen Shan talked about his mother from time to time, he would never talk about his father. This was the first time he heard Wen Shan talk about his father.

He spoke with curiosity, " My father is alive?"

Wen Shan spoke, " I am not sure. With his fiery temper, he may or may not be; last I heard, he went missing in Cloud Mystique forest trying to save your mother, but I know your grandfather is still alive."

Yuan spoke, "what about my mother? Who was he trying to save my mother from?"

Wen Shan shook his head and spoke, "Your mother was from the seeker clan. Her clan was known for its wisdom. Even if she is not with you anymore, her legacy is."

Saying this, Wen Shan took out a jade box and put it in front of Yuan. When he opened the jade box there was a crystal ball kept in it.

Wen Shan asked Yuan to touch the ball. Yuan followed his guidance and touched it.

When Yuan touched the crystal, he heard the sound of some type of sutra being spoken in his mind.

Yuan looked around him, and his body was turning transparent.

Something similar to what had happened to his mother. He grew nervous. Was he dying, or was he going to meet his mother?

This feeling was unique, unlike anything he had ever felt in his last life. It was as if he was leaving this world and entering some other world.

He felt a sensation in the middle of his forehead. It was a cold, freezing sensation as if something had entered his mind. Yuan knew his uncle wouldn't do anything to hurt him, so he trusted him and continued holding the ball.

"You will be entering the world of wisdom. There you will receive guidance from your maternal ancestors. When they ask or offer you something, accept their offering and be respectful, they are your ancestors." Spoke Wen Shan

Yuan nodded; even though he was not sure what was going on, he was very curious about it. His mind was slowly blurring, and he felt his mind and body were moving towards some other world or dimension that never existed in the material world.

After some time, Yuan opened his eyes, and he found himself in a place unlike any he had ever seen before.

He was standing in the middle of what appeared to be an enormous library, with books upon books stretching as far as the eye could see. The air was cool and crisp, and the room was lit by a soft, warm light that seemed to emanate from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Looking around, Yuan noticed that there were no walls or ceiling - instead, the books and shelves seemed to extend infinitely upwards and outwards, disappearing into a hazy, otherworldly mist. The shelves were made of a shimmering, silver metal that glinted in the soft light, and the books themselves were covered in ornate, gold, and silver bindings, each one embossed with intricate, swirling patterns.

As Yuan took a step forward, he noticed that the floor beneath him was not solid ground but instead a swirling, ethereal mist that seemed to shift and change with every step he took. Despite the otherworldly appearance of the room, Yuan felt a sense of peace and calm wash over him - as if he were exactly where he was meant to be.


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