
Arcane Coven

“I longed for love, prayed for it even. For two thousand years, I anticipated the arrival of my mate, the one who will love me, care for me, look at me as if I was his joy, his happiness, his life,” she paused. Even her tears never shed. “And he came,” she added, her eyes cold. I looked at them and found my soul freezing. And I shivered. “He came, but not to love me. He came to torture me! He came to show me how unworthy I was of him! And so,” she spread her arms, smiling eerily as she continued, “I did what every woman should do. I killed him.” --- Tatia, a 25-year-old who writes for a living, visits an unfamiliar town to attend a friend’s wedding. It was blissful for the first few days, and she thought it will continue that way until the day of the wedding. But she was wrong. Taken by a strange, cold-blooded pack of cults, Tatia found herself in an unsolvable predicament. When she was about to embrace death, a beautiful teenage girl saved her like a knight-in-shining armour. And it was then, the beginning of the Arcane Coven. The Alpha and Omega.

Bloody_Iron · Fantasy
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34 Chs

I Was Cheated!

WHEN OFFICER ECCLESTONE left, I gave Magnus a hateful glare! He just had to ruin everything, hadn't he?! When things were about to get to the most crucial part, he would arrive and crash it!

What was wrong with him?!

And I asked him exactly that!

"I told you not to meddle in this case." He looked unapologetic. And he was even smiling, much to my annoyance! "Whatever is happening with the Morois and the witch behind it, you have nothing to do with it. Ignore it."

"And let people die?!" I half-shouted. With people around us, I didn't want to cause a scene. That would be more embarrassing.

His gaze shifted to the shop. "Then, once you found the cause of all these predicaments—- what will you do?" He then looked at me. "Hmmm?"

My lips unconsciously opened to retort, but nothing came out of it. I tried. I cracked my brain to give him a reasonable response. But right after thinking about it, realising my foolishness, I had to purse my lips in dismay.

Yes, ah!

What will I do?

Fight the witch? With what? With my wits? Do I even have that? Even if I have, what could it do?

When did I start thinking of myself as a hero?

I looked at Magnus' clear gaze. Hesitantly, I asked, "Can you not help me?" I couldn't even hear myself when I asked that. But Magnus seemed to have heard it.

One of his eyebrows rose, and I thought he would reject me. Yet, he took my hands and grasped it. My eye twitched. It took me a hard time not to swat his hands away. With eyes twinkling, he said, "If I did, what's in it for me?"

My mind froze. I couldn't think of anything. Aside from becoming a hero of this town, which obviously didn't matter to him, I had nothing to offer.

Since I didn't reply, he continued, "How about dating me after this?"

That could also be used as a deal?

"Why not think of other things?" I tried to bargain. I didn't quite understand his reason for being touchy—- well, I think I understood, but I just disliked jumping to conclusions. Better confirm than assume. Anyway, did he like me? And why? The first time we met was more than a month ago. I think it was two months already? Then, if we counted the times we saw each other, it wouldn't exceed five times. There was no way a romantic spark would develop in such a short period of time!

Or was it love at first sight?

I shivered.

He shrugged. "That's the only thing I want. You can think about it."

Magnus was about to release my hands, but I quickly grasped it. "Wait!" I exclaimed. "Wait. I think—- I think—-" I took a deep breath, "—- Okay. Deal!" I couldn't believe my first time having a relationship would be cheated like this!

His whole face brightened, and his arms circled around my waist. This time, I didn't hesitate to swat his hands off. We were in front of a shop with a dead body. Yet, we got the nerve to act like a stupid, loving couple.


How inappropriate!

Magnus smiled in response. He inserted both his hands in his pants pockets and said, "That small-time witch's soul is missing."

My eyes widened from that revelation.

"In fact, all of the victims's souls are missing."

"The vampire or Moroi as you call it—- you didn't catch it?" I frowned.

Magnus blinked. "Why should I?" Before I could react, he added, "But now, I should. But it would be challenging, my love. Even if we catch this certain Moroi, with the witch behind it still around, our hard work would have no point."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Call Ase."

I stilled. And my face darkened. Ah, indeed, I was cheated!

My mood deflated even more when Magnus chuckled. If we had to call Aseyana to do the work, there was no need to set a deal with this guy! And how come I didn't think of that? Well, part of me didn't want to disturb the girl. She had already given me a lot of help.

"Aseyana will do the work. I think the deal is off," I said.

Magnus took my hand and crossed his fingers to mine. I stared at it heatedly when he said, "Ase's job is to find that witch. My job is to assure that witch won't hurt you in any way." Somehow, I could hear coldness in his tone.

"Can't Aseyana do that as well?" I think witch versus witch was the best way to win this fight. Remembering Yasha's previous plight with Penelope, my thoughts became firm.

"I can assure you, my love. This fight—-" This time, his face turned stoic, "—- we better not let Ase handle it."

As we discussed, we called Aseyana, or to be more exact, I called her. Once evening came, Magnus stayed for dinner and left. He always leaves before 8 PM. I couldn't help but notice that.


I paused when I heard the voice. I quickly checked if I called the right person.

'Aseyana' was written in the ID. So, yes, I called the right person!

"Where's Aseyana?" I asked.

"She is scheduled for a meeting with the little fairy," Yasha replied. "It has been a while. I thought we were friends. Yet, the first person you seek to speak with is my niece. I am hurt, my dear bloodling!"

My mouth twitched.

"Well, I don't need anything from you," I teased.

"Oh!" she exclaimed. "So, you called because you need something from my good niece. I am glad our friendship is not as pathetic as that. Still, I will let my niece know how you feel about her. I love it when I am at the top, and she is below me."

Is it too late to redeem myself? I felt bad! Even if I knew Yasha was only being sarcastic like usual, I still felt sour inside! Now that I think of it, Yasha's sarcastic remark was making it worse!

"Are the two of you not on good terms yet?"

"We already made up the day you left," she scoffed. "Seriously. There is no need to leave the town for that. Anyway, what is it that you need for you to give us a call? And finally, if I may add."

Okay. I took a deep breath.

"I met your brother."

There was stillness from the other line.

"Which one?" Yasha urgently asked.


She sighed—- a relief one at that.

"Is there something wrong with your other brothers?" I couldn't help but ask.

"There is something wrong with each of them, actually," Yasha sneered. "But Magnus is the kindest." Yet, she added, "I think."

Now, that was such an ominous thing to say.

"Anyway, you have nothing to fear if we speak about Magnus," Yasha continued. "He is most powerful during the night, but he is cursed. He can't leave Grandi Valentina at the time. Otherwise, he would face severe consequences."

I gasped. So, that was why he always left before 8 in the evening!

"When you meet him during the day, his powers are held back. He would be like me—- an undead with no special ability. No need to fret over him."

Somehow, I pity Magnus for having such a sister. His weakness was shared without hesitation.

I cleared my throat. "Actually, I'm not calling because I have a problem with him."

There was a pause before Yasha replied, "What? Then, why did you mention him?"

"Yes, I mentioned him. But I didn't say I am having trouble because of him," I said. She was the one jumping to conclusions!

"Then, why are you calling?"

"I need Aseyana's help with a certain witch."

"A witch?" she repeated with disgust. "A witch again? They really tire me out. They need to tone their attitude a little. Most of the disasters happening in this world are caused by them."

Is it?

"Well, can you ask Aseyana if she can come here for that? I hate to trouble her—-"

"Do not continue your words. It would make us merely acquaintances. I told you. We are friends. And friends help each other."

That was the sweetest—- only the sweetest words I heard from Yasha. I was touched and amazed at the same time!

We talked for quite some time before ending the call. I suppose I was so used to Yasha that I realised I missed her. We were friends for only a week, but I felt like we had known each other for decades.

I could accept love at first sight in that situation. Well, don't get me wrong. I heard and read about people loving each other at first sight. I even witnessed it myself from my old friends. It was just that I couldn't imagine myself in that situation. Impressed or astonished at first sight, maybe. But love? It was hard to tell.