
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-60- Give! Me! That! Phone!

"Boss Linwin, where have you been for the past two years?" A burly Zaunite with a tough and menacing appearance sat in front of Linwin and respectfully inquired.

Wearing new clothes, Linwin held a glass of malt whiskey, taking small sips, and with a smile, he replied, "I've been handling some business."

"What kind of business could take two years? Vander and Silco have been calling us constantly, urging you to come back."

"What do they need me for?"

"Vander and Silco didn't say, but they wanted us to find you and get you back to Zaun as soon as possible."

Linwin nodded and continued to drink while sharing stories with a few guys who had come with him from Zaun to the desert.

"Did those Marauder Brigands run away as soon as they saw you?"

"Kind of, but unfortunately, I couldn't bring back a Skarlash. It's too hot-tempered. It takes more than strength; it takes time. I didn't have enough time, so I had to let it go in the end."

"It's probably someone's dinner now or caught by another band of raiders."

Linwin shrugged.

At that moment, the tent's flap was kicked open, and accompanied by a gruff growl, someone exclaimed, "You still know damn well to come back?"

It was one of Linwin's old friends.

Wearing a lizard-skin hat and dressed in a cool, airy gauzy outfit, Zevi's well-proportioned figure was on full display. While she shared the same dark skin tone as the desert dwellers, hers was a different kind of dark.

The people in the desert had sun-darkened skin that was deep, dull, and lacked luster. But Zevi's complexion was naturally dark.

As soon as she entered, she kicked Linwin in the chest.

The impact sent Linwin stumbling, and Zevi slowly crouched down while clutching her foot.

"Sorry, Zevi, I got lost in the Desert," Linwin said apologetically as he looked at her.

"Why didn't you call back?" Zevi gave Linwin an exasperated look, still catching her breath from the pain.

Enduring the intense pain, she scrutinized Linwin from head to toe.

Having not seen him for two years, she noticed that Linwin had grown taller, surpassing her in height. His facial features had become more attractive, and his body had become more robust.

But to Zevi, Linwin was nothing more than a valuable tool for experimentation. She had devoted her life to science, and there was no room for romantic entanglements.

She certainly had no intentions of developing feelings for Linwin, despite having known him for seven years, seeing him every day.

"That place had no signal," Linwin explained.

"It's impossible. Your Hextech phone is custom-made, and it uses a unique gem as its core. Your Hextech phone is practically a mobile base station. Unless you ran to the very edge of the Shuriman continent..... wha...you crazy bastard...."

Zevi looked at Linwin, who was embarrassed and clueless, then smacked herself in the face, pulling down her cheeks to make herself look ugly. She didn't care about appearances.

Because she understood.

"You really went to the edge of the Shuriman continent?" 

Linwin nodded awkwardly.

"Alright, I can't be bothered to deal with you. Give me the Hextech phone."

Linwin quickly handed a black long box to Zevi.

"When you left, I told you to change the power source, but you didn't listen. You said you'd be back soon. Is this your definition of 'soon'?" Zevi took the box and swiftly opened it. She rummaged through her gauzy skirt pocket and retrieved two small gems.

"All the latest materials have been sent back to Zaun. How much longer are you planning to stay here?" Zevi asked as she replaced the power source for Linwin's Hextech phone.

"We've been out for how many years?" Linwin asked.

"Almost four years," Zevi quickly replied.

"Four years, it's been quite a while," Linwin remarked.

"Linwin, I don't want to get involved in your matters with Jayce or the affairs of Zaun and Piltover. My family came to Piltover from elsewhere, so I have no attachment to Piltover. I don't care about which one becomes the 'City of Progress.' The only thing I care about is one thing:"

"Don't harm innocent people."

Taking out the darkened "battery," Zevi replaced it with a new one and delivered this message.

Linwin shrugged. "I know."

He learned this gesture from Silco, though he couldn't recall when. It had become popular among his circle of friends.


In less than two minutes, Zevi handed Linwin his Hextech phone.

"By the way, I've heard some rumors that the Fog might be facing some... trouble recently," Linwin mentioned to Zevi.

"Trouble? No trouble at all," Zevi said, sitting down on a stool and crossing her legs while supporting her chin with her hand.

A perplexed Linwin asked, "Are you not concerned about the new gang in Bel'zhun that's targeting the Fog?"

"Since you're back; what's the trouble?" Zevi rolled her eyes dramatically.

What trouble? If it weren't for the fear of Noxian forces came knocking at their door, Zevi would have already sent someone to deal with the small gang.

Their leader was nothing more than a fool with an oversized old-style double-barreled shotgun, accompanied by a few scrawny Sandfolk and Bilgewater pirates. Did they really think they could take on the Fog? 

Those damned Noxians had the audacity to claim a friendly relationship with Piltover. Every time she sent materials back to Zaun, the Noxians took their share, and it gave Zevi headache.

Starting a few years ago, Zaun stopped purchasing materials from Piltover and began seeking materials to craft their own gemstones. While they couldn't use Piltover's Hex Gates, they were fortunate to be close to Shurima, where the materials for crafting Hextech could be found in the seemingly impoverished desert region.

This land was rich in countless ancient relics and mystical stones. After all, it had been the heart of the once glorious Shuriman Empire.

In comparison to other major powers on Runeterra, such as the Noxian and Demacian Empires, one could easily see the immense power and influence that Shurima once held.

Even though Shurima had fallen, its territory was still as vast as the entire continent of Valoran. This indicated that there were many unexplored treasures left behind by the ancient empire in this desert region.

"Well," Linwin responded.

"After I make a phone call, I'll go take care of those matters," he added with a smile.

"You better do it," Zevi replied, clearly still displeased.

Having followed her for four years and disappearing for two years in the middle, Linwin was well aware of Zevi's lingering resentment.

So he could only grin foolishly.

But his hands didn't stop moving.



The City of Freedom: Zaun.

In the year 980, Zaun declared formal autonomy. Without seeking approval from Piltover, the people of Zaun directly sealed off the elevator that connected them to the upper city, as well as the grand transportation corridors leading down from Piltover.

In the year 984, after six years of development, Zaun underwent a significant transformation in its appearance.

Although it still retained its post-apocalyptic, punk environment, many new and innovative buildings had sprung up. The faces of the Zaunites now bore more smiles.

In Zaun, you could no longer see one alchemical factory after another, or endless stacks of toxic gas emissions. Instead, you could now see one shop after another, and countless Zaunites working to change the city's landscape.

What you could see were towering spires that pierced the sky. These peculiar spires were constructed for air filtration, using Hextech energy to purify the air. They absorbed metallic particles from the air and cleansed a significant amount of toxic gases.

Although Zaun was still shrouded in smog and surrounded by pollutants, the city was indeed changing. The people of Zaun were united, living together in this City of Freedom.

Zaunites no longer needed to seek jobs in the upper city. With Zaun's booming economy and productivity, the city provided them with job opportunities and the means to lead decent lives. 

They didn't need to endure the insults and discrimination from Piltover residents, and if they could earn a livelihood for themselves and their families without going to the upper city, why would they bother?

Even though the city was still plagued by smog and polluted water, it was their home. In the depths of the alleyways, formerly known as the Black Ally, now stood Zaun's council hall. The Chem Baron from various districts and the two leaders of Zaun would often hold meetings here.

Now, the Chem Barons no longer oppose Vander's leadership. 

No one wants to live a difficult life, especially when they don't have to.

"Vander, there's a call!"

The western mine has been restructured into a facility for processing Hextech gemstones. The person in charge of this facility is Blackice, one of the first female Chem Barons who pledged loyalty to Vander.

"Whose call is it this time?"

In a brightly lit hall, Vander, dressed in a sweatshirt, was busy examining documents. He replied with a hint of annoyance, "If they're looking to purchase Hextech phones and resources, tell them to contact Silco. They shouldn't be dialing the central hall's phone all the time. I already have enough on my plate."

"But Vander, this is a call from an unknown number," Blackice looked at the Hextech phone's screen, displaying a string of digits, and added, "It's an unfamiliar number."

Vander sighed, "Unknown numbers don't need to be brought to my attention! Blackice, you have a Hextech phone too, haven't you received calls from strange people before? Every month, a few individuals misdial. It's a perfectly normal occurrence."

He then lowered his head to examine yet another message that had just arrived. He felt the urge to smash the table in front of him.

Buy weapons? Why would you purchase weapons from us when you can get them in Piltover?

Alchemical weapons? Zaun no longer produces alchemical toxins!

Is this not a veiled threat? Asking the alchemical scientists of Zaun to create powerful biochemical weapons? Now the best scientists of Zaun are teachers!

Now, Singed is dividing his attention between Shimmer and Hextech, serving as the headmaster of the Academy of Zaun. Although his students number fewer than a few hundred, it's because there aren't as many orphans in Zaun these years.

The lives of the Zaunites have slowly improved.

"I'm aware of that, but there's something odd about this phone number," Blackice mumbled.

"What's wrong with it?" Vander asked.

"Uh, this phone number... it's 000003."




"Quick! Give! Me! That! Phone!"

Vander roared in frustration.