
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-350- The little fun between ADC and Support

At 3:30 PM, the photographers arrived promptly at the boxing arena.

The boxing arena — originally designed for opera concerts, could accommodate several hundred people in its upscale auditorium.

Now, the venue had been temporarily transformed into a boxing ring because its design met the requirements of a boxing arena, with a circular shape, high exterior, and low interior, complete with seats and private boxes.

In the center was the performance area, where a huge octagonal cage was set up.

It couldn't compare to the excitement of the previous footrace event, but the secluded environment, specially designed lighting, and decorations created an atmosphere that made people hold their breath, feeling both tense and excited.

Approaching four o'clock, the event organizers responsible for this sports event had already arrived.

Apart from the head referee Linwin Lorant, there were two referees proficient in combat techniques, and one of them was Vander!

Yes, Vander couldn't participate in boxing events, but due to his love for the sport, he chose to be one of the referees for this event.

As for Linwin Lorant, he was in charge of all the events, overseeing the venue and managing order.

"The draw is complete. The first match of the day is Sett versus Shagu."

When Linwin arrived at the venue, all the athletes scheduled to participate in the boxing matches today had already arrived.

Today, there would be six matches, scheduled from four in the afternoon until nine in the evening, and the same would happen tomorrow.

Near Vander, Jayce and Viktor were watching the dark octagonal cage together, their expressions somewhat uneasy.

Jayce really couldn't accept such violence as a type of sport. Well, it should be said that most Piltovans couldn't accept it either.

Piltovans, who considered themselves high-class citizens, couldn't admit to liking this sport because bloody brawls and the words "nobility" and "gentlemen" were incompatible.

On the other hand, Viktor, who seemed mild-mannered, was the opposite. Having grown up in Zaun, he had high hopes for boxing as a sport.

Bloodshed was inevitable, but the entertainment value was undeniable.

As Linwin put it — boxing was romantic.

Vander saw Linwin and walked up to him, saying, "Linwin, Powder and Zeri are ready, but Seraphine can't make it because she has to host."

"Where are the instruments?" Linwin looked around, not seeing any instruments, and asked Vander.

"They're all backstage," Vander said. "Powder and Zeri are here too, but are you sure you want them to show up?"

Linwin nodded, somewhat helpless. "Powder insisted. If she can't participate in the sports event, fine, but she insisted on showing her face. Setting off fireworks at the clock tower during the opening ceremony doesn't count; her face couldn't be seen clearly."

Vander nodded in understanding.

Powder was a wild one indeed.

Actually, Vander initially opposed Linwin's idea of using music to kick off the event, but when he heard the music played by Zeri and Powder together, he promptly agreed.

The rhythmic drumbeats accompanied by deep bass, this extremely simple music could ignite one's blood.

"Let them get ready; the opening is about to start," Linwin said, checking the time.

It was almost time. The event would start promptly at four, so preparations could begin now.

"Everyone, come over here," Vander turned around and clapped his hands.

Soon, Vi, Sett, Shagu, and several other tall men walked over.

Sejuani and Darius didn't come over because they were scheduled to fight tomorrow, so they stood in the inner field, quietly watching.

It was the round of thirty-two into sixteen.

Linwin looked at Vi. She was indeed the shortest among this group of boxers and the only woman in today's matches.

But Linwin wasn't worried about Vi.

Not drawing Sett was good news. As long as it wasn't Sejuani or Sett, even with a monster like Darius, Linwin believed Vi had a chance of winning.

It wasn't that Linwin was deliberately disparaging Noxian people; it was mainly because Darius had only been training for boxing recently. Boxing was different from the carnage in the arena; there were rules, such as no kicking, no hitting the back of the head, no using elbows, etc.

And Linwin believed that while Darius might be an unstoppable force on the battlefield, in a one-on-one match, there were plenty of people who could beat him. Battlefield combat and one-on-one fights were completely different.

So, Vi's only opponents were Sejuani and Sett, especially Sett.

Vi and Sett were recognized by players as the epitome of male and female boxing!


At four o'clock in the afternoon, the television was switched on promptly.

Seraphine appeared on the TV screen, smiling as she began to introduce the upcoming events.

"Boxing matches are different from arena battles. Now, let me briefly introduce the rules of boxing matches."

Seraphine read out the rules.

And this immediately elicited different reactions from people all over.

"It's really different from the battles in the arena. I knew it. Sports in Twin Cities won't end in death."

"What's the fun without death? Just watching two people punch each other? I might as well go to the arena to watch people fight. It's really boring."

"Why are there women?" In a tavern in Zaun, a merchant drinking alcohol wondered aloud.

"Women? Sir, it seems you don't understand." A man with tattoos on his face sitting next to the merchant spoke up upon hearing the question, raising his glass as he spoke. He walked over to the merchant.

"Oh, did I say something wrong?" The merchant's forehead sweated as he looked at the burly man, feeling a bit scared.

"Don't be afraid, I just came to have a drink with you." The burly man patted the merchant's shoulder, showing what he thought was a "friendly" smile.

However, upon seeing this smile, the merchant became even more frightened.

"Do you know who she is?" The burly man pointed to Vi on the TV.

"I don't know." The merchant shook his head quickly.

Watching the TV, as the camera focused on the woman with pink hair, medium-length hair with bangs in front, and the back of her hair tied up in a simple manner, leaving a short ponytail.

Her facial features were extremely beautiful, and she stood to the side with a smile on her lips, looking a bit roguish.

Watching this woman, the burly man laughed heartily as he patted the merchant's shoulder, loudly saying, "Let me tell you, this woman is the boxing queen of Zaun, no, she is the boxing queen of our Twin Cities."

"Huh?" The merchant is stunned, looking at the rough-faced Scar King and then at the slender woman on TV.

In fact, she doesn't seem skinny, because when the camera focuses on her, her arms and shoulders, the shape of her muscles are very attractive. But when she stands with that group of people, she becomes skinny and small.

"Just wait, Vi will beat them up."

The burly man raises his hand, signaling the tavern owner to pour another glass of wine for the merchant.

"Just like when she beat us up."

Taking the glass, the merchant sighs with relief.

Well, as long as I don't get beaten up, it's fine.

But the boxing queen of the Twin Cities?

Why is he so skeptical about this?


In the backstage of the boxing arena, Lux sits obediently on the side, placing her hands on her knees, legs together, sitting sideways, her bright blue eyes shining with excitement.

"My mom and aunt be able to hear it later, right?"

"You've asked three times already, Lux!" Zeri, holding a guitar, mumbles with a pick in her mouth.

Later, she and Powder will perform a short piece while Seraphine introduces the names of the athletes. During that time, they will play an inspiring piece of music.

This kind of music really suits Powder and Zeri's tastes.

Seraphine doesn't seem to like it much.

"I just want to make sure, okay? I told them before that the music in the Twin Cities is very nice, but they didn't believe me. But now they can hear it for themselves." Lux says with a smile.

She also wants to help, but unlike previous Twin Cities Days, there's no need for a lighting technician this time, and Lux's knowledge of instruments won't be of much use.

The instruments in the Twin Cities are unique, or rather, many instruments require electricity to function.

Like the instrument Zeri is holding, and the... "thing" in front of Powder.

What's it called again?

Oh, bass and drums!

Especially the drums played by Powder, Lux just can't get enough of watching.

Powder, in short sleeves, vigorously swings her arms, striking the drums with force. Lux really likes that scene because it's so lively!

"No talking for outsiders!"

Playing with drumsticks, Powder turns her head to look at Lux and then threatens, "If you speak again, I'll kick you out."

"Don't! It took me a lot of effort to get in here." Lux immediately says pitifully.

Kai'Sa didn't follow because this isn't playing, it's a big deal, so Kai'Sa doesn't plan to bother Powder and Zeri, but Lux just followed in anyway.

Well, I promise I won't cause trouble! - That's what she said before she came in.

"Then shut up."

Lux immediately covers her mouth with her hand.

When Linwin walks into the backstage, what he sees is Lux sitting obediently with her mouth covered, Powder playing the drums, and Zeri playing the bass.


This incredibly familiar shout, honestly, every time Linwin sees Powder, she immediately becomes very happy and energetic.

"Are you ready?" Linwin walks up to Powder and asks.

"We're ready, just one piece of music, right?" Zeri stands on one foot, shifting her body and tilting her head, holding the bass.

Then Powder just pushes Zeri's head away.

After chatting with Powder for a few more words, Linwin suddenly feels strange.

Turning his head to look, he sees Lux still sitting in her seat, tightly covering her mouth with her hands.

Seeing Linwin looking at her, Lux's big eyes blink, and her body sways slightly.

This makes the cluster of golden hair on her forehead sway along.

Is this a way of greeting Linwin?

"What are you doing?" Linwin looks at Lux with a wry smile.

"Mmm!" Lux shakes her head vigorously.

Holding Linwin's waist tightly, Powder looks up and says, "Ignore her."

Linwin: .

Oh, I see!

This is the little fun between the ADC and the support, right?

By the way, the relationship between Powder and Lux is really like a love-hate relationship.

Since the first time she met Lux, Powder has disliked her, but inexplicably, the relationship between the two has gotten better and better.

When Lux left the Twin Cities after Twin Cities Day ended, Powder was sad for quite a while.

After the construction of the Hextech Stations and being able to call Lux, Powder started to dislike Lux again.

And this time coming to the Twin Cities, Lux is always hanging around Powder and Zeri. The three of them are the same age, and in Lux's words, they are "comrades."

Of course, she has to stick with Powder and Zeri.

As a result, Powder is starting to find Lux annoying again.

Linwin remembers the skin of Jinx and Lux, the little story in Star Guardians.

Jinx and Lux are in a "love-hate" competitive relationship.

In the Star Guardians, Lux looks a little like a bullied little girl, and now, she's not just a little, she's a bullied girl.

She's Powder's exclusive bullied girl.

"You guys chat, I'm going out to work, someone will come to shoot your music later."

Linwin rubs Powder's head and says.

"Got it." Powder says.

"I'm ready." Zeri nods.

"Mm!" Lux nods vigorously on the side.



At four o'clock and five minutes in the afternoon, after the head referee appeared, the TV screen suddenly changed again.


First, a drumbeat sounded, striking everyone's hearts.

Then, a series of triplets followed.

People in front of the TV suddenly froze.


In the grand plaza of Demacia, the people of Demacia looked up at the TV in astonishment.

The strange sound became louder and faster.

"Is... is this music?" murmured a soldier from Demacia.


Another deep voice joined in.

The two voices converged.

The TV also showed footage.

First appeared a pair of exquisite leather boots, rhythmically tapping on a small board.

Then, a slightly white-skinned section of a leg with a hint of pink.

"Ionia — Sett!" Suddenly, Seraphine announced, and the footage immediately switched to a tall man with red hair and animal ears.

The sound became more rhythmic.

In the background, the low music became louder, and the rhythm became faster.

"Twin Cities — Vi!" Seraphine said again.

On the TV, a girl with long blue hair tied into two braids nodded her head. She sat in front of a pile of strange objects and rhythmically tapped with two sticks.

Then, the scene shifted again to a woman with pink hair wearing a red jacket.

She walked slowly towards the stage, looking up at Sett standing with crossed arms and legs.

"Which one is Vi?"

"You fool, it's definitely the one on stage now."

"Didn't we just see her on screen?"

"Is this music from Twin Cities?"

"It's a bit strange. But it sounds good. It makes me want to go up and throw a few punches."

"Are you looking to get yourself killed?"


Backstage, Powder vigorously drummed, Zeri played the bass guitar beside her, and Lux wanted to applaud but remembered Powder's words, so she chose to sit quietly and listen.

Her eyes were shining, and she was very happy.

She really liked this kind of music!

At the same time, Lux also heard Linwin's voice.

"First round! Blue side Sett versus red side Shagu!"

" Both sides enter the octagon now."

In the arena, Linwin loudly announced.

After Sett, who was shirtless and showed exaggerated muscles, and the Shuriman warrior Shagu took the stage, Linwin also entered the octagon.

Vander frowned and leaned against Vi's side.

"Do they still need to fight?"

Vi heard his muttering.

Rolling her eyes, Vi raised her arm and nudged Vander's side, saying, "Why wouldn't I?"

"Presence, physique."

"In my opinion, that Vastaya named Sett from Ionia has already won." Vander said.

"What about me? I can't compare with my opponent either. Look at that guy, he's a head taller than me and has a fierce look."

Vi said, smiling up at Vander. "But I don't think I'll lose."

Vander was stunned, then he reached out a big hand and patted Vi's shoulder, smiling, "You're right."

Physique and presence are not absolute conditions for victory.

For ordinary people, the chances of winning against someone much stronger are very slim.

But Vi is different. She has defeated countless people heavier, taller, and stronger than her since she was fourteen...

Vi has proven this.


"In the cage, we speak with our fists."

Vi squinted and said.