
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-319- Look what you've done

"Mag, please believe in the strength of the Twin Cities. Our ninth councilor, Linwin, whom you have heard of as the guardian of the Twin Cities, has gone to negotiate with Noxus and Dacwyr. I believe he will persuade Noxus to agree to a ceasefire."

Mel smiled as she spoke confidently to a royal in front of her.

"Yes, he went in person, so you can rest assured. As long as your tribe participates in the Twin Cities Games, you will receive protection from the Twin Cities. During this time, no other country will invade you."

"Councilor Mel."

The man rubbed his hands nervously and said timidly, "I want to know how long the guardian of the Twin Cities has been gone?"

"Um," Mel paused for a moment, then immediately said, "It's been two months."

"Alright, we'll sign, we'll sign now. As long as it ensures that Noxus won't invade us, we're willing to do anything," Mag said eagerly. His country had been affected by the war, but as a small nation, they couldn't resist Noxus's army at all.

Now, by participating in the Twin Cities Games, they could receive protection.

For small countries and tribes, this was undoubtedly a great joy!

Look at the long line! Countries threatened on the continent of Valoran have all come to participate.

And for countries far from the threat of Noxus, when they saw even Demacia and Noxus participating in the Games, wouldn't they feel too singled out if they didn't participate, and then be targeted?

So Mel's recent sleep time was pitifully short.

As a diplomat for the Twin Cities, she had too much to do recently.

"So, Mag, please put your fingerprint here." Mel handed a paper to Mag.

Mag nodded, quickly took the small box handed over by Mel, pressed his index finger on it, then pressed his own red fingerprint on a piece of white paper filled with the treaty.

"The Twin Cities thank you, Mag." Mel reached out and patted Mag's shoulder with a smile.


Raising her hand high, Mel held a stack of papers in her hand, shouting. She looked at the long queue, sighed heavily.

Well, the work must continue.

But Mel still muttered quietly:

"Linwin, you rascal!"


In the political center of Piltover, a building built into the clouds.

In a luxurious office, Jayce stood up, one hand on his waist, the other holding a Hextech phone, talking to someone on the other end.

"The TV has been produced, but the picture is black and white, and it looks blurry. But don't worry, Zevi is now making the forty-seventh adjustment, and it is expected to achieve color pictures by January next year, and the picture will become much clearer."

Jayce said earnestly into the phone.

With Lulu in hand, many materials described by Linwin could be created, but the principles couldn't be explained. Under Lulu's abnormal ability, these materials were easily created. After obtaining the first material, Zevi and Viktor began to dismantle the material, then conduct corresponding analysis, and then understand and learn how to make such things.

Three months later, the TV can now be used preliminarily, but the only trouble is that the current TV still has no sound, and the picture is still black and white, far from the color picture Linwin mentioned.

But Zevi and Viktor are working hard, and almost all the scientists in the Twin Cities have joined Zevi and Viktor's team. So with these powerful people, it is expected that it won't be long before we can see real TV.

By then, the engineers of the Twin Cities will travel to various countries and tribes participating in the Games by Hextech airship and hovercar, to build TVs for them for free.

Linwin wants those who cannot come to the Twin Cities to also see the splendor of the Twin Cities Games!

If the plan succeeds, after next year, the Twin Cities will completely become the center of Runeterra, both economically and politically.

In the future, the Twin Cities will become the security bureau of Runeterra! The Twin Cities will take care of everything in the world!

"However, what's the situation on your end now? You've been away for more than two months, Linwin, which is different from what we originally agreed."

Jayce's tone carried a hint of resentment.

"Sorry, Jayce, I'm having some trouble on my end too." On the phone, Jayce heard Linwin's voice, with a hint of a smile, and a bit of breathlessness.

"Swain does indeed plan to seize power behind the scenes, intending to overthrow Darkwill's rule and take control of Noxus. But the time is two years later, and during this period, Noxus is still controlled by Darkwill. You also know that guy is a lunatic now, he hasn't even seen me."

"Wait, you mean you've been in Noxus for two months, but you still haven't seen Darkwill?" Jayce finished speaking, chuckled, as if venting his emotions.

"Yes, Darkwill is now just a puppet, pretending to control Noxus, but he's nothing at all."

Linwin immediately added as Jayce seemed unhappy, "I'm currently helping Swain take over Noxus first. We're cooperating with Swain, and he has agreed to sign a peace treaty. For many years to come, Noxus will not invade other countries."

Jayce blinked, then moved his hand from his waist to his forehead, rubbing his temples hard.

"Linwin, you rascal, do you even know what you're doing?"


"You're helping your enemy!" Jayce exclaimed loudly. "The Swain you mentioned is such a dangerous man, and now you're helping him? Since when did we have such good relations with Noxus?"

"Jayce, Swain can be cooperated with, his abilities are very powerful. Just relying on us won't be enough to fight against the Void."

Linwin said seriously. "Please believe in me."

"Of course, I believe in you. If I didn't believe in you, would I be doing all these things? How many times have I covered for you?" Mr. Talis sat down in a chair, straightened his back, and continued loudly, "Do you know how I've been these days? I sleep at most four hours a day now!"

"I want to know exactly what you've been up to lately. Mel said you've been away from the Immortal Bastion for a month and a half, and in this month and a half, even Jago Midarda hasn't seen you."

"I've been chasing after a woman lately."


"Say that again?"

Jayce stood up with a roar, holding the phone and shouting, "While everyone in the Twin Cities is working their asses off, you're chasing after a woman? Oh I'm gonna tell powder! I'm definitely going to tell her!"

"Wait, what are you even thinking?" Linwin's voice sounded frustrated.

"I'm tracking the whereabouts of a woman. She's very dangerous, and if I get entangled with her, Swain will advance his plan ahead of time."

"You know..." Jayce took a deep breath.

"In the developmental stage, you're like a lazy dog, in the ascending stage, you go to Shurima to mess around, and in the mature stage, you come back and lead the way to slack off every day. Now, the councilors are learning to enjoy themselves, and Powder is becoming more and more mischievous. You've completely corrupted the atmosphere of the scientists in Zaun and Piltover. Linwin, can you say that anything you've done in these years is what a leader should do?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Linwin started feeling irritated.

"I provide funds for the development of the Twin Cities, I plan for the future, I lead the way in fights and brawls, I've changed and done so much, isn't any of that what a leader should do?"

Jayce was about to say something, but then he heard Linwin's impatient voice.

"Enough, I'm hanging up, I'll talk when I get back."

"LeBlanc!" Linwin suddenly shouted.

Then, there was a female voice.

"Linwin Lorant! Are you never going to stop? You've been chasing after me for a month and a half, what exactly do you want?"

"Until you're willing to stop and have a proper conversation with me. Otherwise, I'll chase you to the ends of the earth. Unless you stop using magic completely, you won't escape my grasp."

"Fine then, let's see who'll have the last laugh!"

Jayce hung up the Hextech phone, looking at the phone with a disgusted and puzzled expression.

This guy, what exactly is he playing at?