
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-285- Explosion, Monster, Void

"Mmm, Jericho, this is the taste!"

Vi picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of green frog meat, it looked like frog legs, put it in her mouth and chewed. Vi even sprayed a little green juice on the table as she spoke.

"Hurry up, let's go, this is so disgusting."

Jasticar heard the voice from his team, which echoed his own sentiments. But since His Highness didn't leave, how could Jasticar dare to leave in front of Jarvan IV?

But obviously, Jarvan IV couldn't stand the taste and appearance of Jericho's cooked frog meat either.

Taking a step forward, at this moment, Jarvan IV didn't intend to explain to Vi anymore.

He was afraid he couldn't even eat his dinner after watching for a little longer.

The Demacian group quickly walked away.

Sejuani quietly looked at the two big bowls in front of her, each the size of her head, filled with green soup and frog meat chunks.


"Eat up, Sejuani, why aren't you eating?" Vi turned to Sejuani and, seeing her serious expression, immediately said, "I understand. Don't worry, didn't I just say it? Jericho's food may not look good, but it tastes great."

"You think this stuff tastes good?" Sejuani looked at Vi with a twitch at the corner of her mouth.

"Give it a try." Vi looked at Sejuani hopefully, with a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

She had brought many people to Jericho's place to taste it, but so far, only she had eaten here.

Hmm, why couldn't these people taste the goodness in Jericho's cuisine?

With a serious look at the big bowl, eventually, Sejuani still gritted her teeth and took a bit of soup with a wooden spoon.

As long as it was food, Sejuani could eat it. This statement was not just talk.

At the worst times, Sejuani had eaten bark. You should know that raw meat, blood dripping, was a delicacy for Sejuani, so cooked frog meat, although unsightly, should be edible.

Placed at her lips, Sejuani extended her tongue and licked.

The next moment, her features twisted together, and she turned numbly to Vi.

"Is this what you call... delicious?"

Not that she couldn't eat it, she could, but it really choked her throat.

Especially with so many delicious smells around, this frog meat seemed... well, this is garbage? It must be garbage, right?

"Why? I really think it's delicious!" Eating skillfully with chopsticks, unlike Sejuani, who had a complicated expression after taking a bite, Vi ate heartily, cheeks bulging like buns, feeling extremely satisfied.


Adhering to the principle of not wasting food, Sejuani gritted her teeth and finally finished off the two bowls of frog meat.

"You're the first person I've brought here who finished Jericho's food," Vi said, feeling touched.

"So you've brought many people here to eat this stuff?" Sejuani picked up the napkin on the table and wiped her mouth.

Boiled frog meat was very spicy, so spicy that Sejuani's lips were red, even a little swollen.

Vi smiled and asked again, "Since you've finished eating, let me ask you, how's the taste?"

"It's hard to describe." Sejuani looked at Vi expressionlessly and said, "I find it hard to imagine that in a bowl of frog meat like this, I can taste spicy, sour, salty, and even... a bit sweet? Especially its texture, it's more like seaweed than meat, slippery, no chewiness at all. And what's really strange is why after eating it, I always feel like my stomach's on fire? My mouth also feels numb, really numb."

Saying that, Sejuani had the first thought of disgust about food in her life.

Oh no, it's definitely not the fault of the swamp frog meat, it's the fault of the cook.

"Sejuani, you described it so accurately. I just love this texture!" Vi looked at Sejuani, exclaimed, her face full of excitement.

"I plan to use the words you just said to introduce Jericho's cuisine in the future."

Sejuani with a cold face, "."

Do you call this stuff cuisine?

"As for what you said about feeling like your stomach's on fire and your mouth going numb. Don't worry, that's normal."

Vi said indifferently as she handed the bowl to Jericho, who was making gurgling sounds.

"Because the frog meat from the Mire has a weak toxicity."

"Toxicity?" Sejuani's eyes widened.

"Don't worry, the toxicity is weak, eating too much will at most give you diarrhea," Vi said nonchalantly.

"You....." Sejuani looked at Vi, remembering the days in Freljord when this woman had also been nothing but troublesome to Sejuani.

Vi was always so casual.

"Jericho, I'll come back next time!"

Pulling Sejuani's arm, Vi stood up.

"Where to now?" Sejuani asked as they walked along the food street.

"Where? I'll take you back," Vi said.

"I want to explore a bit more."

"What about those two people following you?" Vi asked.

Sejuani paused, she didn't expect Vi to care about her two tribespeople.

"They won't wander around, I've already talked to them."

"I mean, what about their food? You're full now, but what about them?" Vi turned around and looked at Sejuani.

"I'll bring some food back for them."

"Got it, since you want to explore more, okay, I'll accompany you. Besides, it can also be my excuse for taking a day off tomorrow." Vi stretched her body and flicked her fingers.


It was 10:30 at night in Zaun.

Sejuani carried a big bag full of various foods.

Walking along the food street, Sejuani and Vi walked side by side.

What Sejuani found interesting was that many people on this street knew Vi. When they saw Vi, they would greet her and make way for her.

"You don't have money now, so you can spend mine for now, but remember to pay me back when you have money," Vi said to Sejuani.

"I'm kinda broke you know?" Vi said to Sejuani.

"I know." Sejuani looked into the distance and saw Jarvan IV's group again.

Vi didn't pay attention, she was in a hurry to go back.

If she went back late, Powder would really fall asleep, and then it would be hard to deal with her.

"Let's go, it's almost eleven, can we go back now?" 


Sejuani withdrew her gaze and followed Vi.

And it was at this moment that a strange horn sounded.

Vi, who had been carefree before, suddenly tensed up and looked up at the sky.

Sejuani looked at Vi puzzled, but Vi didn't pay attention to Sejuani.

"Woo woo woo!"

"All residents of Zaun, please evacuate the northern mining area immediately!"

"Enforcers, please gear up and hurry to the northern mining area!"

"Woo woo woo!"

"All residents of Zaun...."

Vi suddenly grabbed Sejuani's arm and said sternly, "Stay here and don't move, don't wander around, I have something to do now."

After speaking, Vi ran towards the north side.

Sejuani stood still, feeling puzzled. Zaun was chaotic and complicated, and she didn't know the way around without Vi. Without Vi, she couldn't even find her way to the boundary markets.

"Hurry up!"

The enforcers patrolling the food street quickly lined up, and Sejuani saw Vi joining them.

In just a moment, a group of enforcers appeared in the sky and flew towards the northern mining area.


Explosions rang out—

Then, a series of consecutive explosions, followed by intense flames appearing in the northern sky of Zaun—

Jarvan IV heard the explosion and was stunned. When the fire eruptet, he immediately patted Garen's shoulder hard and said loudly, "Quick, Garen, organize people to help extinguish the fire."


Garen quickly raised his hand, and the three Dauntless Vanguard soldiers who accompanied him immediately rushed northward at a very fast speed.

And Jasticar quickly followed.

"Weird... Father said that Zaun is very powerful now, and Noxus dare not invade the Twin Cities, so this explosion... should be an accident in the mine?" Jarvan IV thought.

Meanwhile, Sejuani had already approached him.

She saw everything.

Curiously looking at Jarvan IV who was giving commands, Sejuani couldn't understand, so she spoke up, "Little prince."

"Don't call me that, Sejuani," Jarvan IV turned around, frowning.

"What does this matter have to do with you, with you all?" Seeing Jarvan IV looking at her, Sejuani immediately said.

She continued, "Why do you want to go help a group of strangers?"

"Is there a reason for me to not help them?"


"Damn it, this pit, these monsters, what, what are these monsters!"

"Stop them, don't let them rush out!"

"Who allowed you to mine at night, are you crazy!!!"

"Open fire!!"

"Shh, shh, shh"

Under the deep pit of the northern mine, the sound of shushing came one after another, and the enforcers in formation turned on their flashlights and shone them at the edge of the cave.

There, climbing out were monsters—

It was the Void.