
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-282- Damn you two!

"What the fuck did you just say? Say it again so I can hear it more clearly..."

Kassadin's tone turned unfriendly, looking into Linwin's eyes, he asked in a low voice, "Did I hear correctly? Did you just say she's also your wife?"

Linwin awkwardly extended his hands, shaking them in front of him, expressing his embarrassment, but still managed to say, "Y-Yes..... she is."

Upon hearing Linwin's response, Kassadin took a step forward, anger evident on his face.

Meanwhile, Powder on the side was incredibly happy, playing with her fingers, her fair and tender knees pressed together.

"Hehehe," she stood there with a silly grin, resembling a cat that had stolen something, Powder was truly ecstatic at this moment.

In fact, Powder's biggest fear was that Linwin wouldn't acknowledge her identity, fearing that Linwin would still see her as a sister.

Powder's biggest fear was that even though she had done so much for Linwin, even to the point of completely abandoning her "dignity" and taking the initiative, Linwin still wouldn't accept her feelings.

But that's just Powder's personality.

After confessing, she must get an answer on the spot. She wasn't the kind of girl who would listen to the other person say, "Ah, let me think about it."

She was the kind of person who, even after hearing "I see you as a sister," wouldn't give up, would keep running forward, and would demand a new answer from the guy.

Because her love was so intense and passionate.

It was so intense that Powder couldn't control her actions at all.

Linwin also noticed Powder's expression, and then, Linwin became even more helpless.

This conversation was clearly meant for Powder to hear.

All along, Linwin knew about Powder's feelings for him.

After all, they were childhood friends.

Although Powder was almost crushed by the sudden arrival of Kai'Sa, becoming a loser, Powder ultimately succeeded in sneaking into Linwin's heart when Kai'Sa wasn't around.

And, it must be said, Powder's infiltration was very successful.

But now, what should I do?

Powder, you're happy, but what about me?? What should I do now?!

This is getting bad!!

What should I do if my father-in-law wants kill me?

Fortunately, just as Kassadin was about to confront Linwin, a voice rang out.

"Father, what are you doing?"

Kai'Sa frowned, looking at Kassadin's gloomy and angry face, quickly flashed in front of Linwin, extending her hand to protect him.

She and Kassadin faced off against each other.

And with Kai'Sa stepping in and blocking him, Kassadin's heart almost shattered into pieces like glass ...

Looking at Linwin, then at Kai'Sa, and then at Powder, Kassadin finally retracted the Nether Blade that was about to pop out, saying in a firm tone, "Kai'Sa, didn't you hear what he just said? He and this Powder also...."

"He doesn't just have you." Kassadin pointed at Linwin.

"I already know about it." But Kai'Sa's tone was calm. Yes, she knew, she knew from the beginning about this.

Powder liking Linwin.

Even she, for a while, felt guilty towards Powder.

Clearly, from their first meeting, Powder had claimed Linwin as hers.

"This...." Kassadin looked at Kai'Sa with some headache.

He wouldn't stop Kai'Sa from doing something she likes, because ever since he saw Kai'Sa in the desert, Kassadin felt his life was complete.

For someone who emerged from despair, he didn't desire much. As long as he could be by Kai'Sa's side, Kassadin was willing to do anything.

So he wouldn't manipulate Kai'Sa's future; he wouldn't dictate her choices.

Whether Kai'Sa liked a street thug or a nobleman's child, regardless of their personality and behavior, Kassadin would accept it.

Kassadin only wanted to stay by Kai'Sa's side and make up for his shortcomings.

But why was it like this?


The so-called polygamy, in Kassadin's view, had nothing to do with love. It was about men's vanity and political hypocrisy.

Love? The human heart only has one! If you spread your feelings to multiple people and give everyone the same kind of affection, can that still be called love?

If what you give me is the same as what you give to others, then I'd rather not have it.

Kai'Sa, what your mother and I had, that's called love!

Over the years, there were women who expressed their love to Kassadin, but Kassadin rejected them all.

Because his heart couldn't accommodate anyone else; his heart only held that little home in Shurima, his wife, and little Kai'Sa.

So at this moment, Kassadin wanted Kai'Sa to understand this truth.


Kassadin held back.

Even though he was really really annoyed, he didn't plan to deny her relationship with Linwin in front of his daughter.

So... Kassadin felt he had to find an opportunity to grab that kid and interrogate him!

Kassadin stared coldly at Linwin.

And Linwin could only helplessly rub his face.

What to do....

Such a hassle. It's really a hassle.

Is Kassadin strong?

Of course, he's powerful. As one of the only three humans infected by the Void, he was the latest to be infected, but his abilities were among the most powerful among the mutated human. Among the known champion of the Void faction, Kassadin's abilities were ahead of the curve.

With his powerful artifact, the Nether Blade, his mysterious ability to traverse space, and his extremely strong anti-magic physique, Kassadin could be said to be the nemesis of all mages.

What? He only has 19 base armor?

You all just know that Kassadin only has 19 base armor, but who's the strongest champion is after level 16?

He's the man who can singlehandedly destroy the opponent's Nexus automatically at level 16!

"You guys talk, I'm full. I'm leaving."

Just as the situation became extremely awkward and old Zoran was hesitating whether to speak up, on the side, Powder kicked her shoes, then picked up her Hextech hoverboard placed by the dining table and loudly said.

Yes, Powder was about to slip away.

As for the matters between Linwin and Kai'Sa's father... let Linwin handle it!

Anyway, Powder had heard what she wanted to hear, and staying here would only embarrass Linwin.

Powder was very clever; if she continued to stay, Kai'Sa's father would have a lot of things he wouldn't want to say in front of her.

Although Powder didn't want to help. But Kai'Sa was a good girl, hmm, she can help.

"Powder, you..."

Before Linwin could finish his sentence, Powder had already stepped on the Hextech hoverboard in the room, put on her hat, smiled at Linwin, made a V-sign, and then flew out of the window.

"See you tomorrow!"

Leaving behind a sentence, and with some hot exhaust, as well as layers of airwaves.

The exploding airwaves lifted some dust from the floor, Taliyah covered her nose with one hand, and waved goodbye to the leaving powder with the other hand.

And as Powder had expected, as soon as she left, Kassadin was about to cause trouble for Linwin.

But just as he was about to speak, Kassadin saw such a scene.

In front of him, Linwin, with a wry smile, reached out his hand and helped Kai'Sa pat the dust off her head.

Kai'Sa just stood quietly, tilting her head up to look at Linwin, allowing Linwin to touch her hair.

Kassadin: "."

Damn you two!

Taliyah, patting the dirt off herself: "."

Old Zoran, feeling like things had settled down and was about to leave, but then seeing this scene: "."