
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-274- The president's order!

Linwin rubbed his nose hard after being slapped by Janna, then walked out of the office.

Walking down the corridor, Linwin planned to go to the airship center to wait.

According to the time, it won't be long for the Demacians to arrive in the Twin Cities.

Rubbing his face with his hand, Linwin thought as he walked.

He keeps rubbing his face. Janna slapped with her full force, even Linwin felt a bit dazed.

But thinking about it, it was also Linwin's fault. He relied on his good relationship with Janna and then committed sacrilege against the goddess.

Sometimes, Linwin really couldn't regard Janna as a lofty goddess. After all, who can resist treating a cute chubby bird that keeps moving its butt on your head as if trying to build a nest as a pet?

"Orianna said they would arrive by noon today."

For various reasons, the Demacians are finally arriving today.

But the reason why the Demacians are late is also related to the sudden demands of the Twin Cities.

Ha, thinking about it now, King Jarvan III's approval is really generous.

Linwin suggested that Sejuani take two of her people to Demacia and then take an airship from the Hextech airship center in Demacia to the Twin Cities.

Well, King Jarvan III is generous, and Sejuani is bold.

The Freljordians in the north are fearless. Sejuani dares to agree to such a request. She didn't think about what to do if King Jarvan III suddenly changed his mind and captured her, a person who often threatened to raid Demacian villages.

"The student union can be established immediately, as for the clubs..."

Rubbing his face, Linwin murmured.


The airship was already above on the lakes of the Holdrum Canyon and was crossing the canyon at an extremely fast speed.

Lorana and Orianna sat side by side, and at this moment, Lorana nudged Orianna with her elbow.


Orianna looked at Lorana in confusion, only to see the redhead smiling.

"What's wrong?" Orianna asked.

"Cough, Orianna, what's the matter with that person?" Lorana, who came back to her senses, immediately coughed and said, lowering her chin, she glanced at the girl carrying a big sword in the distance.

"Are you talking about Cithria?" Orianna followed Lorana's direction and saw a girl wielding a huge sword on the spacious deck of the airship. Her sword moves looked very strange, and not far away stood a tower-like strong man, pointing at Cithria.

Next to the man in the beautiful armor, there was also a man who was not as wide as him but a little taller. The man had a square face but delicate features, combining masculine and feminine qualities. With his beautiful golden armor, he looked extremely majestic.

Holding a spear, several dauntless vanguard soldiers stood by his side, guarding him.

He is the crown prince of Demacia—Jarvan IV.

"She's different from those noble ladies in Demacia. From the moment I saw her, she always seemed to be alone in a corner," Lorana said.

"Speaking of which, those noble ladies of Demacia seem very polite, but in fact, they all treat us as county bumpkins. I heard it when I went to the bathroom last time. They said we were rude women who wield hammers and wrenches every day," Lorana said disdainfully, looking at those noble ladies who insisted on using umbrellas even though they had been told that Hextech airships could block ultraviolet rays.

"Look at them, I've told them several times that they won't get sunburned, but they still want to take up space and use umbrellas. It's like farting while wearing pants and not wearing pants, it's the same thing!" 

Orianna listened to Lorana's words and thought Lorana's analogy was vivid. Although gossiping behind others' backs is not good, being treated badly by those noble ladies in the past few days, even the kind-hearted Orianna is a bit unhappy.

Kindness is kindness, she is not a saint!

"How about inviting Cithria to have lunch with us later?" Orianna looked at the girl who had finished her sword practice and was now cuddling with her wooden sword in the corner, and suggested after thinking for a moment.

"Will she come?" Lorana pursed her lips.

Lorana's personality is as hot as her hair. A few days ago, she always saw Cithria coming and going alone. The only person who would talk to her was Garen. So Lorana greeted Cithria, but unexpectedly, the other party immediately apologized to Lorana and quickly retreated to another place.

It made Lorana seem like she was bullying her. But after watching her training, even ten Lorana wouldn't be able to bully Cithria.

Clearly she's very strong, so why is she so timid?

But of course, Lorana wasn't angry. The reason for the other party's actions is not hard to guess, it must have something to do with those noble ladies.

"I had dinner with her last night. I think we should be friends now?" Orianna tilted her head and said to Lorana.

Lorana was stunned for a moment, then immediately approached Orianna and said, "Wait! Dinner? Just you and her? What about me? You didn't tell me?"

"It was because you overslept last night," Orianna pushed Lorana with her hand.

"Huh, really?" Lorana touched her head.

"Then you go try?"

Orianna nodded, stood up, and walked towards Cithria, who was dozing off in the corner, holding her head.

"Cithria?" Orianna bent down, supported her knees, and stood in front of the drowsy girl, calling softly.

"Hmm?" Cithria raised her head drowsily, with some shiny water stains on the corners of her mouth.


When she woke up, the girl quickly stood up, picked up her big sword, and bowed to Orianna, saying:

"I-I'll leave right away!" With that, Cithria lowered her head and quickly walked away.

Orianna immediately reached out and grabbed her.


"Huh? Do you need me to do something?" Cithria looked at Orianna timidly.

Upon leaving Cloudfield for the first time, leaving her hometown, after the initial excitement of seeing the capital faded away, Cithria was left only with unease and anxiety.

The world outside Cloudfield was not as beautiful as she thought.

After leaving her mother, no one would take care of her.

The noble girls who formed their own circles would look down on her, perhaps seeing Cithria, a child from a common family, as unworthy of their association.

These students sent to the Twin Cities for study were all problematic children from various noble families. The well-behaved ones from good families were either sent to the military or into politics. Otherwise, they were sent to the Royal Academy for further education. Who would stay at home?

The nobles of Demacia were certainly constrained in various ways, but no matter how many constraints there were, corruption was inevitable.

As a result, those sent out by various families were all the second generations of nobles who had been spoiled at home and would only be sent to remote areas of Demacia to become small land owners in the future.

Cithria was not afraid of training; on the contrary, she could endure hardship.

But mental stress far exceeded physical stress. Being ostracized and looked down upon, Cithria couldn't resist, she could only silently endure.

"We had dinner together last night, don't you remember?" Orianna grabbed Cithria's arm with both hands, leaning her body back, pulling Cithria hard.


I can't even move an inch!

Orianna pouted, exerted force with her legs, her plump body leaned back, but what was the result?

The result was that Cithria stood firmly and quickly answered Orianna's question, "No, I remember you, Orianna."

"Why are you always in a hurry to leave? Let's have lunch together."

"Huh?" Cithria looked puzzled at Orianna.

"I said let's have lunch together."

"But why?" Cithria asked puzzled.

"Because I am the future student council president, so you have to listen to me," Orianna said after thinking for a moment.

This girl's character is very shy, or rather, she seems to have no experience of interacting with peers like herself before.

This inevitably reminded Orianna that..... If it weren't for Lorana, maybe Orianna would be like Cithria now?

In the words coined by Councilor Linwin, that would be social anxiety.

But people with social anxiety also yearn for social interaction.

"The student council president? Why should I listen to you just because you're the student council president?" Cithria looked at Orianna strangely, then asked, "I'm sorry, and I don't understand what you mean by student council president."

"The student council president is the one who serves and manages the students. When you become a student of the Twin Cities University, and I am the student council president, you will be under my jurisdiction."


"Really! I was named the student council president by Councilor Linwin himself." Seeing Cithria hesitating, Orianna immediately added.

"Councilor Linwin? Is it Linwin Lorant?" The excited Cithria suddenly became excited in front of her, "The Councilor Linwin you mentioned, is he the hero Linwin who killed the undead general Sion and even slaughtered the gods?"

The girl who admired heroes immediately became excited.

And her raised voice also attracted the attention of the surrounding area.

A group of women wearing waistbands and beautiful gauze skirts first looked disdainfully at Cithria and Orianna, and then they lowered their heads and began to whisper to each other.

Among the group of men, a group of distant noble young masters would occasionally glance over at Garen.

The Garen of the Crownguard family.

That's the most famous noble in Demacia.

And beside Garen, the eyes of Jarvan IV narrowed, and he patted Garen's shoulder, saying in a low voice, "Garen, do you believe that someone can kill a god?"

"I don't know." Garen shook his head, but thinking of what Lux had said, he thought for a moment and said to Jarvan IV, "But I think if a man can face that undead general alone and defeat the Runic Legion, then the man called Linwin is indeed powerful."

"Hm, can there really be a human being three meters tall and two meters wide in this world?" Jarvan IV raised his eyebrows.

"No, Jarvan, what you heard are all rumors. According to what Lux said, Linwin is a very gentle young man with black hair and a handsome face. He looks thin and normal, more like a civil servant than a warrior."

"If such a person really defeated Sion, then I think I would rather believe what the rumors say." Jarvan IV shook his head.

Garen understood the meaning of Jarvan IV's words, which involved the prince's humiliating past.

An experience where he was captured.....

Thinking of this, Garen patted Jarvan IV's back hard.

Jarvan IV turned to look at Garen, shook his head, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's in the past."

"I have accepted that failure."

"People have to look forward, Garen." Jarvan IV patted Garen's shoulder back, "That's what the steward told me."

Garen nodded.

Demacia's steward was a man even his aunt acknowledged in secret.

His martial arts and willpower are extremely powerful.


"Have you been eating this all along?"

Three girls gathered together, each taking out their own food.

The speed of the Hextech airship was fast. It could reach Zaun from Demacia in at most one day, so there would be no ready-made food on the airship, so they had to bring the food themselves.

So, Lorana was now staring blankly at Cithria, who was holding a simple piece of hard bread. Although the bread didn't look bad, could such bread really be eaten without anything else?

"Have this." Orianna took out two cans from her bag and handed them to Cithria.

Cithria subconsciously took them, then quickly handed them back, shaking her head as she did so, "No, no, I don't have money."

The beautiful cans alone didn't look cheap.

Inside, there was water and brightly colored fruit pulp.

"It's fine, I order you as the student council president to eat this." Orianna forcibly stuffed the fruit can into Cithria's arms.

Lorana thought for a moment, then also took out a box of crispy biscuits and placed it on top of the can of fruit.

"I am the vice president, and even the vice president's words must be obeyed."

Cithria blinked: "."

"Thank you very much."

"No need to be polite, when you get to the Twin Cities University, you'll know what good food is."

"Lorana is right, when you get to school, you'll have good food every day." Orianna licked her lips.

As they neared the Twin Cities, Orianna began to think about the stewed lamb in the school cafeteria.

Just need a dozen or so copper coins, and then you can eat six or seven large pieces of fatty and lean lamb.


She started to drool!

"But, but I don't have much money."

Cithria hesitated for a moment, took out her cloth bag to show Lorana and Orianna, and it made a clinking sound, but very softly.

Her father and mother gave Cithria quite a bit of money, dozens of silver coins, and a pile of copper coins.

A dozen or so silver coins would be enough for Cithria's family of several to live in Cloudfield for two months.

But after arriving in the capital, Cithria realized that a dozen or so silver coins were worth nothing at all.

And just when Cithria was feeling uneasy, Orianna suddenly said loudly:

"That's plenty enough. Although I don't know the exchange rate for exchanging Twin Cities currency, even if you can exchange a dozen or so silver coins, that's enough for you to eat at the cafeteria for a while."

"I'll find you a part-time job at the university, don't worry, Cithria. In the Twin Cities, as long as you're diligent, no one will go hungry!"

Lorana nodded in agreement beside her.

And it was at this moment that a young enforcer appeared on the deck of the Hextech airship.

"Everyone, pack up your things."

"We've arrived."