
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-267- Loving daughter Kai'Sa

This encounter, which is a fight to the death, doesn't need any reason.

Kai'Sa was fully armed, and at this moment, she no longer looked human. Except for Linwin, even Powder or Vi would be startled to see Kai'Sa in this state.

The terror wasn't just Kai'Sa's appearance, but also the strong killing intent emanating from her. The purple illusionary energy seemed like the embodiment of death, making it hard to breathe.

The grotesque dark spikes all over her body continued to grow outward, to the point where they truly turned Kai'Sa into a Void monster. This convinced Kassadin that this was a new type of Void creature he had never seen before.

In the air, her clenched fist suddenly raised, Kai'Sa bent her knee, her previously beautiful and slender legs now twisted grotesquely, with protruding spikes covering her thighs. Her wings spread wide behind her, making her look like a bizarre humanoid insect.

The two huge pods on her shoulders also emitted a purple glow. In an instant, a dazzling pair of crystal spikes aimed at Kassadin below, and an uncharged plasma blast was fired towards him.

Kassadin also raised the Nether Blade, a weapon that had pierced the heart of the Void and killed thousands of deceivers. With a single wave upwards, a wave of energy extended, sweeping towards Kai'Sa in the air.

Kassadin effortlessly suppressed Kai'Sa's plasma blast, and the purple wave also struck Kai'Sa along with the plasma.

Under her helmet, Kai'Sa's brows furrowed. She quickly moved her body, flying towards the other side after a simple probe, realizing that the monster in front of her was unlike any other Void creature she had seen before.

It... seems to have intelligence? But how is that possible? In Kai'Sa's understanding, Void creatures were driven by instinct and should not possess intelligence. After all, the Void creatures that died at her hands could pile up into mountains!

She knows these creatures very well.

So when she saw the monster below her staring at her alertly, with a disdainful snort under its terrifying helmet, Kai'Sa was taken aback.

Void monsters with intelligence?

Even Linwin never mentioned such a thing to her.


"Hmm, why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?"

Linwin toyed with two beads. These were the latest gadgets developed by Ekko, inspired by the harsh conditions of the Freljord. They were compressed chemical concoctions with a bit of easily ignitable metal.

Their function? To dig a hole in harsh environments or simply smash them on the ground to create a long-lasting flame.

It's just a very useful fire-starting tool in harsh environments.

Is it useful for Twin Cities? It has a little bit of use. Although it's just a small tool, Singed believes it has great potential. Perhaps new chemical weapons could be developed from this invention.

Well, Ekko isn't interested in researching weapons; he just spent a long time in the harsh environment of Freljord, so he acted on inspiration.

The tool is convenient to use, and the materials used are not expensive. However, the only downside is that the gas it burns emits a very unpleasant odor and is a bit irritating to the eyes.

But if it's needed to be used, then of course, the side effects won't matter.

"So what exactly happened? Did I miss something?"

Linwin frowned and absentmindedly crushed two burning beads. The crushed metal instantly exploded into tiny sparks, igniting the chemical concoction. A fist-sized flame covered Linwin's left hand. Upon seeing the flame, Linwin simply blew a breath, enveloping the flame in wind, then slowly raised it into the air.

Linwin continued to contemplate.

"What did I miss?"

As he was lost in thought, Linwin's Hextech phone suddenly rang.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Linwin's mind jumped.

It must be related to this call!

Linwin answered, and on the other end of the Hextech phone, a man's anxious voice came through: "Hey? Is this Mr Linwin? Sir, our boss, she's gone!"

Linwin: "???"

"Who are you guys?"

"We're the Fog Organization," another man's voice chimed in.

"Oh, it's you guys." The Fog Organization, a intelligence organization Linwin established in Shurima, with members being old associates from Zaun.

But suddenly, Linwin was stunned, then loudly exclaimed, "Wait, who's gone? Kai'Sa?"

"Yeah, yeah, the boss is gone!"

"Why did Kai'Sa leave? Where did she go?"

Linwin immediately became anxious.

Kai'Sa left? For no reason at all?

Could it be... Could it be that Kai'Sa found out about Powder's situation? Wait... that's not right. Kai'Sa said she didn't care about that. Kai'Sa isn't like Powder. If she says she doesn't care, then she really doesn't care.

Kai'Sa isn't someone who says one thing and means another. Even if she has a little mood swing, there are only two possibilities: she says it or she doesn't.

She's not like Powder. If Powder says she doesn't care, then you have to be very careful and pay attention to Powder's subsequent expressions, actions, and tone.

But Powder's emotions come and go quickly. A piece of delicious sweet can easily soothe her.

So, why did Kai'Sa, who was fine, suddenly leave?

This won't do!

Linwin's head suddenly felt heavy.

Wife gone? They've only been together for a short time, and now his wife's gone?

The answer came from the other end of the Hextech phone.

"Boss suddenly changed her appearance, became a bit scary, and then she flew into the sky. We wanted to follow her, but big sister told us not to come over."

"Calm down, and tell me what exactly happened?" Linwin took a deep breath, calming himself down.

Kai'Sa certainly wouldn't leave him for no reason.

"I don't know, we were just taking boss to see that person, but as soon as we were about to enter the Market, boss suddenly changed....."

It's a bit unclear, but Linwin didn't expect these former thugs who relied on their fists to be good at speaking.

But Linwin still summarized.

So... Kai'Sa was on her way to find father-in-law, but suddenly entered a combat state and then disappeared?

Linwin rubbed his chin, thinking, and then suddenly realized something, slapping his thigh hard.


Linwin ignored the Fog Organization's men and instead stood up in horror, shouting, "This is bad!"

Of course, Linwin knows Kassadin's background story, but the problem is, even riot can't provide a clear timeline, so how can Linwin, only an enthusiast, understand the timeline of the League? So he only knows what Kassadin has done in the vague timeline.

What if Kassadin has been corrupted by the Void now?

Kai'Sa might have sensed Kassadin's aura and mistaken my father-in-law for a Void creature???

The more Linwin thought about it, the more it made sense!

Otherwise, why would Kai'Sa suddenly enter a combat state and disappear when looking for Kassadin?

The only thing that could cause such emotional changes in Kai'Sa, and make her reveal her Void side in front of others, is Void creatures.

No, damn it! This... this... daughter attacking father? That's too much!

Linwin is not worried about Kai'Sa's safety, he's worried about his father-in-law's safety!

Kai'Sa is very strong!

She's been like a little mascot for the past year, eating every day like a foodie, but Linwin knows that eating is Kai'Sa's main way to become stronger.

Kai'Sa and her skins have been absorbing energy but never expelling it. Where does that energy go?

Even someone as powerful as Linwin, wouldn't he need to go at some point?

So... Kai'Sa has always been getting stronger.

Even when she was technically eating dirt in Shurima, she was getting stronger, so in Zaun, where she eats good every day, it's even more so.

Stronger than Linwin? That's impossible.

But definitely much stronger than when she was in Shurima.

And, even if my father-in-law has been corrupted by the Void now, considering the timeline, he won't be that powerful. After all, Kai'Sa has been corrupted for over ten years, but my father-in-law?

Just a year, right?

"Although my father-in-law will definitely be strong in the future, stronger than my wife, but for now... my wife is definitely stronger."

"Boss? What are you talking about?"

"Beep." Linwin pressed a button and hung up the Hextech phone.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Linwin now has only one thought.

That is... quickly call Janna out! 

Linwin definitely can't make it, but Janna definitely can!

A whistle, and Linwin successfully summoned the chubby bird.

With a fat and round face, chubby wings flapping, the chubby blue bird appeared in front of Linwin.

She hasn't been able to digest the power of the bilgewater people's faith recently.

Although it's just gratitude, the sincere gratitude from thousands of people still made Janna full.

"No, I'll get beaten if I go in this state," the fat blue bird shook her head. "There are many divine spirits over there!"

Linwin was stunned, indeed, that place in Shurima is very weird.

For example, the deity of Taliyah's tribe, The Great Weaver, is not a small deity.

In Janna's current situation, she would be a live target if she went over there.

"But she has my amulet on her. I'll try to send a message over."

"Please do so!" Linwin immediately said.

Please don't let the scene of a daughter killing her long lost father happen. If that scene really happens, Kai'Sa will collapse.


"Super Charge!"

The spikes on her knees emitted more purple light, Kai'Sa opened fire at full throttle, and in an instant disappeared from where she was standing. She wasn't moving at high speed, but stealth!

Kassadin kept turning his head, his cold gaze scanning in all directions, trying to find the creature, and then...

"Icathian Rain!"

Kai'Sa appeared in front of Kassadin at some point, the pod completely opened, and countless plasma bullets shot out in an instant. Kassadin was caught off guard, quickly breaking the space in front of him, intending to dodge.

He succeeded, but the distance he traveled was very short.

In the seven minutes of fighting Kai'Sa, he teleported dozens of times, and now... Kassadin was starting to exhaust himself.

He hadn't had this ability for long, and he hadn't fully mastered it yet.


Kai'Sa raised her hand, her body emitting high heat, in just a breath's time, dozens of plasma bullets shot towards Kassadin.

And the countless plasma bullets released earlier changed direction after losing their target, then continued to chase after Kassadin.


Thick fog rose, purple smoke filled the great desert.

Terrifying purple plasma splashed around, and the ground was corroded to a purple hue.

Kai'Sa tiptoed, her toes moved, and the next moment, she teleported in rapid succession. Finally, she landed on Kassadin's body.

A foot stomped on Kassadin's chest, while the other hand punched downward.

A large hole appeared in Kassadin's chest, flesh and blood blurred, but the dark purple substance kept filling the hole, repairing Kassadin's injuries.

And the side effect of this super recovery ability is energy consumption.

Kassadin tried to struggle, but Kai'Sa suddenly exerted force, directly burying Kassadin in the soil.

"Accept your fate, prey."

The helmet disappeared, revealing a beautiful face in front of Kassadin.

The face under the terrifying helmet, a pair of powerless murky eyes flashed with a hint of doubt, then, widened, the broken neck lost its ability to speak, but Kassadin still opened his mouth, reaching out with all his strength, making a hoarse "uh-uh" sound towards Kai'Sa.


But what he received was a new plasma blast from Kai'Sa, and Kassadin spit out a mouthful of pitch-black blood, with tiny bones in it. Then his head tilted, and he passed out directly.

But his hand was still stiff in the air, and it didn't fall for a long time.

"Still want to resist?"

Kai'Sa's face was expressionless, extremely indifferent.

Aiming her fist at the opponent's head, Kai'Sa prepared to gather power for a big hit, to directly end the opponent.

But just as she was gathering strength, Kai'Sa suddenly paused.

She looked down at her chest, where hung a necklace with a special wooden pendant emitting a blue halo.

"Huh? Goddess Janna?"

"Yes, it's me!" the wooden pendant spoke!

Kai'Sa: "?"

"Kai'Sa, where are you now?"

The pendant emitted light again, it was Linwin's indistinct voice.

"I encountered a Void creature and I'm about to finish him," Kai'Sa replied.

"Wait!!!" Linwin's voice became urgent, and Kai'Sa was puzzled.

"What does he look like? What's the situation now?"

Kai'Sa was about to speak, but felt that the body below seemed to move again, and immediately raised her hand to add another plasma bullet.

She knew best because she was like this too.

No matter how fatal the injury, as long as one didn't die, they would gradually recover in a coma.



Linwin heard the explosion, the a pained voice that sounded like someone's dying breath, and hurriedly shouted, "Kai'Sa, he might be your father, you, you must not kill him!"

Kai'Sa: "???"

Listening to Linwin's words, she turned her head to look at the Void creature she was stepping on.

At this moment, Kai'Sa noticed that the "face" of the opponent, damaged by her plasma bullet, revealed a corner, showing a yellowing... human chin?

She immediately raised her foot and squatted down.

Carefully extending her hand, Kai'Sa reached towards the opponent's "face"... No, it was a helmet!

And then...

You can take it off?!

How come it's different from mine?

Can... can it be taken off?

Kai'Sa looked at the ordinary human face under the helmet, panic in her eyes, Kai'Sa was at a loss.

Oh god.....

What have I done?!


What have I done???!!!!