
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-261- You need my help?

Linwin looked at Powder in astonishment, then reached out and touched his lips.

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart; this was his first kiss.

Although he was a prominent figure in Piltover and Zaun, and had become a prominent figure among humans, Linwin had indeed just had his first kiss!

It wasn't given it to Kai'Sa as planned, but to Powder? Wasn't this a bit too fast?

He opened his mouth to say something, but as the words reached his lips, Linwin looked at the blushing but proud Powder in front of him, and in the end, he could only shake his head and say, "You, you....."

"Anyway, this time I'm first."

"I'm definitely calling Kai'Sa and tell her about it!"

Brushing her petite nose with her thumb, Powder changed her once low spirit and triumphantly told Linwin.

So what if you two got together first?

Powder's eyes scanned Linwin's body from top to bottom.

She kissed him first, and not only a kiss, but she would be the first for everything else too!

I need to find a chance to make Linwin mine! Powder thought to herself.

In the cool morning air of Shurima, after getting dressed in the room, Kai'Sa wrapped herself in thick clothes to cover her skin and face.

After doing all this, Kai'Sa walked out.

Today, she was going to visit several port cities in Shurima to see if she could find any news about Kassadin.

But the strange thing was that as soon as she stepped out of the door, her feet touched the cool sand, and she shuddered suddenly.

A strange feeling rose from her spine, and Kai'Sa rubbed her nose, looking up at the newly risen sun, feeling somewhat strange.

She couldn't catch a cold; her skin had the function of being warm in winter and cool in summer, automatically thickening when the weather was cold. So even though the temperature difference between day and night in Shurima was huge, and the morning was very cool, Kai'Sa couldn't possibly catch a cold.

So... what was happening?

Thinking about it, the chill rose again, and Kai'Sa shivered, hugging her shoulders, looking at the sun.

Kai'Sa inexplicably had a very uneasy feeling? What's going on?

Kai'Sa's expression gradually became dull "."


Feels like..... something has been stolen?


In Piltover's noon, Linwin's lunch today was at Twin Cities University.

Just before noon, he was forcibly dragged from the office to the cafeteria by Powder, and now Linwin was eating the cafeteria food with his head down, accompanied by a cute but lively little friend.

Sticking out her short little hand, poking Linwin's arm hard, and standing on the fixed stool, Lulu tilted her head and said loudly, "I'm curious."

"Why do you always look so happy lately?"

Lulu asked three times in a row: "Did you encounter something fun recently? Can Lulu join? I like fun things, pretty please?"

What's with this cute pretty please?

Soon, Linwin found out.

Because the little witch let go of Linwin's hand and changed her posture to cup her face with both hands. If it weren't for the smile on her face, Lulu would have looked somewhat devout.

"Do I?" Linwin turned his body around, facing the little witch, and asked in a low voice, "I've been looking very happy lately?"

"Of course, you've been looking happy every day recently!" Lulu blinked her big eyes and nodded vigorously.

"Pix, am I right?" The little witch turned her head to ask the little fairy, and Pix imitated Lulu's previous actions, nodding vigorously, then flying around Linwin.

On the side, Tristana thought of something, she heard the recent rumors, and she guessed why Linwin was so happy.

So she stood up somewhat shyly, and then reached out and smacked the back of Lulu's head.


Lulu was hit squarely by Tristana. One hand propped on the dining table, and the other hand touched the back of her head. She looked at Tristana puzzledly.

Tristana had been used to living in Twin Cities University recently. She tied her hair into two ponytails, wearing beautiful children's clothes. From a certain angle, she indeed looked quite similar to another Yordle.

They were simply too similar, carved out of the same mold of Yordle.

Even Linwin, looking at Tristana's appearance, wondered if Poppy looked like this, how about letting her pick up a hammer and see?

And what about Lulu, who always seems to mistake people and seems to have prosopagnosia?

Sure enough, the next moment, Lulu pouted and loudly said to Tristana, "Why did you hit me again, Poppy?"

After hearing Lulu's words, Tristana twitched at the corner of her mouth and whispered, "Stupid Lulu, be more aware, and stop asking questions all over the place!"

"And, I'm not Poppy, I'm Tristana."

"You're not Poppy? You're Tristana? Wait, who is Tristana?" Lulu asked seriously, then she raised her head and stretched out her hand to tug at Linwin's sleeve, jumping in place and asking Linwin, "Big guy, who is Tristana?"

Linwin laughed heartily, didn't answer the little witch's question, but instead reached out and ruffled the little witch's head.

Then he pinched Lulu's soft chubby cheek.

The little witch's face was pinched, not only was she not angry, but she smiled happily,

"You!" Tristana got angry beside them. However, facing Lulu, she had to endure her quirky habits. Tristana took a deep breath to calm herself down.

After all, she was already used to Lulu's quirks, right? There was nothing to be angry about. Yeah, there's nothing to be angry about.

After calming down, Tristana took off her headband, and her hair fell down. Tristana clenched her fist on her face, looking like she was wearing glasses.

"Tristana!" Lulu blinked and suddenly exclaimed loudly, "Why are you here? I missed you!"

In the cafeteria full of tall figures, Tristana and Lulu are two uniquely different beings.

Ziggs is an extremely reclusive scientist who is currently in Powder's laboratory.

Ever since Ziggs and Powder collaborated on developing explosive weapons, Ziggs hasn't really left the lab; he eats, drinks, and even relieves himself there.

And now, because of Powder's presence, the students around would instinctively steer clear of this table.

But their eyes all glanced over, curious about Linwin and Powder.

Recently, there have been quite a few rumors about dean Powder, one of which is about Linwin and Powder.

Anyway, nobody knows the source of the rumors anymore, but most people already know the content.

That is, Powder and Linwin are actually a couple!

It's said that Miss Powder even pursued Linwin!

And it's said that Miss Powder kissed councilor Linwin forcefully in his office!

So thrilling!

But the students didn't find it surprising; after all, it's something that the fiery Miss Powder could do.

Kissing a man forcefully.

"Huh? Where's Poppy? Did you see Poppy?" Cute Lulu asked Tristana who had "just arrived", saying, "I remember she was here just now."

Seeing Tristana sigh heavily, clenching her fists and standing on the stool, Linwin knew, the optimistic and cheerful Tristana was once again irritated by Lulu. At this, Linwin immediately spoke with a smile, "Lulu, Poppy isn't here, she's in Demacia now."

"But Linwin, she was just here."

"That was Tristana."

"Really? Is that so?" Lulu blinked her big eyes, "Wait a minute!" Her eyes became sharp, and Lulu stared at Tristana with full alertness, saying, "Tell me, why did you pretend to be Poppy and follow me?"

"I pretend to be Poppy? You're at it again! And it's you who's following me, not the other way around!" Tristana leaned forward, pointing her finger at Lulu's head, and said loudly, "Don't follow me on missions anymore, I absolutely won't take you on any missions in the future!" 

"Why is she angry?" Lulu asked, pulling Linwin's sleeve.


Beside Linwin, Powder was clinging to him, leaning towards Linwin and eating her food. Hearing Linwin's laughter, she stretched her neck and turned to look at the two yordles who were fighting again, Powder rolled her eyes, and then continued to fight with the food in her bowl.

There is also one yordle in her laboratory, oh wait, there are usually two yordles in her laboratory.

Two furry yordles talking about science together, Powder has gotten used to it.

Although Heimerdinger is not as cute as Lulu, Ziggs is even more noisy. He and Heimerdinger often quarrel, annoying!

"Because you mistook her for Poppy," Linwin said to Lulu with a smile.

Yordles are truly gifts from heaven to Linwin.

They are simple and cute, full of curiosity in their interactions. Every yordle Linwin meets now are very pure and he always smoothly activates their cards.

And Lulu is the most outstanding among them, she was also the cutest.

You don't need to deliberately please them; they will actively approach you.

As for now, they are still working for the Twin Cities in Piltover.

So Linwin certainly likes such cute creatures. 

"When will Poppy come here? I kind of miss her," Lulu asked again.

"Poppy won't come here. She only cares about Demacia," Tristana said, sitting cross-legged and eating her food heartily. She continued vaguely, "She only want to find the great hero of Demacia."

Being provoked by Lulu, Tristana suddenly regained her appetite.

"That's not necessarily true," Linwin said with a smile. "Perhaps when people from Demacia come to the Twin Cities, Poppy might come along?"

Powder, who was eating nearby, suddenly looked up and asked Linwin, "Is that thing starting?"

Linwin looked at the breadcrumbs on Powder's lips, reached out, and lightly wiped her mouth.

Linwin nodded and said, "Yes."

Powder narrowed her eyes. "So soon?"

"Soon? This is actually a month later than we expected. While we were still in Bilgewater, Jarvan III had already talked to Vander several times, preparing their students for a trip to the Twin Cities as an exchange student for the ceremony."

Linwin's gesture didn't escape the students' notice, causing a whisper.

And this intimate gesture also made Powder smile happily.

Although Linwin used to do this, when Powder spilled food around her mouth, Linwin would take a tissue and gently wipe her face, but back then, Linwin only treated her like a sister.

But now it's different.

"You guys, look, Miss Powder actually smiles like this."

"Indeed, Miss Powder and Councilor Linwin are a couple."

"Why do I remember them seeming like siblings?"

"You fool, they're not real siblings."

The voices around quieted down only after Powder hammered the table hard.

The students at Twin Cities University all knew about this dean who was close to their age; had a bad temper.

"Will Sejuani come too? Vi told me yesterday that she misses her a bit," Powder said with a bit of dissatisfaction. "She's clearly already with that tall cop, why is she still thinking about other women?"

Vi thought Powder didn't know about her and the cop, but in reality, Powder had known for a long time.

Although Twin Cities is wealthy and has a large population, it's not that big, so whenever something happens, it spreads quickly.

Last time in the culinary weekly, there was a photo of Vi and the cop drinking coffee together at the cafe.

"That Vi....." Linwin said, his mouth twitching at Powder's words.

Linwin had suspected Vi and Caitlyn's relationship, but he hadn't expected it to be true.

He remembered that only Diana and Leona in the official stories were confirmed as a couple, the kind of official confirmation.

"In any case, there will be quite a few people coming then," Linwin said to Powder after thinking, "Not just because of the Twin Cities University exchange program."

"After all, Zaun's four-year plan is almost complete, and Silco believes it's necessary to invite people from various countries to witness the new Zaun."

"For this, there will be people from Freljord, Bilgewater, Noxus, and Demacia, but probably not Shurima."

"But what I hope most is that people from Ionia will also show up."

"Bilgewater?" Powder suddenly bit her spoon, staring at Linwin. "I hate that woman with big bust...."

Linwin's gaze shifted down.

Her body trembled, and Powder suddenly sat back, hands covering her chest, looking at Linwin nervously. "What, what are you looking at?"

Linwin: .....

"I'll grow bigger, I asked Vi, she said rubbing more will make them grow bigger," Powder said immediately, seeing Linwin's strange expression.

She had done her research with many people, not just Vi and Zeri; Powder even went to ask Silco. Even Silco, who seemed indifferent, thought bigger was better.

So if that damn pirate comes.

Powder will definitely be alert!

Because that woman really has the biggest chest Powder has ever seen!

Seeing Powder's jealousy, Linwin touched his nose.

It's been four days since he and Powder confirmed their relationship, and over the past four days, Linwin has gradually gotten used to it.

He now indeed has two girlfriends and is a veritable little scumbag.

The little scumbag touched his nose and said, "Do you need my help?"

"No, no need!" Powder waved her hand.

Asking Linwin for help?

It's impossible!

"What help? I also want to help!" Lulu, on the side, raised her hand excitedly.

"Shut up, Lulu!" Tristana immediately blushed and interrupted Lulu.

"Why? I just want to help."

"I don't need it!" Powder gritted her teeth and stared at Lulu.

Damn, her size is almost the same as the little witch's!

Powder actually has a chest. Whether it's in the game or in the show, if you look at it from the side, Powder does have a litttttttle bit, just a little bit, not more, or it would be a lie.