
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-238- The arrival of airships

"Sejuani, shall we spar again?"

"No need."

Sejuani looked at the woman in front of her, only reaching up to her chest, and shook her head coldly, "Without weapons, in hand-to-hand combat, you're not my match."

Listening to Sejuani's words, Vi felt a tingling frustration but couldn't argue because it was the truth.

Not to mention Sejuani's ability to use magic, just the environment she was in, Freljord was full of life and death struggles, which made the Warmother's combat skills unmatched by Vi.

Vi was indeed formidable, with excellent fighting talent. If there were boxing competitions in the Twin Cities, Vi would definitely rank in the top three. But compared to Sejuani, Vi lacked a bit of brutality.

As she looked up at Sejuani, Vi helplessly pouted and blew on her pink hair. There was a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

Sejuani was really tall!

Trying to stand on her tiptoes, Vi realized she still wasn't even remotely close to Sejuani's height.

Seeing this, Vi was speechless.

It was her first time seeing a woman taller than Caitlyn, and she was both tall and strong. However, years of malnutrition had left her skin lackluster and lacking elasticity.

Her skin was tight against her bones, but even in this state, she was still powerful.

"I say, since you have nothing to do, why not spar with me?"

"Who said I have nothing to do?" Sejuani wrapped her dirty and ragged fur coat around herself, brushed past Vi, and said, "The Warmother needs to take responsibility for her people. These days, we've been eating and living well here, but I see your food supplies are running low."

Sejuani turned to look at Vi and said sternly, "So I need to find a few people to go hunting, even though this place doesn't seem like it would have any game."

Creatures that couldn't adapt to Freljord wouldn't approach it, and those that could survive in Freljord's environment would only be found in the coldest regions, making it difficult to find any wildlife in the southern part of Freljord.

But this place is close to Demacia. It might be worth trying hunting near Demacia.

Sejuani didn't go to plunder, so it didn't violate her deal with Linwin. Is it okay for her to go hunting near Demacia?

"Not much food? Hunting?" Vi blinked, then jumped up to Sejuani and said, "What are you thinking? Are you sharing a brain with your pet pig? Did you not listen to what Caitlyn and I discussed this morning?"

Vi's tongue was sharp.

Vi was known for her sharp tongue, especially since her own sister was Powder. Having a sister like Powder made her naturally sharp-tongued.

Listening to Vi's words, Sejuani's eyes gradually turned cold, staring firmly at Vi's face.

"The airship will arrive today. Worried about not having enough food? I'm afraid you won't be able to finish it when the time comes!" Vi walked up, looked up at Sejuani's icy blue eyes, and then Vi shrunk her neck.

Without her gauntlets, Vi really wasn't Sejuani's match. In a sparring match in the snow, after just a dozen moves, Vi would be lying in the snow clutching her stomach or chin.

And Sejuani hadn't even used her full strength yet.

In terms of physical fitness, Sejuani was far superior to Vi, and in combat techniques, Sejuani also surpassed Vi by far.

But with the Atlas Gauntlets, it was a different story. With those gauntlets and Vi's boxing skills, Vi became a superhuman-like figure.

"I can take on both pigs and people!" But now Vi chose to silently avoid Sejuani's gaze.

When Caitlyn glared at her like that, she would also hide.

This wasn't cowardice. In Linwin's words, it was being prudent.

Seeing Vi avoiding her gaze, Sejuani felt both angry and amused, but having caught onto important information, she spoke up, "Airship?"

Vi nodded and said, "The food promised to you will arrive today, and as for what the airship is, you'll know this afternoon."

"From where?" Sejuani didn't understand.

"Are you really sharing a brain with that pig of yours? I said it's an airship, an AIRship! Something that flies, where do you think it will come from? Idiot!"

Sejuani: .....

Sejuani: fists hardened.

In the afternoon, Sejuani swallowed the last piece of bread in her hand with satisfaction. The frozen bread melted in her saliva, turning into a warm stream flowing into her stomach.

These days, Sejuani could eat her fill every day.

It wasn't just Sejuani who could eat her fill; even the warriors under her ate well.

Just three days had passed, but Sejuani's spirit had improved a lot. Compared to when Vi first saw her, Sejuani's skin still lacked luster and elasticity, but at least now her cheeks had some color.

"Another bowl of soup?" A young man named Ekko walked up to Sejuani and held out a bowl.

Sejuani nodded.

Leaning by the bonfire, sipping the warm meat soup, there was nothing happier than this.

Sipping the hot soup, Sejuani noticed Ekko curiously looking at her weapon.

"Don't touch it." Seeing Ekko reaching out to touch it, Sejuani quickly stopped him.

"Um, sorry?" Ekko quickly withdrew his hand, curious about the piece bound to Sejuani's flail. It looked like a combination of stone and metal, but also like ice?

"That's true Ice. If you touch it, you'll die," Sejuani said solemnly.

But as if remembering something, Sejuani stared at Ekko, looking at the pocket watch tied to his waist, shaking her head and saying, "No, you can touch it. You have magical items that can resist True Ice."

But Ekko didn't want to touch it anymore....

After lunch, Sejuani looked at Vi and Caitlyn, who were going to nap, with a strange expression.

"Have your guys.... always been like this?"


Skite couldn't understand the Warmother's meaning, and Sejuani immediately said, "Do you need to sleep at noon too?"

"It's nothing. Miss Caitlyn only works six hours a day. Not only does she have time for a nap, but she also has time for afternoon tea, and she always finishes work at six-thirty."

Sejuani: .....

Every time she heard these people talk about their lives, Sejuani would doubt life.

Is she really living in the same world as these people?

And just when Sejuani was doubting life again, a roar sounded.

"Captain Skite! Captain Vi!!!"

An enforcer stood on a high slope, waving his hands vigorously.

Both Sejuani and Vi looked over.

"They're here!!"

Skite's face lit up with joy, but Sejuani didn't know what was happening.

"They're here? Who?"

"Our people." Skaarl responded with a smile.

It had been many days since they had drunk alcohol, many days since they had eaten fresh food.

Hopefully, the supplies for the Winter's Claw would include fresh meat and good wine.

Skite looked up at the sky, and Sejuani followed his gaze, but she couldn't see anything.

Just as Sejuani was about to ask, she suddenly saw a flash in the distance.

A blue light flickered in the clouds. Then, when the blue light flickered again, it was closer.

In just a few seconds, Sejuani saw a dot appear in her field of vision.

Narrowing her eyes, she watched the dot, and a few seconds later, the dot turned into a massive object.

It was..... a gigantic flying house with blue and white stripes?

Sejuani stared in astonishment at the flying behemoth that stopped above her head, her mouth involuntarily hanging open.

What kind of creature was this?

//// Sorry, my mistake////