
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-235- At least 1.6 meters!

One bowl of soup, Sejuani ate bread, jerky, and even tasted the leaves of spices in it.

And Sejuani also swallowed the spices used for seasoning.

Seeing that Sejuani hadn't eaten enough, Caitlyn quickly brought another bowl of soup.

Seeing Caitlyn coming over, Skite and Ekko both took up big spoons to help Caitlyn, a scene that bound Sejuani couldn't quite understand.

Caitlyn brought another bowl of soup, and this time, there were more pieces of cooked meat in the bowl.

A bowl full of meat, it was the soup served by the mature middle-aged man.

Sejuani looked at the savory meat pieces in the bowl, then glanced at the man who appeared weak and thin in her aesthetic.

Meeting Sejuani's gaze, Skite just gave a stiff smile and nodded.

"Mr. Skite, when she agrees to make a deal with Linwin, can we go back to Zaun?" Ekko standing beside Skite and asked quietly.

"Actually, after the construction of the Hextech Station is completed and our trade with Demacia ends, Ekko, you and Professor Moss will have to go back," Skarl said, looking at Ekko, then continued, "On the contrary, I should be the one to deal with her, because if she doesn't want to stay, then I'll be the one to watch over the Hextech Station here."

"That makes sense," Ekko sighed in relief after hearing Skite's words.

Skite looked at Ekko, discontentedly reached out to tap Ekko's head, "If she doesn't agree at that time, have you ever thought about staying here?"

"Of course not, Mr. Skite," Ekko grinned, showing a big smile, and said cheerfully, "I'm tired of this place, I'm tired of Demacia, I want to go back to Zaun, I want to eat good food, I want to take comfortable hot baths, I want to sleep in every day."

"I even miss the air in Zaun, Mr. Skite. Although when I first came to Demacia, I liked the fresh air of Demacia, but now, I miss the air in Zaun more."

"That smell of rust and gasoline in the air, sometimes accompanied by the slightly fishy sea breeze."

Ekko said seriously, "I miss that smell."

"Heheh." Skite didn't know what to say, so he could only give Ekko a stiff smile.

As a resident of Piltover, Skite certainly couldn't understand what Ekko was talking about. Ekko was just expressing his love for his hometown Zaun, but the smell of rust and gasoline in the air, and the fishy sea breeze? Skarl didn't think that kind of air would smell good.

But looking at Ekko's expression, he chose not to say anything.

Anyone who saw Ekko's eyes could tell that this kid was really homesick.

But upon further thought, Skite sighed, after all, didn't he also miss the days in Piltover?

Clearly it was summer, but here it was cold and freezing, when he took a breath, the cold air drilled into the lungs like a knife, breathing heavily a few times even felt painful, and the food was not good at all.

They left the Twin Cities for about... 

Hm, if you count it correctly, in a few more days, it would be three months.

On the other side, Sejuani drank three bowls of meat soup in a row, feeling warm in her stomach.

Then, seemingly because of the effect of Caitlyn's potion, after eating and drinking her fill, Sejuani looked at the warm fire, her tense nerves relaxed, and unconsciously, Sejuani closed her eyes.

"She fell asleep."

Caitlyn walked back to Skite and Ekko.

Vi was sleeping in a sleeping bag in the corner.

"She didn't roll around in sleep this time...," Caitlyn looked at Vi, squinting and said.

"Because of the Shimmer?" Ekko added.

Only Skite's expression wasn't very natural.

The mature old man heard something wrong in Miss Caitlyn's words.

Didn't roll around in sleep this time....?

Does that mean there's a previous time??

But Skite just silently drank his wine and said nothing.


The next day, Caitlyn woke up a bit late, she stayed up late last night, and then encountered Sejuani and her Winter's Claw tribe in the second half of the night, so when Caitlyn crawled out of the sleeping bag, it was almost noon.

"What's that?"

Sejuani, still bound in place, saw Caitlyn getting up and spoke up voluntarily.

"It's a sleeping bag, don't you have one?"

Sejuani remained silent for a while, then shook her head.

After getting up, Caitlyn first looked at the sleeping bag next to her, Vi was still sound asleep, her complexion much rosier, indicating that she should wake up by this afternoon.

The fire was replenished with new materials, and Ekko and Skite's sleeping bags were empty, as both of them had already left early.

Ekko should be off to build the Hextech Station again, and Captain Skite was on patrol.

Seeing this, Caitlyn took out a bottle of drinking water, moving slightly as she began to tidy herself up.

"You're really extravagant," Sejuani observed Caitlyn's actions and remarked, "For something like this, you could just grab some snow outside, rub it on your face, and be done with it, couldn't you?"

"No, that won't do. Doing that frequently would harm the skin," Caitlyn quickly shook her head.

In the past, she would always use skincare products in the morning, but after coming here, a simple wash of the face would suffice. 

If Caitlyn's father found out, he would be heartbroken.

When has a noblewoman like her ever endured such hardships?

Seeing the odd look in Sejuani's eyes, Caitlyn immediately explained, "Perhaps to you, my actions seem extravagant, but Sejuani, for me, for us people of Piltover and Zaun, washing my face with icy water now is already the worst condition."

"The people in our cities, every household has access to clean water sources. Slightly wealthier families can use hot water every day, while less affluent families have limited access to hot water, but I can assure you, in winter, taking a hot bath with hot water is something every person from Piltover and Zaun does every day."

"We're in different environments, Sejuani."

Sejuani: "."

"Then, I know you can't wait any longer."

Caitlyn got up and walked to Sejuani's side, helping her up, and said, "I'll take you to see your people now, but I can't untie the rope, please understand."

"I understand," Sejuani nodded.

After getting up, Caitlyn looked surprised at Sejuani, who was taller than herself by a large margin.

"Sejuani, you're really tall."

"It's your southern people who are too short," Sejuani looked down at Caitlyn and said.

"I'm not short, I'm already tall where I come from, Vi is the short one, she's only about 1.6 meters," Caitlyn said seriously, standing at 1.82 meters tall.

She was 1.82 meters tall, and there were few women taller than her in the entire Twin Cities.

"She's only that tall?" Hearing Caitlyn's words, Sejuani made a strange expression and looked at Vi wrapped in a sleeping bag.

Yesterday, she didn't seem like she was only about 1.6 meters tall.

1.6 meters... 1.6 meters, not even as tall as Sejuani's flail length!

Not even as tall as her stick!

But Vi's height was certainly more than 1.6 meters.

"According to her, she's technically 1.72 meters, and she believes she can still grow taller," Caitlyn grabbed Sejuani's arm, smiling, and said, "But I think she might not grow taller."

"After all, her family members aren't tall either."



After a strange sneeze, Powder rubbed her little nose and stood in front of the height-measuring device, wearing a dissatisfied expression.

Next to Powder was Lulu, holding a note with a dejected look, the little witch looked down at the note, clearly written on it—94cm.

"What? Am I only 1.56 meters tall? That's impossible!"

Powder suddenly punched the device, grumbling, "It must be this device that's broken!"

"I'm at least 1.6 meters tall!"

//// The wiki did say she's 164cm////