
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-233- Vi, stands for violence

Vi bent down and charged at Sejuani, intercepting the fierce woman and her boar.

With her Hextech Gauntlets blazing, Vi leaped high towards Sejuani, grabbing one of the boar's tusks with all her might. The pressure from her gauntlets reached its peak, yet Vi couldn't bring the boar down; instead, she was flung backward as the boar shook its head.

However, in mid-air, Vi slammed her hands toward the ground, causing the vents on her Hextech Gauntlets to open. After a graceful spin, Vi kicked towards the woman atop the boar.

Okay, the instant submission plan failed. This monster indeed possessed strength befitting its size. 

Speaking of which, wild boars seemed naturally strong, right? 

So, Vi thought, let's just knock Sejuani unconscious. 

But Vi didn't think it through; while the boar was ferocious, the woman riding it was even deadlier. 

She had tamed this beast. Her strength surpassed the boar's!

Sejuani rode Bristle, a massive drüvask boar larger than any southern buffalo. 

Under her, the beast resembled a war machine. Taming such a creature and commanding the fierce Winter's Claw tribe from the north, Sejuani's strength needed no explanation. 

Seasoned in battle, she saw through Vi's movements. 

Sejuani had enough time to react, disdainfully pulling Bristle's reins and raising her right hand high. 

"Crush her!" she roared. 

Bristle stepped forward, standing upright, as Sejuani swung her flail fiercely. The ice weapon froze the air, and a few ice droplets fell on Vi's face. With reflexes surpassing ordinary humans, Vi lowered her head to avoid Sejuani's attack but was exposed to Bristle's tusks.

Under the steaming boar snout gleamed menacing tusks. 

Vi blinked. If those things really stabbed her, would her shield hold up with the energy it had left? 

She didn't want to find out firsthand. Judging by how effortlessly the boar flung away a tree earlier, Vi knew those tusks weren't just for show. 

Not taking any chances, Vi hugged her arms close to her sides, making a defensive move in mid-air.

In an instant, her energy surged beyond her shield's capacity. Vi activated the third form of her Hextech Gauntlets, originally designed for Piltover miners to speed up mining and reduce transportation time. Now, it doubled as a protective measure, perfectly capable of withstanding cave-ins during mining operations.

"Blast Shield!" 

A azure spherical barrier formed around Vi, but Bristle's tusks pressed against it, turning the blue barrier yellow. Vi breathed a sigh of relief. Yellow wasn't red, so it wasn't dangerous. But even so, when Bristle lifted its head, Vi was sent flying far away.

As she landed, plunging her arms into the earth, Vi's hands gripped the frozen soil, causing the ground to shriek in agony. The screeching sound of filled the air until Vi came to a halt.

Standing up, Vi raised her fist and flexed her fingers. Ice shards fell from her Hextech Gauntlets as she marveled at Sejuani and her boar.

If it weren't for Hextech, honestly, a hundred of her wouldn't stand a chance against Sejuani. But now, with these gauntlets and her shield, Vi was actually feeling quite relaxed.

"Tell me your name, southerner." Sejuani and Bristle turned to Vi, the boar's massive head facing her. Its small pupils gleamed with ferocity as it panted heavily. White smoke billowed from its snout.

Looks like it's going to be hot. Vi thought. She glanced at her Hextech Gauntlets, covered in frost and shards of ice.

If not for Hextech technology, honestly, a hundred of her wouldn't stand a chance against Sejuani. But now, with these gauntlets and her shield, Vi was actually feeling quite relaxed.

"Tell me your name, southern." Sejuani and Steelhoof turned to Vi, the boar's massive head facing her. Its small pupils gleamed with ferocity as it panted heavily. White smoke billowed from its snout.

Looks like it's going to be hot. Vi thought. She glanced at her Hextech Gauntlets, covered in frost and shards of ice.

The front part of the chain flail is made of refined iron and covered with blue ice. Sejuani, raised it, and the owner of the boar opened her mouth.

"I'll give you the right to tell me your name. You are the first southerner who can withstand the true ice and stop Bristle," Sejuani said, raising her neck to look down at Vi, her eyes showing an expression of admiration.

"Vi," After thinking for a while she ultimately replied.

To Zaunites, Sejuani wasn't an enemy; quite the opposite, the Winter's Claw was Noxus's enemy, so it could be Zaun's friend. Therefore, letting this "future" friend know her name wasn't too much to ask.

"Huh?" Sejuani looked at Vi.

"I mean, my name is Vi," Vi shrugged habitually, her demeanor almost identical to Linwin's.

Casually hopping in place, Vi hammered her point, "Vi, hailing from Zaun."

"Your name is quite peculiar," Sejuani remarked.

"You're not the first one to say that," Vi chuckled.

With that said, she charged again. But this time, stopping about three meters away from Bristle, Vi raised her Hextech Gauntlets towards the boar and loudly declared, "You better watch out, this time, I'm going to pull you off that pig."

Sejuani and her Winter's Claw respected warriors. Watching Vi charge again voluntarily, Sejuani's admiration intensified.

"But it's a pity, you're not facing just one person, girl." Sejuani pulled the reins, and Bristle roared, dashing with agility that defied its size.

This was no ordinary wild boar. Some wild boar may appear to be slow and bulky but Drüvask boars were not one of them.

"What the...?" Watching the agile boar charging from the side, Vi spat with force.

Caitlyn, holding a sniper rifle on the mountain, frowned unhappily. She had told Vi countless times not to spit everywhere. But this person just wouldn't learn.

"So difficult to deal with!" Vi exclaimed loudly to Sejuani. Simultaneously, she tensed her thighs and jumped back, preparing to withstand Bristle's attack.

As before, Vi grabbed Bristle's tusks with her Hextech Gauntlets, resembling a rabbit facing a lion. But Vi held the mighty boar, gripping one tusk with one arm, shattering the ice beneath her boots with the other, while flames spewed from her gauntlet. Vi rolled upward, intending to flip Bristle over.

Since I can't overpower you, I'll slam you to the ground! Victory through ingenuity! Vi thought.

"Foolish!" But Sejuani, seeing Vi attempting to flip Bristle after marveling at her strength against the boar, also felt disdain for her opponent's intelligence.

Just half a minute ago, she had mentioned that she was facing two opponents.

Sejuani and Bristle were two formidable beings. Underestimating either would come at a painful cost.

"Vi, did you forget something?" Sejuani gritted her teeth, feeling a sting in her arm. But she forcefully rotated her chain, then, with her blue-tinged arm, pressed down on the flail.

She had blocked the power of true ice once, but at such a close distance, she couldn't block it a second time!

"You're strong, but you shouldn't stand in my way," Sejuani regretfully stated. Bristle lifted its head, resisting Vi's force.

Sejuani wasn't fighting alone.


A loud noise echoed from the snowy mountains. 

"Ugh!" Sejuani grunted as her shoulder stiffened. Lowering her head, she saw her shoulder pierced, a hole appeared on her thick armor, blood gushing out.

Her hand weakened, and the flail fell onto Bristle's obese body.

Looking at Vi, Sejuani saw Vi smiling at her.

"Hey, I'm not fighting alone either," Vi proudly declared, holding Bristle massive tusks.

Her partner was the sharpest marksman in Piltover.

On her hands, she wielded the most powerful Hextech sniper rifle developed by Jayce, Ekko, Heimerdinger, Viktor, and Zevi. It could accurately hit targets hundreds of meters away, let alone this distance.

"Just fall damn it!!!"

Veins bulging on her neck, Vi forcefully took a breath, then puffed her cheeks. Her blue Hextech Gauntlets turned red, even emitting a "Warning, warning!" sound.

Ignoring everything else, Vi first bent her knees and forcefully pushed against Bristle massive jaw, kicking its head aside. With her other foot on the frozen soil, much to Sejuani's incredulity, the over 6,000-pound Bristle was lifted into the air!

At that moment, fear filled Bristle's eyes.

It was the first time it had been lifted since adulthood.

Bristle, losing its balance, roared, and Sejuani quickly let go of the reins, using her intact left hand to grab the flail hanging on Bristle's body.

"You think I'll let you?" 

On the side of the icy mountain, the beautiful policewoman smirked.



Sejuani watched her flail being hit away, while beneath her, the incessant noise of "Warning, warning!" rang out.

"You bastard!" The world turned upside down, helmet falling off, Sejuani's gray-white hair scattered as she roared.


The ground was smashed into a huge crater. Vi looked at the ground several meters deep in front of her, feeling powerless, sitting down heavily on the ground, her Hextech Gauntlets also removed, Vi grinned broadly.

"Haha.... I did the same thing as Linwin."

Winter's Claw archers aiming upwards were stunned for a moment, then immediately swarmed in.

"Warmother is injured!"

"Quick, save Warmother and kill this Southerner!"

An axe flew straight towards Vi.


A gunshot rang out, and the roughly forged iron battle axe was sent flying.

"Board up!"

On the mountaintop, Skite signaled solemnly.

The enforcers quickly stepped onto their prepared Hextech flying boards and flew down the snowy mountain.

And Skite was no exception. At the moment he charged towards Vi, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

To be honest, he was really fed up with this lunatic Vi!

Was this what Councilor Linwin meant? Dealing with the Winter's Claw like this?

Clearly, there could have been better ways. When people from twin cities fought them, they feared their mysteries ice magic the most. But with shielded protection, weak magic like ice arrows or fireballs couldn't cause harm.

In such a situation, twin cities fighting Freljordians meant high-tech versus cold weapons!

Absolutely dominant.

But why engage in hand-to-hand combat?

But, he couldn't deny it. At the moment he saw Vi lift and flip that huge wild boar, he felt his blood boil.

This crazy woman!