
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-194- The Taliyah Linwin knew

In the evening on Zaun Avenue, the crowd had thinned out, but for the inn stationed on this street, it was just about to get busy. 

The Dodo Inn, situated on Zaun Avenue, was already fully occupied.

The somewhat irritable, slightly chubby female innkeeper stood in the courtyard, holding a package. Looking up at a specific spot on the second floor, she cupped her hands and shouted, "Hey, Taliya, are you in the room? If you can, I need your help with something."

In response to the call, a furry little head timidly poked out. It belonged to a girl with a young and innocent face, displaying confusion and shyness. Despite the puzzled expression, Taliya quickly replied, "Sure, just a moment, I'll be right down."

In a mere two minutes, she rushed down to the innkeeper, standing straight, looking up at her. "Do you need me for something?"

"Relax, Taliya. I'm asking for your help, not ordering you around," the innkeeper said with a slightly helpless expression.

The innkeeper couldn't help but feel frustrated with Taliya's behavior, always cowering in her small room, seemingly avoiding something terrifying. Yet, Zaun was considered safe, and the innkeeper understood the reasons, thanks to the information shared by Thal.

Taliya immediately responded, "I understand!"

The speed of her response seemed as if she feared facing consequences if she didn't answer quickly. Although the innkeeper had a somewhat irritable temperament and often quarreled with tenants, she wasn't a bad person. If Taliya refused, she wouldn't get angry; at most, she would find it a bit regrettable.

Knowing the journey to the Rockwater District would take at least half an hour for someone with swift legs, the innkeeper sighed and said, "Rockwater District, where you work, has a pastry shop. If you're willing, please deliver this package there. In return, Taliya, I can waive your dinner fee for tonight."

Taliya, looking up, suddenly revealed a hint of joy. Excited to hear that the dinner fee would be waived, she immediately replied, "No problem, I can leave right now."

"No need to rush, just make sure it gets there," the innkeeper said, handing the package to Taliya. She added in a soft voice, "Please be mindful of the hoverbikes passing by. Last time, you almost collided with one."

With the package in her hands, Taliya looked up, nodded weakly, and said, "Alright."

Then, Taliya hugged the package and quickly ran out of the inn.

Running out of the inn, under the warm yellow lights, Taliya quickly blended into the crowd. She appeared frail, tightly clutching the package, head down, and her somewhat inconspicuous appearance made her look noticeably out of place among the Zaunites who had just finished their work.

"In the pastry shop near where I work, is there really such a store?" Taliya thought carefully on her way.

As she looked ahead at the bright road, Taliya abandoned her thoughts about the pastry shop and once again marveled at the unique sights of Zaun. Despite having seen it many times before, every time, Taliya found herself in awe.

Even though it was just evening, Zaun had already surpassed the embrace of dusk and directly entered the depths of the night. 

However, unlike Shurima, where night meant darkness, Zaun's night was bright and warm. People's faces reflected happiness in their lives, men and women walked together towards the taverns, and children, with backpacks on their backs, ran around the streets.

Taliya knew what those backpacks were for—they carried books. Yes, children in Zaun were studying. It was lively here.

Taliya loved this scene; she loved the vibrancy and prosperity of Zaun. It was strange because back in her tribe, she distinctly remembered hearing the elders say that Zaun was poor, chaotic, and dangerous.

Yet, looking at the current scene, Taliya couldn't connect it with danger. She gradually became familiar with Zaun's nights. Even now, without the sun's illumination, Zaun still stood in the light. Rows of streetlights lit up, providing a warm yellow glow for pedestrians.

In the evening on Zaun Avenue, the filtration towers continued to operate. Taliya also learned from the innkeeper about those strange tall spherical buildings.

They were devices used for purifying the air.

These devices, in turn, allowed Zaun's residents to forgo wearing thick gas masks and improved the air quality in Zaun.

As she walked away from Zaun Avenue, encountering fewer people, Taliya no longer attracted much attention. Once away from the crowd, Taliya, who had been hunched over, straightened her spine.

This young girl from Shurima lifted her head, gazing enviously at the rows of streetlights and the towers that seemed to reach the sky.

Taliya's eyes held admiration; she genuinely envied everything about Zaun. Zaun wasn't poor; on the contrary, Shurima, her hometown, was the impoverished one.

"I need to earn money. I must work hard to earn more money!"

With the package in her arms, Taliya quickened her pace. After witnessing the prosperity of Zaun, her determination deepened. Yes, she would strive to earn money and secretly learn some skills here.

Once she mastered some skills Zaun, she would return to Shurima to change her homeland.

In the sky, Linwin kept his head low, silently observing everything about Taliya.

When Linwin arrived at the Dodo Inn earlier, it happened to be when the innkeeper called out to Taliya, asking for her help.

Linwin originally intended to intervene directly, but suddenly changed his mind. He noticed that the timid girl in front of him was not the familiar Taliya he knew. This wasn't the little sparrow that dared to confront eagles.

The story of Little Sparrow Taliya was one that Linwin particularly liked. Her tale was akin to Ekko's story. If, in the original universe, Ekko represented the future of Zaun, Ashe represented the future of Freljord, and Irelia represented the future of Ionia, then in the lore, Taliya could be considered the future of Shurima.

She harbored goodwill, warmth, naivety yet a firm love for everything in Shurima. Embarking on a journey to master magic to control her abilities, she roamed the world for years. 

Upon learning about the resurrection of the emperor who had been dead for a millennium, she resolutely returned to her homeland to protect her people from being swallowed by the tyrant's golden sands.

Diving into the desert, following the water flow, tracing the footsteps of her people, this little sparrow born in the sands was indeed a kind and fragile person. But behind Taliya's gentle and kind demeanor was an ambitious heart willing to move mountains and fill seas, a soul capable of shaping the world.

Yes, she dared to resist the Emperor of the Sands! Dared to defy Xerath!

So why did Linwin, in the ten minutes he saw Taliya, not see those qualities in her?

All he saw was timidity, a girl worried and scared in a new environment. It was normal. But this left Linwin somewhat disappointed.

Taliyah and Kaisa, they should be very similar. Yet, Taliyah was different.

Although she possessed an extremely powerful magic, not as exaggerated as the monster that was Lux, it far exceeded all the mages Linwin had known.

"Is it because of the lack of a certain experience?" Linwin thought for a moment, but familiar with Taliyah's story, he suddenly shook his head.

No, Taliyah was already a strong and brave girl before leaving her tribe. The experiences only reinforced her determination to repay her homeland and improved her skills in controlling her magic.

So, what could be the reason?

Linwin suddenly wanted to know. Because the little sparrow that bravely fought against eagles shouldn't be like this.

////Tomorrow will be a extra busy day for me, Just in case if I didn't update tomorrow, I'll update more the day after tomorrow.////