
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-191- A mission for Graves and Twisted Fate

In a tavern in Zaun, a man carrying a large shotgun on his back sat at the bar and silently raised the glass in front of him.

Pouring strong alcohol mixed with juice into his stomach, Graves comfortably squinted his eyes.

"Can you not make such a creepy expression when you're drinking?" A man walked up to Graves, folding his trench coat neatly on the bar. He took off his large hat and covered it.

Twisted Fate revealed his iconic smile, the one that made people feel irritated just by looking at it.

Graves glanced at Twisted Fate, ignoring him, and instead, he tapped the table with his fingers together.

The bartender quickly added more alcohol to Graves' drink.

After a few rounds, when Graves felt a bit tipsy, he stopped.

"We planning to leave this place anytime soon?" Graves turned his head and asked Twisted Fate.

The bartender, standing in front of the two, heard their conversation and quickly gestured to the bouncer at the door.

Twisted Fate saw it but didn't comment on the bartender's actions. Instead, he reached out, patted Graves on the shoulder, and said with a smirk, "Soon, we'll be on our way."

"Good, I've had enough of this place. We need excitement, and that's the real reason why we stick together," Graves said seriously. "Zaun is good, but it's not for us."

The gambler nodded with a rare agreement to Graves' words.

Yes, Zaun is indeed good.

It accommodates Twisted Fate and Graves, giving them a place to rest without worrying about their safety.

But Zaun is not suitable for them.

Because it's too safe—safe to the point that it makes the two thrill-seekers feel bored. The current Zaun is prosperous and secure, even in gambling establishments, there are various rules like opening hours and gambling funds.

Is this still Zaun?

Is this the Zaun that Twisted Fate once heard of and knew?

In the past, in Zaun, not to mention opening a gambling den during the day, even street murders could happen during the day. Is it still like that now?

Walking on the streets of Zaun at night, there's no need to worry about safety issues.

Enforcers with powerful weapons, riding on hextech hoverboards, patrol Zaun all night.

To put it this way, Twisted Fate thinks that the current Zaun is just a slightly better Bilgewater.

Although the city is not as chaotic as Bilgewater, the entire island is full of desperados, but it's all about gangsters doing evil deeds.

The two men sat side by side, chatting with each other, and the drinks kept flowing.

Twisted Fate and Graves worked in Zaun like teachers, one teaching enforcers the street ruffian's boxing style, the other teaching enforcers to recognize human nature and judge right from wrong.

And because of that, the two didn't need to steal, deceive, or rob, and they saved quite a bit of money.

—Thanks to Linwin.

"I'm thinking, why don't we try going to Noxus this time? That place is poor, but the nobles are rich. The poor are just the commoners and peasants."

Twisted Fate took a sip of low-proof beer, asking Graves, "Why do you want to go to Noxus?"

Twisted Fate naturally knew the reason Graves wanted to go to Noxus.

Nothing more than a matter of guts.

Twisted Fate knew that Graves was such a person.

But now, Noxus isn't really a good choice.

The place has become chaotic again. Although it's convenient for us when things are chaotic, getting involved in warlord conflicts is not a wise decision.

Even with our Hextech weapons as protection, Twisted Fate can't guarantee a safe escape every time.

"Hey, even though we're leaving Zaun, I'll always remember this place. When I'm tired, I think I'll come back here to rest for a few days," Graves said in a matter-of-fact tone. 

"Since I have a good relationship with Zaun, it naturally means I have a bad relationship with Noxus! I can't rob the people of Piltover; I can't lower my face like that. Friends of my friends are my friends too, but when it comes to robbing Noxus, I have no problem. The enemies of my friends are my enemies!"

"Twisted Fate, am I standing up for my friends here?" Graves continued, lifting his glass and finishing a drink.

In front of him, the young bartender promptly poured another drink for Graves. However, this time, the alcohol in Graves' glass was a bit lower, more of a fruity wine.

"What's the meaning of changing it to this kind of drink, kid?" Graves noticed the bartender's action and immediately expressed his displeasure. "Are you afraid I'll get drunk? Don't joke around; I've only had a few drinks!"

Downing the fruity wine, Graves made an unhappy face and slammed the empty glass on the bar, loudly shouting, "Buckston, what's the idea of changing it for me!"

Buckston was about to speak when Twisted Fate, sitting beside him, raised his left hand, propped his chin, and stretched out his right hand to block Graves.

He smiled and said, "Don't blame Buckston, he's just following orders."

"Orders? Whose orders? Who dares to manage my drinking?" Graves was already a bit tipsy. Before Twisted Fate arrived, he had already had quite a few drinks. Although he had a good tolerance, Zaun's alcohol was no longer purchased from various places. Now, the people of Zaun brewed their own drinks.

And they were high-proof drinks because the residents of Zaun were former members of gangs, and enjoying alcohol was a normal thing for them.

Therefore, Graves was a bit dizzy now.

Also, he wasn't good at drinking. If he drank too much, Graves wouldn't be the kind of person who would fall asleep snoring; he would be the kind of person who, with a gun in hand, a cigarette dangling, and fueled by alcohol, would go looking for trouble.

"Linwin's orders," Twisted Fate said calmly.

"Uh..." Graves immediately quieted down, coughed, and slowly sat back. He said with some confusion, "What does it have to do with me drinking a bit? "

Twisted Fate saw that Graves was immediately intimidated and shook his head, smiling with some helplessness.

Graves was really afraid of Linwin.

That guy is a real monster.

"Haha, Graves, don't worry. I think it won't be long before that stinky kid Linwin will want you to come over," a man's voice sounded nearby. Twisted Fate and Graves looked over and saw a plump man with a stubble walking over.

"Mr. Benzo, it seems like you know something?" Twisted Fate immediately spoke up.

Graves also looked at the man and then burped loudly.

"I know a little bit. Vander told me when we were drinking. His mouth has always been big," Benzo sat down next to Twisted Fate, gestured twice, and the bartender promptly poured him a drink.

This bar belonged to Benzo.

It was also a bar often visited by the upper echelons of Zaun.

Therefore, the waiters in the shop were all former members of Vander's gang.

As for why they became waiters in a bar, it's because not everyone can successfully become an enforcer.

And now, Zaun doesn't tolerate the existence of gangs.

Vander and Silco are the most clear about what gangsters can do, and they understand what their existence represents for a city.

So, two guys who were former gang leaders have now become the people who most actively combat the existence of gangs.

This is ironic, isn't it?

"Tell us about it," Twisted Fate raised his glass, toasting Benzo.

"I only know a little bit." Benzo chuckled, nodded after finishing a glass of strong liquor, and began to speak. 

"Piltover and Zaun are currently expanding outward. They plan to establish more Hextech stations in Shurima to facilitate communication between the two cities. Also, if conditions permit, they're considering sending a permanent force to Shurima to protect a group of people involved in procurement and academic research."

"We severed the connection between Noxus and Bel'zhun. During this time, I heard that the Noxian garrison in Bel'zhun also returned to the Immortal Bastion. It seems like something big is about to happen in Noxus."

Benzo paused and then continued with a smile, "But as long as it doesn't involve us, let Noxus do whatever it wants."


Twisted Fate's eyes lit up, connecting the dots with Benzo's previous words. Linwin wants to meet him and Graves. Twisted Fate immediately senses something significant is about to happen.

"So, Graves and I need to prepare to become the force stationed in Shurima, protecting Zaunites?" Twisted Fate inquires.

Upon hearing Twisted Fate's words, Graves widens his eyes, stands up, tilts his head, looks past Twisted Fate at Benzo, and exclaims, "What? Linwin wants me and Twisted Fate to go to Shurima?"

"We had already decided to go to Nox..."

Twisted Fate reaches out to cover Graves' mouth.

"Quiet down, Graves. Listen to Mr. Benzo," Twisted Fate says.

"Of course not," Benzo shrugs. "The places for development are not just Shurima. Zaun has never had the intention of occupying cities in other countries. Even Bel'zhun, which is currently unclaimed, Zaun has never thought of conquering. At least not now."

"Demacia in the west has agreed to an alliance with Piltover and Zaun. They have also approved the construction of Hextech stations and Hex gates within Demacia. So, in mid-April, a group of students from Piltover and Zaun will be sent to Demacia to build Hextech stations. This will be their first test."

Twisted Fate listens quietly to Benzo's words but is internally sarcastic.

Benzo claims to know only a little, but can it really be called "only a little"? Or does Mr. Vander indeed have a big mouth, capable of revealing everything?

However, Twisted Fate knows that Vander's big mouth is different from Graves'. Mr. Vander will only confide in those he trusts, while Graves?

This guy often unintentionally reveals the duo's next plans, disrupting Twisted Fate's plans countless times.

One is a false big mouth, the other is a true big mouth!

"This is really interesting."

Twisted Fate raises his glass to Benzo. "To Zaun, Mr. Benzo."

Benzo nods, raises his glass, and declares, "To Zaun!"

"As a closed country, it's difficult for outsiders to witness the magnificence of Demacia's capital. Even entering Demacia's territory is a challenge. But now, they willingly agreed to let people from Piltover and Zaun enter Demacia."

Smiling, Twisted Fate continues, "I think Graves and I are willing to take on this task."

Graves immediately nods and says, "What he said."

Graves is not a fool; he's quite intelligent. It's just that compared to the smarter Twisted Fate, Graves' impulsive nature makes him appear a bit foolish.

"The team to go to Demacia has already been selected," Benzo shakes his head.

Twisted Fate: "."

"So, Mr. Benzo, what does Linwin want us to do?" Twisted Fate decides to ask directly. After all, Linwin definitely wants them to do something. Otherwise, the bartender wouldn't have stopped Graves from drinking, and Benzo wouldn't have spoken these words.

"The seas."

Benzo, who only knows a little, looks at Twisted Fate seriously. "Zaun intends to have Hextech stations appear everywhere in the world. The goal is to be able to contact people all over the world with just a phone call."

Twisted Fate's pupils suddenly contract, falling into surprise.

The whole world?

Twisted Fate certainly uses Hextech phones, and Graves has bought several, saying that when one is used up, he'll use another.

As for changing Hextech gems and replacing energy sources...

Well, Graves selectively forgot about those.

"And if you want to reach Ionia, there are only two places to go."

Recalling Vander's words, Benzo pauses before continuing, "One is to depart from the port city in Noxus, which can go directly to Ionia. The other..."

"Is to go through the Guardian's Sea and reach Bilgewater."

Twisted Fate and Graves are both stunned.


That's Graves' hometown!

"Linwin wants us to go to Bilgewater?" Graves shouts, "And also bring a construction team to that place?"

"He's gone mad!"

"Mr. Benzo, if it's just going to Bilgewater, Graves and I fully agree. After all, Zaun has helped us a lot. But if it's about taking scholars to Bilgewater, then please excuse us for refusing!" Twisted Fate calmly says, "Bilgewater is very dangerous, a lawless and chaotic zone. Graves and I alone don't have the ability to protect them in such a place."

"I know Bilgewater is dangerous, Vander knows it too, and all of us Zaunites are aware of it."

Benzo nods with a smile, "We are well aware of the dangers of Bilgewater, Twisted Fate. Do you think I used to do what? I used to have frequent contact with those people."

He grins, "In my view, they're nothing more than a bunch of pirates who bully the weak."

Are pirates frightening?

Certainly, they are.

Even the merchant ships bound for Piltover fear them.

But Zaunites are definitely not afraid.

On the contrary, sometimes Zaun even engages in private transactions with the pirates of Bilgewater. At times, driven by interests and survival, Zaunites may even clash directly with the pirates of Bilgewater.

"As for this matter, Lin..."

Benzo is about to say that Linwin will explain it to you, and two enforcers suddenly push the door open.

They salute Benzo first and then look at Twisted Fate and Graves with seriousness, loudly announcing:

"Twisted Fate, Graves."

"Sir Linwin has instructed you to go to the office of the Piltovan Council in Piltover now."

"He has urgent matters to discuss with you."