
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-179- Technology is amazing

The meeting didn't last too long; after discussing a few matters related to student meals, the meeting concluded successfully.

After the meeting, Powder pushed Linwin back to Zoran's shop.

By the time they got home, it was already evening. Zoran had prepared dinner, and Kai'Sa brought a large bowl to the table. Dinner was ready.

Powder didn't go back; instead, she took a seat directly.

There were four empty bowls on the table, and she wasn't going back as long as there was food to eat. Vi's taste was too heavy, and Powder couldn't stomach what Vi cooked, especially after experiencing various delicious foods. 

Powder found Vi's cooking unbearable even a few years ago when there was nothing else to eat.

At the dinner table, Kai'Sa sat next to Powder, and Zoran sat next to Linwin.

However, after taking a few bites, Zoran left with a big bag.

It was filled with various snacks suitable for drinking.

Old Zoran had developed a habit of going out for drinks in the middle of the night.

So, there were only three people at the dinner table.

Chewing on a fish meatball, Powder, with a complaining tone, asked, "Linwin, why don't you let me be a teacher? I'm the head of the Hextech Weapon Department."

"It's them, not me. I don't think that way." Linwin took a sip of fish soup.

The spicy fish soup was warm, with the right balance of saltiness. Since Kai'Sa started living here, Zoran's culinary skills had been improving day by day.

With more food prepared, and Kai'Sa happily eating everything, Chef Zoran felt proud.

Indeed, what makes a chef happy is seeing empty bowls and satisfied expressions on diners' faces.

"Yeah, why don't they let me be a teacher?" Powder asked with some anger.

The decision not to let her be a teacher was raised by Heimerdinger during the meeting, said right in front of Powder.

She even thought that the fluffy professor was cute!

But as it turned out, he was the kind of person who would talk bad about her directly in front of her.

What do you mean she can't teach?

How can I not teach?

Powder bit her spoon, looking dissatisfied.

It's too infuriating; just thinking about it makes her want to explode.

Singed didn't speak up for her either. Instead, he agreed with Heimerdinger's point of view.

"The professor means for you to focus on developing weapons. Leave teaching to someone else," Singed explained.

"Then why can Ekko be a teacher?" Powder retorted.

You're asking why Ekko can be a teacher?

That's because when Ekko teaches, he definitely won't bring guns and bombs into the classroom. But you might!

Linwin probably thought this way, but what he said was, "Because Ekko isn't as smart as you. You're not just the head of the Hextech Weapon Department in Zaun now; you're going to be the head of the Hextech Weapon Department in both cities."

"Then, when the time comes, even I will have to call you Miss Powder."

"Really?" Powder's initial dissatisfaction disappeared, and her face, originally filled with anger, suddenly brightened.

Her lips curled upward, and when her legs stretched forward, they touched Linwin's legs. Powder smiled and said, "Is that true? You have to call me Miss Powder?"

"Of course, 'Miss' Powder."

Powder's smile widened, and her body wriggled happily, like a joyful big larva.

"So, the professor is afraid of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, letting you be a teacher would only delay a genius weapon inventor like you."

"Hehe. I'm not as amazing as you say."

Being praised so much by Linwin, Powder was satisfied.

In front of others, Powder is a genius inventor, a mischievous and clever little fox with lots of tricky ideas. But in front of Linwin, Powder turns into someone who doesn't like to use her brain, a silly and sweet girl who goes along with praise.

Kai'Sa just eats her food in silence.

Listening quietly to Linwin teasing Powder:

"I won't be a teacher. I'll continue to make my weapons. It's perfect; my ideas hasn't been tested yet."

"Powder, you better be careful."

Hearing this, thinking about what Powder was about to create, Linwin immediately swallowed hard. He felt like he had just stepped out of one pit but had fallen into an even bigger one. Realizing this, Linwin quickly warned Powder, "You mustn't accidentally blow up Piltover."

Powder lowered his head while scooping rice, eating and saying, "Nothing like that will happen. The expected first experiment won't have such great power. I guess at most it can only destroy the university? Maybe just demolish a building."

Kai'Sa, who had been quietly eating and drinking soup, was startled.

"Demolish? Destroy Piltover University?" Kai'Sa bit her chopsticks, looking at Linwin in shock. "What kind of weapon is Powder trying to create?"

Seeing Kai'Sa asking, Powder immediately turned excitedly to Kai'Sa and said, "Kai'Sa, let me tell you. I'm going to create something called Fishbone No. 1! It's a super cannon that uses the power of Hextech gems!"

Linwin: "."

It really is Fishbone.

"Fishbone?" Kai'Sa looked at the bowl, aside from two uneaten fish balls, there was a palm-sized fish in the bowl, and she had just eaten half of it. At this moment, Kai'Sa stared at the row of fish bones in the bowl, lost in thought.

When did fish bones become so powerful?

"Well, well, isn't this name cute?" Powder explained to Kai'Sa, "Firing it once releases all the energy of a Hextech gem. I envision using alchemical potions to boost it, burning to provide powerful propulsion for the projectile launch, ensuring it won't explode before landing to prevent leakage of the energy, affecting the explosion effect."

"Powder, I don't care if it's fishbone or chicken bone."

Linwin looked at Powder, extremely serious. "In any case, when you do this experiment, someone must accompany you, and you must wear sufficient protective gears. Otherwise, I won't allow you to do the experiment."

This is an explosion.

Even though history told Linwin that Powder successfully created Fishbone, the question is, what does Powder's Fishbone have to do with Jinx's Fishbone?

Does Powder have the same conditions as Jinx?

No way!

What she's going to do now is compress the energy of a Hextech gem into the projectile!

Remember, the Hextech energy gun is the kind of weapon that can shoot a kilometer away, easily penetrate steel, and cause large injuries the size of a bowl with a single shot. The energy from a single Hextech gem is enough to fire hundreds of shots.

But even so, it won't cause the gem to shatter.

So, the result of a shattered complete version of a Hextech gemstone.

Linwin suddenly shivered.

In his mind, he had already imagined a large blue mushroom cloud.

"Don't worry, Linwin, I know what I'm doing." Powder, seeing Linwin being serious, also spoke seriously, "Hextech gemstones are very stable; it's difficult to destroy them. So I plan to ask Viktor to help me with the research. Of course, if that tall guy is willing to help me, it's even better, but he's a councilor; he probably doesn't have time to help me."

"Anyway, I have to learn to modify the internal structure of Hextech gemstones first before guiding them to boom!"

Powder opened her hands wide. "Explosion!"


Linwin was stunned, then nodded the next moment, saying, "Okay, I will personally talk to Viktor about this."

"If he accompanies you throughout the experiment and agrees and approves of your experiment, then I won't have any objections. Otherwise, if Viktor thinks your experiment is too dangerous, you have to stop for me."

Hearing this, Powder became anxious immediately. 

How could this experiment not be dangerous? 

So she quickly said, "Linwin, you're a scientist too. You know that scientific experiments always come with risks."

"So what? It's not allowed."

"Ah, if I really succeed, Noxus won't matter at all!" Powder became anxious, stood up, and leaned on the dining table, loudly speaking to Linwin, "Think about it, with a weapon that can cause damage in a range of kilometers. If we can mass-produce it, one person shoots a few hundred shots, Noxus is done!"

"But Powder, compared to having powerful weapons, I'm more worried that you will get hurt. Do you understand?" Linwin frowned and said.

"We have to be fully prepared before proceeding with the experiment. Don't act like you used to, tinkering with dangerous things alone."

Linwin said seriously.

Linwin knew best about the consequences of a shattered Hextech gem.

Even a weakened version of the shattered Hextech crystal could blow Linwin away, causing a not-so-small explosion.

Let alone the completed version of the Hextech gemstone now. T

he most important thing is that Powder needs to use alchemical potions to assist combustion, which is not only toxic but also highly flammable.

If an accident happens carelessly.

Linwin will regret it for a lifetime.

He doesn't want to regret.

Compared to having powerful weapons to punish Noxus.

Linwin is more worried that Powder will get hurt or even die.


"In any case, you must get Viktor, Jayce, Heimerdinger, and Singed's agreement on this matter."

"Even if they agree, you must conduct the experiment with Viktor accompanying you the whole time."

"Do you understand?" Linwin looked at Powder, his tone extremely serious.

This made Powder somewhat aggrieved.

She just wants to help Linwin.

She no longer wants every problem in Zaun to be solved by Linwin alone.

The scene of flying helplessly on a hoverboard in the Piltovian Mountains, looking for Linwin, is something Powder doesn't want to experience again.

If, if there was Fishbone at that time, take Fishbone to a high place, then launch it with a bang. Surely a single shot would kill hundreds of Noxians.

With ten shots, the Noxians would have to run on their own. How could Linwin possibly get hurt?

She just wants to help.

But strangely, being warned by Linwin like this, Powder feels a warm feeling in her heart.

Although he is stopping her, why does it feel a bit happy?

Powder: "Mm..."

Seeing Powder whimpering, Linwin glared at her and said loudly, "Enough with the whimpering! If you understand, sit down and eat."

Powder quickly sat down but also made a silly face at Linwin, complaining, "Really, what's with the scolding? You're acting like a old man again."

Linwin looked at Powder, who was lowering her head and eating, and secretly exerted force on the wheelchair.


It looks like I'm almost recovered.

"After eating, hurry back to wash and sleep. What's the point of staying up late every day?" Linwin looked at the empty bowl that Powder had finished eating and said indifferently.


She threw the bowl into the sink, then turned around, grabbed the hoverboard, and made another face at Linwin. Powder descended the stairs with heavy footsteps, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Her weapon."

After Powder left, Kai'Sa hesitated and said, "Is that weapon really that powerful?"

Linwin nodded, "Very powerful, extremely powerful."

That's a missile.

It's an RPG.

In the magical world, using magic to create an RPG involves magic. 

Flesh and blood can't even stop bullets, let alone more powerful missiles.

Seeing Kai'Sa still in a confused expression, unable to comprehend, Linwin spoke up, "How much maximum damage can your plasma shots cause?"

"The maximum?" Kai'Sa thought for a moment and said, "It should have a range of about twenty meters."

"Twenty meters."

Linwin smiled.

It was unfair to measure the power of Fishbone with Kai'Sa's plasma shots. After all, Kai'Sa's plasma shots, when fully fired, can hit several hundred shots at once.

But what about Powder's Fishbone?

It can only shoot once at a time.


"Powder is not someone who likes to exaggerate, so what she says is true. If Fishbone is really manufactured, then one projectile can cause destruction in the range of nearly a hundred meters."

Kai'Sa: "."

The food in the bowl no longer seemed appetizing.

Kai'Sa used chopsticks to pick at the fish balls in the bowl, her face expressing a melancholic mood.

Linwin asked, "What's wrong?"

"I suddenly realized how useless I am."

Hextech hoverboard allows ordinary humans to fly.

Hextech gun poses a threat to Kai'Sa as well.

And now, Fishbone.

Kai'Sa suddenly understood the meaning of Linwin's words when he told her in Shurima that the future belongs to Zaun.

Technology is really amazing!