
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-163- Linwin's wheelchair

Silco mentioned the past, bringing smiles to the elderly Zaunites present.

Linwin was assisted to sit in the middle, leaning on the table, making sounds of discomfort.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Three days," Viktor said, tilting his head. "Or, to be precise, three days and two nights."

"Linwin, do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

Powder bent over on the side, with her little head on Linwin's shoulder, looking at him with concern.

"Don't worry, Powder. I'm just physically exhausted, can't exert much force," Linwin said, struggling to raise his right hand and patting the little head on his left shoulder. Powder moved her head, rubbing against Linwin's shoulder like a little cat.

"Do you know... I couldn't find you for half a day. I was almost scared to death," Powder said with a buzzing sound.

"There were corpses everywhere, dead people everywhere. But you didn't say a word."

Linwin paused, recalling the situation at that time.

Powder cried in the sky.

Serious, he apologized, "Sorry, Powder, for making you worry."

"Don't apologize; we should be the ones apologizing," her hand lightly tapping on Linwin's shoulder, Powder whispered, "Always letting you bear so much alone."

On the side, Silco and Vander fell silent.

As Powder said, Linwin had been carrying too much for Zaun and everyone.

"Alright, I do all that because I want to." Linwin sensed that the atmosphere was a bit off and quickly spoke.

He hadn't had any accidents, and the current weakness was just a side effect of the abilities.

Injured? The large piece of flesh that Kolck scraped off with a silver hook grew back in less than fifteen seconds. What injury could Linwin suffer?

Turning to Jayce, Linwin said, "You need to help me with something."

"Go on, what do you need me to do?" Jayce nodded, leaning on Viktor's side.

"A wheelchair, preferably a flying one, a sufficiently safe wheelchair. I think using the stage Seraphine created as a template would be excellent."

"A wheelchair?" Jayce was taken aback. Linwin wanted him to create a flying wheelchair? Wait, who was this wheelchair for?

Jayce glanced at Linwin's legs, and his mouth involuntarily twitched.

Linwin noticed Jayce's expression and smiled, "Yes, It's for my use. But don't look at me with those eyes; I'm not handicapped. In a month, at most two, I'll be able to move, but before fully recovering, I need someone to support me when I'm walking. Otherwise, I can't move three meters."

This was Linwin, the old man who could hardly move his legs while trembling against the wall!

"I can't even use my strength anymore. Does that count as a sign of muscle weakness?"

"Strictly speaking, it's not." Singed shook his head nearby.

"How serious is your condition?" Vander asked with concern.

"Not serious. If I use it again next time, the situation might improve a lot. It's more of an adaptation period." Linwin shook his head. "Just a lack of strength. When Jayce builds me a wheelchair, I'll go back to work."

"You still want to work?! What are you thinking?" Vi scolded when she heard Linwin's words. "You're like this now. Can't you rest in peace?"

"But I have a lot of work." Linwin blinked and looked at Vi, who was bristling.

After a moment, he smiled and said, "Besides, I can't stay idle. There are so many things to solve between the two cities now. How can I rest?."

"Linwin is right; there are many things to solve between the two cities now." Silco nodded and said, "Those Zaunites who are now living in Piltover and want to return to Zaun, their applications have to be approved by Linwin. Linwin has to screen and approve those who are recognized. Those who are approved can return, but not everyone can get a chance for forgiveness."

"I can do this."

Suddenly, Viktor raised his hand, looked at Linwin, then at Silco, and stood up.

On Viktor's legs, a special device supported his body, allowing him to stand firmly. "Let me do it. I'll handle that matter."

"What about the Councilor's meeting?" Linwin hadn't finished speaking, and Jayce interrupted him, "I'll relay that. It only takes two Hextech phones."

Linwin immediately said, "The aftermath of Twin City Day."

"Leave it to Mel; she'll handle it," Jayce put his hand on Linwin's shoulder, earnestly saying, "It's time for you to rest."

"Wait, there's more! There's also the preparation for the Twin City University." Linwin paused, revealing another important matter.

Double City University—

It will integrate the disciplines of biochemical alchemy from Zaun and mechanical Hextech from Piltover.

There will also be studies in business, architecture, music, and more.

It is set to become a landmark building symbolizing the fusion of the two cities.

"I can handle this," Silco raised his hand. "Although I have a lot of work, I don't mind doing a bit more."

"Singed will be the dean of the biochemical science department and vice president of Twin City University. Professor Heimerdinger will serve as the dean of the Hextech science department and be the president of Twin City University."

This matter had been discussed in a previous meeting, and Silco was well aware of what the Twin City University project entailed.

"Zevi will be the professor of mechanical studies and Jayce and Viktor will be professors for the classes regarding Hextech. Ekko will teach the people of both cities about Zaun's alchemical machinery, and Powder will be the head of the design department at Twin City University."

"At the same time, Councilor Camille also proposed teaching knowledge of spies."

"Councilor Mel suggested teaching business knowledge and proposed establishing a music department."

"I think Seraphine would be excellent as the music professor. What do you all think?"

Linwin looked at Silco, who was talking confidently, raising his hands in surrender. "I get it, I'll rest."

Since the conversation had reached this point, if Linwin continued to refuse, it would taste ungrateful.

"But what about the most important thing?"

Linwin asked again.

"The four-year plan for Zaun?" Silco raised an eyebrow.

"That can wait until you're better, which is about two months," Silco waved his hand.

Vander, on the side, looked at Linwin and said, "Now, the important thing is, Linwin, who will take care of you? Old Zoran?"

"He's getting old. Can he take care of you?"

"Me! Me! I'll take care of Linwin!" Hearing this, Powder, who had her head buried in Linwin's shoulder, quickly raised her head and said loudly, "I'll take care of Linwin, and I'll do it well."

"What about at night?"

"I'm fine at night. I'll take care of Linwin day and night," Powder said loudly.

"Nonsense!" Vander scolded Powder with a glare.

Taking care of Linwin during the day was no problem, but at night too?

Considering Powder's personality—then Linwin, who was powerless to resist, Vander understood his daughter.

He also understood Silco.

After all, Silco had taught Powder some strange knowledge, like "the one who strikes first is the strongest, and the one who strikes later suffers."

Hesitation leads to defeat, decisiveness won't be in vain, and so on.

In short, if Powder really took care of Linwin at night, then Powder might really do something to Linwin!

"Powder, don't you need to sleep?" Linwin couldn't help but say with a wry smile.

"Ugh... Then I'll sleep with you. Just wake me up if you need help," Powder shook her head, her blue braids swaying.

Silco and Vander simultaneously roared, "I forbid it!"

"I don't need someone to take care of me at night. You're all thinking too much."

"I've already said it; my body is very good. I just can't use strength."

Linwin said helplessly.

"What would you do when you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night?"

Jayce asked a strange question, "At least until the wheelchair I designed for you comes out, you'll need someone to help you at night, right? You can't pee in bed."

"Old Zoran...," Linwin was about to say that Old Zoran could help, but he stopped before he could say it.

Taking a deep breath, Linwin wanted to put on a stern face, but he couldn't summon the strength.

Old Zoran sleeps very soundly at night.

At his age, his energy is not as it used to be.

Even though Linwin provided him with a string of mung beans(Rejuvenation Bead), a shawl, and other things, Old Zoran's body is healthy, the aging process also slows down, but he has experienced the era of Zaun's toxic gases, and he is over fifty years old now.

In Zaun, where the average age is less than forty, Old Zoran, who is over fifty, is already considered long-lived.

Just when everyone was hesitating whether to find a caregiver for Linwin, a small hand on Linwin's right side raised.

"I don't need sleep."

"So, please let me take care of Linwin."

Kai'Sa raised her hand earnestly and said.

She wants to take care of Linwin