
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-155- Twin City Day!

"Damn it, why do we have to go there?"

"To be honest, I really hate the stinky smell of Zaunites!"

"I'm only going for the sake of the goddess Janna!"

"Seriously, what were the councilors thinking?"

On the streets of Piltover, residents from the eastern side had already started moving early. Each one of them wore an unpleasant expression as they headed towards the west, walking towards the bridge.

In the afternoon, Piltover suddenly sounded a siren, followed by the charismatic voice of Councilor Mel through the broadcast system, echoing throughout Piltover. Though not very clear, with multiple repetitions, people could make out her words.

"Piltover residents, the Twin City Day celebration is about to begin. Please join us at the venue, the Boundry Markets."

The siren repeated several times.

On this day, all factories in Piltover were closed, even privately owned small shops had to shut down for half a day. Piltover residents were required to attend the celebration, and failure to do so would violate Piltover's laws.

Thus, reluctantly pushed by the councilors' regulations, Piltover residents moved towards the destination of the Twin City celebration with dissatisfaction in their hearts.

However, upon reaching the venue, many people changed their minds.

They found that the air filtration devices they had prepared in advance were useless. There was no need to cover their mouths and noses with clean, soft towels.

Moreover, they were surprised to see that the venue was beautifully decorated.

The top of Zaun, the bottom of Piltover—formerly, this place was surrounded by thick haze, but now, no large floating particles were visible, and the green mist gas was gone. Instead, the venue was adorned with beautiful posters on both sides of the promenade, along with numerous blue and pink chairs.

The street lamps were no longer rusty. They were wiped clean and had been replaced with Zaun's unique alchemical street lamps.

These lamps, shaped like rectangular boxes, were crafted using Piltover's special glass technology. Through the lampshades, the light revealed layers of color, illuminating the paths on both sides and shining on the faces of those who came. It was a warm orange-yellow light.

This not only showcased the unrestrained talent and ideas of the Zaunites but also demonstrated Piltover's exquisite craftsmanship.

"Damn it. the pilties are here too."

At the scene, a Zaunite shouted upon seeing Piltover residents.

Those damn Pilties!

At a corner of the Boundry Markets there was a massive stage, at least twenty meters in size. It was surrounded by smiling Zaunites.

However, upon seeing the arriving Piltover residents, they slowly withdrew their smiles. It was easy to distinguish Zaunites from Piltover residents based on the clothes they were wearing—those with hats, wearing long boots, and carrying canes were definitely Piltover residents.

On the other hand, those wearing plain, loose-fitting clothes, possibly stained with oil, were undoubtedly Zaunites.

Now, at the venue, a bunch of positions had been vacated for Piltover residents. Those were the spots designated for Piltover residents according to Lord Vander's arrangement.

Therefore, even though the Zaunites were not pleased with Piltover residents, wanting to claim the festival as their own, none of them dared to take the seats meant for Piltover residents.

They had to obey Lord Vander's orders.

It's them, it's them who turned Zaun into their former sorry state.

Zaunites are well aware of what Zaun has been through to become what it is today.

Therefore, they have extreme trust in Zaun's government and upper echelons.

But ironically, those Pilties are stubbornly refusing to come over.

This left an exasperated Piltover official standing beside a row of chairs.

She anxiously raised a megaphone, shouted loudly, waved continuously, and tried to get those observing Piltover residents to come and sit down.

But it was in vain.

All she received were disdainful looks from Piltover residents.

Until an elegant woman walked up to her.

Mel smiled at her, then took the megaphone from the official's hand, tapped it, and spoke, "Please take your seats quickly, don't block those who are coming in behind."

With Mel's voice echoing and seeing the man standing beside Mel with his hands behind his back, Piltover residents quickly walked over.

They were Councilors Talis and Madarda.

These were the two dignitaries of Piltover.

They could give Zaunites a hard time, express dissatisfaction with them, but Piltover residents also knew that they couldn't treat councilors that way.

They dared not.

Moreover, among this group of people, there were those willing to interact with Zaunites.

They still remembered what happened on the Bridge that day.

Zaunites saved them.

So, when given the opportunity, Piltover residents immediately walked over.

"Hmph, finally decided to come over huh?"

"Piltover people are really show offs. It's just listening to music, do you really need to dress like this?"

Mocking voices echoed in the venue.

Even in front of the two councilors.

This made Mel display a bitter smile.

"What did you say?"

"You rude and foolish Zaunites! Dressing like this to listen to music is disrespectful!"

"Everyone, don't waste your time with Zaunites. Let's get started quickly, and finish quickly. We have things to do!"

The noisy crowd quickly divided into two groups.

On the left were Zaunites sitting, on the right were Piltover residents.

And there was a two-meter gap between the two sides.

But looking at the previous seating arrangement, it was clearly meant to be half a meter apart.

In this regard, Zaunites and Piltover residents were the same.

They would rather be a bit more crowded themselves than have any contact with the other side.

Hiding behind the stage, dressed in gorgeous attire like a brilliant star, Seraphine took a deep breath.

She felt suppressed.

The voices of Zaun and Piltover intertwined with each other.

The resulting sound, Seraphine did not like it at all!

They were currently blaming, mocking, and cursing each other!

Zaunites were openly ridiculing Piltover, mocking that Zaun was now stronger than Piltover.

Piltover residents were shouting in deep anger, dissatisfied with Zaun's rise, thinking that Zaun, which survived relying on Piltover, could only be a subordinate.

The sounds of disputes continued to escalate.

It turned into a disaster later on.

Those voices, those disputes, and arguments kept escalating.

This made Seraphine, who had been working hard for two months and gained confidence, suddenly feel insecure.


A voice sounded nearby, but Seraphine ignored it.

Seraphine looked down at her shoes.

They were a pair of beautiful boots, and her legs were adorned with pretty white stockings.

She had fallen into anxiety.

Can I really do what Councilor Linwin said?

Listening to those voices, Seraphine, can you really change their perceptions of each other?

Seraphine, can you really do it?

You know, Seraphine, not long ago, you were just a pathetic person hiding at home, covering your ears and afraid to go out!

You feared those voices, feared the negative emotions.

So, why do you believe you can do it?

How dare you take on this responsibility?

Where does your confidence come from?


Why do you think you can change the way people in both cities see each other?

Even if Councilor Linwin and Councilor Talis join hands, even if the upper echelons of both cities give up their prejudices and move in the same direction, the wounds that were once inflicted are too deep!

The prejudices between the people of both cities are too deep!

The hatred between the people of both cities is deeply rooted!

No. You can't do it, Seraphine.

You can't!

You can't undo it!

Her breathing became rapid. Although there was still an hour before she took the stage, Seraphine already felt suffocated.



"Hey! What's wrong with you?"

Two hands reached out.

Then, with a "smack," they forcefully clapped Seraphine's face.

Waking her up.

She held Seraphine's face.

She slowly lifted her head.

Seraphine saw her.

It was Powder.

Powder looked at Seraphine, with heavy makeup, vibrant and beautiful, casting aside her youth and innocence.

Her face was cold and tough.

She looked extremely mature!

And today, Powder was dressed very handsomely.

On top was a black round-necked short top, and on the outside was a black coat with large petals. Below was a pair of ripped jeans, and she wore boots with iron spikes that made a clanging sound when she walked.

She was staring at Seraphine.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seraphine was stunned.

She didn't expect Powder to be the one caring for her.

"I, I."

"Are you scared?" Powder snorted twice, saying first, "I said, let me be the lead singer, but they all said my singing was bad."


Seraphine moved her neck, trying to break free, but Powder exerted more force.

She squeezed Seraphine's face, squeezing the flesh on her cheeks.

The small mouth was forcibly puffed up, and Seraphine blinked.

"Cheer up. You must know that you are our lead singer! I know you can hear the voices in their hearts, and I know the pressure on you right now is enormous."

"But you must cheer up, Seraphine. I'm not good at comforting people, but you are the best singer I've ever seen!

"You can hear the voices in others' hearts, right?"

Powder looked at Seraphine seriously, squeezing her face with force, pursing her lips, and said, "So, listen to the voices in my heart now."

"Listen to Zeri, listen to Kai'Sa's heart."

"Listen to Silco, listen to that weird woman Camille, listen to Fiora, and listen... hm... forget about Lux, I really don't like her."

"In short, Seraphine."

"You're amazing!"

"You can do it!"

"Ugh, I really hate speaking like this. It's so cheesy!" Powder pinched Seraphine's face again, then let go of her hands.

Powder coolly jumped up, turned around.

She took out the two drum hammers from her waist and raised them high.

In front of Powder, there was Kai'Sa, holding a guitar and dressed in beautiful clothes.

"Let's go, lead singer."

"Today is the Twin City Day!"

Powder lifted her head and looked at the sky.

The time was approaching evening.

You could see the glow of the sunset.

Where's Linwin?

Powder pursed her lips.

On such an important day, that guy had gone out again.

But it's okay.

Powder knew he didn't want to be absent.

He was always like that.

When everyone was in trouble, he would go out to solve the problem.


Even if you're not here, Powder can handle it.

"No one is allowed to mess up today."

Powder said with a cool tone.

\\\\Sorry for the less update today, was busy, tomorrow I'll update extra\\\\