
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-124- The strong, port, ship

"How do you want to die?"

Linwin raised his hand, clenched it forcefully, and around Wilton, several soldiers who survived because they were close to Jayce suddenly knelt down. Then, they all reached out and tightly covered their throats.


A sound like a burst airbox came out, and they couldn't even utter a word before collapsing on the ground.

"You're a mage?" Wilton looked at Linwin in horror, feeling cold and powerless.

Mages weren't uncommon in Noxus; the Empire's military had armies where mages played a significant role. 

However, someone like Linwin, a mage who didn't need incantations and gestures, was something Wilton had never seen.

Empire mages typically needed a medium to cast spells, and even powerful ones required chanting.

But this young man in front of him... Wilton only saw him raise his hand, and his men fell.

Just like the punch he delivered from the sky earlier.

A mage as powerful as him was unheard of in Noxus!

"I'm asking you, how do you want to die?" Linwin raised his hand again. "General from Noxus."

Proficient in the elemental aspect of wind, Linwin could use basic wind magic without incantations—a skill known as elemental affinity.

People favored by nature, like Linwin, were born mages. Just as Annie could summon endless dark fire when angered and Taliyah would command earth when calm.

Linwin could do the same.

Using wind magic, he bound Wilton and lifted him into the air. Linwin looked up at Wilton with ice-cold eyes.

He had refrained from attacking Piltover, partly out of respect for Janna and also because Jayce was his brother, a rare and close friend. 

However, seeing Piltover destroyed and Jayce almost killed, a fire ignited within Linwin.

Yes, he had always been indecisive.

With the system, Linwin possessed immense power, but he lacked the heart of a true powerhouse. He couldn't be ruthlessly indifferent, couldn't be a great conqueror or a supreme being.

When it came to close friends, Linwin would help.

For family, he would compromise.

But that didn't mean he would be weak against external enemies.

Gentleness is reserved for friends and family. This is the knowledge instilled in Linwin by Zaun.

Noxians are neither friends nor family.

They are damned enemies!

"Ugh, no!" Wilton struggled, looking at Linwin, and laboriously said, "Who are you? Are you from Piltover?"

"I come from Zaun."

"Zaun... Zaun. Are Zaunites looking to oppose Noxus? Do you think...you can withstand the Empire's wrath?"

Wilton looked at Linwin, struggling to speak.

The fear in his eyes disappeared, replaced by madness.

"Zaun is seeking death. Don't think you're powerful. The Empire has many beings stronger than you."

Wilton said with difficulty.

"What nonsense are you spouting? Why don't you name a few?"

Linwin listened to this and chuckled disdainfully.

Sure, there were beings more powerful than him, and plenty of them around the world. Noxus undoubtedly had them too.

But saying there were many?

At the current stage, as far as Linwin could see, Noxus could only boast about LeBlanc and Vladimir as forces worth mentioning. 

As for Swain, the future ruler of the Empire, unless something unexpected happened, he would need several more years to fully control the power of the demon.

As for the others, Darius and Draven, those two brothers?


Darius was indeed powerful, but he was ultimately human, and humans often had limits.

There were various ways for humans to become powerful.

Weapons, magic, mutations.

Judging from Linwin's understanding of Darius, his weapon, the Black Cleaver, was indeed a formidable axe, but it was still in the realm of ordinary weapons. 

With the magical Hextech weapons Zaun currently possessed, the weapons used by Sevika and Vi were enough to surpass the Black Cleaver.

Unless the Black Cleaver was a runic weapon or inscribed with runes.

But Linwin hadn't seen any place stating that the Black Cleaver was a runic weapon.

Let's put it this way; Linwin watched videos before coming 'here'.

During the major event of the Ruined King, Darius had a back-and-forth with Samira. If the fight continued, Darius would undoubtedly win, but from this, it could be seen that Darius was still a human.

When conquering the north, Darius was even captured by Sejuani's forces.

The Hand of Noxus, representing the strength of Noxus, Darius, wasn't necessarily the third strongest in the Empire. Instead, he represented Noxus's faith.

Proving that an orphan could climb to a high position through effort.

Proving that Swain's words about the future weren't insincere.

Darius's existence was evidence of Noxus's creed for the future — the law of the supremacy of the strong.

He represented the majority of ordinary people in Noxus and ordinary people in the military.

Therefore, Darius's strength wasn't physical but his spirit—his steel-like will and indomitable spirit.

It was his role in the future Noxian army.

He is the military soul of Noxus.

So Linwin doesn't think that anyone from Noxus can pose a threat to him now.

Darkwill is just an incompetent fool.

Noxus is currently in chaos.

Zaun would be happy to just ignore them. 

You're still shouting about fighting us? 

Let's talk when the real Noxus emerges! 

When Swain takes the stage, then we'll discuss this kind of grandiose talk!

This is probably Linwin's benefit as a transmigrator?


Seeing Linwin's mocking smile, Wilton's anger flared up.

The dignity of the Empire does not allow provocation!

He shouted loudly at Linwin, "Zaun is provoking war!"

"Fool! War was provoked by your side."

Linwin looked at Wiplrand and said coldly, "And now, whether it ends or not, that's our business."

"Oh Wait, General, are you actually thinking that you would become a captive and then be traded back to Noxus?"

Linwin said, looking into Wilton's eyes, and then Linwin smiled.

It turns out that Linwin guessed it right.

"Never mind, since you don't choose, then I'll choose for you."

With Linwin saying this, Wilton felt his breathing gradually becoming difficult, his nose felt like it was blocked by something, and his mouth couldn't open.

He could only stare at Linwin with his eyes wide open.

"The Empire will avenge me."

"You.... Zaun..."

Wilton's words didn't finish; Linwin used magic to strangle his neck.

Then, holding Jayce, Linwin looked around.

Linwin's brows furrowed.

He killed people.

Not that he hadn't killed before.

But this time. It's more than he had killed in the past few years combined.

And... Linwin also knew that, for ordinary people, he had become something else.

"Revenge from the Empire...."

Linwin looked at Jayce, who was sleeping peacefully, and a helpless smile appeared.

Originally, he was still worried about how to apologize after taking Piltover, but now...

"Jayce, we might not need to fight."


An hour ago.

At two in the morning.

A massive warship approached Zaun's port.

General Leiden stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the heavily polluted Zaun. 

In the night, Zaun had lights, but due to severe pollution, Leiden couldn't see Zaun clearly.

But he still showed a smile.

Because on top of Zaun, the city-state of Piltover, stood there, now engulfed in flames and smoke.

It could be seen that another military force had already taken action.

"All troops, attention!"

Leiden looked at the three hundred soldiers he took from Swain.

They also looked at Leiden, but their faces showed confusion.

Seeing this, Leiden sighed heavily.

Your Majesty, why do you treat Swain like this? 

The supplies are not enough, and the manpower provided are all new recruits. Now, you even ordered me to take away three hundred men from Swain.

But, that's not something Leiden should be concerned with.

The orders he received now are to conquer Piltover, the wealthy port city, simultaneously with the elite forces of the Empire, and to take down Zaun.

Noxus aims to capture both Zaun and Piltover within three days.

Emperor Darkwill wants to occupy this prosperous port city.

The urgency is due to the fact that, although Zaun and Piltover are weak, their geographical locations intersect with various countries worldwide. If it takes too long to conquer them, there might be unexpected interference from Shurima, Demacia, or other nations.

But luckily, they are weak, especially Zaun and Piltover. Therefore, his three hundred soldiers are enough to deal with Zaun from the back.

Leiden thinks so.

So, he gives a loud command.
