
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-103- Three women


"God damnit! Vi, how could you just jump down like that?"

In the shop, Vi, who was eating, turned her head to look at Powder, who entered the door with the Hextech hoverboard.

Powder was dressed up nicely today, wearing a beautiful black jacket on top, a creamy-white woolen sweater inside, and tight pants on the lower half, perfectly showcasing her slender and well-shaped legs.

This attire made Powder look cute and charming.

At the moment, Powder pouted and looked at Vi with a sulking expression.

"Do you know that I almost flew to Piltover? Aren't you afraid that I'll be caught as a spy by the people of Piltover?"

Powder walked up to Vi, stood on her tiptoes, brought her face close to her sister, and complained loudly, "Controlling the board with hands is different from controlling it with feet!"

"It's my fault, Powder. My mistake," Vi said apologetically while looking at her upset sister. Then, Vi reached out and stuffed a cookie into Powder's mouth, silencing her. Vi explained, "I got too excited when I saw Linwin."

"If I had known, I wouldn't have told you yesterday!" Powder mumbled with a mouthful of cookies. 

"I could have figured it out even if you didn't tell me, powder."

Vi affectionately nudged Powder's head, then turned to Linwin, asking, "How long do you plan to stay this time?"

"What do you mean, I'm not planning on leaving any time soon."


"Of course. When did I ever...."

"Shut it!" Vi interrupted Linwin's words. "We've grown up. Please don't treat me and Powder like children, Linwin."

When did you ever lie to us? Everyday!

When Linwin awkwardly smiled, Vi turned her gaze toward Kaisa, who was standing next to Linwin, and asked in a soft voice, "Are you Kaisa?"

Kaisa nodded to Vi, looking at her with curiosity. Vi seemed incredibly cool to Kaisa, surpassing all the women she had ever met.

Kaisa thought she was cool and aloof, but after seeing Vi, she felt that she was not cool at all.

Vi's coolness seemed innate, a quality she had possessed since childhood.

"Kaisa, thank you for saving Powder last night. If something happened to her..." Vi said, reaching out and grabbing Kaisa's hands. Despite Kaisa's uneasy struggles, Vi gently held her hands, looking into her eyes with sincerity. Vi softly said, "I can't imagine that kind of situation."

Feeling uncomfortable with Vi holding her hands, Kaisa started to think. Were they not afraid of her own skin? Didn't they find her strange?

While Kaisa was contemplating, Powder became anxious.

Really anxious.

"Who told you to say it out like that!" Powder raised her hand and pounded Vi, loudly saying, "I already told you not to talk about it everywhere. We just need to know it ourselves."

"I didn't say anything wrong. Is it considered talking about it everywhere if I discuss it with the parties involved?" Vi let go of Kaisa's hands, turned around, and caught Powder's fist, making a helpless expression.

"You, I... Ah, forget it!" Powder kicked Vi and ran to Linwin.

"Why did you ask me to come find you this morning?'' 

Linwin glanced at Kaisa and said, "I have a meeting with Silco and Vander this afternoon, so I'm leaving Kaisa with you."

"What?" Powder was taken aback.

"Is it okay?"

Powder glanced at Kaisa, who was looking at her, and then back at Linwin.

She wanted to tell Linwin that she wanted to stay with him.

But with Kaisa staring at her, Powder couldn't say those words. In addition, she felt grateful to Kaisa for what she did yesterday so Powder could only nod and say, "Sure, don't worry. I'll take her around Zaun."

"No, both you and Vi will take her around Zaun."

"Do I have to?" Vi immediately pointed at herself. "Linwin, I have enforcer duties to attend to. I'm not as carefree as Powder."

"I'm not carefree!" Powder jumped up when Vi mentioned her, "I'm busier than you! Do you know how many weapon blueprints I review every day? You muscle-headed idiot!"

What is speaking without thinking? Powder is a prime example of that.

After saying that, she immediately regretted it, looking at the smirking Vi behind Linwin.

"Uh, I was just joking, big sister."

"Linwin, hurry up and move aside." Vi flexed her fists and palms.

"Let it go, Vi. Powder was just joking with you. She's still young." Linwin reflexively stepped in front of Powder, blocking Vi.

Seeing that Linwin didn't move, the mischievous Powder immediately made a face at Vi. "Bleh!"

"You're helping her again!" Vi looked at the triumphant Powder, and she blurted out these words unconsciously.

In the next moment, all three of them paused for a second.

Then, they burst into laughter simultaneously.

"Alright, Vi, I'll leave Kaisa to you. Take her around Zaun, and make sure to let her try the local specialties."

Linwin smiled and, at the same time, turned around, placing his hands on Powder's shoulders and gently pushing her out.

"Okay, I promise. Kaisa will be with me this afternoon during my enforcement duties. I'll be free in the evening."

Vi rubbed her disheveled hair, sighing.

Then, Vi asked Linwin again, "Uh, Linwin, about the local specialties you mentioned, what do you want me to take Kaisa to eat? Do we have any special food in Zaun? I really don't know."

Vi truly didn't know. She didn't know what Zaun was like three hundred years ago, but now, due to the scarcity of resources, Zaun didn't have many local specialties.

Is alchemical poison considered a specialty?


But you can't eat that!

As for Zaun's so-called delicacies, it's fish, fish, fish, bread, bread, bread.

Lamb? Beef? Ha, those ingredients are too advanced for Zaun. Zaun's geographical location can't sustain livestock, and Noxians' sheep are expensive.

Silco doesn't know how to spend money on fresh meat, so the food is mainly purchased from outside, prioritizing filling the stomach and avoiding starvation.

The extra money Silco uses to develop Zaun.

Otherwise, Zaun wouldn't have changed so much in just a few years!

Vi's salary isn't that high, and she's just an enforcer, as Powder would say, just a cop.

So she really didn't know what Linwin meant by Zaun's specialties.

Does Zaun have delicious food?

"It's the spicy and fragrant Acid Toad Legs that you love to eat." Linwin shrugged. On the side, Kaisa had already lowered her head, imagining what the spicy and fragrant Toad Legs taste like.

"What?" Powder was startled by Linwin's words and quickly went over to pat Kaisa on the shoulder, asking, "You want to eat those Toad Legs?!"

Kaisa shook her head at first, then quickly nodded.

"Do you want to eat it, or not?" Powder asked Kaisa.

Kaisa replied, "I want to try the taste. I've never eaten Toad Legs."

Vi's eyes lit up, looking at Kaisa as if she had found a comrade. She raised her head confidently, pointed at her chin, and said, "Then you'll have to wait until tonight. Jericho's stall is only open in the evening. Don't worry; I'll take you there."

Hearing Vi mention Jericho, Linwin suddenly felt a bit nauseous.

That fish-man weirdo. Hah, he doesn't know why Vi likes to eat the Toad Legs he makes.

"Then I'll leave it all to you," Linwin said to Vi.

"No problem. Are you leaving now?"

Linwin nodded. "Yes, I've been waiting for Powder to come and take Kaisa. After you leave, I need to go find Vander."

"Busy man," Powder muttered under her breath.

Linwin rubbed Powder's head firmly, smiling. "Isn't it because of you? My dear Powder, if you hadn't caught Miss Camille, I could've taken a few more days off before working."

At Linwin's words, Powder blushed, lowered her head, and didn't say anything.

But unlike Vi and Kaisa, she didn't resist being touched by Linwin.

On the contrary, Powder liked it when Linwin rubbed her head.

"Alright, I'm leaving."

Seeing that Kaisa didn't reject Vi, Linwin felt relieved. After bidding farewell to Kaisa, Linwin quickly disappeared from the shop.

Zoran's shop didn't need guarding because no one dared to steal here, and no one dared to cause trouble in this place.

After Linwin left, Vi patted Kaisa, who seemed a bit uneasy. Placing her hand on Kaisa's back, Vi then slid her hand up to casually wrap it around Kaisa's shoulder. Smiling, she said, "Join me for enforcement this afternoon, and I'll take you to Jericho in the evening."

Kaisa couldn't fully accept Vi's enthusiasm and could only nod silently.

"What about you, Powder?"

"Me? I don't want to eat that stuff; it's like sewage water!" Powder scoffed. Saying that, she hugged her hoverboard and tried to leave.

She definitely didn't want to eat those Toad Legs.

Jericho's cooking is not sanitary at all!

Moreover, the taste of that meat is nauseating.

Like slimy big boogers with chili flavor!

Ha, and Vi doesn't know why she likes to eat that!


Vi's hand left Kaisa's shoulder and grabbed Powder's collar.

She looked at Powder with a smiley face and said, "You're going today."

"When I'm on duty, Kaisa is your responsibility."

"And you say I like to eat sewage water?"

Powder looked at Vi fearfully. "What do you want?!"

"I want to treat you to sewage water!"

Dragging Powder outside, Vi effortlessly pulled her, as if dragging a little chick.

Meanwhile, Kaisa stood there, unsure of what to do.

It wasn't until Vi shouted, "Hurry up, Kaisa!"

"You're a friend brought back by Linwin. Since you're Linwin's friend, you're my friend too," Vi said to Kaisa with a handsome smile. "No need to be polite with me."

The scene was quite harmonious.

Except for Powder, who kept struggling:

"Let go, let go of me!"

"Vi, I don't want to eat big boogers, I don't want to eat sewage water!"

"I won't eat that stuff!"

"Please, I don't wanna eat that thing. You, you can just hit me instead!"

Kaisa: ".."

Seeing Powder's resistance.

Kaisa suddenly didn't feel like trying the taste of spicy Toad Legs anymore.