
The Eye

Morganna then stepped forward, her hands weaving a new spell.

"The night is long, and our full strength isn't shown yet. You cannot hope to stand alone against the tide of eternity."

Kyle's smile faded, replaced by a look of determination.

"Then let the night come. I am ready."

As Kyle said this, the bright sky had indeed turned dark like it was the middle of the night! Without a doubt, the Necromancers had become stronger together with their Undead Summons! Nonetheless, this could also be used to his advantage as a Shadow Immortal!


What was even more surprising was that Darkness covered more than just the battlefield. It felt as if it was trying to cover the whole nation!

Indeed! The night unfurled its dark wings over the desolate land and the surrounding areas. It was like a canvas upon which the epic battle between Kyle and the three necromancer elders would be painted.

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