
Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Faced with a certain death, Kyle has no other choice but to gamble. He was warned that he could perish in the Arcane Academy, but he gritted his teeth and took the risk... and because of his decision, he unveiled many secrets about this mysterious world, discovered many mystical practices, touched upon forbidden relics that would change his life, and gained the enmity of powerful existences. Thankfully, he didn't transmigrate alone. The Divine Extraction System was with him as he treaded his chosen Arcane Path… *** 14-17 chapters per week. Early chapters are now being edited for quality purposes. Please bear with me.

xlntz · Fantasy
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825 Chs


Priscilla gasped and covered her mouth with her two hands. She didn't expect to see such a brutal scene as soon as she shifted her attention.

The butcher can actually pounce like that! It happened so quickly that the officer was unable to react on time.

The poor police officer didn't even have a chance to cry in pain as he immediately died from the weight of that possessed butcher.

They could even see the cracks in the ground, making them baffled by how the butcher became so heavy.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots soon followed.

The other police officers didn't have time to grieve the death of their colleague as they had to ensure their survival first!

Obviously, they know that they have to buy as much time as possible until the special units arrived to take care of this situation.

"Vale, I think we should leave this place…" Philip said as he could tell that the situation was not favorable for them.