
Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Faced with a certain death, Kyle has no other choice but to gamble. He was warned that he could perish in the Arcane Academy, but he gritted his teeth and took the risk... and because of his decision, he unveiled many secrets about this mysterious world, discovered many mystical practices, touched upon forbidden relics that would change his life, and gained the enmity of powerful existences. Thankfully, he didn't transmigrate alone. The Divine Extraction System was with him as he treaded his chosen Arcane Path… *** 14-17 chapters per week. Early chapters are now being edited for quality purposes. Please bear with me.

xlntz · Fantasy
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830 Chs


"We must join the others and turn the tide against our enemies." Vale's Avatar reminded as he stood closer to the young Dimensional Creature. The one that Vale had enslaved in the remnant of the Celestial Realm.

To be honest, the Golden Key that he had obtained there was still a mystery to Vale. He couldn't understand why it was so dangerous that even with his Divinity, he could barely touch it unless he used the power of the Temporal Timepiece.

Nonetheless, as the other Half-Immortals of the Arcane Bureau stepped forward to stop Vale and his two Demon Generals from leaving, they suddenly heard a loud growl.

It was Gorath, and he seemed to be warning the Half-Immortals! The sound he made rumbled like an earthquake, while Zarvok simply showed a stern gaze to everyone.

Although they could be killed by these Half-Immortals, they weren't showing any signs of being afraid at all.