94 Magic Zone

In the hallway leading to the classrooms of the first-year students, four people were chatting while walking to their next class. 

"Professor Charlotte, have you heard about the first years trying to have a duel for this girl from the Roland Family? One of them is in Class 2, have you heard of it?" A male student wearing a coat bearing seven eight-angled stars on its chest spoke with a hint of exhilaration in his voice.

"Hahaha… They probably have pathetic Dark Spells but they still wanted to have a duel. What a bunch of interesting first years…" Another male student with the same number of eigh-angled stars spoke. He knows very well that all first years only have 2 Dark Spells. If they really decided to fight, he believed that it would be over in less than 10 seconds since they would either lack a support spell, a defensive spell, or an offensive spell. 

Furthermore, the duration of Phantasm State should be quite boring. 


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