523 Fusion

For a fleeting moment, the shadows that had escaped from Jean's body danced and swirled in a mesmerizing display, as if bidding farewell to their fallen master.

Yet, just as quickly as they had emerged, the shadows merged into the darkness, leaving no trace behind.

The masked figures were left bewildered, their minds struggling to comprehend the inexplicable spectacle that had unfolded before them.

A hushed silence enveloped the group as they exchanged uncertain glances.

"W-what was that?" One of them stammered, his voice barely audible amidst the lingering sense of astonishment.

To be honest, he was thinking that it was a curse that was released to attack them. He imagined that Jean had cast a spell that if he died, the people who killed him would be cursed or something.

It wasn't that surprising from Dark Magicians.


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