

Cressida returned to her training room and removed her black veil, including all her clothes, leaving her completely naked in the cold room. Unblemished pale skin was revealed as her long black hair waved behind her back.

The training room she entered was freezing. It is much colder than the cold storage room of the Academy's Cooking Club.

Nevertheless, she didn't even flinch after exposing her body to the coldness.

Her face remained stoic as she stood at the center of the room.

"Come out…"

She softly muttered to the void.

Her voice sounded ethereal as she triggered some sort of reaction to the surrounding space.

Soon, a Banshee appeared in front of her, followed by another two, and it continued for a few seconds until there were 22 of them.

"Did you see the Dark Spirit in him?" She asked with a cold voice.

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