

"Tier 7, Magic Affinity: Air and Water"

"Nice! Just like my sister" the young girl replied

"Next" Yelled the Instructor.

The next boy came in and the other left.

"Tier 8, Magic Affinity: Lightning and Earth"

"Next" Yelled the Instructor.

"Fuck, How is this possible im a noble. Nobles averagely have atleast tier 7"

"I dont care" Said the instructor

"Next" Yelled the Instructor.

In this world filled with magic and chaos citizens of the human realm are encouraged to join the magic academy Green wood academy to become mages and protect their realm.

Magic here is categorized into ten tiers with tier 1 being the strongest and tier 10 the weakest. But there are stories of a tier above tier 1 and that is tier 0 or otherwise known as arcane magic. People in this tier are according to the legends able to control and manipulate the fundamental concepts of reality such as time, space and even logic. if they wanted to they can create something from nothing or create laws as fundamental as physics. They are capable of using any type of magic according to the legends as well! The King of Magic Solomon is rumored to be a tier 0 but this hasn't been proven yet as hes been long gone since his voyage to the palace of the Gods.

The same numbers kept popping with a few case of tier 6s, but the majority of them were 9, 8 and 7s and it seem to be this way until a young boy came in


The instructor face turned pale. He immediately called headmaster.

"Tier 0, Magic Affinity: All"

The students were surprised when the headmaster came which scared and amazed the students

"Could this boy possibly be a tier 5" yelled a student

"No, only nobles can be tier 5s. He definitely isn't with what he is wearing and how he looks" Replied a student

"Probably so why is the headmaster here?"

"Not sure but im sure were about to find out why"

The headmaster and instructor were chatting while looking at the boy

The headmaster finally spoke

"Whats your name young boy? Where are you from?"

The young boy responded

"My name is Ken sir. I dont know where im from, i was found as a baby in forest when an old man took me in and raised me. He taught me everything i know and when i turned 15 he told me to come here"

"what exactly did he teach you? the instructor replied

"All most everything. All the elements, all enchantment spells and even things such as instant teleportation and mind control but he told me to use magic a tier 3 can use here at this school so i dont cause a ruckus hehe"

"What is this old mans name?"


Next chapter