
ARCANA: The tale of demonic detective

Wanting to find out about her parents kidnapping incident 12 years ago,Anna Himiko decided to overcome her fear and joined the Supernatural detective Agency to find out the truth. Kasumi Kuragari,an anti hero,who just want to kill and torture criminals.Due to certain circumstances he become Anna's partner detective and promised to protect her no matter what. This story is about two individuals with different point of view fulfilling their selfish desires. Defying the gods?How will it last? The holy war and it's secrets is about to be reveal. Humans,what are they? creatures that exists, what is the origin? By finding the beginning does it means that they will also meet their end?

Izumi_Houtarou · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: The Witch of steel and her servant

"Man,that was easy..." Anna commented.

"Jiro get Amano out of here....Anna don't let you're guard down" Kasumi ordered.

"She wasn't called the Witch of steel for no reason" he added.

"Rogeeer...let's go Mr.Fumukura" Jiro responded before going to the exit.

"You bastard, I'll kill you...for sure" Mei said in angry tone.

"Yoshi...get them" she ordered to her servant.The servant was about to chase Jiro and Fumukura outside when a large mass water enveloped the whole mansion.

"Water shikigami: Deep sea owl" Kasumi chanted as they saw a blue owl flying outside the water surrounding the abandoned mansion.

"Tsk...what's up with that bird" Mei mumbled"

"Heyy,Kasumi are we going to fight them?" Anna questioned.

"We're simply buying time...but we can kill them as well" Kasumi replied in calm tone.

"take them down...kill the one with the bird" Mei ordered to her servant.

"I'll be back take care of them" she said before using her steel magic to break the water barrier.

Her servant nodded before tree roots started emerging from the ground trying to catch Kasumi.

"Light shikigami: White snake" Kasumi chanted and a white snake wraps around him protecting him from the roots.

"Anna!" Kasumi signalled Anna to react.

"Sealing: Talisman come forth at once" Anna chanted,taking out a multiple talisman and attaching it to the roots.

"Kasumi!" Anna signalled.

Kasumi did some several hand gestures before black feathers started falling from above.

"Crow transformation technique" Kasumi chanted while clapping his hands together.

The feathers that started falling from above turned into papers.

"Anna...here" Kasumi signalled while grabbing one paper and throwing it to Anna.

Anna then grabbed the paper and talisman marks started glowing on the paper.

"Explosion talisman turn him to ashes" Anna chanted and the papers starts igniting with flames.

"Anna..." Kasumi caught Anna's attention before grabbing her by the waist and jumping outside the window.

"booOOOMM" sound of multiple talisman exploding at once.

"Wha...What the hell....the mansion was floating 25 meters above" Anna screamed in shock.

"That's the only way to stop him from using his tree binding technique" Kasumi explained before landing on his feet.

"Now for the finishing blow" He mumbled as he stares at the mass of water enveloping the massive mansion.

"Deep sea owl Release on Point Zero " Kasumi chanted before the owl vanished from sight.

The water then started freezing as if a large ice cube is starting to be constructed in the sky.When the ice cube was complete,it began to fall from the sky.

"Now..... Lightning shikigami: Twin sky fox " Kasumi chanted and forming a charging hand gesture.Two fox appeared in front of him,a yellow fox and a white one.

The two fox started emitting lightning, striking the ice block with shocks.The ice scattered in one strike and pieces started falling from the sky.

"Whoa..." Anna reacted in amazement.

"Now...I doubt that he can survive that" Kasumi said with a grin.

"Let's go....we have a witch to chase" he said.

"Let's...tell her the good news...that her servant turned into ice cubes" he added with a smirk.

"I hope Jiro and Amano...managed to escape" Anna responded.

"They'll be fine...now one in the agency...can match Jiro in terms of escape plans... he's an illusionist you know" Kasumi explained.

"But I'm kinda... worried since he sucks at combat...we need to hurry" Kasumi added while touching his chin.

"So...which way should we take..." Anna questioned.

"Hmmm...I wonder..." Kasumi responded in confused tone.

"I forgot to follow them using the karasu(crow)" he added.

"Whaaat?..." She reacted.

"Don't worry...I'm going to use my eyes to trace the spirit energy that they left"He explained.

"Opps" he whimpered after realizing that his eyes has turned back to normal.

"(sigh)...man...I guess my spiritual energy can't keep up after summoning multiple shikigami(guardian) in one day" he whimpered.

"Then,What do we do now?" Anna asked once again.

"Beats me..." He simply replied.

Meanwhile Jiro

Jiro was driving the car out of the forest with Amano.

"I hope they're fine.." Jiro mumbled.

"Knowing Kasumi....he probably dragged Anna into his recklessness" He added.

"They'll be fine...demons don't die easily" Amano responded.

When they're about to reach the end of the forest a women appeared in front of the car.

Jiro hit the break and opened the door.

"Jump.."he yelled before jumping,as soon as they jumped the car get sliced in half.

"Wha-...the" Jiro reacted before touching the ground.

"Tsk...she manage to catch up...the he are you doing Kasumi"

"Good job.... running away kid...(evil laugh)" The witch said as she walked near Amano who's laying on the ground.

"Heyy,ond man...still alive??" Jiro asked with a smirk.

"Do you really think you can escape me..." she added before multiple large steels popped up from the ground stabbing Amano.

His body just vanished just like an evaporating smoke.

"What?..." Mei reacted in confusion a she looked at Jiro's direction and found out that he's gone.

"An illusion..." she whimpered,not noticing a monster appearing behind her.

"Huh?" She reacted after looking behind her.

An armored ghoul was about to crush her with a right hand punch.The witch didn't avoid the punch and just let the ghoul hit her.

"Did we get him?" Jiro questioned.

"Arrrrr" Amano responded since he can't speak in that form.

"(Evil laugh)...do you think you're harder than me...you old bastard" She responded.

Jiro and Amano was shocked on how she survived considering even Anna with enhancement talisman can't take a punch from the armored ghoul.

They stared in shock as they saw her whole body turned into steel which answered their question.

"Tsk... we're in big trouble... didn't expect her to be this strong" Jiro whimpered.

"But we're not finished yet..." He said while doing several hand gestures.

"The fool's hand: ability activate" he chanted."Mirroring heaven"he added.

The whole surrounding was now surrounded by mirrors and Jiro and Amano vanished from sight.

"Tsk...you damn coward.." Mei screamed in annoyance.

"If this is an illusion then..." She whimpered before touching one mirror. Her hand just pass through the mirror.

"I knew it...(evil laugh)...nothing is real here..."She said.

"I don't know anything about combat but...I know someone who can" Jiro answered with his voice echoing.

Mei looked at her right side where another mirror was located.

In the mirror she saw the ghoul that she was supposed to capture was about to attack her once again.

She stayed still waiting for the attack to land thinking that she won't be hurt since her whole body turned into steel.

She waited but no attack landed.

"Wha-...tsk...an illusion inside another illusion" she whimpered in annoyance.