
Arcana × Tech

Technology and magic. These are the sides that divide a futuristic world. On one side: evolved human beings, who can manipulate technology with their own will. On the other: Wizards: a race that manipulates the laws of this world using a mysterious process called magic. Keyner Blake is a 17-year-old human who does not have the ability to manipulate technology, but who does not let this be a excuse to go in search to the great secrets of this world.

Willam_Quest · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 13: Marino Sasaki I

   Perspective: Marino Sasaki


   Being a Wizard sucks completely.


   And I'm sure it would be no different if I lived in Runetown. 

   To be a Wizard means to carry a curse. 


   To be part of a race hated by humanity, just the race that managed to survive extinction somehow and managed to be powerful enough to compete with the other Arcane races. Although the latter still outnumber mankind, if I am not mistaken.


   But being a Wizard means carrying a reason to hate humanity, regardless of how human you try to become.


   I don't know my parents. I was adopted by a human. But he knew my nature, and still didn't mind taking me in.


   His heart must have spoken louder after he saw a baby among the remains of a Wizard camp that he and the rest of his unit had gone through and killed everyone who was a threat. Since then, he has told everyone that it was the child of relatives who died in service for the AWA. A wise excuse.

   He was a person whose main value was the truth. When he realized that hiding something could cause someone pain, he would always opt for the truth, if it would avoid that pain or cause less pain.


   I knew this when I severely injured him in fencing practice. That was when I awakened and used my Wizard powers for the first time. And that he told me that I was a Mastrea.


   Mastrea of the Sword Forge. That's what I wanted to be called. Everything in this world could become my sword.


   I loved fencing, and I wanted to be recognized for it. I wanted to sharpen my skills more and more and have my name engraved in history as a swordsman legend. I already imagined that there were some, but the amount of years that passed and were not told caused much of the history to be lost.


   However, it was a utopia for me.


   I was a Wizard. As I matured, I would evolve in fencing involuntarily. 


   I wasn't going to be able to feel the pleasure that humans get from long-term conquest. I couldn't look at my hands, see them bruised, and know that all the pain I was carrying was from years of training and sweat.


   I couldn't enter fencing championships to show off and test my skills, not only because it would be unfair, but also because combat with a human might activate my Wizard senses and cause the combat to take casualties.


   The man who adopted me, who preferred to be treated as an older brother, never deprived me of hanging out with humans, even with these limitations. However, he always made sure to emphasize one very important detail:


   "You are a Wizard, so don't be reckless and know how to behave. You are a larva in a bird's nest.


   I knew he didn't mean it badly at all, but it is what they say, about fear being the best trigger for caution.


   However, when I turned six, the situation changed completely.


   My brother became a Wizard. From a pact with a guy named Killian Blake.


   I had no idea who he was, until I met Alex Ketley, during my internship period at the AWA.


   I joined the AWA about 4 or 5 years ago, my horrible perception of time doesn't make me remember how long exactly. I only know that it took me a year longer than Naila to get promoted to captain. 


   However, it was possible for a child to become part of the AWA from military internship programs. It was in my unit that I met Killian Blake and his best friend, Alex Ketley.


   Alex Ketley was a soldier devoted body and soul to the AWA. And a sweetheart, too. He knew how to handle kids, was considerate, was always talking to his captain to take it easy on the kids and other things.

Alex had no idea that he was surrounded by Wizards. And I would not doubt that if he knew, our lives would be more at risk than artist's sketch. I knew little of the detention of his abilities, but it was said at the time that he was a strong candidate for future captain.


   The unpleasant thing about this was just meeting a girl from another unit who apparently did not like to see me around her brother. Her name is Naila Ketley, an annoying girl who was in the junior military internship on her brother's recommendation, but who managed to prove herself worthy. 


   As for Killian Blake... He was what I would call a normal person who hated to stand out. I knew that he was a Wizard, and that through a pact he had turned my brother into one, but completely voluntarily.

   I wanted to question Killian as to why he had made a pact, and that pact had stolen about ten years of my brother's life. 


   But my doubts were quickly destroyed.


   A few months after my seventh birthday, my brother called me to a meeting with some people.


   The group, besides my brother and me, consisted of Killian Blake, Iris Blake, Shun Blake, Morello Uria, Yurion Raven, and Quill Fox. All were Wizards who had the goal of attacking the Techmetriun database. 


   The opportunity was perfect, as a massive wave of monsters was approaching the borders, which would disperse the AWA forces, not giving much opportunity to counter attack the code core attack.


   However, it was nothing more than an illusion. 

   The AWA forces managed to deal with the monsters at an absurd speed.


   Not only that, but they also returned to the Code Core at an absurd speed.


   If it hadn't been for Killian Blake, our identities would have been exposed. Even today I don't understand what his powers consisted of. 


   Our only choice was to retreat. Although we were unable to acquire any data, we managed to do a great deal of damage by destroying Tecmetriun's main power source. 


   Retreating was not just an option at the moment. There were eight of us against the eight AWA captains. The disparity of power was great, as I was only sure that only me, Quill and Morello were Mastreas.


   Morello is a case apart. A Wizard who controls metal. Even though it was a power of worrying scale, everyone there said that he could be a "false Mestrea", but not a genuine one. 


   A fight that almost completely destroyed the entire AWA research base. We managed to escape, but at a great price.


   The captains realized the danger that Quill represented, so he was made a single target by all eight. I didn't want to, but Shun and Iris Blake gave us no choice but to retreat.


   Quill was captured, and this triggered enormous anger in my brother, in Morello, Yurion and even Killian. Apparently, this was not the first time that they had quarreled because of the unfriendly methods of working things out that Shun and Iris had adopted. Before they started arguing, my brother made a point of bringing up the fact that they had put me on this mission given my age, even if it was only to give Yurion initial support to kill the security guards at the research base. 


   They were Wizards of dubious actions. Even their spells were not revealed to us, which only gave me more reason to distrust them. Even asking Killian, he would not let slip any information either about his powers or his parents' powers, all on their orders.


   Yurion and Morello left Techmetriun, so that later something could be done about Quill. But Killian's parents still had things to settle with me.


   Apparently, Killian had a younger brother.


   A Wizard who, so far, was being raised as a human, and who had not awakened magic.


   Shun and Iris Blake wanted me to get closer to him so that I could encourage him even more to join the AWA and become a member and friend.

I questioned why this was happening, and they tried to explain as simply as possible. 


   I was going to join the AWA, and before or after that, I was going to approach Killian's brother, and help him with his training.


   When he entered the AWA in the research sector, he would give us information about strategies, weapons, supplies, and all matters of AWA stewardship.


   But I was also given the mission to kill three friends he had, should any of them get in the way.


   Caius Forte, Jack Eldryn, and Naila Ketley. 


   My brother had no way of denying this order, since it was obvious that Shun and Iris were our "leaders".


   But something I had always wanted to know, but was sure I would take this doubt to my grave was....


   ... Why are we attacking them?


   A year after Quill's kidnapping, we had another casualty.


   Killian disappeared, without leaving the slightest trace of where he might have gone.


   This was definitely worrying for Morello and Yurion, as Killian was their best friend, and also their master.


   However, this did not worry Shun and Iris, who just took advantage of Killian's departure to try to get more Wizards into Techmetriun.


   As if this were not enough, the junior platoon that I was in was in turmoil, as the soldier of the first class, Alex Ketley, had disappeared.


   The only thing I could figure was that both disappearances were interconnected. But upon consulting my brother, he said that was impossible. 


   Shun and Iris Blake didn't care. They only said that I should start training their youngest son. And parallel to this, join the AWA. 


   My brother was at his wit's end, having to watch children having to be used for the tasks passed on to me. With Killian out of the game, I would have to take care of murdering AWA soldiers and any witnesses on the days that were needed, as well as getting their corpses out of town.


   I decided to question those two once again, figuring I might get killed for questioning too much.


   But that was not quite what happened. 


   It was the first time that Shun and Iris Blake did not leave us without an answer.


   "Fulfill the will of the Mastreas."


   Which was to eliminate humanity, so that the wizards could have a little peace.


   Shun and Iris Blake assured us that the only Mastrea there was me, and that the correct path of a Wizard is the one that brings benefits to our race, even if it includes the death of humans.


   I didn't know what this meant. I just agreed with everything they were going to go through from that moment on. I had already found it surprising that those two did not hide their main objectives, so I just nodded in gratitude. 


   The year I turned eight was the year I met the boy I was going to start training.


   He was the same age as me. Black skin that looked like a result of a tan, but that I preferred to say was brunette. Black hair, but as flashy as a piece of mica, and a simple face with dark brown eyes. Killian's younger brother, Keyner Blake.


   What should I say about the beginning of our relationship?


   I felt hatred. 


   He was being raised as a human, and was only being trained because he asked for training.


   He was a Wizard with human friends and human desires. At no time did he receive a warning about his true nature or how he should behave in Tecmetriun. 


   But beyond that, he was nothing more than a puppet of his parents. Everyone else was against his use of actions against humanity. I was too, but I could have some fun taking my frustrations out on this boy.


   He was deluded into thinking that everyone around him was human. He didn't know my brother, so this is still valid. 


   The training I gave him consisted of how to get the best out of every position and type of sword until he found his own style. It turned out that his style was compatible with my favorite: two-bladed.

Time went by, and I felt more and more hatred for the boy because he felt the pleasure that his training was paying off and that he could use his skills to the fullest with someone else, unlike me.


   Two years passed. And one day, Keyner made a request that changed my way of thinking about him for the rest of my life.


   -Marino, can you fight me seriously today?


   I was speechless at what the boy had asked of me.


   Me fighting someone seriously would mean my opponent would go from strength to strength. Well, when it came to someone of Keyner's level, I had nothing to doubt that.


   -All right. But only for ten minutes.


   I nodded. Although I was against it, it was the first request the boy had made of me since the day we met.


   He always arrived at the scheduled time for training, always obeyed the rest time, and followed my instructions strictly. Not only this, but in the third month of training, he started to bring snacks for me as a treat. And I must say, if his parents were not such assholes, Keyner could open a restaurant in no time. 


   The result, however, was


   ... almost fatal.


   I broke at least two ribs and one of his arms.


   I took all the anger that I could not take out on the AWA soldiers that I killed almost every night on an innocent person.

   Keyner was not taken to the hospital, because when I told his parents, they just told me to take him home, that the medical treatment would be on them.


   So I did. However...


   ... I began to reflect on what I had been doing all this time.


   Because, although I was a Wizard, living with Keyner was teaching me how to behave with a human.


   Not only that, but in all this time, Keyner was my first friend.


   At least, that is what I thought he was, before I almost sent him to another life.


   Living with Keyner was the only thing that made me more human. I didn't realize this, and even if our relationship was the result of manipulations, I was happy and didn't know it.


   Every now and then Keyner would put me in his circle of conversation with Jack, Caius, and that bitch Ketley. And I liked it. It made me feel less lonely. 


   My relationship with Keyner in recent times was not just about teacher and student. He considered me a friend.


   And I did that with him.


   A week later, I went to visit him at his home while his parents were away. There was something I wanted to ask him.


   I entered his house with the keys that Shun and Iris Blake had given me. I went up the stairs and knocked on the second floor door.


   -If it's you guys, I already said I'm fine.


   -What "you guys" are you referring to?


   -Marino? Come in.


   I'll go into your room. It was a simple room. A desk on the left side with some papers and pencils. Next to the desk was a bookcase with books and notebooks. The bathroom was on the opposite side of the desk, and his bed was next to a window.


   Keyner was lying in a position favorable to his previously broken bones, reading a book with one hand. He was the only person I knew who read using printed books. It must be the fact that he is not a human, so he cannot manipulate technology.


   -The room is a bit messy, but grab a chair and make yourself comfortable. 


   -Crowded, my ass. -But thank you. 


   I sat down in the chair in front of the desk, facing his bed.


   -Keyner, I-


   -I didn't get a chance to say this before, but thanks for the fight last week.


   He interrupts me with a statement that I didn't expect to come out of his mouth. He even closed the book, placing it on a small table on the opposite side of his bed.


   -I don't understand what you mean.


   - I was beaten by you last week. My body still hurts and the only thing that's not quite in place is my arm. It just showed me that I don't stand a chance of passing the first round of the AWA test. 


   -But it turns out that-

-So, I hope we can continue training together. I don't think anyone else could train me. My parents came up with the idea of changing my master, but I refused. After all, you are my friend, and we almost can't afford to waste any more time, since you will be joining the AWA soon.



   I didn't understand. 

   This boy is very childish.

   Or maybe my vision of what a ten-year-old person should be like was distorted from the many times I killed humans on the orders of this boy's parents.

   But still, I had some doubts. 


   -Keyner, why do you do what you do? Why do you want to join the AWA? 


   I was curious about that. But my curiosity wasn't just about what my student was looking for.


   My curiosity was about what my friend liked.


   -I want to join the AWA to be transferred to the research sector in the future, since I don't manipulate technology, getting in there in the traditional way through my own projects is not feasible. 


   -What about the Wizards?


   -I am not interested in them. I leave that to those who have a real interest in combat.

   -But at the end of the day, what do you want with all this?


   -I want a place to call my own. I want to be someone strong enough to protect the ones I love. For me, I would get you and those three out of this war against the wizards, but I know that someone has to fight in it. But that someone is not me.



   -All I want to be is a researcher who is not helpless. Besides...


   Keyner touched my forehead with his fingers, making me look him in the eye.


   -I want to fight on equal terms with you one day.


   I bowed my head again. 

   But it wasn't out of respect.


   It was frustration. 


   He spoke to me ignoring the fact that he was beaten, and his bones were broken.


   With a faithful smile on his face, he went about his days without touching the whole theater that his life consisted of.


   Honestly, one little dialogue like that and I have found the most hypocritical person in the world.


   I have no interest in fighting, but I want to learn how to fight.


   I have no interest in war, but I will join an organization that contributes to it.


   I want to be a researcher, but I also want to be strong enough to face a girl who doesn't know he is a Wizard.


   I want to have a place in the world to call my own, but I am just a puppet of my parents.


   That last one is not his fault, but it is still a hypocritical situation. 


   But... the fact that he is used by them.

   And I would just agree with that.


   -Keyner, here's the thing-


   I couldn't finish what I was going to say.


   My body wouldn't move.


   My breathing was stopped, and I couldn't feel anything in my body.


   This was the result of a great pressure that my body was under thanks to someone releasing mana.


   There was no one but me and Keyner in the house.


   It was just a pressure under my body, caused by the mana of someone who wanted to make it clear that they were aware of what was happening in the room.


   It was Iris Blake. 


   A murderous, hostile intent covered every cell of my body, as if I were facing my natural predator.


   But I was not going to die at that moment, for this was only a warning.


   A warning for me to keep my mouth shut.



   I turned my gaze to Keyner, who was staring at me with a doubtful expression. 


   -Is... there something I can do for you?


   When I say this with a trembling voice, all the pressure that my body was under is gone, which gives me the impression of being alive again. 


   -Hm... Why don't you stick around for a while? My parents aren't coming back today. Even if I can order something to eat over the phone and walk, it's kind of lonely. 


   -But what about your brother-




   Damn. For a moment I forgot that Killian is missing. How could I have forgotten something so important, since it's been a year?


   -Uya.You're not thinking anything wrong?

-No. Actually I was also wondering if you wanted to split a pizza, so I wouldn't have to order everything myself. Please don't give me clichés. 


   -All right then. Carne de sol?


   -Only if it's your half. I want chicken.


   -I've noticed and noticed that you prefer white meat. You're losing a great culinary force. 


   -Did the lioness order already?


   I drew one of the wooden swords that I always carry with me, which made Keyner lower his mild defiance. We had a good laugh afterwards.


   We ate the pizza, and I ended up spending the night at his place, using an empty room. It was the first time I felt away from any heaviness or frustration. 


   Keyner Blake. A hypocritical boy, with nothing much going on. 


   But I came to like him with time.


   Really, there was nothing great about him. I think the only praiseworthy thing was his cooking talent and his ability to make jokes out of anything. The latter he must have learned from Jack.


   He was happy with simple things, like a customized wooden sword that I made for him. He caught me off guard with a hug that day.


   He was a person who was just happy to have my person as a friend. He was the type who wouldn't mind if I was someone unattainable, because just knowing that he could wish me happiness made him happy.


   But I thought I blew it when I was 15 years old,as I declared myself.

   "I'm sorry, I admire your feelings, I really do. But I think we should discuss this at another time.

   That's what I got in response.

   After that, he failed the first time he took the AWA test. 


   I felt bad about this, because I thought that I had put his emotions in a critical situation, and that I had caused him to fail.


   It was then that Keyner proved to be more thoughtful than he was.


   -I failed for lack of strength, you are not to blame for that. But I'm not saying I don't like you, either... Just give me some time to give you an answer. 


   I understood that the time he wanted was until he passed the exam.


   The boy wanted to prove himself worthy somehow.


   "It's not your fault. My dear Keyner needs a lesson in hypocrisy.

   However, I wanted to accompany this hypocrite for the rest of his life.


   And for that to happen, the lies would have to stop. And I would be the one to do that.

   I would end the manipulation that Keyner suffered his whole life, and send his accomplices to hell.


   It seems that... He's not the only one with hypocritical speeches. 




   I regain my consciousness. As my senses begin to reorganize, I realize that I am in a room with white rocky walls. I was also wearing some bandages and on a bed.


   However, there were two people in front of me.


   A white-skinned boy with slightly yellowish hair and a gothic look, next to a tall guy, blue leather jacket and closed, rigid facial features. 


   -Uya. I see I didn't have to worry about medical treatment. 


   -You will if you don't explain yourself.


   The one who answered my cynical provocation was the goth: Yurion Raven, who was accompanied by Morello Uria.