
Arcan, a love story. Book 1

Leah, she is a very strange girl, other people look at her as a phenomenon, she has no memory of her parents, and she does not remember having siblings. But all that changed with an unexpected visit, 3 beautiful men came into her life __ Who told you that you could run away from me?! She on impulse moved away from them, for some reason, her face looks familiar. Sean , Kyle and George introduced themselves __ Come with us Arcadya It sounded strange to her that they call her by another name , maybe it could be a trap __ You do not have parents or siblings , that 's why we are here Arcadya , we are going to recover your memories , but only with a kiss she recovers __ your parents did not exist here __ Angels of light?! Kirck, that name was on her mind. Who could this guy called Kirck be?

Suyapa_MejiaGarcia · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: Different from other people.

This is me Leah, a girl totally different from other people, some of her look at me with pleasure, but the other people look at me like a phenomenon. Why do they look at me like that? I am a person like all of them.

My life had not been happy, for some reason, I was admitted to Harrington private high school, I had no idea how it was, but I was accepted, I have no memories of anything, as if my memories were erased.

In case I had amnesia, once I went to the hospital for a check-up, but they didn't want to attend to me.

I have always wondered how my parents died , no one tells me what they are like and they do not know their names , the only thing I know is that my name is Leah , because of a piece of paper that said

"This will be your new name from now on, Leah Morrison"

It just said nothing else.

The day I woke up, I didn't remember anything, I was in a quite luxurious room, I had such a big mansion for myself, 9 years ago I have no memories a week ago I turned 9, without having any memories.

As it was always my custom to leave home so late, I went to the park that is near my house to take a night walk, but from that day everything changed for me.

I was walking down the street in the direction of my house, it was a full moon night, the taciturn sky overshadowed the way, suddenly I felt a slight cold breeze in my spine, I sensed that someone was following me, I stopped for a moment and I I turned around to see, and there was no one following me.

"There is nothing to fear" I told myself with my heart racing "there is no one behind you"

I turned around to face forward, and when I did, I saw a small flash of light in front of me.

For a moment my vision blurred, I couldn't see anything, absolutely nothing...?! There was only darkness, it was like a kind of extremely blinding light.

Suddenly I was motionless for a few seconds, and a chill ran through my entire body.

I shake my head and then come back to myself, and I look around, and I don't see anyone, I felt extremely scared. Was it a mistake to leave the house at this late hour?!

I ran out of the place where I was, the good thing is my house is three blocks away.

Go through a dark alley, without even the light of the lanterns, only the dim light of the moon.

Suddenly I feel someone give me a push towards the alley.

" AUGH ! " I gasped as I hit the ground .

It took me so long to sit up and I wanted to get up from the ground, but a shadow appeared behind me.

I could see the shadow with the little light that came from the moon, it was male.

"Who told you you could run away from me silly?!" Said a sexy male voice behind me

I froze for a moment, I wanted to curl up in a ball and curl up in a corner of my house.

" Please do not kill me ! " I began to scream frantically .

Without even turning around I knew he was angry, I felt his eyes on me, then he said threateningly:

"I'm going to do it if you don't shut up" he said maliciously

<<' Oh no please!' >>I thought <<I don't want to die like this!>>

I turned to look at him , and when I did , I saw a tall young man with golden hair , brown eyes , white , purple stole , white silk shirt , fine black silk pants and a belt that had the very image of Orion 's belt .

He looked sexy, what a man, he was ready to eat him whole << But what?! What are you thinking Leah?! .>>

I sat down as best I could and backed away, so I could escape, he looked everywhere, there is no escape.

I got up as fast as I could, but he grabs my arm and pulls my waist tight.

If this wasn't a kidnapping, or even a stranger, I'd say it was sexy to the touch... I shake my head, clearing all ominous thoughts from my dirty head.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?" He said confidently "You can't run away from me silly"

I felt a very strong chill, all over my body, my legs trembled, I felt his breath on my neck.

Suddenly we both felt an icy air that we both shivered instantly.

"That's enough Kyle, don't scare her like this" said a voice behind us "it's always the same with you. Don't mind her, it's always like that" he said as he walked towards us.

He turned to see the other person behind who was approaching, he was brown hair, honey-colored eyes, in a black suit, his embroidery was with golden threads and with a belt that also had the image of the big bear << wow, it's attractive, it seems be an angel >> i thought in my mind

"Let's go Arcadya, it's very dangerous to be here and even more so for you" continued the young man with brown hair in a black suit.

…?! <<What's wrong with these fools?! >>I asked myself these questions in my mind.

<<And besides, where have I seen these people?! They look familiar to me. >>

"Wait a minute!" I said doubtfully "Who are you? Why do you call me Arcadya? My name is Leah Morrison, I think you got the wrong girl"

I tried to let go but was unsuccessful, so the boy named Kyle pulled me closer to him.

Who would have thought that his perfume was delicious, smelling of mint and lavender

"Ha! Gau, you don't know how to lie, do you?" Said the boy named Kyle, he inhaled deeply my red hair "it can't be, your perfume is exquisite

I jumped when I felt a hand on my butt, this pervert was abusing the closeness of our body.

She was so upset, outraged, embarrassed and above all humiliated.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled very annoyed "Get your hand out of there!"

"Hahaha hahaha" she started teasing me "don't blame me for having that big beautiful butt" she said with her lip curled on one side.

<< Why me?! >>I said to myself <<Aah! This is shameful ! >>

"Let's go" continued Kyle

A brazen, perverted, abuser was giving me orders, that nothing was mine, he was not my brother, boyfriend, not even a friend.

"I'm not going anywhere with you" I stated my decision.

"You'll come to the good ones, and if not to the bad ones, you decide honey" she told me threateningly.

I never expected to hear that, during all my life, absolutely no one had spoken to me in that way, maybe because it was the first time talking to a boy face to face.

All the boys I've met don't talk to me, not even the ones at Harrington Private High, I've only talked to one girl, my friend Nathaly Anderson.

"I'm not going! I don't know them and I don't want to meet them!"

"What a girl… mmm" he began to lick her lip shirt with her tongue "I think I'll have some fun with her, what do you say George?"

"What?!" I tensed

I swallowed hard, my whole body began to tense, I turned to see the young man whom Kyle called George.

"I don't know, maybe?" He replied lazily.

I felt that the whole world was on top of me, these two handsome boys were going to abuse me, the only thing I could do was ask for help.

"No! Let go of me pervert!" I said in a loud voice "Help someone help me…!

I was interrupted by Kyle's hand, who put it on my mouth to close it, his touch was so soft that any girl would melt with just a brush of his fingers.

"Can you shut up?" He told me nonchalantly "You'll get us killed"

I was confused with everything that happens here. Who are they? What is going to kill us?

I was turning red like a ripe tomato, I just hoped he didn't notice. Is it because of him that he's holding me hard with his hand? Or because he is very close? But he seemed to notice.

"Mmm? What's wrong? Are you sick? "Kyle said cornering me against the wall "Let's see…mmm no, you don't have a fever" he put his hand on my forehead.

<<He realized... how embarrassing>>

This seemed ridiculous, he took my temperature himself, his body pressed against mine felt great.

Suddenly a grinding of teeth was heard, it was heard loud and clear.

When we turned to see it was another young man with black hair, purple eyes and golden armor, if I didn't see all the beauties today this would be perfection, his gaze was like the glacier, as if he were traveling towards the north pole, or as if he were in Everest himself.

So imposing, the coldness of him made me shiver, it scared me to look any further, it made me want to look for an ear and throw myself into it.

"That's enough! Damn it! What's wrong with you two?! That's why I didn't need you to come with me to look for her" stressed the indifferent young man with purple eyes "How dare you refer to Arcadya like that?! morons."

This seemed like a dream to me , from which I was going to wake up soon , three handsome handsome boys calling me Arcadya , this thing that is happening here , were they fighting for me ? I have a question. Why do they call me Arcadya? Is it because of her that they are fighting and these three have made a mistake that she is me?

The boy named Kyle snorted in disapproval at what the boy in golden armor said.

He seemed to ignore what that boy in golden armor told him.

"Oh come on Sean, don't be a spoilsport it's just a game" Kyle said lazily.

This comment made the boy named Sean clench his fists until his knuckles turned white.

"Are you saying that for you Arcadya is just a Damn game?!" He said sparking.

"That's not what I meant, don't get me wrong" she replied seriously

Sean saw him as threatening, he always contradicts him.

"However you said it, it's disrespectful" he sneered.

Kyle didn't lack to make him angry, he always got on his nerves.

"Are you always this bitter?" He said with a slight mischievous smile

" Shut your mouth ! " I scream in rage .

George on the other hand was standing watching these two fight like 5 year olds over candy, he rolled his eyes and walked up to me.

<< They look like girls >> thought George

" Arcadya come , it is better to leave here " said George kindly " it is very dangerous for you

I looked at the boy next to me wanting me to follow him << Why didn't I leave when these two were fighting? >>

Well, I wanted to see if they would go to the madrazos, but they disappointed me, they argued like old merchants.

I walked away from him a bit and told the three of them so they would understand that they were wrong.

These mistakes happen right?

" Stop right there , I 'm not going anywhere with you three " I said something serious but inside I was scared " Where did you guys come from ? And this one is wearing golden armor . What asylum did you escape from ? "

This last question shocked them a lot, but they came to their senses.

" Oh please woman ! " Kyle got angry " Stop being arrogant and come with us "

" No ! No ! And No ! " I got angry " I 'm not going anywhere ! "

The three of them were standing in front of me without knowing what to do, they looked at each other, they were hiding something but I'm not going to risk it, I was about to finish high school, but these three will bring me problems.

" What do you say Sean ? " George waves to Sean "

Sean sighed "I have no choice" he said pointing his index finger at my forehead "I'm so sorry Arcadya.

The boy named Sean points his index finger at my forehead, and a ball of light comes out of him << What is he doing?! Why can't I move?! >>

Suddenly everything became dark, I couldn't see anything at all.

<< What are they doing?! Nope! >>

The only thing I could feel, was my body light as a feather, it seemed to be floating.

Maybe this was all a dream. Will I be able to wake up at any moment? .

Until the next chapter.