
Chapter 9: Thresher and Atlas’s Appearance

Chapter 9: Thresher and Atlas's Appearance

Note: your probably wondering why I'm doing 'This' because the stones as someone suggested to me, are actually ALIVE and Sentient! Plus there will be six of them so every so often in the story and beyond will get some stone talk haha!


Jaune paced back and forth as he kept thinking on how to figure out a way to draw out a thresher but since jaune learned that the sheds are known to be territorial with other of its kind along with other types so if a Giant Desert Worm is Territorial will mean a nest, therefore an Alpha....or Queen.

The Blonde Genius looked down at the red stone embedded as it slowly illuminated a beautiful crimson glow and a voice is heard in Jaunes head 'my wonderful master...use me and shake the ground, the Thresher won't ignore the challenge...' Jaune blinked as he looked around trying to figure out who just whispered into his ear "...what? Who said that?" Jaune Commented as the voice spoke into his head was high pitched almost female like but his team wasn't even near the blonde man.

Doyle was trying to get back up onto his feet while shielding his abused manhood while cussing out profanity to the blind woman who was just laughing herself silly even dropped her sword hidden stick onto the sand with crystal also laughing herself so that meant it was someone else so looking down at his right hand where the stone was embedded "was...was that you?" 'Correct Observation...My Mastsr' the red stone glew when it spoke.

Jaune looked wide eyed that the Reality Stone was not only talking into his head but held a sizable vocabulary meaning high intelligence but how was that possible? Jaune created the stone from blood and aura therefore it couldn't have been alive "but how? You shouldn't be alive but a collection of Aura and Semblances" Jaune exclaimed as he started to walk towards the slight sand crater almost intentionally made by the Geographic Plane 'Tell me this master... what is Aura?' the stone whispered into the blondes ear causing Jaune to remain quiet for a moment turning his head to see what his team was doing before looking back towards the dimmed red stone.

"Aura is the Energy that All Living Creatures possess as it is our lifeline to combat against the Grimm allowing us super human feats and abilities no ordinary person can have" Jaune said the text book answer on what Aura is but Reality didn't seem to agree 'Master, what IS aura? Your definition of Aura' The Red Stone asked again but more clarification then before prompting jaune to think more "...it's Life, Aura is Connected to Life and with modern research it's known that Aura is also energy created from our life and soul" The blonde man exclaimed how he sees aura before dawning on himself figuring out the Infinity Stones were created from Aura through Blood which meant...

The Infinity Stones were ALIVE, Jaunes eyes widened as it dawned on him. The stones were MEANT to be alive, be sentient as the aura and semblances crystallized together in a usable stone meant that jaune essentially created life even if the blonde man told people that he created tangible life through aura, he would be laughed at as a loser and a wannabe god.

'Ding Ding Master! The Stones you aimed to create were to be alive! And I am your Concept of 'Reality' shall I tell you what power you fused to make me?' Reality asked jaune who just remained silent for the time obviously in thought before muttering to the gauntlet "I know what semblances I used to make you...I'm gonna have to think of a name for you, later but for now let's bring out this thresher" Jaune raised his right hand with the red stone starting to glow brightly causing the very desert to shake upon command.

The ground shaking caused Doyle who slowly got back up to his feet while protecting his abused member though turned his head towards jaune "the hell? Is there an earthquake?" The Gunslinger asked prompting the blonde man to respond "naw! It's me! It's one of the abilities of my Reality Stone!" Jaune shouted from his spot as the ground shook more violently.

Mizuki slowly covered her ears as the vibrations through the ground was a bit louder for the blind woman.

Crystal turned to face her romantic interest with worry in her eyes "jaune! Be careful! You won't know if the Grimm would come becau-" The Snow Woman tried to warn jaune but was interrupted as a thresher maw appeared at the surface of the desert but directly under jaune consuming the blonde man in one bite "JAUNE!!" Both Crystal and Doyle shouted as Jaune was practically killed right in front of them.

The gunslinger pulled out his Termination aka his Right Pistol and shot at the large like worm but it burrowed underground even though the bullet bounced off its shell.

Crystal had jumped into the air after the thresher then stabbed her rapier into the sand where the thresher just burrowed "JAUNE! NOOOOO!" The Snow Woman shouted tears filling her eyes, taking her rapier out of the sand and stabbing it even more trying to follow the giant sand worm but it wasn't working.

Doyle tipped his head down allowing the cowboy hat to cover his very sadden eyes "damn it...it was so fast...we couldn't even process what happened until it happened" The Gunslinger exclaimed.

The Green Haired Woman walked up to the Snow Cat Woman who landed onto her legs then dropping her rapier "I'm sure jaune would still be alive, Thresher Maws have a very slow Digestive Track so perhaps jaune is still alive in a process of having his flesh slowly dissolve and in constant pain" Mizuki explained the process of a Threshers Digestive System only for the Gunslinger to Crain his head towards the Blind Swordswoman almost having his eyes pop out, Crystal also shifted towards Mizuki but the very thoughts caused her to have a waterfall of her tears "NOT HELPING MIZUKI!" The Schnee Cousin Shouted while the Priestess Remained silent.

Samara and John slowly pulled up close to the grieving team however the Shade Headmistress spoke up and quelled there heavy thoughts "Mr.Arc is still alive Everyone" Team (A)ACM Snapped there heads to the two adults "He is?!" Crystal asked turning to face them looking shocked and worried about her Leader and Crush though more worried when John Price answered "Yes, Miss.Akame is indeed correct about Threshers having Slow Digestive Systems especially when it comes to digesting Whole Prey but what doesn't make sense is that swallowing there prey alive is completely against the Thresher Grimms Hunting Pattern as they prefer to kill there prey and ripping chunks before swallowing the rest"

"However there's been several points in history of Threshers doing what just happened if the Grimm is either relocating the nest or...if it's running from something and it ensures a meal that can last for a week at most so the question is...why is it running?" Sam exclaimed as this was very unusual behavior for the Grimm worm "however we need to return to shade so I can appeal to the council to put together a search party for Mr.Arc"

John nodded as he turned speaking softly while pressing his right index finger into his ear where the comms were located, Crystal turned her head towards the sunken hole "...please be ok Jaune"

-Time Skip: 3 and a Half Hours Later-

A specialized bullhead slowly approaches the docks of shade academy though upon docking with the platform and the occupants slowly walking towards the massive sand stone castle "I want to know where Samara Midnight is at right now!" Shouting is heard in the air prompting the brown haired woman to turn her head to the left towards another part of the docks to find Jacques Schnee yelling at Hera Blaze while behind the SDC Owner was James Ironwood who looked very nervous on being in Shade, Winter who looked annoyed at her father along with Clover who looked sympathetic to the woman while the last two.

Enrico Polendina who was a very healthy old man with a nice and trimmed ginger beard along with slowly receding red hair that is also slightly long groomed hair, Enrico is a genius Roboticist who built Penny and was an influential man behind the Atlas Mechs Protocol but in his current work would be the built of an Artificial Intelligence that mimics the Human Mind, True Artificial Intelligence. Enrico frowned at the Schnee Father as he's harassing the Young Professor "Oh Dear...Jacques, please restrain yourself..."

The last figure is one of the most ambitious and perhaps the greatest scientific pursuit in remnants history, she is Penny Polendina and she is the first Artificial Human that possesses Aura. Penny clocked her head unsure of what Jacques is doing but the Red Head didn't like it.

Hera however remained stone faced as she had dealt with the Elder Schnees Type before and refused to give the man any satisfaction of a frown "as I've said before...'Sir'...Headmistress Midnight is currently away on business if you would like to stay until she returns or leave a message, I would be willing-" Hera explained but Jacques sneered as he raised his left hand in the attempt of striking Hera "Enough! You are to bring Samara to me now!" Swiftly throwing his hand towards the blood haired woman who remained stone face.

James flinched at this action but couldn't say anything against him as half of the Military Funding comes from the Schnee Dust Company.

Winter sneered as she was ready to catch her fathers hand before he could connect with Hera but the Schnee Soldier wouldn't have to for another woman's intervention.

Clover also Frowned more as this was the type of man he would prefer not to work with but as a soldier and a specialist meant working with those one didn't like.

Enrico Frowned Deepened at such Actions towards another huntress but also a woman though was prepared to defend the woman if he needed to.

Penny Frowned at such actions towards another Human but didn't know why Jacques was so angry that he was striking another.

However the Schnee Elder hit wasn't Hera who didn't even flinch but hit what felt like a solid wall of air causing him to look shock "Mr.Schnee...this is not atlas nor do you have any sort of authority that gives you right to harm my staff nor my students therefore if you raise your hand against any of them then I'll personally make sure Atlas doesn't step foot on my deserts" Samara exclaimed walking over as the click of her shoes indicated just how angry Sam was though Jacques seemed to glaze over the threat completely.

He chuckled slightly putting his hands behind his back to walk over to the woman who stood ten feet away with the Schnee Man standing still once more "I have questions Samara...it seems that you've acquired a genius prodigy within your roster by the name of Jaune Arc, Founder and CEO of Arc Solutions and is known widely for the use of something that I can't even create...Synthetic Dust along with a massive and highly sought out Weapons Line...I'm here as the Representative of the Schnee Dust Company and I would like to discuss Business Matters with...Mr.Arc" Jacques exclaimed his reason for being in Shade.

Samara however looked Unamused at such a reason as she knew that the Elder Schnee would more then likely harass Jaune for a business contract that will no doubt heavily favor the SDC then anything but she chose to be honest "unfortunately Mr.Schnee, as if 3 Hours ago Mr.Arc has been labeled and classified as Missing after a mission with Team ACMM" Samara exclaimed as she turned walking away but James stepped up speaking "wait! What if we helped?" Samara stopped in her place obviously knowing Atlas wants something from this search mission.

She turned around "What's the catch James, I know for a fact that you wouldn't stick your neck out unless you want to be benefited" The Wind Wielder exclaimed with a glare of her eyes causing him to shake his head "just a meeting with Mr.Arc, that's all I want..." James informed as it really was only what he wanted as he knew Jaune was heavily Stone willed nearly strong willed as Empress Artoria Arc of Mistral who controlled the Mistral Council and essentially The whole Mistralian Continent.

Samara narrowed her eyes before turning and continuing her walk into shade "my office in Twenty Minutes James otherwise I'll be putting together a Military Search Party Myself" She exclaimed walking into the building as swift as she could.

"Argh! Such an aggravating woman!" Jacques Shouted as he hated those types of woman who is getting in the way of business but James just shook his head "Nevermind that, if we want that meeting with Mr.Arc to open a possible trade agreement between Arc Solutions and Atlas we will need to find him first" Ironwood exclaimed turning towards Clover and Winter "you two, walk around shade and see if you can find Mr.Arcs Private lab and record anything you find. And if you have the time and chance take a sample of whatever Mr.Arc is currently working on hopefully it will be put towards the military and against the Grimm" James Ordered prompting Clover and Winter to nod and walks towards the academy building.

Enrico spoke up to the two leaders "I'll walk around shade and help penny learn the environmental changes" "Indeed! I must calibrate myself to fight in varied fields!" Penny exclaimed with a salute which made James nod and Jacques Scoff before the two also Entered the academy heading towards the headmistress's office.

-Location: Vacuo, Shade Academy, Jaunes Private Laboratory-

"don't you think it's wrong Captain Schnee? Being forced to sneak into a private lab and illegally downloading files from a private computer then steal inventions that were obviously built honestly" Clover exclaimed as both he and winter examined the whole school in around 10 minutes hoping to find where Jaune Arc spent most of his time and due to good fortune, the entered the former smithy that now has been renovated into Jaune Arcs Personal Lab.

A lot of High Tech Equipment scattered all around the walls with several building tables where unconstructed guns and what looked like a thin brown tinted droid laying down on the table "Robots? Is this Jaune Arc planning on selling bots too?" Clover asked as he grazed a hand over the metal plating if the bot but turned his attention towards the Dust Top Computer as the screen said 'Space Simulation Using Sample #554...in progress' "Space?" The Ace Op Leader exclaimed prompting Winter to examine the table near by to see the blueprints for a thing labeled 'The Infinity Gauntlet' with a comic attached to one of the blueprints.

Taking the Comic and started reading swiftly but her eyes slowly but surely widened beyond shock and fear "the infinity gauntlet...it's a super weapon that Jaune Arc is attempting to build, if he could somehow replicate even one of these 'infinity stones' he could fight on par with the ace ops with no effort...we need to take these blue prints to the general" Winter exclaimed as she bundled all the prints before putting a flash drive into the computer where the screen 'Downloading all Files' appeared.

"And to answer you question Clover, while it is wrong to steal the hard work from another. It's so we can apply that knowledge towards humans and Faunus then closer to destroy the Grimm though from what I've heard about this Jaune Arc, he's doesn't care for others as he tends to horde his knowledge for himself and sell his weapons at outrageous prices. He's far to greedy and what we are taking is the small amount then he should be giving back" Winter Exclaimed as she watched the screen but saw it shift into 'Downloading Canceled' "what?" The Atlas Specialists exclaimed until a voice is heard in the room catching them off guard "I duly apologize for my actions Sir Specialists but your attempting to encode and steal Mr.Arcs Personal Files and I Cannot Allow that"

Clover was unsure of who was talking but it seemed like to be Artificial Intelligence that Enrico was attempting to build but for someone like Jaune to build it far faster then Enrico was beyond ridiculous "and who are you?" The Fortune Specialist asked which it responded "I am Alpha-335655 but I've been Named Jarvis, I am the Artificial Intelligence to assist Mr.Arc with whatever he deems with my current assignment is the creation of the infinity stones" "that's impossible! No one but Doctor Polendina especially anyone younger could make Artificial Intelligences" Winter shouted as she really did believe it was impossible with someone that's not Enrico as he is the greatest Roboticist in Remnants history.

"Then what do you call me? Miss Schnee, don't dismiss facts that you refuse to understand...Ah Ultron!" Jarvis exclaimed with a bit of annoyance before feeling glad that Ultrons body entered the room.

The Murder Bot swiftly took the blueprints from under winters arm catching her off guard before she and clover gasped at the sight of Ultron "you know, it's wrong to steal the hard work of others..." Winter sneered as her overall shock wear off "and who are you?" "Beta-223211 but please, call me ultron. I am the Defense and Combat Protocol that The Boss built me with" Winter sneered even more as this kid not only built one intelligence that Enrico was having trouble with but to have created two, one for building and the other for defense "Jaune Arc is a selfish man...why doesn't he share this knowledge with the other kingdoms" The Schnee Soldier Exclaimed but gasped as Ultron grabbed her throat "Winter!" Clover shouted with an attempt to move towards his weapon but stopped when Ultron stared over.

"Not one move or the bitch dies and now you" The Combat Droid warned Clover before turning his red robotic eyes towards winter who tried to grasp the robots hand to let him give way of her throat "let's make a few things clear yes? Mr.Arc does what Mr.Arc wants, if he wants to destroy the world then it's up to us to assist with his goal but if he wants to help the world then we will assist him and advise how he should go about but you never and I mean NEVER CLAIM THAT MR.ARC IS A SELFISH MAN! HES FAR TO GENEROUS IN MY SIGHT! IF HE WAS SELFISH THEN HE WOULD NEVER ATTEMPT ANY RESEARCH THAT WOULD HELP HIM ASSIST THE WORLD!" Ultron shouted at winter before getting into her face "now get out of Mr.Arcs Lab"

Outside the Room is where the Schnee Soldier was tossed out and hits the wall "Gah!" She gasped out as she landed on the floor before Clover simply walked out not wanting to be hurt by Ultron then the door Slammed "...We not only did we piss off two of the finest Artificial Intelligences, I have a feeling when Mr.Arc returns...he won't be pleased that we were rooting through his stuff

Within the room is where ultron is occupied by trying to return the blueprints of how it was when Jaune left for his mission, almost obsessed with everything to be just how it was "I just got News from Madam Midnight...Mr.Arc is classified as Missing as of 3 Hours ago" Jarvis informed the Murder Machine who stopped "...then we need to find him! He's to important to be missing now! Especially since more businesses are looking to buy off of us!" Ultron exclaimed looking extremely worried on his robotic features.

"You are correct Ultron but Miss.Midnight is already planning on getting Mr.Arc back so until then, we will continue the plans Mr.Arc has set if he ever gone missing" The Butler AI informed as the screen of the Dust Top Computer showed 'Space Simulation using Sample #554...is Complete. Space Stone Crystallized'

The doors to the forge opened revealing a glowing blue stone hovering in the middle of the forge along with the pulsating energy from inside shifted and moved towards the ground compressing into a glowing blue cube along with a blue diamond like gem tossed at Ultrons feet.

The Combat Droid bent down grabbing the blue jewel along with the blue cube "what in blue blazes?" Ultron asked unsure of what these were "analyzed, the gem and cube are both contained excess energy from the Space Stones Creation. One is more controlled while the other isn't as controlled, I believe you can guess which is which" Jarvis exclaimed as the space stone is swiftly put into a cylinder compartment before it was moved by a psychic force slotting into a compartment next to the dust top computer before the doors to the forge closed and the screen showed 'Power Simulation using sample #1... In Progress'

-Location: Vacuo, Shade Academy, Headmistress Office-

Samara unscrolled what looks like a map of the whole Great Bronco Desert along with subsections within and what was circled was the desert Samara took team Alchemy which is named 'Lifeless Borderlands' but along with the circle is lines running all over the map.

James and Jacques was also in the room watching Samara with a keen eye "what nobody knows about the desert region, is that there are catacombs that expand the whole desert as the main reason why nobody knows is because we stopped sending excavation parties as a way to preserve there history along with refusing to lose anymore life to them but if I am a guessing girl, Mr.Arc was unknowingly taken into one of these tunnels" Samara informed which made James go into his militant mode "these tunnels expand days maybe even weeks so we need to be cautious along with rushed sense to find Mr.Arc otherwise he will die from starvation"

Jacques sighed as this wasn't what he wanted to do since arriving into shade but needed to as a way to earn that meeting with Jaune so allowing the two hunters to converse on there action "is there a stable entry point into the tunnels?" James asked which Sam nodded pointing at a subsection called 'Rocky Cliffs' "this section is the only part of the desert where it has stable rock formations, we discovered there is a useable entry point into the tunnels so if we are to look for Mr.Arc then we need to use that" The Wind Huntress exclaimed as the Lifeless Borderlands was 30 Miles south of the Rocky Cliffs meaning it's May take a few days maybe weeks to even find jaune but the Headmistress was contempt to find jaune no matter what.

James nodded scratching his chin lightly "now who do we send? They have to be fast so we can't send heavy machinery. I suggest my Ace Ops, there powerful and swift" The Cyborg Man offered which Midnight grit her teeth but knowing it was the safest bet one can make "very well James, the Ace Ops are to be sent to retrieve Mr.Arc and bring him back to shade" "then we are in agreement Samara" The General Exclaimed with a nod


Ahhh the Brown Tinted Droid! The first of its kind of the Starwars B1 Units! And later will make up as part of the backbone to Jaunes Robot Army along. I know BD will be ecstatic about it!

And now your probably wondering why the stones are being made to fast? Well here's the thing, Jarvis is much like RvBs Epsilon and such there processing power is so strong that it I'll feel like super speed so upon deciding this, it will give Jarvis more processing power to finish any project his working on at an Accelerated Rate which also includes building the stones

Now then here's what I need from everyone, your probably wondering what the energy being shot out of the forge as byproducts and the first gems are Chaos Emeralds while the other object from the space stone is the Tesseract from MCU is what I need from everyone is Byproduct Items that can be believed to be from excess energy.