
Chapter 3: Bonding and Truth Bomb

Chapter 3: Bonding and Truth Bomb

Note: Just letting everyone know, all my stories I put on here. I'm putting on three other sites with three different accounts. So I'm clearing up any misunderstandings


It was an hour since the temporary formation of team ACMM aka Alchemy or they all would be sent home if they failed and Jaune had no home to go to after all so he needed to win this for his new team and for himself.

A door opened to a dorm room that looked suspiciously like the dorms back in Beacon Academy but unlike those at beacon these held sights of the sandy dunes outside, Jaune entered the room with an extremely tired look due to his long flight so not even talking about sleeping arrangements with his new team so he just fell onto a bed allowing it's comforting warmth envelop him entirely.

Crystal was next to enter only to look over to see Jaune already picking a bed for him prompting the leopard Faunus to smile at the sight "tired?" She asked earning a muffled 'mmhmm' from the blonde man allowing the snow haired woman to laugh lightly at this then picked the bed across from jaunes which is the same as the other side of the door.

"BEEEED!" Doyle shouted running into the room and jumped onto his now claimed bed which is at the side of Crystals, only to earn laughing from the Schnee Cousin "Laugh all you want Snowy but you try walking all the way to Shade because you didn't have the money for a fucking bullhead ticket!" Doyle exclaimed at her about the situation only to see her smile but propped her hand onto her elbow elevated hand as she laid on her side "money is no issue to me" "and whys that?" The gunslinger asked rolling onto his left side to stare at Crystal "after my parents death due to a white fang attack, they didn't have time to remake there will and such I've inherited my families fortune" Crystal informed the gunslinger on the fact that she is a multimillion lien woman and with no other family to share it so she has undoubted claim on the lien.

"Lucky, wanna split it!" Doyle muttered the first part only to ask the second like a leech only to see her grin "maybe~ if you impress me" the teasing snow cat exclaimed with a grin seeing an amused look from the duelist though crystal decided to ask her own question "where are you from?" "Mistral, my family was famous for producing powerful huntsmen and huntresses however my father decided to channel most of his doting nature to my older sisters because they had powerful semblances and abnormal aura pools" Doyle said as he rolled onto his back to stare at the ceiling "I had a caretaker because my dad spent so much time with my sisters but she was like the mother I've never had".

Upon hearing of this basic history got Crystal to frown as such an upbringing of very similar to her own except she was forced to be sheltered due to her genetic abnormality aka her ears "I'm sorry to hear that...my life...isn't that great because my family, the Iclyns, are the cousins to the schnees as such we are expected to be like the main family but ever since I was born with my ears...my father forced me to stay inside and never allowed me to go outside as such the only person that remotely cared for me was my maid..." Crystal stopped talking for a moment as this portion of her history was very hard to bring up.

Doyle turned his head to face crystal and shhhs quietly at her but not in a condescending way but more of a way to calm her down "it's going to be fine Crystal...right?" He asked as he didn't really catch her name but got the approval nod making the gunslinger continue "it's going to be fine, being at Shade shows that your willing to be true to who you really are and not be tied down to anything" he spoke honestly as he was being true to showing he can be a huntsmen without his families influence.

Crystal stared at him for a few moments then smiled sweetly "thanks Doyle?" Getting a nod at the correct placement of the name "your sweet...what about you guys?" The snow cat asked looking over where mizuki who entered after Doyle shouted 'bed' and was sitting patiently on her bed while resting her head slightly at the sword like stick only to be called out thus smiling at the interaction she's been invited too "oh me? What is it that you want to know?" Mizuki asked allowing crystal to ask her a question "where your from could be a good start" "Mantle, born and raised. I was actually born to be groomed as the next priestess to the Shikatsu Shrine" Doyle raised an eyebrow at this considering shrines and priestess's we're still around even to the modern age.

"Shrines are still a thing?" The gunslinger asked getting a nod from the eye covered priestess "indeed, not as revered as they were 80 Years ago as many starts drifting away from the ones above but they are still around" Mizuki answered the question though looked over to crystal who's now seen sitting cries cross on her bed "who's Shikatsu?" The snow cat as she wondered what type of god revered figure Shikatsu would be "the Goddess of Life, we believe that Shikatsu created Remnant and Life on the planet in conjunction to her sister, Shi who is the Goddess of Death who takes away the gifts that Shikatsu graciously gives her creations"

"Sounds like bullshit to me" Doyle commented on the fact of gods because he never believed in such trivial things even decided to be one of no belief "that would be the case of one with no belief, some say that having belief in what gods one believes in is said to give them divine prowess" "still sounds like bullshit" Mizuki just gave a Cheeky grin towards the gunslinger "sounds like the salt of a non believer" the Priestess said prompting the gunslinger to have a twitch to his left eye but decided to just not continue this conversation in fear of it turning bad for him.

"What about Blondie?" Crystal asked looking over at Jaune who has yet to move from his current position as such still on his stomach and head on the pillow though he finally got up when it was his time to start sharing, so getting onto his butt to overlook his new team though only one held similarities of Weiss schnee except in personality "born on Mistral but I went to vale for sometime but I was actually scouted out by Headmistress Midnight" Jaune gave the half correct version of his backstory even though the blonde prodigy doesn't want his new team hating him for cheating.

Mizuki smiled at him happy to find such great talent found "that's wonderful! Then you must really unique to be scouted by the top huntress of vacuo" "I'm also interested since I don't see your weapon anywhere" Doyle commented as sitting upwards to face Jaune, though the call out of jaunes missing weapon prompted the snow cat to look around "now that you mention it, I don't see it either" Crystal comments until her eyes landed on jaunes to see his filled with regret "it's uhh...I got Professor Blaze to hold it for me before the match tomorrow...anyone mind I take the first shower?" Jaune lied through his teeth before standing up to call out his shower question.

Crystal shook her head showing she was cool with it but felt more unnerved by the sadden look moments ago when the snow cat Faunus asked for his weapon though Jaune effectively dodged the question after he got up tossing a worn looking journal onto the bed which was located on his back pocket so he walks out of the room into the bathroom connected into the dorm.

The door clicks indicating it was locked with a few moments later prompting the sound of running water showing that the blonde prodigy is now taking a shower and thus in his own world, Doyle waited for a few moments then his eyes landed on the journal that Jaune was seen writing in it earlier in the day getting the jean lover boy to get up to walk over towards the book.

Crystal watched Doyle walking towards jaunes bed already knowing what the gunslinger was planning "Doyle? I don't think Blondie would like you snooping in his personal journal since we all just met not even an hour ago" she said trying to stop the brown haired gun ho from his current course but it was useless as the gunslinger picked up the journal and held it like it was trophy "come on crystal! He's been working on this on our way here so I'm interested in what he was doing" Doyle then opened the book before flipping through varies pages seeing what Jaune was doing.

Crystal looked over at Mizuki who just stayed in her original position due to the fact of the Shikatsu Priestess Blindness so she couldn't see what was going to be presented, the snow cat girl looked at Doyle with obvious concern as well as undeniable curiosity of there new friend who gave only a little of his history "....fine but If Jaune come back I'm throwing you under the bus" crystal said getting up from the bed to walk behind and look at the book.

The first drawing the two see was a drawing of what looked like a shield before the next panel showing a cannon hidden inside the shield

Weapon Idea I-

Name: The Wall

Classification: Shield/Cannon

Type: Ranged

Ammunition: Dust Shells

Dust Usage: What ever type is needed

Description: Used to pierce through walls and tanks alike the Wall is also used for defending P.O.I. and Bases alike.

Notes: Users must be very strong or have it in it's Cannon configuration to use. Dust shells are stored in the side containers that expand when deployed. When in Bulwark form it can take hits from any guns short of it being a rocket or a grenade launcher.

"....oh damn...that's smart" Doyle commented as he overlooked the drawing as well as the description of the weapon "what is it?" The Blind woman asked with crystal giving a basic explanation "Blondie seemed to have a weapon design for a wall and armor buster" "...ok? Jaune perhaps was a weapons designer. It's not new in our age but it's certainly a new take of an idea" Mizuki gave her thoughts leaving Crystal to graze a hand through her hair as well as over her Leopard ears which flatten on themselves due to the hand

Weapon Idea II-

Name: Dome Shield

Classification: Energy Based Shield

Type: Defensive

Ammunition: None

Dust Usage: Light Dust

Description: a shield made of pure light dust but condensed enough to block any and all projectiles.

Notes: this unit is a portable shield meant to be carried as a way to endure heavy fire but this unit is on a thin time frame as the rotary shield generator cannot project the shield for more then 3 Minutes.

Doyle could only make a choking sound as Jaune had figured out a way to build a portable and useable shield, stronger then what Atlas could offer no doubt and such a device seemed hundreds of years away from being possible however Jaune only did so in 18 Hours not that the gunslinger nor the Snow Cat Girl knew about that.

"Holy...is that shield really possible?" Crystal asked as she stared at the picture of a device that seems to be drawn to project a shield that's impenetrable by projectiles of all kinds would be extremely effective against Rouge Humans, Faunus and capable of combating against Nevomores.

The Snow Haired Woman looked over to find The Priestess looking annoyed that the lack of informative commentary was lacking "oh! Uhh...The next design shows of a portable shield capable of deflecting projectiles" The Schnee Cousin informed the Blind Grass Haired Woman.

Mizuki looked very shocked that such a device was even capable of thing "if that were real then it would grant remnant means of stopping ranged fighters but with the world slowly slipping into the cold embrace of shi, I believe only selected and trusted individuals should have that shield along with border defense" The Green Haired Girl gave her thoughts on the shield

Weapon Idea III-

Name: Lightsaber

Classification: Energy Based Sword

Type: Melee

Ammunition: None

Dust Usage: uncut crystal of Blaze dust

Description: the hilt and grip of a cylinder sword with the sword being made of pure energy using Blaze dust as the heart and strength

Notes: the lightsaber is meant to replace basic dust swords as the lightsaber heats the Blaze dust that it can melt and cut through tempered steel only with dust based swords capable of countering it, the lightsaber unlike most doesn't need to replace the crystal to continue using. Capable of using colored gel lenses to change color of the sword with the default being red.

"With this 'Lightsaber' it could also be deactivated and compact to not take up any space which means no weight for the user to be slowed down with" the brown haired gunner explained his view of the Heated Lightsaber "yeah and extremely useful as it can be doubled as a sword and a blowtorch" Crystal gave her comment until she turned the page on the next weapon that would by far shock them all

Weapon Idea IV-

Name: BFG 9000

Classification: Heavy Plasma Cannon

Type: Ranged

Ammunition: Heavily Dense Plasma Energy

Dust Usage: Mixture of Fire, Plasma, Water, Lightning and Light Dust with a green food coloring to make it look green

Description: the barrel is very wide as to hold the amount of plasma before discharging while the mid section, grip and stock look like the end of a decommissioned rifle.

Notes: when firing the BFG, the amount of plasma is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and radioactive when it's discharging

"WHAT!?" The Yell was mixed with both a highly shocked crystal and a very frightened Doyle that such a powerful weapon could even be conceived meaning that if this gun were to be shot in the battlefield not only will the opponents would lose far more men then anything, it would also have the chance of recoiling to there side hitting there own.

"What happened?" Mizuki asked as the sudden shout worried the priestess that something happened but she breathed a sigh of relief when the gunslinger spoke on "it seemed Jaune somehow conceived a dangerous super weapon! It could wipe out a whole battlefield of Grimm and our own men if they aren't careful" "what's it called?" Mizuki asked for the name of the supposed super weapon with Doyle answering it "BFG 9000" "weird name" said the blind priestess

Weapon Idea V-

Name: Transmutation Gloves

Classification: A pair of gloves laced with earth based dust with lightning dust

Type: Physical

Ammunition: None

Dust Usage: Earth Dust Laced into the Gloves mixed with Lightning Dust

Description: a pair of black looking gloves slightly thick due to the earth dust infused with lightning dust weaved into the fabric

Notes: the Transmutation Gloves activates when the user claps there hands once then pressed onto the ground using the lightning dust to break the ground(or surface) then use the earth dust to reshape the broken earth into whatever the user wishes

"Is that even possible? I mean breaking up the very ground is one thing but how can Dust rearrange the broken pieces" Crystal asked as that was something that only Jaune knew the answer even though she was taught about dust due to her familial connection to the schnees, even the snow girl didn't know how Dust could move existing structures.

"Don't forget Crystal, Dust is an energy propellant and many would dismiss the fact that such energy can reshape the existing world due to the fact that many of it can be seen releasing that energy in the open air showing that mixing that energy with the world is impossible, but Jaune has shown us in his depictions of weapons...it's that he can make the impossible Possible" Doyle informed crystal as he had toyed with dust every so often for specialized bullets with differing results so the gunslinger needed to know about dust to do that.

Weapon Idea VI-

Name: Capsule Gun

Classification: Weaponry that shoots capsules of mysterious origins

Type: Ranged

Ammunition: Capsules of Mysterious Origins

Dust Usage: Depends on the Capsules of Mysterious Origins

Description: it looks like any normal looking gun used for Paint Ball including cartridge and air canister

Notes: this weapon will be mainly used to shoot out capsules of mysterious origins be it tear gas, smoke or something lethal such as chlorine or nova gas, Originally meant to be used as crowd but will be used to drop the crowd like flies if an emergency occurs.

Crystal rereads the capsule gun idea showing that it was originally meant to be used for crowd control by throwing out non lethal but it can shifted into lethal gases inside the capsules if need be "so this would be a good idea of setting this particular gun into the hands of police officers with non lethal ammo as a way to control the crowd while setting some aside for military officers or hunters with toxic chemical" Crystal gave her thoughts on the usage on the capsule gun until her eyes landed on the last entry.

Weapon Idea VII-

Name: T-800

Classification: Robotic War Time Combat Droid

Type: Ranged/Anti-Infantry

Dust Usage: Powered by a mixture of fire, lightning and plasma dust into the form of fusion cells.

Description: the robot will mirror the skeleton form of mankind but instead robotic, they will move and fight the same as normal mankind but instead due to there weight which a single T-800 would weigh over 1000 Pounds as such can't be thrown around like a rag doll

Notes: the T-Series Droids can range in a multitude of forms with the T-800 being the first and basic of the line, housing a very powerful plasma rifle that will mimic the energy's of the Arc Reactor Core along with a very durable endoskeleton. Main purpose of the T-Series will no doubt force Atlas to pull out of vacuo as there mechs will become obsolete.

"....huh....wha?....buh?...." Doyle exclaimed as he rereads the whole entry again to figure Jaune had drawn what looked like a metal skeleton with robot parts and a gun in its chest which looked very advanced.

"No way....so THIS is why Headmistress Midnight recruited Jaune! It's for his intelligence!" Crystal exclaimed only to close the book in a swift rush as the door to the bathroom opened revealing jaunes muscular body with a towel wrapped around his waist, water slowly dropped from his very toned chest and damped blonde hair.

Crystal blushed immensely at the sight of the blonde man since she was never around boys in her childhood but the sight of her first near naked boy was kinda jaw dropping "uhhhh....it's Doyle's Fault! He wanted to look in your book!" The snow girl shouted as she jumped away from Doyle hoping the blonde genius designer would focus most of his rage to the brown haired boy since Jaune looked displeased "....I wanted you guys to look" Jaune finally spoke with a smile seeing the confused looks of his new team only for the blonde near naked man to explain.

"I knew Doyle would be the nosy type since I saw him trying to glance at book on the way here so I've left my book in hopes he'd take a look, you Crystal would try to stop him but your curiosity would overlook your rational side so you'd look at well but Mizuki due to her lack of sight one of you would tell her about some of the entries...listen I wanted to show you what was in my book before I explain a few things" Jaune exclaimed then continued his reason for being at Shade "the reason why I don't have a weapon is because my bastard of a family taken the only weapon I had when I faked my way into beacon, I was kicked out after a coward revealed my transcripts then Professor Midnight and Professor Blaze found and accepted me..." Jaune looked down sadden ready for the new team to hate him like everyone else.

What the blonde man didn't expect was that mizuki who strangely navigated the room easily to hug Jaune with a loving emotion akin to that of a mother "wha?..." is what the blonde man could only muster not expecting that "do not be sad, we all did things we've regret. My regret was not helping a group of orphans when I had the power to do so and I've lived with it" Mizuki exclaimed placing jaunes head onto her left shoulder.

Jaune soon get up feeling very much better at such energy from mizuki who smiled more lovingly before the blonde man looked over at Doyle who stared like he didn't care "Jaune...didn't you know much about Shade?" "Huh?" The gunslinger groaned rubbing his hand through his brown hair commenting slightly "for a smart guy, your pretty ignorant...what I'm saying Jaune...Shade doesn't have a transcript requirement." ".....Huh!?" The blonde exclaimed nearly dropping his towel in shock but caught it in time.

The Snow Cat sighed happily at the man then smiling at him "Jaune, Professor Midnight when she first taken her office completely tore down the requirements for transcripts. All you really need to enter is having your aura unlocked" Jaune if he could be more shocked at this "wait...I could've applied to Shade and I would've not be scorned?" "Yep" Jaune asked with the yep being sounded off, Jaune soon chuckled at them accepting the book from the gunslinger "...thanks guys" Jaune said while he walked then sat down on his bed watching Doyle walk into the bathroom for his shower while Crystal sat down with mizuki doing the same on her own bed.

The blonde man looked down at his book then opening it swiftly passing pages only to stop on the 100th Page.

Weapon Idea C-

Name: Infinity Gauntlet

Classification: Golden Gauntlet Decorated with 6 Heavily Powerful Dust Gems

Type: Balanced/All

Dust Usage: Dust Gems retaining one of the six aspects of life 'Power' 'Soul' 'Time' 'Space' 'Reality' 'Mind'

Description: Golden Gauntlet with six stone like compartments meant to house 6 Colorful and super powerful gems that has the potential of controlling an aspect of life

Notes: The Infinity Gauntlet has been my pet project over 13 Years only to find that the creation of the gauntlet is as elusive and damn well complicated even after a decade of research, however the metal for the gauntlet must be indestructible but can not determine what metal to use since many has a watered down version of indestructible however the creation of the stones may be close to my grasp as such stones can be made through aura and semblances however aura research claims that aura can't be highjacked I however figured that wasn't the case since aura much like the soul is tied into blood...the life force of all mankind.


Alright people, if your weapon idea didn't make the cut don't be sad as there will be plenty of more times where your idea will get featured.

Don't forget to send in ideas for more weapons.

And now at this time I'm accepting any and all ocs, no matter which side(I do hope you choose a more responsible side ie not the wrong side of jaunes weapons)

If you want a large part for your oc, do tell me why they should have that character arc