
Chapter 11: Revaluation

Chapter 11: Revaluation

Note: this is my interpretation of the afterlife so yeah.


Jaune Arc looked calm almost peaceful like as his body is swiftly flowing through what looked like a massive body of ocean but the man didn't give the impression of drowning but more contempt as voices was dominate within the unconfined water.

Jaune is washing through image to image detailing his very life starting as his time as an infant, to his time as a child which included all of his first inventions to finding Bismark half dead before those images shifted faster through the blonde mans which now hit his time at beacon though jaune just turned away from that string of memories until his short time at shade appeared.

Then nothing as the string of memories just disappeared into the black abyss of the ocean '...am...I dead?...' The Blonde Man thought as he remembered closing his eyes inside of what looked like an alter room but now woken up inside water.

However Jaune gasped a bit as he felt two people cling until his legs so looking down gasped in fear as he saw two heavily rotted people which exposed a bit bone "aaaaaAaaAaAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Jaune screamed in fear as he feels himself being pulled down so the genius tries to paddle himself upwards towards the surface but the sheer strength of the demons is stronger "what the hell are you!" Jaune shouted looking down and threw a punch at the demon which it connected but did nothing as the demons forced the blonde man down more.

'JAUNE ARC! YOUR SOUL IS SOAKED WITH GREED AS YOU NEGLECTED YOUR VERY BODY FOR YOUR AMBITIONS OF KNOWLEDGE AND POWER! YOU WILL BE JUDGED AND YOU WILL SUFFER FOR ETERNITY IN THE FOURTH CIRCLE OF HELLLLLLL!' One of the demonic skeletons exclaimed causing jaune to gasp out as the bony fingers of the monster started heating up searing into the blonde mans leg through his pants.

The Prodigy struggles even more trying to swim upwards towards the surface until he saw a hand, it looked feminine so the Arc man gritted his teeth extending his right hand towards the unknown grasping onto it which it clenched her hand around his own and—





Jaune was pulled out o the water onto a nice looking beach though the blonde man didn't have time to properly admire as he is coughing out the water that entered his lungs then looking up and around, the location seemed like a beach that spanned the coast almost Infinitely like there was no end, the ocean also spanned far and wide with no end.

"Whew! That was close!" A female voice exclaimed prompting the blonde man to turn his head towards the woman who held a blackish red gothic Lolita outfit before covering her body with a pure Snow White cloak though her hair looked long which was black with her tips being the color of ruby red, it was the woman's face that got jaune to be on guard as it looked heavily similar to Ruby Rose especially the eyes.

The mysterious look alike woman turned towards jaune with a motherly smile "well hey kiddo! Glad I got you out of there" "What the hell were those!?" Jaune shouted getting up to his feel height but stumbled backwards a bit though steadied himself "ah the creatures in the water? Those were Phantoms or what we call 'Prowlers of Purgatory' you can say they are blood hounds for souls that committed great sins in life" the woman exclaimed seeing the obvious confused look in the mans eyes.

So deciding to wait for questions from the man, Jaune looks at the ocean staring at the calm blue waves though gasp in fear as the upper skull cap of a phantom demon that grabbed the prodigy before it dipped back down into the ocean "what kind of ocean is that?" Jaune asked looking at the Ruby Look Alike.

She looked at the ocean as well "that kiddo, is Purgatory where all souls end up after they died-" "wait...I'm dead!?" She looked back with her smile still present "technically, you are in a state of near death which is the main reason why your only in limbo. The beach is symbolized as the Biblical Term of Limbo as it's an infinite space of those who hasn't committed any sins to be dragged into hell nor are they worthy enough to go into paradise" she exclaimed pointing behind the blonde man causing him to turn his head to see dozens of modern like buildings in the distance "that over there is what people would refer to as Heaven or Paradise"

Jaune nodded as he slowly is accepting the reality of death then turning back to her "so if I'm in a state in between, why save me?" "Because someone needs to slap my idiot husband for not properly stepping up to be the father my girls need" the woman commented huffing to herself then smiled again "it seems that I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Summer Rose" Summer introduces herself then extended her right hand for a shake which jaune grasped with his own "thank you" Jaune exclaimed then pulling back slightly to stare at the ocean "so if the ocean is purgatory and a void between both Heaven and Hell. Then how is the beach Limbo? Since limbo is also the first circle of hell"

Summer strokes her chin as she never really did understand as the one who saved her from being dragged by the Phantom Demons didn't say why "I have no clue but I have a question Jaune-" Blue Eyes snapped towards the Rose Mother almost instantly "how did you know my name?" "Spirit kiddo, we do know what's going on in the world but anyway...why are you afraid" Summer exclaimed before asked looking over to jaune again who returned her gaze confused "what?" "Why are you afraid" Jaune narrowed his eyes still in confusion on the question "I...I don't understand..." the genius responded.

Summer just sighed as she closed her eyes rubbing the bridge of her nose "outstanding, with all that intellect. My question goes right over your head alright I'll make this simple, I watched your fight against the Stone Golem especially since you crafted what is essentially a living super weapon you call an Infinity Stone" Summer exclaimed though giggled slightly muttering "how crazy one can create a weapon from a ludicrous comic book...." then speaking up once more "you obviously had the power to combat evenly against it yet you didn't, so I'll ask again...Why. Are. You. Afraid." Summer spoke fully and completely staring into Jaunes widened and fearful blue eyes.

"....because..." Jaune choked a bit as he stared at the ocean slowly descending onto the sandy floor sitting on it then bringing his legs close to his chest obviously in thought "Because I'm Scared...I'm scared I may end up like my dad, he's powerful and with such power will come at the cost of tossing away his beliefs and just does what he wants without thinking about other people...I don't want to build up my power base and end up being like him..." Jaune exclaimed obviously troubled by this thought.

Summer obviously knew what the kid is going through as many Hunter in training often goes into what people call 'Life Crisis' which usually consisted of a time one uses to re-evaluates there goals, life and everything in between so even a man with an intelligence that certainly goes beyond any normal man is prone to question himself so using experience, Summer decides what to say "then don't, you said that your father fell from grace when he became as powerful as you say but you are NOT him, you are you. Your intelligence, your goals, your achievements and your people. All has appeared because of you not because your like your parents or siblings but you! There is only one you! You are unique, you are different! Don't believe any less because you have the potential to change the world! Your family, Friends and most importantly yourself! Your intelligence, aura and power are all yours so start using them for what YOU believe in Arc!"

Jaune looked at summer shocked that she was adamant on helping him with his early life crisis then looking down obviously in thought but soon found reason and logic in her words and not only that his Intelligence, Achievements and Goals are all him but he had people that depended on him and his work so getting up from the sandy floor then looking up at the sun of the after life obviously in thought but more and more the train of thought always came to protecting and helping remnant which meant that he needed to stay alive.

Summer watched with a slight open mouth as Jaunes body slowly is exuding a dense white aura that enveloped his body which made the woman smile "looks like someone figured out what to do..." "yeah, I'm going back to the world of the living and I'm going to complete my Infinity Gauntlet then I'll properly lead my Company to save remnant from itself" Jaune exclaimed as he looked down at his aura covered body then started walking towards the ocean of purgatory with a determined look of fire.

"Good luck kiddo! Oh and confess to Miss.Iclyn already! I got a bet going!" Summer exclaimed as jaune slowly dived into the water.





Jaune slowly opened his eyes of not the ocean of lost souls but infact a dusty looking alter room where a part of a golden disk sat on its pedestal waiting to be claimed then slowly getting onto his elbows and knees "Grk!" Jaune gritted as a stream of blood hits the stone floor from the mans open wound 'Holy Dust Bitch this hurt!' The blonde prodigy thought as he slowly got onto one knees covering the open stab wound with his gauntlet hand trying hard to stop the bleed while looking around the alter room "Reality?" Jaune called out then looking down to the blood crystal in the gauntlet.

'I'm surprised your alive master, Your heart stopped for over 3 Days' Reality exclaimed which caused jaune to look heavily shocked and concerned "THREE DAYS!? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?" Jaune shouted as he didn't believe that such a short time in the afterlife could result in three days passing 'unknown' the stone answered the question prompting jaune to grit his teeth slowly getting up onto his feet obviously feeling the muscle strain from having been in a hibernated state for three days "it's a miracle that I haven't bled to death by now" Jaune thought out loud as blood started to drip from his side 'Can't really bleed to death if you already died Master' The Stone commented.

Jaune snorted as his eyes shifted towards the pedestal of the golden disk "so it seems that the Ancient Mantle Army has met with the Old Spanish Inquisition if they have a piece of the disk" The blonde man exclaimed slowly stepping towards the disk which each step gets jaune closer to the mysterious object then stopped when the genius was standing above the pedestal "....I had a revaluation during my Near Death Experience...." Jaune said out loud randomly even catching the Concept of Reality off guard '....oh?' "Yeah...from this moment forward with you as my witness..." He calls out in the open grasping the golden disk with his left hand clutching it tightly with blood prints imprinting on the golden surface "I will stop being afraid, afraid I'll turn into my power hungry bastard of a father and do what I wish! And I wish! Is to beat the fuck out of that stone mother fucker!" The man shouted as the stone glows bright red and fire is conjured out.

-Location: Vacuo, Underneath the Desert-

Around 11 People are walking through a very large tunnel after atlas soldiers spent three days mapping the whole tunnel system for dozens of miles but after the scouting they finally believed that jaune was hiding in the main chamber "alright remember!" Clover shouted as he was leading the ace ops and two teams from beacon and one team from mistral "our main objective is to search and rescue or jaune arc anything else is second"

Towards the teams is where a man holding a staff whistled "this Jaune Arc guy must be really important if all the academies are pulling together to find him" He exclaimed looking over the rest while the beacon teams didn't look so good minus Weiss who just looked annoyed.

Ruby looked down guilty for turning against her first friend.

Yang was guilty by harming jaune after he tried to explain himself to ruby.

Weiss however was still steadfast of her belief that jaune should've been arrested for what he did but felt extremely annoyed that such a man is revered as a growing industrialist.

Blake originally came to apologize to the blonde man for not standing up for him.

"Why is that good?" Weiss exclaimed though remembering that the Mistral team wasn't at beacon when everyone turned against the cheater "I mean, Vacuo is working around the clock to get this guy back. I've also heard that this Arc Character is a high valued Target for atlas plus Our academy sent us to assist in the rescue effort" The Monkey Faunus Gave his thoughts looking at team NPR.

Ren may have the look of an emotionless but on the inside is heavily saddened for not standing for his Non Blood Brother.

Nora wasn't as energetic as she was after she turned against her leader

Pyrrha was perhaps the most guilty of them all as she had a crush on jaune through out the semester though during the whole Forever Falls incident had to pull away from jaune to deal with a Beowulf Pack therefore couldn't see what happened during the time and then she was pressured by Ozpin to turn against jaune even when she was set to help him.

"Are you guys alright? You seem down" the blue man with a neat mistral uniform commented towards the group feeling almost down as them for whatever reason "no Neptune...nothing at all" Pyrrha exclaimed looking heavily down though the man with the green hair turned to his team almost feeling depressed at his new friends "ok, then...listen, the semester is closing soon especially since Vacuo pulled out of the Vytal festival so with the tournament being pushed back. Sun is thinking about going to beaches in mistral, do you guys want to join?" He asked his friends.

The Monkey Faunus now named Sun nodded "yeah guys! It's gonna be fun plus mistral is known for there beautiful scenery and beaches right Neptune?" Sun asked the blue man who nodded at the information "yeah, it's is so you guys want to come?" Nep asked the beacon teams.

"Sure sounds like fun plus gives me a reason to show off my body" Yang exclaimed with her usual flirtatious smirk which made Neptune blush at the sight which gone unnoticed to all by the blue mans best monkey friend, Weiss looked away blushed a bit as she thought about Neptune's unclothed upper body "I guess I wouldn't mind going to" "yaaay! Team Trip!" Ruby exclaimed trying to not be bummed out with the jaune matter "what about Blakey? You coming during spring break?" Yang asked Blake who remained at the back portion of the search party.

Blake is using her lamp light as to continuing her read of the Ninjas of Love book "no, I don't care much for water. I may just go back home to visit my parents" "aww man" Sun muttered as he hoped to see Blake in a bikini, The Green haired man turned towards NPR "what about you guys?" "No, I'm not much for the beach scene" Ren exclaimed as he didn't really care much for the beach, Nora added her answer "if Ren isn't going then I'm not going either"

"What about you Pyrrha?" The red haired man that seemed to be dress like a gentleman like pirate turned towards the spartan woman who shook her head a bit "sorry Scarlett, I promised my mom that I would come back home for spring break" she exclaimed with an apologetic smile.

The Pirate man named Scarlett nodded then turned to face the front with the silence then hitting but the head group stopped suddenly "what the?" The brown skinned man with a raised dog tail exclaimed prompting the groups in the back to walk to find a Ancient Mantle Samurai Warrior in its previous position when dealt with previous intruders with its head looking down allowing its Stone hat to cover its face.

"That's freaky" the muscle woman exclaimed grazing a hand through her hair "I say, who would put a statue in a middle of an abandoned tunnel?" The Dog Faunus exclaimed unsure of who would put such a statue "that statue, it looks like a representation of the Ancient Mantle Samurai" Weiss exclaimed her thoughts prompting Clover to look at it up and down "your right Miss.Schnee" "wait wait, Mantle? I thought the Kingdom weren't built over 500 Years Ago" Pyrrha spoke unsure of the time.

"Record wise yes, but as excavations around the world occurs for construction of varies modern buildings. Has shown signs that there were kingdoms built long before the establishment of the modern age, Mantle was considered the first kingdom established roughly five thousand just before the Spanish Inquisition that came 200 later" Weiss gave the history lesson prompting the ace ops to relook the stone statue with Harriet responding "if that were the case then 'Mantle' would've started traversing the world to settle the planet" "that would be correct, recovered journals of Ancient Mantle officials stated that they focused on a military occupation of remnant which almost succeeded after a few hundred years of trying to bypass natural weather and geography." Weiss finished her lesson as the soldiers moved passed it with everyone else.

"Well then Ice Queen, it seems that these tunnels were controlled by former Mantle Forces so all we need to do is just find this Jaune Arc" Sun exclaimed though his eyes picked up with Blake's ears twitching as Metal like steps is heard caused the Monkey and Cat Faunus to swiftly turn around with Sun raised his staff ready to fight, everyone else stopped to turn to see the stone warrior facing towards them "what the hell?" Sage said in slight fear.

"H-how did that statue get there?" Ruby said in an equal amount of fear but took out her scythe mechanizing it "guys, I feel something weird coming out of the statue" Yang exclaimed slowly mechanized Ember Cilica, Blake took out the large sword of Gombal Shrowd ready to fight as her animal instincts are telling her that the statue was more then it appeared.

"Come on guys, your just being ridiculous" Weiss comments as she watched her friends look cautious though Clover just cleared his throat "come on kids, we don't have much time. Mr.Arc has been missing for over 3 days" The Ace Ops leader reminded which made Pyrrha look downcast as her actions may have gotten her former friend and love interest but everyone resumed there search for about ten minutes until more Metal clanks is heard




Prompting everyone to turn back around swiftly towards the same stone statue that should've logically been left behind "what the-" Nora exclaimed unsure of what's going on until the Stone Warrior lifted its hat covered eyes that caused everyone's hearts to jump at the scare "DEATH COMES TO ALL THAT STANDS AGAINST...NIBIRU..." the warrior spoke in a distorted tone.


Alright my Doods! Here's another chapter of arc solutions! Now three days passed in the world while Jaunes soul was in the afterlife so now the fires of determination is now lit into a blaze! Oh and keep your pants up Doods! Romance is coming in the next few chapters!

Now Doods, as usual send in your ideas for weapons and other stuff for Jaunes company and any other ideas you can come up with.

I'm still looking out for more ocs if your willing to give em to me