
Chapter 1: Prodigy goes to Shade

Chapter 1: Prodigy goes to Shade

-Location: Vale, Juniors Bar-

Xei walked back into the Business portion of the building the bar owner had owned looking around to see Jaune Arc passed out at the bar "what happened to the kid? I was gone for almost an hour?" Xei asked one of his employees who had the uniform of the job but with a goatee "asked for the strongest drink in the building-" "and so you idiots let Mili and Melea whip up there special Vale Brew?" Xei asked with a twitch in his eye as he forbids his darling daughters to never make that brew again.

The goatee grunt just grinned nervously while shrugging to his boss prompting the Bar Owner to sigh to himself before looking at the unconscious blonde at the bar Miltia was located on the other side of the bar cleaning a few glasses as to take his place when Xei was doing something in his office, Melanie was sitting beside Jaune cleaning up the mess of glasses he drank before hitting the counter in a drunken blackout "Girls, did you knock him out with that elixir of yours?" Junior asked walking over prompting the girl in white to look over with a small giggle "he's a really fun drunk Dad" "no doubt that he is but he's shown signs of a chatty and sad drunk so I'm more concerned how a huntsmen in training is gonna do damage when the angry drunk shows up" Junior comments on the types of drunk.

"Anyway girls, lets move into the back and get him on a bed because the bar isn't a good place to sleep" The Bar Owner commands the red and white girl which went over to Jaunes space to place both of his arms, one for each girl to put them over there shoulder and carry Jaune into the back.

Upon reaching a bed for some of the more heavy drunks before forcing them to pay for said drinks, the girls got the blonde onto the bed with Militia stretching the blanket over his body in hopes for comforting warmth "sad of what happened to him" the white dress woman exclaimed feeling sorry for the kids down luck, "what were you going to do about it Dad?" Melanie asked turning towards her father with a curious look though the bar owner scratched his right bearded cheek "I've contacted your Grand Aunt from Vacuo to come and pick up " Junior said plainly from what he did hours ago.

Both a Sisters stared at junior with a shocked look "we have an aunt?" Militia asked about her now known aunt "yeah, but she lives in Vacuo so I don't mention her much but for the mean time do NOT mention presence here or if anyone tries to force there way in, you have the green light to use excessive violence. The ONLY ones allowed is us three and Your Aunt or anyone she sent to pick him up" Junior exclaimed making both girls nod at the order even stretched slightly to work out the muscles Incase any rowdy intruders came around.

-Location: Vale, Beacon Academy-

-Time Passed Since Jaune Arcs Banishment...22 Hours-

In small private bullhead flying fast had reached towards the docks of Beacon Academy though the symbol beside held the main door held the symbol of Vacuo prompting this bullhead to be from the sandy dunes of the Vacuo Kingdom however the Vacuo Kingdom doesn't have a fleet presence in value meaning this Bullhead Fighter came from the kingdom itself.

Many would speculate how a small vehicle could move fast enough to traverse Grimm infested skies with little to no security or damage is due to several factors.

1: Professor Hera Blaze is the Science Teacher for Shade Academy as well as one of the few Huntresses in remnant to have a mental based semblance, Energy Sensor: this ability allows Hera to sense the energy of anything that comes into her large radius but this is not mistaken for auras that human and Faunus have but pure life energy that all organic creatures possess making Hera Blaze near impossible to be snuck up on.

2: the bullhead is a Class-J Bullhead Fighter which is the top of the line and infact the most recently made bullhead which is known to be the fastest and more durable bullhead of the assembly line. So 10 Hours straight in a transcontinental trip is more real then before.

Lastly 3: The Headmistress of Shade Academy also known as Samara Midnight, a 44 Year Old Woman who doesn't look any older then her late twenties was in remnant history by far the strongest huntress in the kingdom of Vacuo, not only is she the only huntress to not have a weapon but to have a weaponized semblance. Wind Manipulation: the complete control over the air currents in a set range which is quite large, but able to cut through any Grimm that Hera Blaze informed Headmistress Midnight about.

Anyway, The Bullhead however remained floating quite high from the docks with the doors showing the sight of a tall woman with long black colored hair and eyes, her cold gazed face showing her displeasure of the academy that her eyes is gazed upon.

Her outfit consisted of a light winter sweater like jacket with a Vacuo logo on it and dress like pants and boots "Hera, I want you to go to Vale City and look for " Samara exclaimed looking over at the pilot aka Hera Blaze.

Hera was a shorter woman with bright red hair and eyes though her outfit was a blue skirt, shoes with a lady like blouse and a white lab coat "got it Sammy!" She exclaimed with a bright smile making the Headmistress give a light smile before jumping out the bullhead then falling fast towards the docks, until her body soon is slowing down into a glide as the wind was slowing down the woman until she landed on her feet.

Samara starts walking in a brisk pace with a scowl ready to rip the Headmaster of Beacon a new Asshole for his idiocy of turning away a brain big enough to cause real change to the world but instead turned away because of the actions of a coward "excuse me!" Samara soon stopped when a girl in a red cloak was walking by the headmistress and saw the angry look on the older woman's face "are you ok? You seem angry"

Samara looked down at the short young woman before smiling gently "I'm quite fine young one, just merely upset with your headmaster" "what did he do?" She asked curiously tipping her head slightly "he let go what could be world changing potential" Ruby Rose as the short girl had gasped at this "would changing!? What kind of weapon does he or she have!? No no, who is he!? Or she?! Is he or she nice!?" The young girl started shouting out prompting the headmistress to grin a bit at the influx of questions.

"Are you familiar with a man named Jaune Arc?" Samara asked wondering if Jaune was a friend of the silver eyed girl but soon her hopes for a great encounter was dashed quite hard as Ruby's eyes slipped into a glare "what about him?" "...pardon?" Midnight asked as she didn't hear that right but she did.

"Why do you want the lying cheater?" Ruby asked the headmistress but Samara narrowed her eyes now as she hoped was a good friend to Jaune now is what her age shows, a child trying to play hero "he had potential young one, much like yourself. Paperwork and regulation doesn't matter so long as he has the potential to evolve into a better huntsmen." "Potential? Please!" Ruby exclaimed arrogantly flicking her hair slightly as a point then glared at Samara "he was weak! He didn't win any fights nor did he have a cool weapon! He was pathetic!" Ruby spouted off

Samara soon glared back at the young woman with a fire speaking against Ruby's way of thinking of her former friend "Potential does not go towards strength, semblance or a weapon. You best rethink your arrogance little girl or..." Samara then moved forward placing her left hand on Ruby's head causing the silver eyed girl to look confused until her face starts contorting in pain "I'll show you the difference between an Experienced Huntress...and an arrogant trainee..." Samara soon let's go and strides pass ruby who looked back with a shocked and hurt look.

Samara soon walked into the headmasters tower to see Glynda staring at the elevator call button with a remorseful look though what the headmistress saw was a resignation paper "Professor Goodwitch?" Samara called out causing Glynda to turn her head swiftly however the shade headmistress saw her eyes red and puffy suggesting she was crying quite recently "o-oh...Professor Midnight...what brings you to beacon?" She asked curiously to the black haired woman.

Samara didn't respond immediately as she walked over to the elevator to press the call button waiting for elevator then responding to the blonde woman "I'm just hear to talk to that fool of a headmaster...but Glynda...have you been crying?" Samara asked looking over to the witch woman "...yes, oozing has done something yesterday that's making me question my choices..." "is this about Mr.Arc?" The shade head mistress asked curiously however Glynda snapped her head towards Samara shocked "how did you know about that?" The witch woman asked.

Samara however snorted out of amusement as she fished out her scroll from her pocket to show Glynda a text from ozpin.

-Ozpin(The Fool): Headmistress Samara, I am requesting a blacklist from a criminal by the name of Jaune Arc along with a arrest warrant if he were to appear in vacuo-

Glynda was beyond shocked that ozpin would do this much for a non criminal "why would he do this!? Mr.Arc is not even an offending criminal! His transcripts were the only felony he committed and to not only expel him but to actively work to ensure he is treated nothing more then a hardened convict as well as sabotaging his potential future!? Has he gone mad!?" Glynda shouted as she dropped the paper from her hand.

Samara smiled at Glynda for realizing just how badly ozpin fucked up "yes and after receiving this I personally asked my Nephew who lives in vale city to pull up some information on Mr.Arc and from what Ive learned is that Mr.Arc is a Multifield Scientific Genius Prodigy of his generation." Samara confirms and just as the door to the elevator opened to the moving box just then pulled out a card from her pocket after putting her scroll back.

Glynda accepted the card which was Samara Midnights business card "if your ever in vacuo and in need of work, I can possibly help you depending on what field you want to go on" Samara exclaimed before entering and turning just as the door slid closed to a very shocked Glynda Goodwitch.

Sam closed her eyes while she hummed an old song she listened to when she was a mere girl until she heard three rings coming from her scroll so fishing it out to look at three texts messages from Hera Blaze

-Hera Blaze: Oh Oum, Oh Oum, OH MY OUM!-


-Hera Blaze: oh no oh no oh no! Pick up!! I knocked out those huntsmen and now I'm on the run to juniors place!-

Samara laughed at the quirky antics of her coworker responded to her hastily sent texts with a smile.

-Samara Midnight: don't worry, after what I'm about to do. You won't be touched for defending yourself-

Sam then placed her scroll back into her pocket as the doors of the elevator open to reveal Ozpin and James Ironwood staring at a large holographic screen where the faces of ten, five for each of the kingdom council, were talking about the actions for how to deal with Jaune Arc.

"Let me get this straight Ozpin, James. You want us to send out a trans continental arrest of Jaune Adele Arc for what reason?" A male vale council member asked for why Ozpin is doing this much for a simple teenager though James stepped up to speak for both of them "Esteemed Council Members of Vale and Atlas, from what Ozpin as told me that a former student of his had bypassed the security of beacon using false transcripts which had been done by the Thief Criminal Roman Torchwick so if it were anyone else they could've infiltrated and deeply damage beacon so we request that as well as permission to send my Ace Ops to hunt down Mr.Arc as he is one of the greater criminals-" James was suggesting to the councilmen.

But he was interrupted by the headmistress who stepped out of the elevator in a stomping manner "are you fucking kidding me!? James, you are seriously going to enable that idiots decisions!? Even someone like you know a line should be drawn!" She shouted at them before stopping not even acknowledging the presence of the Vale and Atlas Council.

James however glared at Samara "are you trying to protect that criminal?" "Mr.Arc is no criminal! It was a minor felony! And I checked Mr.Arcs records as such I never found any report of criminal activity. Yet you idiots are talking as if he was a hardened criminal" Samara exclaimed darkly as her glared strengthened twenty fold however a voice is heard as a man from the Atlas Council gave there thoughts "James is this true?" James turned his attention back to the council members "don't believe her, mr.arc must be taken in!" "General" a female council member gave her thoughts on the matter "we need to see Mr.Arcs Record before we decide our action" "oh, allow me Madam Councilor because I will show you the unedited version" Samara said not even allowing James nor Ozpin to rebuttal.

The Headmistress walks over to the councilors video feed while pulling out her scroll and a large enough holoscreen is projected showing the Permanent Record of Jaune Arc showing his degrees from Howard Collage aka the top college of Mistral along with heavily favored references from a lot of famous professors from Howard but as the councilors are reading among the extremely impressive scientific achievements not a single one has shown a bit of criminal intent "Professor Ozpin? General Ironwood?....why do you speak about this child who has not done any criminal activities as if he were a convict?" One of the councilors of vale asked.

James couldn't speak as he turned towards ozpin who sat down at his chair obviously in thought "We are heavily disappointed in both of you Headmaster, general. Trying to pin criminal charges on a innocent man who's only charge is a minor felony which can result as a first offender a mere slap on the wrist, while we do not have a say of your student body. We however do have many voices of who's criminally charged and or sending arrest warrants" Samara snorted at this.

Then she glared at both ozpin and James "Ozpin, you may have made more mistakes then anyone but your biggest one is undermining what is perhaps the greatest scientific prodigy of Mr.Arcs generation. And James, I expected more of a military leader especially with your in-depth Militant and Scientific background" Samara exclaimed until her eyes landed on a very nervous lion Faunus who was holding his tail scared "Hey Leo" Sam greeted with a kind smile with the man smiling back even giving a small wave.

The black haired woman turned her attention back to the two with a glare "but in any case did you think about the kid before you threw him out or did you not care because he wasn't useful to you" She accused prompting the old wizard to glare back "and what makes you say that?" "Ozpin, don't talk to me as if I were stupid. My informants tells me of your active search for students with powerful semblances as well as locating warriors with silver eyes" She exclaimed truthfully of ozpin work against Salem.

"You have informants in vale Samara?" Ozpin asked while trying his hardest to gloss over the fact of search powerful warriors "everyone has informants everywhere, its how we communicate in this relationship" the headmistress joked with a small chuckle then getting angry again "so when it comes to the word from a powerful family such as the Winchester's, you'd dismiss any real facts?...I'm starting to see why Salem hates you so much" Ozpin soon glared back standing up with a sneer clear on his use to be calm face "I AM NOTHING LIKE THAT WITCH!" "You are more similar then you know, you both are fools trying to play gods in a war no one wants to be apart of and you discard anyone who is not useful to you" Sam retorted making ozpin adopt a face of pure horror as that was exactly what Salem was and to be told he was the same was very shocking.

"Now let me get to my point, do you remember about the secondary security measure for all academies to have? I do because unlike you I check all my sources before making my decisions, time consuming as it is makes my word more informed." The black haired woman exclaimed then took out her scroll once more to open a screen from the Forever Falls "I took the liberty of hacking into beacons security, oh! What do we have here?" She said in mock surprise as everyone watched as Cardin Winchester cowering behind Jaune as the blonde knight sliced off the head.

The council of both kingdoms stared at the footage with intrigue but then looked at them with disappointment "Is this real ozpin? Did my son lie to hurt a promising young man?" The man now known as Revel Winchester spoke about his son which ozpin just nodded but looks at them "but that doesn't excuse the fact that he forged into beacon which is a criminal offense." Ozpin tried to do what he could to arrest Jaune only to look over and see Sam scowl.

"I'll get back to you on that, but now I'll go to you James. Did you intend to send you boy band 'Ace Ops' to black bag Mr.Arc?" She asked turning her attention towards James who looked to the side with a very nervous look "I don't know what your talking about" "informants James, I got them everywhere. I've also figured out your being personally bribed by Jacques Schnee to bring in Mr.Arc to build and improve atlas weapons under the pretense of forcing him as a slave" "General!?" One of the Atlas council woman spoke in high shock that he would do such a thing to a boy no less.

"You guys had fucked up! If Salem were to get this boy and uses both of you as motivation to have him build weapons for her...may mercy come to us..." Leo exclaimed his thoughts on the meeting then looks at Samara who turned and started walking away into the open elevator "I assume this isn't why you came to beacon Headmistress Midnight" the lion Faunus asked prompting the woman to shake her head "no, I'm here to tell you that trade agreements and alliances between vacuo, Atlas and Vale is now Null and Void" both James and Ozpin looked at her with shock looks "I'm afraid you don't have that authority Professor Midnight, as that is left to the vacuo council" James tried to say as a Vacuo is the second riches kingdom to have dust pockets aside from Atlas.

"Did I forget to mention? Two weeks ago was I voted into the Vacuo Council Myself under the notion of overlooking Foreign Policies as such my word is the word of vacuo itself. And under the notion of foreign policies, I'm pulling my kingdom out of the vytal festival" she finished and the doors started closing while Samara glared "you WILL regret dismissing Mr.Arc as he has the power to change the world"

-Location: Vale, Juniors Bar-

A long red haired woman in a blue skirt, white blouse and a white lab coat was running swiftly through the shady parts of vale as she didn't like being in this section due to the fact that she was stopped by two huntsmen at the docks who were abusing there power for sexual favors until Hera knocked them out by over exposing there aura, which was a side ability of her semblance, then ran before being hit on by several men who claimed there dicks were longer then a 12 inch ruler before knocking them out with a well placed Axe Round House Kick to the neck.

Hera stopped and slouched lightly to pant hard then looked up where the sun had hit noon "seriously?...why are all the perverts active at this time of day!?" The science woman shouted in the sky as if someone was to answer but she turned to the right where a bar with a turned off sign called 'Juniors Bar' "oh, here we are!" The Red Headed woman exclaimed cheerfully before walking over to the door knocking it three times.

Several minutes passed which almost got Professor Blaze to knock three more times again to see if anyone can hear it but a man in a black suit and red tie answered but he wasn't wearing shades showing his tired blue eyes "yes? If you here for Junior then don't bother, he's asleep" hera shook her head smiling at the goon "no sir! I'm here on the behalf of Headmistress Samara Midnight of Shade" the goon nodded at this then step to the side to allow Hera entrance into the bar seeing it very clean and very empty due to the fact that most of the employees and the owner were perhaps sleeping since the bar was also a night club.

"Where is Mr.Arc Located?" Hera asked looking at the goon who yawned just as he stretched lightly then responded "probably awake by now, or on the can throw upping in a toilet from all the booze he chugged last night" The goon works passed the inactive night club towards the back in the break room to find Jaune arc sitting on the bed holding his heading groaning "never again..." he said as if to ease his own pain.

When the door opened showing the tired goon who made the motion for Hera to remain outside then he entered "hey kid, someone is here to see you." The goon said prompting Jaune to open his eyes to look at the suited man "who?" "A professor from Shade Academy, not sure what she wants to talk about but it ain't my business" the goon turned and started leaving the room "thank you Mr....." Hera called out with the goon introducing as he walked away "Tony Slag" "Thank you Mr.Slag!" The red haired woman called out again with a bright smile.

The professor enters the room to see a very cautious look from Jaune as the mans mind went into overdrive on how to escape her clutches however she just smiled and stood in front of him "hello Mr.Arc! I am Hera Blaze, the science teacher for shade academy but I believe we met...BlazeMaker197?" Hera spoke then called out her screen name in Science Space.

Jaune eyes widened at this as he remembered one of the few screen names who helped him adjust into the secretive smart cyber world "you?...sorry if I seem like a mess..." Jaune apologized rubbing the back of his head in a groan from the incoming headache, Hera however just smiled and shook her head "it's alright Mr.Arc, but I'm here on official business...I heard you were kicked out from beacon due to false transcripts" Hera started explaining only to stop to see Jaune flinch making the red haired scientist to frown before continuing "however after going through your permanent records personally, I saw no instances of criminal activity with forging your transcripts being a first time offense so personally that should only warrant a slap on the wrist and a lecture however Ozpin thought it was necessary to ruin your future" Hera stopped to see Jaunes very hurtful and defeated look.

The Blaze haired woman frowned deeply as her motherly instinct kicked in on wanting to hug the young blonde and tell him to be ok, it was that fact since Hera Blaze was a mother herself, though she continued hoping jaunes mood would pick up after this part "as such being the representative of shade under the authority of Samara Midnight, Headmistress of Shade Academy, we would like to extend an offer to you. We wish to extend A place at Shade where you can continue your education to become a huntsmen along with diplomatic asylum from the other kingdoms" Hera stopped to see Jaune looking very very cautious almost as if he doesn't want to relive the same day again.

Hera frowned deeply again when Jaune asked his question "why should I go? I'm smart enough to know to look a gift house in the mouth if said gift is too good to be true" The red scientist nodded obviously figured out Jaune would be apprehensive on the fact of going to another hunter academy "that is true, but I Professor Midnight informed me that if Atlas finds you they will take you in as no more then a slave! And force you to build weapons for them. Do you want that? Using your hard work to end the lives of innocent human and Faunus lives?"

Jaune looks down very shocked but started thinking up a storm as he could use his own gifts to help people, and while violence is unavoidable but to build his own company on varies fields along with a standing private military Jaune could command means he could help more people, the blonde man looks at Hera with a serious look "I have conditions. Firstly I want to build my own company where I can build weapons and other things along with building my own private army. Which they act upon my will and my will states that I need to help others so they don't suffer the same injustice like me" he asked to the Blaze woman who smiled and nodded seeing the fire of a true scientist and huntsmen "Headmistress Midnight will no doubt agree to that. Welcome to shade academy Mr.Arc"

Alright bro's and broettes, here's another chapter.