
New Day

What a dream!

My mind was blank! Hopefully it was nothing?

Wait a minute? This place looks familiar.

The ocean is green , the sky is pink and the sun is white.

Oh no , it was real !!! These nonsense will vanish if I can wake up now , anytime soon.

" Mee , are you all right ? "

That voice , it can only belongs to Zetto , my dearest friend . Am i'm home now ?

I open my eyes , there is a beautiful elf with a blonde hair and a pair of blue eyes.

She was a bomb ! What is she holding there ? Is it a heavily packed sniper !

She slapped me , " Mee , snap out of it ! Can't you see we're in a middle of a war here ! "


I'm just a plain old me , until one day a mysteriously old hag came to me saying i'm more than i think i could be ! Then , she gave me a beautiful crafted box made out of crystal with a button says play.She told me to press it with someone special to me , but not your family.

I decided to push it with Zetto , I told her about me meeting the old hag . She think that it was weird to give the stunning box to a stranger out of the blue.

I told her that maybe she had some prophecy with her , you know like in the movie . She agreed with me and we push the button together.But....., nothing happened.

Suddenly , a loud grenade-like sound bursting from outside ! We rush outside and saw that the area of school has transformed into a somekind war battlefield. The area that was bombed became full of black water . We turned around and saw our school had turned into a shabby old house . Because of shocked , we sheltered in the house and saw a lot of villagers scared in the house . They saw us and suddenly burst into tears of joy , they happily says , two elf from the prophecy had came to our world to save us from the evil doers !

One od them say that 20 people has been killed by them . Zetto asked me , " The bomb had make a pool out there , or it just me that saw that ? "

Yup ! I tottaly saw that too , but something was bugging me . Why they call us the two elf ? When I turned to Zetto , her face became turning to a beautiful elf . The expression she gave me lile she was shocked . That's where I realized that my face too has turned into elf . That's not all we're given weapon in this world.

I have a menacing shotgun and Zetto has a fearsome sniper. Back to the story , the villager looks like they're hoping us to get them out of here . So , we went to the rooftop and starting to shoot some bad guys . Shockingly , they have thermal scope and they had sense us super fast too . They began to shoot us , their shot are fricking accurate , thank goodness we have hiding spot . There's something triggering me , its a nausea ammo ( i know it because it had a label there ) .