
Appy ever after

Buck decides to download and app and gets talking to someone, Eddie does the same but don't realise there talking to each other

afstory1988 · TV
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 3 Buck POV

As Buck was on his run, he heard his phone go off. He never checks a text while he's running as his phone is strapped to his arm, he figures if it was important they would call. He runs for a while taking in the sights as he ran past them, the run itself is helping him to forget about work and life. As he arrived back at his apartment, he took out his headphones and the phone strap and set them on the side while he opened the fridge to get a drink of orange juice.

After drinking the juice he looked at his phone he saw a few messages.

'Eddie (Chris's phone): Meet me for lunch at the mall?

Buck smiles and leans against the counter as he replies:

'Yeah will do, I have some stuff I need get when we're there but, we also need talk about your date, Mr Diaz :P'

Buck also noticed he had a text from Maddie, so he opened it up.

'Maddie: Hey, I'm starting my shift at 11am, but wondered if you wanted meet and have a quick catch up?'

Buck looked at the time it was 8:46am, he could get a quick shower and meet Maddie somewhere and then head straight to the mall to meet Eddie.

'Yeah can do, I'll meet you at the Starbucks by the mall. Be there at 9:30am.'

He puts his phone on charge and heads up stairs to quickly shower, once out he spends five minutes on what he wants to wear but settles for a smart pair of blue jeans, a pale grey shirt and a blue jumper. He sprayed his favourite aftershave,headed down and grabbed his phone and wallet, got to the door and placed his shoes on. Once outside, he headed to his car and drove to meet Maddie.

As he walks in to the Starbucks, he notices that his sister wasn't there yet, so he orders both their drinks and sits down. He gets his phones out and places his normal phone down and looks at his second phone – the "Hook Up" phone, he noticed he hadn't any messages, so he scrolls through the profiles and no one took his fancy, as he is about to shut it down he gets a message:

'JR: Hey buddy, how are you?'

'I'm good thanks, what about you?' Buck replies.

'JR: good good, what you up to?'

'Just meeting my sister for a coffee before she starts work, What about you?' Buck messages back

'JR: I'm meeting a friend for coffee'

"Hey Buck, this one mine?" Maddie says, making Buck jump as he wasn't paying any attention, she sat down but she notices that he was on the phone.

"Yeh it is, just give me a sec." Buck says mouthing to her at the same time.

'Sorry, got go my sister here speak later' Buck says as he puts the HU phone away

He grabs his cup and starts drinking his coffee, watching people walk past as he waits for Maddie finish, once she finishes she smiles at Buck.

"How are you doing?" She asks

"I'm good, how is my favourite sister doing?" Buck replies.

"I'm good and I'm the only sister you have!" She claims, laughing.

"That's exactly why you're my favourite." Buck giggles.

They sit and chat for the next half hour, talking about work life and how everything is going, Maddie looks at her phone and then looks up and starts waving.

"What are you doing?"Buck asks looking confused.

"Waving to Josh, I said I'd meet him here round 10am, so we can head in to work together after a coffee." She explained

"Well thanks for letting me know," Buck says rolling his eyes at her.

"Don't be mean." She says looking at him.

"I'm not, it's… it's just when you said lets catch up, I thought it be just you and me." Buck says looking down at his empty coffee cup,

"Well, I'll let you go get me another drink then." He says passing his sister his cup

She smiles and takes it off him, she heads over and starts talking to Josh, as she does Buck picks up his phone it's just past ten am and decides to give Eddie a quick call he knows if he doesn't Eddie most likely will sleep and miss meeting up.. He looks up his sister and Josh were still in a queue,

"Hey, Eddie." Buck says smiling, as the call connected.

"Hey Buck, thought we were meeting at lunch it's not that late is it?" Eddie asks

"No it isn't I'm just at Starbucks with Maddie, she getting me another coffee." He lets out a giggle.

"Hang on, that means you're going be a handful later, aren't you" Eddie says in a knowing tone.

"Yuppp, I'm hoping your credit card is ready for me to spend all your money on Chris." Buck laughs.

"I'm capping it at a few hundred and that's it." Eddie says.

"Well I best pick the best ones then hadn't I, are you going sort your phone out as well? You can't keep using Chris's." Buck says pointedly with a smirk on his face, noticing Maddie and Josh on their way over with coffees in hand.

"We will see about the presents and yeah I need speak to the phone company." Eddie replies.

"Okay, cool see you in a few buddy, I gotta go. Mads is back with my coffee." Buck says

"Alright, see you soon." Eddie says.

Buck hangs up the phone as Maddie passes him his coffee and he sets it down.

"Hey Buck, how are you?" Josh asks.

"I'm good thanks, what about you?" Buck replies.

"Yeah can't complain, busy working" Josh says.

"Yeah with 'Miss Strict' here." Buck points to Maddie as he says it, jokingly.

"Oi, it's better than having to work with you, what with your tendency to be reckless at times. Anyway, what you got planned today?" Maddie asks curiously.

As Buck is about to answer he hears the Grindr tone go off on his phone and thinks 'oh shit, I didn't turn it to silent.'

"Sorry my bad, thought I had it on silent." Josh pipes up and both Buck and Maddie look at him, surprised.

"Josh, are you on a dating app?" Maddie asks, still looking at Josh.

Buck can feel himself going red he slides his hand in to his pocket and quickly changes his phone to silent and looks at Josh who just smiles and Buck mouths 'thank you' to Josh.

"See bro, I told you, just get yourself an app and find the right woman or to just have fun." Maddie says and Josh starts to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Buck asks.

"Just you Buck, you are an enigma, make some woman very happy if she can break the riddle of Buck 2.0 or whatever version you're on these days." Josh explains.

"Here, here" Maddie says as she holds her cup to Josh to clink at his great joke.

"Anyway, what were your plans for the rest of the day?" Maddie asks turning her attention back to Buck and to the original question.

"I'm meeting Eddie and we're going Christmas shopping" Buck says casually.

Maddie looks at him and then at Josh.

"What?" Buck says looking confused.

"You doing the Christmas shopping so early, who are you and what have you done with my brother?" She asks, astounded.

"I think it's the Eddie effect." Josh says trying not laugh.

"Yeah me too, they are like an old married couple." Maddie says poking Buck in the ribs.

"Hang on, were just friends, he wants to get Chris's Christmas presents sorted so he won't have to rush round near Christmas time and worry that he can't get certain toys, plus, you know how we could be working extra shifts. He just needs helping picking the right toys." Buck replies looking abit annoyed.

"Well, he definitely has the right person to help him pick presents for Chris." Maddie says, laughing. "Ah, crap. Look its 10:30am, Josh we best make a move. I'll just nip into the Ladies for a mo." She continued to say, sighting the directions to the toilets.

"Okay, I'll just hang here for a minute." Josh says.

There's silence as Maddie heads off to the Ladies'. Once she was out of ear shot, Buck looks at Josh who is just smiling at him.

"So, Mr Babyblueboi," Josh says with a knowing wink.

"Shhh please, I don't want anyone know, especially Maddie." Buck says going red in the face.

"It's fine, I won't say anything about it, but I've gotta say, you kept that very quiet." Josh says, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah I'm bi. It's that… it's just no one knows; they were all giving me crap at work about dating so I thought I try the other field with my failures with women." Buck laughed a bit, thinking about what happened there.

"That's fine, I completely agree with you I only went on a date, because your sister kept pestering me, but to be honest it isn't really my scene." Josh explains.

"Yeah mine either I got speaking to one guy he's seems cool, not seen a picture of him but we spent hours talking." Buck says feeling at ease he could talk to someone about something that was kinda taboo.

"Oh right, and what attracted you to him?" Josh asks curiously.

"We have so much in common like to work out, sports, films plus he's Spanish." Buck says, then he stiffens, instantly regretting saying the last bit, since it slipped out at the last minute.

"Woah, is it because he reminds you of Eddie, do you fancy Eddie?" Josh asks curiously.

"Shhh." Buck says as he nods over seeing Maddie coming over from the Ladies'.

"Wow, that's a hard one get over I bet." Josh says, grimacing.

"What is hard to get over?" Maddie asks curiously, catching Josh's words.

"Oh, that Eddie has finally gone a date with Chris's English teacher and that it must have been hard get over Shannon and do that." Buck quickly says digging himself out the hole he had dug.

"Didn't even know he was looking to date?" Maddie asks, surprised.

"Well, that's where he went last night, but don't mention it to Chim as he doesn't want any grief at work it's been hard enough for him." Buck explains.

"I won't and I get it, it's a big deal moving on from someone you loved and having a child makes it harder." Maddie said, nodding in understanding then continued "Anyway, Josh and I best be off, otherwise we would be late for our shift." Maddie finishes.

Buck stands and gives Maddie a hug and shakes Josh's hand and says his farewells to the two, Maddie leads off and Josh hung back for a minute and says with a cheeky smile and a wink"Oh, don't forget Buck, those buns I pointed out to you would be perfect for you." with that, he walks off to catch up with Maddie.

Buck stands there knowing he's gone red in the face. After he calmed down, he decides to head in to town. Quickly looking at his watch, he realises that its ten forty-five am. Plenty of time get into the city before coming back to the local mall, he needed go his bank in the city. He left Starbucks and got in his jeep, he looked at his HU phone and wanted see who had messaged when he loaded he had noticed he had a message of JR who he knew was josh and then another which came through at ten-thirty am

' principe espanol encantador: Hey, it's ok it was a late night, here is my number give me a text.'

Buck looked at the message and smiled he saved the phone number as PEE and chuckled and sent a text.

'Hey its Babyblueboi you sent me you're number here is mine hope your ok?'

He placed the phone on the passenger seat and started driving once in town he quickly nipped in to the bank and dealt with the important necessary stuff he needed to there and once he was finished, he climbed back in the jeep it was 11:30am he quickly messages Eddie on Facebook knowing he would pick it up straight away as he was online.

'On my way, meet you outside the toy shop.'

He got a reply straight away of the big blue thumbs up, he smiled at how lazy Eddie could be, he looked over and saw his HU phone was lit up so he quickly checked it and had a text.

'Hey thanks for the text, means we can have better messages hopefully. Yeah, I'm good what about you?, What you got planned for the day? I just have shopping to do.'

'I'm good thanks, and just out with a buddy today and then see how the day goes.' Buck texts back.

They spend the next twenty minutes texting about random stuff and how the city is, Buck looked at the clock and saw it say 11:50am, and he knew he was going be late.

'Look gotta go speak later.' Buck texts

He placed the phone in the glove box and drove to the mall and parked up next to Eddie's pick up it was 12:00, he ran to the toy store where he saw Eddie stood waiting and looked at him taking in how hot Eddie was looking and started smile.

"Sorry Eds, traffic was worse than I thought." Buck says as he grabs hold of Eddie and pulls him in for a hug, smelling Eddies strong but beautiful aftershave.

"It's okay and why you all dressed up, oh hang on… do you have a date later?" Eddie asks curiously.

"No!, uh… we all don't like to look all scruffy when we're out" Buck says pointing to the relaxed look of Eddie had on, Buck noticed the bandage on his head.

"So how many of those you got when you fell over?" Buck says pointing to the plaster

"Just the one, I wasn't exactly watching where I was going." Eddie replied, a tinge of embarrassment in his face.

They enter the toy store which took Buck by surprise as he wanted ask more questions about the incident, but once in Eddie reaches in to his pocket and gets Chris's Christmas list out and passes it to Buck, Buck looks at the list and reads it taking in what was on there and already planning on which would be the top toys get and start with, what he hadn't exactly said to Eddie was once they hit the spending cap Eddie decided on, Buck himself was buying the rest on the list, He loved Chris as if he was his own son, so it was only right he spent some on the boy.

"So how was it last night, you and Ana?" Buck asks wishing he didn't have be the supportive friend.

"It was good till you know, I fell." Eddie said laughing in memory.

"So you fell for her then" Buck said in jest, starting to laugh, as he pushed Eddie who nearly falls in the nearest toy display. Eddie quickly rights himself and the two quickly step away before they would make it fall.

They spend the next five minutes looking at the list, deciding what ones to get. Buck points out one certain toy will be hard, as it is a popular one and that he will go and ask the desk if they have it, so Buck takes a picture of the list and walks off to the main desk.

"Hi, how can we help?" the clerk asks.

"I'm here with a friend we're doing Christmas shopping for his son who has CP and I have his list of what he wants, but his dad can't afford it all, so he's selected what he wants and I'm going surprise him by getting the rest, so not to arouse suspicion if I was to give you the list of the toys that's left is there any chance you can get them for me and I can pay for the rest on the way out?" Buck asks knowing it was a long shot.

"Let me go have a quick chat with our manager." The girl walks off and chats to the manager, Buck watches as the manager walks over.

"We will be happy to help, if you give us the list and we will get someone to run round and get them and we will call you over the tanoy and you can check it all if your happy we can wrap them too." The manager explains.

"Oh my god, that would be great. Well I told him I was coming over here to ask if you had a dancing dapper duck toy." Buck says, glancing back to Eddie who was impatiently waiting by one of the toy shelves.

"Okay we will get one, so we can call once we get the toys and use that as an excuse to call you over just take your time." The manager says with a smile.

"Thank you." Buck says as he writes the list of the toys left, he hands it over to the manager and she smiles and he walks off to Eddie who was looking at him.

"You certainly took your time." Eddie jokes.

"Well, I had to work my charm on her, but she's going call me over when they get one so we just take our time, don't want to leave before they get it for us." Buck explains grinning knowing Eddie is going be gob smacked when he sees what he has done that or smack him In the head in reaction.

"Thanks Buck, it's so stressful." Eddie says looking at Buck and he notices Eddie looks sad.

"What's up?" Bucks ask he knows Eddie and can see something is bothering him.

"Just Christmas is hard enough, but it brings up the fact Shannon is not here anymore, he tries putting a brave face on but I know he misses her but he won't speak about it." Eddie says stopping the trolley as Buck picks a toy up and crossing it off the list.

"Isn't the therapy helping?" Buck asks as he puts the toy in the trolley.

"Yes and no. You know how it can be." Eddie says with that look on his face.

"I do. You know what? When we take him to see Santa I'll talk to him, feel him out, find out if there's something else bothering him." Buck says smiling.

"I can't ask you give up your time all the time Buck." Eddie says nervously.

"Look, I've offered, you didn't ask me plus it's fun, like last year's." Buck says, he loves doing things with them as it means he gets to spend time with Eddie and he can imagine just for a little while how it would be to have Eddie, so he will take it whenever he can.

"Thank you Buck, you are a true best friend." Eddie says gratefully.

They spend the next twenty minutes walking round the shop, filling it up with toys off the list. They end up having a light sabre fight, Buck started it to try waste more time so the shop had time sort the list out, then it ended up with him being pushed in the ball pit and Eddie laughing so hard and taking a picture of Buck's face on Chris's phone.

"That's a keeper." Eddie says laughing so hard.

"Don't you dare, I won that fight." Buck says laughing as he got out the pit, stumbling a couple of times.

"How you figure that one out?" Eddie asks laughingly.

"Well you pushed me in the pit, therefore you forfeit." Buck says as he sticks his tongue out, he loved this feeling of been so close to Eddie having a laugh he just wished it was forever.

"Well, I see you've got street smarts as well as sabre skills Evan." Eddie says laughing,

"Don't you start Edmundo." Bucks lets out a loud laugh and then looks round as people are staring at him.

"Can a Mr Buckley come to the front desk please?" The announcement on the tanoy says.

"See, bad boy, you been summoned to the 'principal'. Oooh." Eddie jokes, his fingers jokingly 'quoting' the word principal.'

"We both really know it's for the toy, you just wait there." Buck says giving him the finger as he walks off, ignoring the offended gasps from the nearby mothers, and hearing one saying to her son "That's a bad word, Bradley do not say that word."

Buck arrives at the front desk and immediately sees the dancing duck on the side and then the trolley full of toys off the list.

"Do you want quickly check there all there and we can get you to pay and start wrapping?" The manager says with a smile.

"How long do you need them wrap as we're pretty much done? I can delay him while the wrapping is happening." Buck enquires as he starts checking and comparing it to the list.

"I have a few staff members on hand so we can have it done quite quickly." She said helpfully.

"Cool, well everything on the list is there's so, let me pay." Buck says with a smile as he looked up from the trolley.

The manager takes him to the till and the staff starts wrapping them, Buck pays for it and picks up the duck and walks off to head back to Eddie, as he approaches the trolley he sees Eddie is nowhere to be seen.

"Eddie?" Buck calls out as he puts the duck in the trolley.

The next thing he knows, he's been pushed in to the ball pit again but this time Eddie follows him in.

"What are you doing?" Buck asks with a laugh.

"Thought I'd get the jump on you for round two of the sabre fight, the loser pays for lunch." Eddie says as he tosses Buck a sabre.

"You're going get us kicked out, Eddie." Buck says extending the sabre.

"Best be quick." Eddie laughs in reply.

They spend the next five minutes fighting in the ball pit, Buck quickly decides he's going to lose so as Eddie hits him he goes down, knowing he wouldn't normally go down he falls.

"Yes! I win, Loser, loser" Eddie chants as he holds out his hand to Buck to grab on to and pulls him up.

"Come on let's go before we are escorted out." Buck says as he looks around hoping there wasn't any shop clerks about nearby.

They laugh and joke as they grab the last few items and by the time they get to the checkout Buck is relieved to see the presents are all wrapped and ready, he helps Eddie put through his pile at the till as Eddie pays for his trolley he walks over to the manager and grabs the trolley.

"Thank you so much, and sorry if we were a bit loud." Buck said grinning.

"It's okay no harm, plus it gave us the extra time we needed." She smiles back.

Buck walked towards Eddie with the trolley, who looked confused.

"What's that?" Eddie asks both curious and confused.

"Oh, these are the present to Chris from me." Buck says smiling at Eddie.

"Buck, you didn't?" Eddie asks, his tone sounding fond.

"I may have. Now come on, let's go food is waiting." Buck says as he walks out, pushing his trolley loaded with the wrapped toys.

"Buck you shouldn't have." Eddie says, following with his own trolley, trying to catch up with him.

"Look, you know how much I love Chris so it's only fair I get spoil him. After all I'm his favourite, plus look at all mine is wrapped." Buck says pointing at his trolley.

"Only because you were flirting with the manager." Eddie jokes.

"Hey, I wasn't flirting. I was chatting; anyway I have more time to relax as you struggle to wrap yours." Buck points to Eddie's trolley and sticking his tongue out in jest, making Eddie roll his eyes in reply.

They arrive at their cars and unload everything in to their cars' trunks and returned the trolleys to the trolley return section of the car park before heading off to find somewhere to eat, as it's fifteen minutes past one. They end up at a little Mexican food place and place an order, they spend the next hour chatting away until the food arrives.

"So tell me about last night, will you be seeing her again?" Buck asks as he takes a bite of his burrito

"Yeah I will be, we have a laugh and it's fun." Eddie says eating, Buck hurts at the words wishing it was him on the date and not Ana.

"So, do you think it be something serious or not?" Buck asks he wants know where he stands if it was serious he could be pushed out to the outliers, as opposed to being almost like family.

"I don't know." Eddie says slowly.

"Well, you deserve it Eds." Buck says forcing a smile upon his face, trying to hide his sorrow inside.

As they finish up, it gets to nearly three pm,

"Is Carla getting Chris from school?" Buck asks when he notices the time, and how Eddie wasn't in a hurry to leave just yet.

"Yeah, I rang her earlier this morning and asked if she could as I didn't know how long we would take to hunt up the toys plus it would give me time to hide them when I get home." Eddie says.

"Man with a plan." Buck says with a nod and a smile.

Eddie hears the phone go off and picked it up and looks at the screen.

"It's Cap" Eddie says with a wrinkle in his forehead.

"Best answer it could be important." Buck says, waving a hand at the phone.

"Hey Cap." Eddie says as Buck watches intrigued.

"Yeah. I can pop in. I'll be there in twenty mins" Eddie says as he hangs up, shaking his head as he did.

"What's up" Buck asks curiously.

"Don't know what that was about, but Cap wants speak to me so got to pop over to find out." Eddie says

"Want me come with?" Buck offered.

"Nah, it's okay. I'll let you know later what it was about," Eddie says.

"Ok I'll go pay and you can head off." Buck says

They call over the waiter to pay and then leave the restaurant. Standing by their cars, Eddie gives Buck a hug before he jumps in his car and drives off. Buck gets in his car and relaxes, he reaches over and gets his HU phone out the glove box he has a text so he reads it.

'PEE 11:51: Okay speak later I may be busy as got loads on.'

'That's fine just message when your free and ill reply I have stuff to sort out anyway.' Buck replies

He also notices a message from Grindr so he opens it and it's from Josh earlier when they were at the coffee shop.

'Hey, just meeting my friend now before we go to work chat soon'


'Well, that wasn't at all awkward; maybe we can have a chat later?'

'Yeah that's fine you have my number, message me on that as I'm thinking of getting rid of the app.' Buck replies.

He puts the phone on the passenger side and heads home, the whole drive he was thinking what could Cap want with Eddie, if it was an extra shift he knew Eddie needed the money and he could offer to have Chris but it had been quiet recently so it couldn't be that, he would have just sit and wait and find out.

He got back to his looked at the phones and no messages so placed them on charge in his bedroom he looked at his clock, it's now nearly four pm. Buck decides to head to the gym to get some workouts in as he felt that he hadn't spent much time there, he rushed round grabbing his gear and getting ready by the time he was in his car and half way there he realised he didn't have his phones, he decided just keep going and sort out any missed calls later. He spends till Seven pm at the gym having a good old work out and heads home he needed a shower.

It's seven thirty pm by the time he walks through his front door and chucks his kit bag to the side he will sort it out later, he goes to is fridge and gets a bottle of water out and drinks and as he looks out his kitchen window and drinks he hears his phone ringing he runs up stairs and sees Chris's face appear on his phone.

"Hey." Buck says, out of breath.

"What happened? I've called loads of times and no answer?" Eddie says sounding a bit worried.

"Oh, I forgot my phone. I didn't realise until I pretty much arrived at the gym so thought just get the workout done but then stayed longer I got in the zone." Buck chuckled.

"Ah okay, just ignore the worried sounding voicemails, thought you been kidnapped or something, anyway wanted tell you about what Cap asked me to come in for." Eddie said and Buck felt a shiver go down his back he was worried what it was all about.

"Awww, the great Eddie Diaz worried about me how sweet haha, go on what trouble you got yourself in to now?" Buck says laughing.

"No trouble, it's just… I'm going away for a week from Monday 25th to Austin to help the 126, they're short." Eddie says

"But it's Thanksgiving next week I thought we had plans, why do you have go?" Buck said trying not sound to clingy.

"Well my family live there so Chris can spend some much needed time with them as I'm working, it's only a week and we can have a Thanksgiving meal when I get back I'm sure Chris would love a second one with you." Eddie says

Buck sat there he didn't really know what say, he didn't plan anything else as he was sorted with going Eddie's, he knew his sister would have him still it wouldn't be the same.

"I understand and it does makes sense that he gets to see his grandparents, at least you have a few days before you have to go." Buck says biting his lip.

"True and were working every day except I'm now off Sunday to drive to Austin" Eddie explains

"Oh, so I have to do a 24 hour shift on my own." Buck says, in a mocking tone.

"You will have the rest of the team keep you company." Eddie reminds him.

"I know, but we can have a right laugh, the others will only do it for so long." Buck chuckles.

"True, don't know how I do it, keeping you entertained for so long, anyway I need go get some stuff sorted see you tomorrow at work." Eddie said.

"Okay buddy, talk tomorrow." Buck says with a sigh.

"See ya." Eddie says, and then there was the dial tone.

Buck sits on the edge of his bed, he's upset at what's he has just been told, he loved working with Eddie as he could get close to him and won't worry about anyone saying anything or Eddie getting suspicious of how Buck feels. He places the phone down and picks up his other phone and has a text.

'PEE: 18:30 – hey how are you? How has your day been?'

'Was good had some bad news but I'll live, what about you?' Buck replies

Buck places the phone down and goes for a shower and spends longer than normal in there he knew he had to head to bed soon as he was on a five am shift and needed get some sleep in, he knew that he wouldn't sleep well due to thinking about Eddie.

When he comes out the shower, he just pulls a pair of boxers on and he noticed that the time was nearly eight-thirty. He sits back on his bed and sees another message on his hook up phone from Josh

'I'll finish at 10pm if you want chat'

'Can't sorry on an early so heading bed. Perhaps chat tomorrow maybe?" Buck replies.

Then as he sent that off, the phone went off with another message.

'PEE: Mine was good, what kind of news?'

'Just life stuff and men.' Buck replies, with a frown on his face as he thought about Eddie being away.

He was just about put the phone down when he gets another message,

'PEE: Ah, that kind of bad day, guessing you been turned down or something?'

'Something like that, can we just chat about other things not really in mood chat about this, maybe can call you?" Buck replies

'PEE: I'm busy so can't really talk at the moment, but can text though, so are you a Disney or Pixar kind of guy?'

They spend the next hour chatting about films and sports and Buck cant believe how much they actually do have in common, he decides its best leave it and head to bed, he can feel sleep calling due to the strenuous work out and he wants get in as much hours as he can, he sends a message to PEE saying he has got to go as he's knackered after a long day and places it on the side on charge and gets in to bed and falls asleep he starts to dream of Eddie.