

WinterSpeed_ · Games
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01》My Ordinary Life

In the year 2024, Humans are more addicted to their phones than ever. With countless advancements in technology and software, phones are used for almost everything. Inside a small house in Washington State, a young boy named Leo sits reading stories on his favorite app Webnovel, suddenly there is a knock on Leo's door.

"Open." he says. as the door opens Leo sees his mother,  "What's up?" Leo says to her.

 "I need you to run to the store for me, I am making dinner but we are out of milk," she replies.

"Okay, I will be right back," Leo says. 

There was a corner store only 3 minutes away from Leo's house so he walked there. At the store, Leo picked up a gallon of milk and paid for it before heading back towards home. While walking home Leo continued to read his story, being distracted Leo started to walk across the street without checking if it was clear then *HONK* a loud honk rang in Leo's ears as he saw a car about to hit him, then everything went white.

This chapter is a small intro and will be the shortest chapter of the whole story.

All other chapters will have different word counts based on how much I think fits for the chapter

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