
A 6 month funeral

Since I had my first of many wild nights with Ororo quite a bit of things changed, The stark and hammer expo happened resulting in mass destruction. The movies tended to leave out the death toll caused by the androids opening fire on civilians. Luckily myself and Jennifer were there, yes we managed to sneak are way into the expo.

Jennifer's firm is very prominent in the mcu and well received due to their practices of equality amongst their staff. She was selected to accompany investors to the expo incase they decided to discuss patenting rites. When things started blowing up we vanished in the confusion as many did. I put on the ol' Rath mask and went to town alongside she hulk on the stragglers.

I properly dismantled them meaning no bombs going off and hurting someone the crossfire. Well at least the ones we destroyed, I actually needed to be there as per the agreement with moon girl. She rejected joining the team however offered a partnership deal. Little witch had it notarised too~ essentially I supply her with parts, ideas for study and the occasional gamma charge for one of her generators she had neatly tucked away and she builds ya our tech.

Thanks to me providing the hints she developed unstable molecule clothing which got me and my girls their canon suits. I got a suit in green and black with custom gloves and sneakers that can handle my strength as well as not rio due to the claws. I have sharp toenails and sanding them down is tedious. (Cover outfit but no orange). Jen got her purple and white leotard along with a hand gamma proof utility belt. Storm just took hers and began enchanting which made a boat out of clouds.

Using the unstable molecule moon girl is going to cloth the world. These clothes can be customised to suit the environment meaning no one will be in rags anymore. She worked her magic on her computer linking herself with several charity organisations. Jennifer spread the word about the girl to Hogarth resulting in a swift promotion with better hours for her super hero needs and a nice pay increase.

Ororo actually began to assist with the spread of them throughout Africa thanks to her pull as a queen over there. And once a third world country got hold of it the rest of the world wanted their peace. Good thing I signed for 7% royalty on all products designed based on my ideas. I know I could get more but to much cash makes me a target.

Speaking of cash the pizza business took off into a franchise, Bobby got to talking with his eerily similar in appearance cousin in San Francisco who helped marketing. I spent my days training employees on my recipes and having Jennifer over to have them finalise are safety agreement about leaking recipes and what not. A month ago Ororo finally broke down to her and let her "have at me" and let me tell you a gammazon is wild in the sheets as she is in the streets. I loved using her as a body pillow in the morning.

Had a chat with moon girl who scanned my biology. I'm adaptable so Jen can't hurt me gamma wise and Ororo has her god stuff. Plus wizards can't get cancer from hulks because they draw their energy from a dimension so they can sense it and just reject it.

Moon girl also helped test my strength level, the stronger I get the further my articulation devolves. Jen was pissed I can lift 8 tonnes more than her in prime condition so we started a more advanced training regime sponsored by moon girls gym. That took a little coaxing for her to make so I gave her details about the savage lands and artic vibranium or anti metal. Brat was bursting with energy, she already created an LMD that can handle her home life so she built a ship (Quinn jet) and headed towards the veil.

A month later she had a devil dinosaur disguised as a golden retriever. Pym particles plus a light refractor collar means she has a tyrannosaurs airbud. Ororo also inspected the veil of the savage lands and improved her own cloaking spells. Me and Jen got to taste dinosaur egg omelette.

Very nutritional, another discovery was the better health that our base form is in the better we perform transformed so me and "puny Jen" got to parkour and rock climbing. A mother in law with a sling ring means we can trek any mountain in the world! Yeah me and Ororo are kinda engaged, she's waiting for her douche ex to find out and confront me. Jen has premium popcorn prepared for a fight between a drugged out panther vs alpha tiger. They call me all the names of tiger characters to annoy me so I had to punish them frequently.

I'm glad that they are comfortable swinging both ways or should I say Asexual for Ororo, shes only sexually attracted to her partner and no one else. Moon girl got footage off Thor and she didn't bat an eye. Jennifer and moon girl were to focused on the hammer. So I presume we might be taking a trip to Asgard for Uru in the future.

Ok that's enough fun stuff, time to tell you what the crime fighting scene was like. Boring for a month with just us wracking up pocket change. Ororo decided against adding GG because she felt weird about her student being added. Didn't give a shit about moon girl though, hell lunella actually addresses her as madam sometimes. I wonder why she's scared off her? She's a fluffy cloud to everyone. Why's Jen looking at me like that? Ah whatever.

Anyway after that month we found drugs on the streets increasing and chop shops growing so we got to investigating. I came across someone I'd borderline forgot about. The big man aka tombstone! He's not a business man in this world he's a biker. So after two months of us beating dudes up, tracking supply lines and leaking them to the authorities and finally confronting him it took about three months.

He looks like Tobias whale from black lighting but silver hair instead of ginger. When I fought him I used the reinforced mask shaped likes RATH'S head that moon girl made. She passed out with excitement when I explained to her about aliens and I got a shock when Ororo told me anodites exist here. I rattled off names of bens species but only got cerebral crustacean and kineceleran. The others didn't pop up in her book which means they either aren't discovered yet, are extinct or just don't exist.

The look on her and N'dare's face when I explained about celestialsapiens. They may be the ancestor of celestials or externals but hey I'm not planning on heading to that scene right now. Anyway the fight was epic, I pulled off a batista bomb, RKO, 619 off a steel girder and finally an anime move. Kinniku buster! Tombstone died in an epic fashion it was a shame I didn't have an explosion happen in the background.

Now then onto current times I'm sitting in my new shared apartment that I purchased with some of my growing riches. Moon girl royalties, pizza franchise cash, investment ideas and robbing bad guys has put me in the black card club. Ororo and Jennifer were happy to move in. What I'm upset about is the ginger staring down at me like I'm in a zoo.

"What do you want shield?" The woman flicked her hair back "my name is Natasha romanoff and I've been sent to bring you in to assist with a matter of national security". I looked at the two sleeping women, Jennifer was in her human form right now which saves my bacon. Warding on the apartment means no spies and moon girl made some programs that keep her jade side off the map. They will be pissed if I leave them but more pissed if they find a redhead a foot away from my bed...without their permission.

"Alright just let me bath, I'll cook some breakfast for everyone so these two don't rip you apart for ruining their morning" she scoffed "what's a lawyer and an anthropologist gonna do" oh she's the bitchy kinda widow huh?

As I slipped out and grew to my full size which made her back up I whisper yelled "let me tell you something Natasha romanoff of shield aka black widow. If those girls are upset then RATH'S upset and no one sleeps easy when RATH'S upset so take your attitude and shove it up your ass while your waiting on the couch!" She then slowly backed away towards the couch and had her eye on my glowing green one.

She was going to pull for a gun but it won't work in the house. Enchantments are dope, that's why I got some~ now then I wonder if I make borscht will she be offended. Time to find out!

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