
"Its Pottery Today"

Zara's pov

As Ronnie and Ella left the cafe bickering the situation got more agitating . I wasn't this nervous even while poking a needle in my first patient . With zero dating history and a devoted nature of work hearing a random handsome man confess out of the blue was truly nerve racking.

Liam:" you okay?"

Zara:" absolutely ... not".

Liam:" i guess it was too soon for you".

Zara:" what do you mean for ME? You are okay with confessing and proposing people you hardly know?"

Liam:" zara, you are misunderstanding"

Zara:" listen , you haven't even given me time to understand , the hell am i gonna misunderstand then"

Liam:" i guess my approach was.."

Zara:" creepy".

Liam:" I apologize but i swear i am not a creep , here's my business card"

Zara:" so?"

Liam:" i m just trying to prove i am a genuine person"

Zara:" what for?".

Liam:" i dont expect you to answer me right away..but i just want you to know my feelings and don't fall for anyone else while".

Zara:" while?".

Liam:" while i try to win you over"

Zara:" that was stupid of you...telling me your plan so that i could precisely dodge your attempts to woo me".

Liam:" Not to be rude but your attempts will fail".

Zara:" whatever , i m out of here dude, you should work on your social skill... bombing people with confessions is dangerous"

Liam:" that smile "

Zara:" hn?"

Liam:" 3 months or 3 seconds ago, no matter how frequent i see that smile it has the same effect."

Zara:" .."

[ If Ronnie and Ella were here they would say " eewee... Cringe". ]

Zara:" okay, bye stalker. You show up next time bombing me with big words i ll report you to police or better my best friends, they ll burry you and no one would know"

I didnt dare look back. Honestly this is freaky . What type of stalker is supposed to be this beautiful?. I guess he could have approached in a little more non_creepy way. Should i take a picture of him in case i need to report him. Puffing my chest i stomped back and took the business card he offered and quicky took a picture of him and literally ran from there and didnt stop untill i reached home. I took the bus and then walked. He couldnt have followed. Its still bright out here.

I checked the phone ...and what the hell..who even looks handsome from that angle.aah.


Ronnie's pov


Ella:" what the fuck,why you yelling bitch?"

Ronnie:" Zaraa... where are you my rational, sweet mommy-friend".

Ella:"i ll go change, you keep it up"

Ronnie:" if you dont come out in 5 seconds imma summon satan and kill that dude and you".

Zara came stumbling from the bathroom with wet hair wearing my shirt and Ella's sweatpants.

Zara:" what, where's the fire?"

Ronnie :" Spill , every fucking details , now".

Zara:" god , you scared me".

Ronnie:" i beg you, please tell me before i die of anxiety."

Ella :" what the heel is with your outfit gurl?, That top is so not you"

Ronnie:" its mine"

Ella:"lol no wonder it has double the boob size she needs"

Ronnie:" i ll get to it later but first Z tell me what happened with that insanely beautiful specimen".

[ Z narrates the story like a mother reading her kids a story book ]

Ronnie&Ella: "eewee... Cringe".

Ronnie:" take my pepper spray with you from tomorrow onwards though".

Ella:" No, just keep my swiss army knife"

Zara:" guys... I dont plan to murder him"

Ronnie:" then, should we do it for you, i m good at manipulating people"

Ella:" i can come up with a non suspicious murder plan"

Ronnie:" you can bring body bags from the hospital right?"

Zara:" calm down girls, i have his business card and i sneaked a photo.. if he tries something i have enough proof to report him".

Ronnie:" Smart..hmmm".

Ella:" hmmm"

Ronnie:" btw can i have my shirt back , it looks dead on you".

Zara:" sure "

Zara:" wait dont strip here wait till i change into something else".

Ella:" show off"

Ronnie:" girl i dont squat to just sit on my ass and these boobs need to breathe too".

Ronnie:" hey dont you roll your eyes at me you lill.."

Ella :" YOU are lill, lill baby".

Ronnie:" yes i m a lill baby with big boobs"

Ella:" may your boobs shrink"

Ronnie:* dramatic gasp*

Ronnie:" no you didnt....you didnt just say that, take it back"

Ella stuffs her mouth with a sandwich and plops on the couch and Z came to comfort me. You see i m very sensitive about my boobs and my skin cares.

Since i cant hold grudges on this dum-dums i decided to join them in the living room for the friday night kdrama marathon. Nothing beats kdrama and chill with my weirdos.

Z:" you guys keep drooling over these men , i m done for today and no shift tomorrow . Finally i get some well deserved sleep."

Ronnie:" that means we all can attend the pottery therapy class. Yay".

Ella:" aren't you too hyped for just moulding muds and clays?"

Ronnie:" i have a feeling that tomorrow would be worth it".

Ella:" sure sandwoman".

Zara:" good night guys".

Ronnie:"good night bebe"

Ella:" good night gurls imma stay up a little longer".

Ronnie:" okay but use my eye cream before you go to sleep cause pandas aren't allowed to do pottery".

Ella:" fine, anything for kpop merch".


Ronnie:" you guys ready?"

Zara:" yep".

Ella:" yes"

Ronnie:"seriously ella...you cant wear hoodies to pottery class unless you want mud on it.

Ella:" and what are you? Dora the explorer?"

Ronnie:"this is my pottery friendly outfit"

Ella:" whatever, i ll brb".

Ronnie:" what? Again hoodie?"

Ella:"this one is old i can sacrifice this"

Zara:" whose driving?"

Ronnie:"Me ".

Zara:" ella you take the passenger seat. I m fine sitting back".

Ronnie:" FINALLY!"

Ronnie:"wow, i can smell paint and mud." *Dramatic inhale*

Ella:"can we go in or do you need another 5 minutes for breathing in the mud up your nose".

Ronnie:" ooh someone is excited"

Ella:" excited my ass, its hot out here"

Ronnie:" yeah yeah."


Zara:" whoa, there are all ages of people here".

Ella:" i know right. I saw a grandma earlier ,spinning the pottery wheel. She looked cool for her age"

Zara:" And there are little kids running around with painted pots and faces".

Ella:" how the fuck Ronnie finds out about places and events like this?"

Zara:" i dont know but i like the vibe of this place."

Ella:" i was kinda bribed into coming here but i m liking it too"

Ronnie:" guys, i got us signed in.here's your badges and here's all we need. Lets go ".

Instructor:" i hope i was clear to everyone, now i ll leave you guys alone. I m right outside . You can call for me whenever you need assistance".

Ella' pov

An eternity later and my pot looks a disfigured face of the president while Z got a decent looking one and holy hell when did Ronnie master pottery, i have know her for years , i dont remember her taking pottery classes.

Ronnie:" hey, ella you want to have my other pot?"

Ella:" bitch you made two?"

Ronnie:" yes i practiced with the first one".

Ella:" this is sorcery bitch".

Ronnie:" just keep it, i dont wanna throw it away and yours look like...disfigured face of our president."

Ella:" wow, okay."

Instructor:" please submit your pots , we ll bake it in super furnace and return it to you for decorating. You guys can choose the paints, decoratives or anything else you like from our accessories store nextdoor."

Ronnie :" lets go guys"

Ella:" what is she? A toddler?"

Zara:" haha .. chill . She is just enjoying herself."

Ronnie:" best 20 pots get to choose their gift vouchers"

Ella:" girl, lets goo"

Zara:" slow down, lol.. and you were calling Ron a toddler".

Ella:" my merch. Is. My merch."

Zara:" geez that was scary".

Ella:" Z.. did you get everything?"

Zara:" yes..ouch...oh my god kid i m sorry".

Ella:" what did you say?"

Zara:"Ella..Ronnie..guys can you come over here".

I see Z squatting beside a rack of colors, she is talking to to someone and as me and Ronnie got closer we saw an adorable but low-key scare kid. Around 4 or 5 year old.

Zara:" hey, are you hurt?".

Ronnie:" did you hurt this kid z?"

Zara:" no..i just.. bumped into him".

Ronnie :" sorry bebe , my friend didn't mean to hurt you...she just has strong legs from standing and walking too much at the hospital"

Ella:" what's his name?"

Ronnie:" what's you name kid? You look really smart".

Kid:" My name is Jay, I m 4 years old".

Zara:" jay? Are you lost?".

Jay:" No my dad will pick me up after the class".

Ella:" this kid really is smart".

Zara:" okay, i m really sorry again".

Jay:" its ok ,you have strong legs"

Ella:" lol".

Ronnie:" jay-jay.. do you want to hang out with us ....maybe tell us some tips to paint?".

Jay:" dad said not to speak to strangers".

Ronnie:" fair enough , but we are not strangers..this is Ella, this is Zara and i am Ronnie"

Ronnie:"oh my gawd guys look st his tiny hands."

Ronnie:" lets go paint those pots jay-jay"

Ella:" this is not kid-napping right?".

Zara:" no, and we are in a facility ..stop overthinking".

Zara:" ron would never kidnap a kid but maybe his dad ."

Ella:"high five".

Zara"high five".

Ronnie :" what are you guys doing? We have our pots to attend".

Ronnie and jay seem to have gotten really close. She is gonna talk about him for the rest of her life . Wow. God that's one smart kid. Even his pot looks better than my original one. I m never getting the merch. *Dies on the inside*.

Ronnie:" hey, ella wanna swap pots?"

Ella:" wait, what? Why?".

Ronnie:" you are not gonna get merch with that shit-pot also.. i m here for therapy not merch".

Ella:" its suspicious"

Zara:" you really cant accept the fact that she is helping you right? Chill and take it before she changes her mind".

Ella:" thanks, i ll keep it"

Ronnie:" sure."

Instructor:" everyone who has sleeping problem or no sleeping problem can join our sleep it off stress relief therapy. We have set this room with soothing lavender candles and psychologically approved music for good sleep. Take some rest while your pots are dry and set for display. Gift vouchers will be given out after exhibition."

Ella:" oh sleep come forth "

Ronnie:" hn?"

Ella :" i m summoning my best sleep"

Ronnie:" whatever ... Bruh jay-jay is already asleep in my arms..what do i do? Z ..help?"

Zara:" lay him down carefully and you too take rest"


Zara's pov

I woke up from the best sleep ever and saw ronnie and ella still sleeping peacefully. Jay had his head burried in Ronnie's neck and they were pretty much cuddling like two babies .

Instructor:" jay young?"

Zara:" here"

Instructor:" his father is here".

I looked the door and a really edgy and sophisticated looking man approached us. He looked like a man who would have a smart kid.

He looked at where the instructor was looking and flinched the slightest as he saw his son all cuddled up with Ronnie.

Zara:" are you his father?"

??:" Yes"

Zara:" wait let me wake up my friend".

??:" No need."


He bend down a removed Ronnie's hand off jay and picked up sleeping jay almost like a robot. I didn't think i had any right to tell him off , he was really gentle with Ronnie. She is a light sleeper, she would have women up by now if it were anyone else. I just sat their watching him carry jay and disappear out of the door.