

"Are you ready for this?" Gran Torino asked his former student Yagi Toshinori. They were sitting in the back of a squad van alone. The number one hero was in his true form to conserve strength while they travelled with the police and other heroes to the location of the League of Villain's hideout. "You seem distracted"

"It's nothing", Toshinori claimed. Actually he was thinking of the reports they were going over earlier today. When the authorities found the villain Muscular, he was unconscious, missing an arm and appeared to be frozen in space by some sort of energy. At first they thought one of the students did it, but after getting statements from everyone it was revealed by the child Kota that Muscular was taken down by another member of the league. The villain know as Apotheosis.

"You're thinking of that boy again, about what he did", Gran Torino stared at him. Upon investigation they were able to figure out most of the identities of the villains. With the exception of Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Dabi and Apotheosis. "You can ask whatever you want when we catch him" He could honestly say he was just as confused as Allmight. What kind of kid commits acts of villainy, and then goes and saves not only a U.A student from the Hero Killer, but also protects a child from his own associate.

"I just don't understand what he's up to", Yagi said with a frown. So far they still had nothing on Apotheosis. They didn't have any leads as to who he was, his quirk or what his plan were. He wasn't like Shigaraki, who just wanted to destroy everything that displeased him. Nor was he like the villains that cause chaos for the fun of it. This unknown boy clearly had a plan and a motive, but none of the police investigators and heroes had a clue. All they knew was that he had some sort delusion about creating true heroes, but why would a villain want to do that was the real question.

"We're here", the old man announced. "The other team should be at the second location by now", luckily that Yaoyorozu girl put a tracker on the Nomu that attacked the camp. It led to a large warehouse building in Kamino Ward where they suspected the artificial humans were being kept.


"Come on", Izuku quickly typed away as fast as he possibly could without error. He was busy working on the new stone. With Ochako's anti-gravity quirk, he had come closer than he'd ever been. Several times he'd almost reached a stable simulation. Izuku had the forge ready to go and waiting for the computer formula. He needed to hurry because he knew that soon the pro heroes would be raiding the bar.

"Please work", he begged his computer. It wasn't hard to predict what would happen after the Shigaraki's kidnapping of a U.A student. Most likely Allmight would lead the raid and if that happened then Sensei might come out of hiding to rescue Tomura and his league. What a battle that would be. It's a shame that Izuku wouldn't be sticking around to see it.

"HA!" Izuku exclaimed when the computer finally succeeded in the perfect combination of quirk genes. Combining all the telekinetic based quirks, every elemental manipulation, body levitation, metal bonding, particle manipulation, a combination of enhancers, amplifiers, and the conversion quirk. Then to top it all off, the zero gravity quirk applied to all matter that the stone's power interacted with to remove the physical strain and allow for easy manipulation. It all fit together like a big puzzle of genetic code that nearly drove him insane.

"Here we go!" Loading the formula into the machine he watched with eager anticipation as the Forge roared to life. This time he used the energy from the space stone to power the process rather than hack into the cities grid again. This building was located right next to the Nomu Factory, best not to draw any attention to himself and get caught by the incoming heroes.

After a few minutes the big round machine exploded just like it did last time, destroying the innards of itself. And just like before a baseball sized metal capsule was ejected like a prize machine. Izuku quickly walked over from where he was safely hiding behind his work table and picked up the capsule with an eager grin. He opened it and to his surprise it wasn't a stone he found inside. Instead it appeared to be a small swirling vortex of red liquid. He slowly attempted to poke it with his gloved finger only to recoil as it seemed to zap him with energy. This seemed to cause a bizarre reaction. The liquid stopped spinning and started to condense down. The end result was finally a small solid red stone the size of a walnut. When Izuku examined it he noticed what looked like chaotic churning movement inside as if the energy it contained was in a constant state of shifting and changing. He deduced that it was perhaps the result of the many quirks that went into creating the stone.

'Perfect', Izuku smiled as he stared at his newest creation. 'I now have the space stone, and the reality stone', sadly he didn't have time to celebrate as he heard and felt the sound of a building getting smashed open next door at the Nomu facility. 'And now I need to get out of here', momentarily panicking he quickly ran over to his desk and grabbed a metal brief case where the space stone was carefully hidden inside along with his collection of D.N.A samples. Izuku gently placed the reality stone in a slot next to the other, closed and then locked the case. 'Got to hurry!'


"I think we're missing somebody", Kamui Woods said aloud. Looking around at the captured villains Edgeshot, and Gran Torino noticed there was one villain missing from the reports they read about the league.

"Your right!" Allmight noticed it too. After safely retrieving Bakugou and capturing the villains he had hoped the kid would be here with them, but he wasn't. "Where is Apotheosis?"

"Why would I tell you that?" Shigaraki glared at him. He was annoyed that Allmight seemed to care about some nobody strategist.

"And while you're at it you can tell us where your boss is hiding", Gran Torino began. Shigaraki clenched his fists in anger. Not only could he not convince that Bakugou kid to join him, but now he and the league were caught red handed by Allmight himself. The man he hated more than anything.


'Hurry', Izuku chanted in his head as he ran about his lab. He already deleted all the files from the computer, now he was trying to dispose of any evidence that could be traced back to him. Mostly he was dumping his blueprints and notes into the incinerator he built for just this occasion. He was so distracted he failed to realize that he was no longer alone.

"Izuku!" A voice from behind spoke making the boy jump. Spinning around he sighed in relief that it was only Sensei and he was wearing the mask that he built for him.

"Sensei? What are you doing here?" He feigned surprise, as if he didn't predict this exact scenario.

"The heroes have raided our base of operations I'm here to make sure all members get away safely", he proclaimed. "That is the job of the leader after all"

"What about Tomura and the others?" Izuku asked.

"I'll retrieve them after I'm finished here", All for One placed a hand on the teen's shoulder. "Leave now Izuku. Go and finish your device. Show the heroes that they were wrong to underestimate the quirkless"

"I still need to dispose of the rest of my inventions here", Izuku said frantically.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it", Sensei promised. Izuku quickly grabbed the case that held his two infinity stones. "Hurry while the heroes are distracted", the last thing Izuku grabbed was his dark green suit jacket, quickly slipping it on and button it closed.

"Sensei. I just wanted to thank you for believing in me", Izuku smiled at him gratefully. "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gained the confidence I needed to push through all the dead ends I hit towards making my gauntlet", he opened the door that led to a hallway that would take him out to the alley between the buildings. "Good luck fighting Allmight", he tossed over his shoulder before retreating. All for One was momentarily surprised not that any could see behind his mask.

"Sometimes I forget how clever he is", he chuckled realizing that Izuku probably figured out how this would all play out.


Izuku casually walked out of the alley. He passed the building that the heroes raided and stopped to look, pretending for a moment to be an interested civilian before moving on. A five minutes later he was a good distance away from his lab when suddenly a loud boom erupted behind him. He looked back to see half of Kamino was obliterated.

"Oh! So that's what he meant", Izuku was awed by the destruction that Sensei caused. Even on life support he was like an unstoppable storm. Spotting a crowd of people evacuating the teen quickly joined them, disappearing into the masses.


"You've damaged my mask", All for One remarked having recovered from the punch that shattered the dome covering his scarred face. "That boy Apotheosis worked very hard on this"

"What is a kid like him doing in your group?" Allmight finally asked the question that had been bothering him for a while now.

"What does it matter to you?" The villain asked. "He's just another villain for you to pummel and break"

"No, there's more to him than being an ordinary villain", Allmight said keeping his guard up for anymore sneak attacks. Now that young Bakugou was safely in police custody he could go all out against his greatest nemesis.

"You have no idea how right you are", All for One chuckled darkly. The heroes eyes suddenly widened in realization.

"You know he is don't you", he stated.

"Oh I do", the villain sounded delighted to hold this over his enemy. "I know who he is and I know what he's planning"

"Who is he!?" Allmight demanded.

"You know who he is", the villain pointed his hand at the hero, his arm coiling into a spring as he prepared another air cannon. "Who goes unnoticed in this world? Who is stepped on and forgotten? Who gets treated like an outcast? Whose hopes did you let down? Whose dreams did you crush without a second thought?" He laughed again. "Apotheosis is a person who you and everyone else dismissed as worthless, but just wait until you see what he has in store for you"


"Midoriya! Late night again I see", the security guard at the front desk said as soon as he spotted the young man walk through the front door wearing his dark green suit and holding a metal briefcase.

"Ideas don't take the night off", Izuku smiled holding his pass out.

"Did you hear what happened in Kamino?" The guard asked as he took the boys card to check him in.

"Yes actually I was on my way when I saw what happened on the live feed", he feigned shock. "That was just awful, that a villain could cause such mayhem. It was a good thing Allmight finally stopped him. He's such an amazing hero", he gushed like the fanboy he used to be.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to your school dorm?" The security guard asked. "In light of what's happened today"

"Actually I feel more determined than ever", Izuku smiled proudly. "Seeing what happened inspired me to improve the Titans. The sooner we can get them on the streets the safer we'll all be".

"Oh so you're working on a new version of the Titan?" The man sounded impress while handing the boy his pass back. "Well I won't keep you any longer", Izuku thanked him and walked to the elevators. Once he made it to the fifteenth level he walked through the empty floor until he reached his office. A rather spacious room, the company took good care of him in an effort to keep his brilliant mind.

It was a room located more in the center of the building. Izuku requested it specifically because he said a window view would just distract him. Also because a large storage room that was never used happened to be located right behind hit. After a few months of night time visits to the building, and assistance from villains that owed him favors, bribing them into silence, and he was able to covert this storage room into a secret lab hidden right under the nose of Geonosis tech.

"What a night", Izuku smirked to himself as he flipped the light switch on, locking the office door behind him. Walking over to a framed picture on the wall he slid it to the side and revealed a hidden key pad. Punching in the code Izuku stepped back as the entire back wall of his office slid to the left where a dimly lit metallic hallway appeared leading to big sealed vault door where his new secret lab resided. As he stepped down the pathway the large metal door at the end began to open having been programmed with a facial recognition scanner to only let Izuku Midoriya inside.

Once he was inside the lab he placed his case on the closest work table and opened it. With his left hand Izuku took out the blue space stone and with his right he removed the red reality stone. Holding both the lightly glowing stones he smirked in triumph.

"It's not a good idea to keep two infinity stones so close together huh?" He quoted the comic that originally inspired him. "I disagree", a giggled to himself casting his gaze across the room where the third version of the Forge sat ready to produce the next stone.