
Apotheosis: Isekai into Danmachi

Mira, a young woman on the cusp of adulthood, has grown accustomed to living her life as the “sick person”, having a terminal illness that does not give her long to live. As she struggles to make it through day to day life, she spends her evenings working odd jobs while during the day she is prodded and poked by needles and doctors. One day on her way to work, she stops at an antique stand where the peddler sold her an interesting gold necklace. That same night, after work at a local bar, Mira is attacked by an obsessive customer. As the blood drains from her, she sees a glowing light in the distance. Mira awakens to find herself in another world. She is in the labyrinth city of Orario, where adventurers travel from across the globe to seek glory and fame in the depths of Orario’s dungeon. The gods roam the Earth in human form, nurturing their children and familias. Mira is stranded, with no knowledge of the world, no money, no weapon, no talent, and no familia, Mira is forced to navigate her way through this new world. With the company of Bell Cranell and his companions, she strives to find her place in this world. When she meets a handsome beggar on the streets, an unlikely alliance forms. Will Sita thrive in this new world? Will she rise into the ranks of fame and glory other adventurers seek? Will she find the family she’s always wanted?

Aella_Stormwind · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Legends and Orientation

There was a time when the gods lived in the heavens, separated from the human world. They grew bored, listless with their lives and eternal utopia. They chose to return to the Earth, to mingle with humankind once more. Some of the gods descended among us. They chose to live their lives here under the agreement not to use their powers (Arcanum) to live through their familias, or disciples they recruited to their cause.

Upon these members of their familias they bestowed their blessing, which granted them the power to fight in the dungeon, the central tower of the city, and the tower of babel, that rested above it. Adventurers came from all over the world seeking fame and fortune in Orario's dungeon, and to join a familia of a god or goddess in the city.

Some of the major familias ran most of the city: the Hephaistos familia controlled a lot of the trade and blacksmithing in the city, the Soma familia controlled the wine trade. The Ishtar familia were ladies of the night who lived in the red light district. The Loki familia were some of the top adventurers. Lesson one from Nadia: don't piss off the familias. Seemed easy enough, I didn't plan on making a spectacle of myself.

I sat on the edge of the bed as Nadia told me all of this, filling me in on the mechanics of the city. She explained the labyrinthine layout, of several Main streets separated into sections such as West Main and East Main. I felt I wouldn't really learn until I went out and explored. I was itching to explore this world, to figure out how it works.

As I was not yet an adventurer, nor a member of a familia, I would be of lower status in the city. Which was fine with me, I needed to get my bearings and learn what I am doing before any attention is drawn to me. I just needed to earn enough to get by, gather some information.

"Now, lets see about some clothes." Nadia said and left the room briefly, I stared out the window at the passersby, watching the trading in the street. Nadia came back a few moments later carrying an arm full of cloth. She dropped a dark green tunic, and black leggings on the bed, she also included underclothes, and soft leather shoes.

"Thank you!" I said sincerely, looking down at the bedraggled shift I was still sitting in. Not exactly something I can wear out in public. I stood in the center of the room and began to change. Nadia blushed and sputtered.

"Decency!" she blushed bright red. I shrugged and put on the tunic and breeches. Where was the need for modesty amongst women?

"Now, if you've rested enough for the day, we're going to head into town to the market to sell some of the extra vegetables we have in stock." She gestured for me to follow her. I rose and followed her. We gathered the things we needed.

We made our way down the cobblestone streets of Orario, I was amazed at the landscape of the city, and its medievalesque layout. The stalls sold various goods such as armor, weapons, clothing, cosmetics, food, books, various herbs and goods, potions. Various glass windows lined the streets with fancy shops as well. I stopped and stared in the window of a Hephaistos family shop, admiring a beautiful black claymore sitting in the window. It was 5 million valis. Nadia pinched me and gestured for us to keep going.

"A fanciful dream, that is. Not likely to afford that for a while!" She snorted. I nodded solemnly, I had not a penny to my name, let alone anything to be looking at buying gear I don't need. I also don't have a familia or a blessing, with which to level up and fight in the dungeon.

"You know, you'd get a pretty penny if you sold that coin around your neck." She stated, pointing to my necklace. I reached for it on instinct, clasping my hand around it.

"How much?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"I'd say close to two million valis. That's a golden drachma, a rare antique from the old world." She said. I raised a brow.

"Unfortunately, its a keepsake. Not for sale." I said. She nodded.

"I have a few things like that, I understand." She nodded. I tucked the necklace under my shirt, suddenly aware of its value hanging around my neck. If this necklace had something to do with bringing me here, its best not to part with it. It could be the key to bringing me home.

We passed a man sitting on the edge of the street, he held a basket out before him, and he was dressed in rags. His strawberry blonde hair shimmered in waves in the sunlight, his golden eyes pierced the crowd. He pulled his hood up over his head. Nadia dropped a few coins in his basket as we walked past.

"Who was that?" I asked curiously.

"A beggar. They stay on the streets sometimes. Hopefully he uses the money on bread." She said softly. She must see him there often.

We continued on to the marketplace, with Nadia pointing out the main buildings for business to me as we passed. Such as the large expansive building that was the guild headquarters. We set up our booth for the end of the day with the leftover vegetables and extra goods we'd had delivered from the farmers on the outskirts of the city.

I interacted with some of the customers who came by, who all seemed to be regular customers of Nadia's and be familiar with Mayfair's. It was good for me to see what interaction is like in the city, to learn some of the familiar faces. Navigating the streets with the carts helped me to learn some of the layout of the city.

At the end of the day we packed up the cart and made our way back to the inn. I helped Nadia unload all of the cart, and helped her to count the valis we had received today, it seemed like a good haul to me. She handed me a handful of coins. I stared at her shocked.

"For your help today." She said and smiled.

"But you're already letting me stay here!" I protested, trying to hand the coins back. She held up a hand and stepped back, refusing to take them. I nodded gratefully and placed them in a little coin purse on my belt that Nadia had leant to me. I had counted about 500 Valis in the amount she gave me.

"Now, go upstairs and get some rest. Tomorrow you will spend the day at the market on your own." She shooed me up the stairs. I nodded and went back up to the small room I had woken up in. I closed the door behind me. Sighing, I sat on the edge of the bed, staring out the window at the fading light and the rise of the luminous moon.

Another world, it was surreal. I don't know how I came to be here… but I'm alive. My hand went to the wound on my stomach, that was now healed. I remembered the pain of the knife stabbing me, the pain in my head. But here all of the pain was gone, I didn't even feel my usual sickness. I suppose only time will tell how I will fair without my medications and doctors.

I left the shutters open as I climbed under the covers, letting the moonlight pass into the room. Staring at the ceiling, I tried to count sheep until I felt my eyes drifting closed, I had just been asleep for four days, after all. My mind was running wild, what was I going to do here? What was my goal. Earn some money, live comfortably? Do I want to become a member of a familia, or become an adventurer? Tossing and turning, I struggled to get comfortable. Finally I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep.