
Apotheosis: I Am Invincible

One day Ryan dies and is reincarnated in the world of Apotheosis as Luo Zheng's older brother. It is equipped with a system with a significant advantage. How will he survive in this world where the law of the strongest is omnipresent. The protagonist will be OP, there will be a mini harem later in the story. I will update at least one chapter and at most two chapters every two days. I don't own the cover and neither do I own the Apotheosis story.

TeneT · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


In this new reality before him, Luo Tian felt both lost and filled with fierce determination. He knew he had to quickly adapt to his new role as Luo Zheng and Luo Yan's adopted brother, while exploring the endless possibilities offered by the Universal Store.

Delving into thought, Luo Tian focused on the information provided by the System. He knew his goal was to become the strongest, it's simple. To do this, he needed to strengthen his skills and quickly start cultivating.

"System, I will give you a name. I don't see myself systematically calling you every time. So from now on your name will be Nova."

[Ding. Updated, the system is now called Nova. Nova is listening to the host.]

"Okay Nova, show me my status."

[Immediately host. Ding]

[Host]: Long Tian

[Qi Realm]: None

[Body Cultivation Realm]: None

[Soul Cultivation Realm]: None

[Bloodline]: ???

[Innate Skill]: none

[Soul Weapon]: none

[Martial techniques]: None

[Cultivation Methods]: None

[Inventory]: none

[Avatar/Subordinates]: none

[Wife/Chid]: none

[System Points]: ∞

"So that's my current status, it's pretty well detailed actually. That's already good to know. But Nova I don't understand the concept of Avatar, what does that mean exactly?"

[The notion of avatar means that the host can buy, using his unlimited points, an avatar which will be like a body without consciousness. Thanks to the unlimited point, the host will be able to give him consciousness, strength, skills, he will be able to modify the physique of this person, give him a name...]

"It's incredible, since I can buy everything without conditions. That means I can create any avatar with the culture I want, that's Nova."

[That's right, but for now, since you are in the lower realms, you can create an avatar with the strength of the Divine Transformation Realm at maximum. But don't worry host when you ascend to the higher realms the restrictions will be dissolved.]

"It's already more than enough. Well I'm going to start by exploring this famous universal store and then we'll see later."

Before embarking on this adventure, Luo Tian decided to explore how the Universal Store works. Focusing his mind on that thought, he brought up the store's interface in front of him. To his surprise, he discovered a dazzling assortment of items, weapons, skills and powers from many different universes. There were some he didn't even know.

Letting his instincts guide him, Luo Tian began browsing the virtual shelves of the store, examining the various options available to him. He was amazed by the variety of choices and the power of the items available. From legendary swords to magical artifacts to advanced combat skills, everything seemed within his reach.

However, as he explored the endless possibilities of the Universal Store, a thought crossed his mind. Although he has unlimited points for his purchases, each choice he makes would have consequences on his journey and on the balance of the universe. But Luo Tian didn't care. He will use anything he can to become stronger, even if it goes against the universe itself.

After spending considerable time exploring the store's various options, Luo Tian finally made his decision. He carefully selected several items from the store.

Host]: Long Tian

[Qi Realm]: None

[Body Cultivation Realm]: None

[Soul Cultivation Realm]: None

[Bloodline]: Ancestral Shadows

[Innate Skill]: Eternal Mangekyô Sharingan

[Weapon]: The Sword of the Starry Skies

[Martial techniques]:The Radiance of the Heavenly Dawn;The Dance of the Silver Moon;The Fury of the Roaring Dragon;The Breath of the Divine Wind;The March of the Immortal Aetherium

[Cultivation Methods]: The Art of Primordial Aetherium

[Inventory]: none

[Avatar/Subordinates]: none

[Wife/Chid]: none

[System Points]:∞

["The Art of Primordial Aetherium". This ancestral technique would allow practitioners to channel and manipulate the primordial energy of Etherium, thus strengthening their body, mind and magical powers.

"The Art of Primordial Aetherium" would be taught in martial arts schools and temples of magic,in the other universe reserved for the most dedicated and talented initiates. Disciples of this technique would spend years studying the fundamentals of the Aetherium Essence, learning to master its flows and harmonize their own energy with that of the universe.

As they progress in their training, practitioners of "The Art of Primordial Aetherium" are said to develop extraordinary abilities, such as accelerated healing, elemental manipulation, and even the ability to transcend the limits of reality. physical.

However, mastering this technique would not be without danger. Aetherium Essence is a powerful and unpredictable force, and those who attempt to manipulate it risk being consumed by its devastating power if they are not sufficiently disciplined and balanced in their practice.

Thus, "The Art of the Primordial Aetherium" would be both a path of power and wisdom, a quest to transcend the limits of existence and discover the deepest mysteries of the universe.]

["Lineage of Ancestral Shadows". This lineage would have an ancient and obscure origin, dating back to time immemorial when darkness reigned over the world.Members of the "Lineage of Ancestral Shadows" are said to be enigmatic and powerful beings, endowed with dark and mysterious abilities that allow them to manipulate shadows and illusions. Their lineage is said to be shrouded in mystery and secrecy, with stories recounting their involvement in forgotten events in history.

Over the centuries, the "Lineage of Ancestral Shadows" has acquired a reputation of fear and respect, its members often being seen as manipulators of dark forces. Their lineage is said to be associated with occult rites and rituals, used to summon and control the primordial powers that reside in darkness.However, despite their sinister reputation, members of the "Lineage of Ancestral Shadows" may be motivated by diverse intentions, ranging from protecting their own interests to the quest for truth and power. Their lineage would often be divided between those who seek to use their power for good and those who succumb to the temptation of evil.

Whatever their motivation, members of the "Lineage of Ancestral Shadows" would remain enigmatic and influential figures in the universe, navigating the shadows and mysteries of existence with skill and determination.]

["The Sword of the Starry Heavens". This legendary blade is said to be forged from the stars themselves, imbued with the power of the gods and charged with immeasurable divine energy.

"The Sword of the Starry Heavens" would be a formidable weapon, capable of cutting through the thickest darkness and splitting the heavens themselves. Its blade would shine with a sparkling glow, similar to that of distant stars, and it would resonate with the power of the stars that shaped it.

This weapon would be considered a sacred relic, a symbol of power and justice in the Apotheosis universe. It is often associated with ancient legends and prophecies, telling how it was forged by the gods to protect the balance of the universe and punish the forces of evil.

"The Sword of the Starry Heavens" is said to be sought by heroes and seekers of power, those who seek to use its power to perform heroic deeds or to confront the greatest dangers. However, only the most worthy and brave would be able to wield this divine weapon without being consumed by its overwhelming power.

Ultimately, "The Sword of the Starry Heavens" would be much more than just a weapon: it would be a symbol of light and hope in a universe darkened by darkness, a source of divine power for those who dare brandish in their quest for justice and truth.]

[1. **The Radiance of the Heavenly Dawn**: This martial technique takes its name from the dazzling light of the sunrise. Practitioners of this technique channel their internal energy to release rapid, precise blows, similar to rays of light. The Shard of Heavenly Dawn is often used to disorient opponents and open up openings in their defense.

2. **Silver Moon Dance**: This martial technique focuses on fluidity and grace of movement, imitating the peaceful movements of the moon in the night sky. Practitioners of this technique move with remarkable agility, dodging enemy attacks with ease and launching devastating counterattacks.

3. **The Fury of the Roaring Dragon**: This martial technique draws on the raw strength and raw power of the legendary dragon. Practitioners of this technique channel their internal energy to strengthen their muscles and increase their speed and strength. Roaring Dragon's Fury is often used to break opponents' defenses and deal massive damage.

4. **Breath of the Divine Wind**: This martial technique focuses on manipulating the element of wind to attack and defend. Practitioners of this technique can create slashing gusts of wind to repel enemy attacks or to enhance the power of their own attacks. Breath of Divine Wind is often used to maintain distance from the opponent and to control the battlefield.

5. **The Immortal Etherium March**: This martial technique takes its name from the primordial energy of Etherium and aims to merge the essence of the individual with that of the universe. Practitioners of this technique seek to transcend the limits of the human body by channeling the energy of Aetherium through their movements. The Immortal Aetherium Walk is considered a path to immortality and divinity, allowing those who master it to truly become transcendental beings.]

"It's not too bad for the moment, I can now safely begin my adventure. After all, the plot begins today and Luo Zheng has not yet found the famous book. This adventure looks really interesting."