
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Intermission 1 Fox's trouble

A couple of decades ago, even before Satvik was born, Lesias city was one of the most beautiful cities in the Kaziranga Kingdom.

It had the most beautiful buildings, monuments and mansions which attracted travelers to its doors.

The city was well renowned for its trade market and artifacts.

It was located on the east end of the kingdom and shared its boundary with 'No man's land,' the territory of the Dragons on the east.

Although there was a constant fear of dragon invasion in the city, it never stopped people from visiting it to enjoy its beauty.

The trade flourished and markets were filled with lots of traders and merchants selling grains, textiles, and whatnot.

In the center of the city was a huge fountain which attracted tourists and couples a lot. This fountain was built by one of the Mayor of the city in remembrance of his beloved wife.

When a man asked a woman to come to this fountain with him, it was given that he will propose to her.

Most of the couples throughout the city shared this common trait and had turned it into a custom of sorts. That's why this place was given the title 'Lover's Fountain.'

A young man was on his knees before the fountain and in front of him stood a girl who must have been around 15-16 years of age.

The girl had burgundy-colored hair that reached her waist like a waterfall freely. Her iris were cobalt colored with black pupils adding depth to her gaze. She stood at 168 centimeters tall.

But these were not the most striking feature of her, rather it were the two burgundy-colored bushy tails and fox ears protruding from her head. She was of fox kin.

Fox kin were a very secluded race and mainly lived in hiding in the forest area of the 'Great forests' situated west of the Baimum Theocracy.

The man then showed the girl a beautiful ring and said, "Kavya will you marry me?"

Kavya cupped her mouth in surprise and she nodded with tears of joy.

The people around them who were watching started clapping to congratulate them for the joyous occasion.

Then the man put the ring on her finger and after standing back on his feet he kissed her.

They both have been dating for the past few months and he was her first love.

She was happy that he had proposed to her as she was waiting for it eagerly.

A few weeks had passed and after endless planning, the day finally arrived and they both got married in the temple of Lord Ashanti, as the groom was of the human race and a devout follower of Theocracy.

Kavya, like most of the fox kin, prayed to their ancestors and nature rather than any particular God or Goddess.

According to fox kins, once a member of their race dies they join their ancestors in the realm of souls and watch over their loved ones.

She didn't care much about where they take their marriage vows as long as they promise to accompany each other through thick and thin, which was enough for her.

The groom had his friends and family standing behind him while Kavya only had an old woman who had adopted her after the demise of her parents.

Kavya's parents had died last year due to some unknown circumstances. One day her parents left for work and mysteriously they never returned home.

She was told that they met their demise during work and their body was un-recoverable. At first, Kavya was shell-shocked, unable to understand what to do or where to go.

She couldn't believe that she won't be able to see the dazzling smile of her mother and wouldn't be able to feel the warmth of his father's care.

All that was left with her were silver earrings that her mother gave her when she turned 12. The earrings were beautiful and had some weird stones embedded in them.

The old woman was their neighbor and she took Kavya in as she was also a lonely woman.

Although Kavya had her blessings, she was quite worried about the old woman and her health. In the past one year the old woman had become quite dependent on Kavya for everything.

The vows were taken and the priest blessed their wedding. What followed was a passionate wedding night.


Kavya woke up early with the sun and went down to prepare breakfast while her husband was still asleep.

It has been 5 years since their wedding and with the flow of time, she and her husband have become distant.

He has been avoiding her for the past few months. She had a doubt that he was having an affair or something similar because he hasn't touched her for a few months and always comes home late at night drunk.

She wakes every morning and prepares breakfast but he leaves home without eating it and the same happened today as well.

Kavya just sat alone and tried to eat her breakfast but she couldn't even swallow a spoonful and went straight back to her bed.

The old lady passed away last year. Now Kavya didn't have anyone to share her fear, her pain, and her loneliness with.

She was totally dependent on her husband for emotional support which she was clearly not getting.

She didn't know what to do.

She knew she had to talk to someone, at least talk to her husband but she didn't know how to approach the subject.


After a few days, Kavya summoned courage and pulled herself together.

She went to his husband and asked something that has been on her mind for a very long time.

"Why don't we plan a child? It's already been more than 5 years since our marriage. Maybe a child can bring us back together." she said with a downcast gaze.

Her husband sighed, "Fine, I've planned a trip. We'll discuss it when I come back tonight."

Kavya lifted her gaze and her eyes were wide open due to shock. After a moment she smiled and nodded.

She was expecting her husband to get angry and refuse her but this was much unexpected. A 'trip!'.

That night she prepared the best dishes she could and waited for his husband with a wide smile on her face.

She waited for him for what seemed like an eternity.

She doesn't know when she fell asleep waiting but she heard the noise of the door opening and she woke up from her stupor.

She looked towards the door and saw her husband entering through the front door looking drunk and unfocused. He was trying to walk but was unable to with wobbly feet.

She rushed next to him and supported him to sit at the dinner table.

"Why are you so late? The food has gone cold. Give me a minute I'll reheat the dishes" she said and started to pick up the dishes.

Her husband caught her hand and said while stuttering, "Weee wiiilll bb...beeee goiiing to Aca...dd..mee cittee tomorrow be rrr..eeeàaaaadyy by morn...."

He passed out in mid-sentence. Kavya sighed and tried to wake him up. She supported him to the bed and after lying next to him she slept as well.

Kavya woke up early with excitement and started packing for herself and her husband. She was quite excited about this trip.

Academy City, as the name suggests was a city established next to the Medini Academy to cater to the need of the students and teachers.

As the smartest and most talented from across the world gathered in the Academy, the people who wanted to form a connection with these figures also followed to the city.

Due to that sole fact, Academy City was visited by a plethora of people from nobles to traders just to have a chance to meet these prodigies and get acquainted with them either by throwing women, money or whatever that could work.

Kavya had heard stories about how magnificent Academy City was throughout her childhood.

She had already packed daily essentials and her best clothes with some additional lingeries to re-ignite the fire of her marriage.

Her husband woke up while holding his head and groaning due to a hangover. Kavya rushed next to him with some home remedy beverage for his hangover.

"You are always loud in the morning," he said while sipping his drink.

Kavya didn't say anything and just waited for him to finish the drink.

"I've packed our clothes and necessary items. When are we leaving for our trip?" questioned Kavya excitedly.

"Tch! at least let me take a bath and get fresh for crying out loud," he said leaving the bedroom.

Kavya sat on the bed with a long sigh waiting for her husband to hurry up. She was very eager to leave and go to the city.

Little did she know that the whole day won't be as bad as the morning.


On an unpaved road, a carriage was passing. This was the first time that Kavya had left Lesias city. Until this day she had only dreamt of visiting other cities.

Next to her sat her husband who was looking around as if he was trying to find something.

"Are you looking for something?" she asked concerned.

"No, I'm just enjoying the scenery. It has been so long since I went out of the city" he said.

Kavya nodded with a smile and laid her head on his shoulder and soon felt dizzy and passed out with a smile.

Her moment of pure happiness was cut short soon.

After a few hours, Kavya felt something cold around her neck which woke her up from her deep sleep.

When she opened her eyes she saw a ceiling which she didn't recognise.

Under her was a soft mattress covered with silk bedsheet and she was undressed.

Her eyes widened in shock and automatically she moved her hands to her neck where she found a slave collar.

She tried to remove it forcefully from her neck but it gave her a shock similar to electrocution.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," said a voice icily which she was very well acquainted with.

She turned her head to look in the corner of the room where the voice was coming from, her husband was standing in the corner of the room.

He was holding onto another naked woman in a close embrace and was squeezing her bust hungrily which made the other moan in pleasure.

"What's the meaning of this?" she questioned while glaring at him with eyes full of tears. She could feel her life crumbling around her naked body.

"Tch! I always hate this part. It is so tiresome."

"In short, I am a conman who travels from city to city, find some good women to first enjoy them and then sell them as a slave. After that I move on to the next city" he said meanwhile licking the woman's neck and biting it a little.

"What?" Kavya muttered with surprise.

"Yeah! So I sold you to this brothel. You have no idea how much gold you have fetched me. Well it was given due to your race and looks." he said as a matter of fact manner.

Kavya's world turned upside down and while crying she said, "Why are you doing this? I thought you loved me. I gave you my everything."

"And I'm thankful for that. Well see ya, never" he said and picked up the naked woman that was in her embrace and left Kavya alone in the room.

Then another middle-aged woman entered the room while smoking a pipe. She was dressed heavily in jewellery and a dark colored gown.

Her piercing gaze moved over Kavya's body as if scanning her and she said, "Girl, you can bring this world to its knees if you wanted."

Then she took another puff from her pipe and said, "Get ready! Your first client will be coming soon. I hope you entertain him well."

After saying that she turned around to leave.

"Please Stop! Don't do this, I beg you" said Kavya while tears kept flowing from her already red eyes.

"It would be better if you accept reality as soon as possible" after saying that the lady left Kavya's room.

Then after some time another man came into the room.

The man's eyes were filled with lust and it was dripping from his expression.

He moved forward towards Kavya's bed while licking his lips.

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