
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 35: Once in a while

A few days have passed since the whole Doina City was held hostage by Priestess of Humility.

Some of the citizens had started to develop resentment towards Satvik and his family and have grown quite distant from them.

After facing accusatory gazes of several people throughout his day, Satvik returned to his house and went straight to the bedroom.

Even Aisha and Vani didn't say anything to him as they understood he was going through a hard phase of being accused of something he never intended in the first place.


On green-covered hills, there was a huge tree at its peak.

The sun was shining gently and the breeze was pleasant.

A woman sat under the tree. Her long white hair was flowing down and reaching the ground like a white waterfall shining under sunlight.

She was gently caressing the head of a man who was on her lap. The man was in his early 20s and had jet black hair. The man slowly opened his jet-black eyes and they were met with a pair of gentle multi-hued eyes.

"Rias?" he said in a confused voice.

"The one and only. How have you been, Sati?" she said while nodding with a gentle smile and continuously caressing his head.

After a few seconds passed she continued "You know, this reminds me of our first encounter when you passed out after tripping over a stone. Your head was in my lap and you called me your mother"

She giggled a little.

"What are spouting? Tripping over a stone, woman! You attacked me" he said with a scrunched-up face and accusatory eyes.

"Ahem! So this reminds me of our first encounter. At least you are not a kid anymore" she said while nodding.

"What are you talking abo..." he stopped mid-sentence when he saw his body.

He was twelve years old by now but, his body was now similar to the one he had before his death.

"What's going on here? How's this possible? Where on Medini are we?" he started firing questions at a rapid rate from his mouth.

Rias used her finger and put one on Satvik's lips and gestured for him to stop.

"We are currently in your dream. It seems like you really miss being old that you are even dreaming about it. Well, I must say you don't look half bad in this form" she said while smiling.

"Ah! That makes sense. I was just surprised how are we both here, but now it makes sense it's all a dream" he said with a sigh and enjoyed her caressing and her floral scent.

"Technically you're correct, but not completely," she said.

"It is your dream but I entered it," she said while winking.

"Are you a succubus as well? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. With that figure of yours, it might be you're half spirit and half succubus" he said with a smile.

Veins started popping on her forehead and she hit him on his head.

Satvik winced in pain and looked at her with an expression as if he was wronged by her.

"Don't group me with those disgusting beings" she said with annoyance.

"They're not disgusting at all rather they are hard-working people, just trying to do some honest work and survive," he said in protest.

"Yea by killing their prey in their dreams?!" she said.

"Well none would complain about dying with pleasure," he said with a smug.

On Medini, the succubus race were creatures of the night who fed on the souls of their prey while giving them sweet and pleasure-filled dreams.

While their prey enjoyed the euphoria, the succubi would slowly suck out their soul essence.

"Sheesh! As I have already told you, our connection is spiritual. So, I can feel what you have been feeling deep inside your heart and once in a while we can meet in our dreams like this as well" she said.

"However due this to the fact, it'll overburden your soul to some extent. So with 'once in a while I meant once or maximum twice a year" she said while poking the mark over his chest.

"More than that and you might as well pass out for several days," she said.

"So this is technically still my dream?" he questioned with eyes filled with curiosity.

"Yes, that's exactly what this is. This place was in your dreams. it's a nice spot though, I love the cool breeze and gentle sunlight" she said while closing her eyes to enjoy the weather.

"Hmm, so things happen here as per my imagination and needs, right?" he said.

"Well obviously, this is your dre... "she stopped mid-sentence. "Why are you looking at me like that" questioned Rias, while Satvik looked at her with the eyes of a predator.

He then smiled and sat up while still looking at her with eyes full of desire.

Rias started to step back. Satvik then snapped his fingers.

And soon Rias was covered in blinding light for a moment. When the light receded, her hair color now had changed from white to crimson red.

Satvik looked at her with saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth which he wiped with his sleeves.

"Yes! that's perfect. This is exactly how an onee san should look like" he said while wiping fake tears.

"That's it?" she questioned.

"What do you mean by 'That's it? You have no idea how many people would have sold their souls to a demoness to see you" he said.

"I don't think you know this but I can easily change my hair color to red in the real world as well," she said while breathing a sigh.

"What?" said Satvik said in astonishment.

"Well yeah, I'm a spirit sovereign who has the authority in all the elements. A spirit's hair color is in accordance to their respective elements like red for fire and dark blue for water etc. so I can choose my hair color in accordance as well" she said.

Satvik fell on his knees and with a downcast gaze said, "And, you hid this fact from me?"

"Meh! the topic never came," she said with a shrug.

Satvik choose to keep his mouth shut. He just kept his smile hidden from Rias.

This was the best blessing he had. He had found himself a cosplay waifu.

Then suddenly an idea popped into his head and soon some changes happened to Rias's appearance.

Soon her usual gown was replaced by a red sleeveless blouse and a black Saree. The new attire was quite erotic.

Rias looked at her new clothes and said, "Hmm, not that bad. A bit revealing for my taste but it highlights my body at the best places. I don't mind wearing this as well."

Then a perverted smile appeared on Satvik's face and another wardrobe change for Rias was on its way. Soon her saree was replaced by purple lingerie. Rias's expression completely changed. The lingerie was barely covering anything.

She looked at Satvik in annoyance and jabbed a punch at him which made the other fly several meters away.

Then she shouted, "Don't push your luck" while glaring at him.

"Ahem sorry, I got carried away," he said with a downcast gaze.

"She told me that you were a pervert and I didn't believe her," said Rias with a sigh.

"She?" questioned Satvik.

"I am talking about Mayuri. Since certain someone didn't tell me about the present from their

"MOTHER IN LAW," I had to fight her," said Rias while giving him a side glare.

"He he he" Satvik laughed dryly and looked away.

She sat next to him and narrated the whole story.

"I can't believe you fought with a demigod and lived to tell the tale," he said while looking at her in surprise.

"You really think I'm too weak? If I wasn't weakened this much, I would have roasted that bird" she said while smiling coyly.

"Yes! Yes! Oh, powerful one" said Satvik while raising his both hands and bowing towards his wife.

"It's good that you know," she said while puffing her chest and holding her head high.

Satvik just stared at her for a while and then turned to look at the horizon.

"So how's your conquest to regain your strength going so far?" he questioned.

She leaned closer to him and rested her head over his shoulder and said, "I've been continuously fighting undead and Licht these days. As I don't want to regret harvesting the soul of a living person."

"The rewards for harvesting a corrupted soul are almost negligible as compared to that of a living being. Being in presence of the undead every day without seeing someone or talking to someone is taxing as well," she said while sighing.

"So that's why I have been graced with your presence?" he said.

"Obviously! It's the husband's duty to look after his wife's needs, no?" she said while sticking out her tongue.

"Oh yes! Of course, it is" he said while pinching her nose.

When he let go of her nose she leaned her face closer to his and gave him a kiss on his lips.

They locked their lips for a while then slowly parted away. Rias's whole face was red while Satvik looked at her with eyes wide open.

"Well that was out of nowhere," he said.

"It's far better than kissing a kid," she said while resting her head on his chest. She stayed like that for a while.

'Well, Mayuri wasn't wrong. This isn't that bad she thought while remembering lessons from Mayuri's lecture on how to be a good wife 101.

Satvik's hand automatically reached out for her and he started gently caressing it and said in a gentle voice filled with concern, "It seems you are really having a hard time?"

"While harvesting a soul, one harvests their emotions and feelings as well. All that agony, repentance and hatred take a toll on you as well" she muttered.

They stayed in the same position for what felt like an eternity then Rias questioned, "How are things on your end?"

"Eh! same as ever. Had a few troubles of my own. But now that I'm 12 years old, I have to move out on my journey as well. I can't endanger my family any further" he said.

"Where will you be heading?" questioned Rias.

" I have no idea. Got any suggestions?" he said.

"Nope, none at all. I have been on that throne most of my life and only heard reports of the outside world from my subordinates" she said while her mind was memorizing his warmth.

"So when we will I have the pleasure to enjoy a date similar to this again?" he questioned.

"It might be possible only after a couple of months when your body has fully recovered from the backlash you are most definitely going to suffer after waking up," she said and then continued.

"I never intended to make you go through this but I really wanted to see someone alive. I wanted to see you," she said with sad expression.

Satvik lightly flicked her nose and with a gentle smile said, "It's fine, I'm grateful for this meeting as well."

Soon they exchanged another kiss and stayed in that dream world for a while.

When Satvik woke up the next morning, he felt dizzy and suffered from a high fever for a couple of days.

Meanwhile, Rias stood before an army of undead with a smile. She was bit by bit falling in love with the person she has bet everything upon.

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